
Chapter 80 

Chapter 80 

At that time, Victoria did not forget to show concern for Christy. Christy, did that man hurt you?” she asked

I’m fine…” Christy was so embarrassed by the question that her face turned as red as a beet

Christy wanted to say that the dominant man, Joshua, had kissed her again, but with two men on the phone, she couldn’t bring herself to say it

Once she knew Victoria was okay, Christy was relieved

They hung up the phone

So, I helped your friend realize her dream. At least you should treat me to dinner, right?Joshua asked triumphantly

Christy was suddenly at a loss for words and felt embarrassed

At first, she thought the men in black had taken Victoria away, and she feared that Victoria would be mistreated by them. She even imagined the worstcase scenario

But she never expected that the outcome would be the opposite of what she had imagined

Joshua went so far as to spend 30 million dollars to make her friend’s dream come true

Christy knew that it was thanks to Victoria’s hospitality that she had a place to stay since returning to her home country

Now that she saw Victoria achieving her dream, Christy was happy for her

When Christy thought of this, Christy’s expression finally softened, and she said with a blushing face

Alright then! Since you helped Victoria, stay for dinner. That way, we’re even. But I must make it clear in advance that you can only eat here. Don’t even think about anything else.” 

Joshua felt a bit frustrated

He really wanted to know why Christy was always on guard against him. She kept warning him as if he were a thief

He felt that he had spent 30 million dollars for her friend but all she could do was treat him to one meal. He thought this meal was worth a fortune

When Christy served the food, Joshua was dumbfounded once again

He had assumed that she would serve him delicious and rich homemade dishes Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

But Christy brought over a small pot with a lid on it from the induction cooker

When she opened the lid, there was pumpkin, white wine, chicken broth, onions, garlic, and Parmesan cheese, all cooked together

Christy used a large bowl to serve Joshua a full bowl of rice, which she placed in front of him

Joshua observed that the rice was poured with sauce, with distinct grains and some light yellow substance resembling Parmesan cheese on top. There were also some white and yellow pumpkin chunks next to the rice, mixed with a few slices of white onion

He suspected that the supposed layer of sauce was added as a finishing touch and was not edible

Do not tell me that this is my dinner,Joshua expressed his dissatisfaction

He had always been skeptical about Christy’s cooking abilities, and his concerns had now become a reality


To Joshua, the mishmash of food in front of him was far from being a proper 

He believed that he had spent 30 million dollars on this bowl of food, which he found completely unworthy

In Joshua’s opinion, even the food his dog ate at night was more sumptuous than this

This is Pumpkin Risotto! It was cooked like this. Whether you like it or not is up to you,” Christy said, no longer interested in engaging with Joshua. She thought to herself that since Joshua was so critical of her cooking, there was no need for him to persist in staying 

In Christy’s opinion, Joshua was truly wasteful. This was Victoria’s favorite Pumpkin Risotto, yet he didn’t appreciate it

Christy couldn’t be bothered by him and started eating on her own

She had been busy all day, and because of Joshua’s fussing at lunchtime, she hadn’t eaten enough. Now, she was weak with hunger, feeling dizzy and lightheaded

Secing Christy enjoying the food. Joshua frowned and tried to overcome his aversion as he picked up his spoon

He felt that this was the Pumpkin Risotto that he had spent 30 million dollars on! Even if he didn’t want to spend the money, he had already done so

Chapter 80 

Besides, this was the first time Christy had cooked a meal for him, and Joshua didn’t want to leave without trying it

Joshua took a bite, and it was strangel 

He was puzzled as to why these ordinary grains of rice could be so fragrant. Each grain was chewy and had a milky flavor mixed with a rich pumpkin aroma

He had never tasted the food with this kind of flavor before

What was this rice made of? Why does it taste both sour and sweet with a hint of fragrance?Joshua asked, surprised

It was cooked with white wine and pumpkin, hence the sweet and sour taste. Also, the aroma of Parmesan cheese infused into the rice, giving it a milky flavor,Christy explained leisurely

These things are Parmesan cheese?Joshua tasted it and found the flavor unique

Yes, nothing out of the ordinary,” Christy said, feeling exasperated

To Christy, Parmesan cheese was a common dish in her ordinary household

However, Christy understood that someone like Joshua, a wealthy young man, ate extravagant cuisine every day. Simple dishes like Parmesan cheese would not be seen on his dining table

Joshua did not expect this Pumpkin Risotto, which looked ordinary, to taste unexpectedly delicious

The pumpkin chunks that Joshua did not fancy were cooked to perfection, fresh and smooth. Christy also added a few slices, of crisp onion, which complemented the greasiness of the Parmesan cheese and enhanced the taste

In fact, seemingly simple Pumpkin Risotto had many exquisite techniques, especially in the precise amount of chicken broth absorbed by the rice during the stirring process. The timing of adding different ingredients was also critical

Accustomed to delicacies, the unique flavor of Pumpkin Risotto activated Joshua’s taste buds and increased his appetite

Soon, the large bowl was emptied, and Joshua felt a sense of satisfaction that even the fanciest of restaurants could not match with this ordinary bowl of Pumpkin Risotto

Joshua experienced a warmth that no exotic delicacy could provide

He felt like this was the taste of home

Suddenly, Joshua realized that it had been many years since he had eaten a meal cooked by his mother

He felt deeply touched

I never thought a fierce woman like you could cook so well,” Joshua said nonchalantly

Christy felt uneasy listening to his words

She couldn’t tell if Joshua was insulting her or praising her

After dinner, while Christy was busy clearing the dishes, Joshua roamed around the house, using the excuse of wanting to see the small abode that Alan and Clara used to live in

Curiosity led Joshua to Christy’s room

He thought Christy’s room was really small, not even onethird the size of his bathroom at home

Especially where Christy slept, it was tiny and cramped, only five feet wide. Joshua felt that it was very crowded for three people to sleep there, and he couldn’t understand how they could sleep comfortably in such a place

However, despite its small size, Christy kept the room neat and tidy. Everything was well organized and utilized efficiently. The walls were decorated with lovely pink wallpaper, and various cute trinkets were carefully placed around the room. creating a warm and cozy atmosphere like a snug little nest

After washing the dishes, Christy realized that Joshua was nowhere to be found

She always thought of Joshua as sarcastic, enjoying mocking her. She couldn’t understand why he suddenly became quiet. As she searched the house, she unexpectedly found Joshua sitting quietly in front of the desk, lost in Alan and Clara’s photo album

Under the warm lighting of the room, Joshua’s perfectly chiseled profile looked like a prince from a comic book

His deep and affectionate eyes were fixed on the photo album, with a smile of contentment on his lips and an extremely doting look in his eyes

Normally, Joshua always had a cynical and arrogant attitude. This was the first time Christy saw him calm down and have such an expression

Christy never expected that Joshua could look so handsome when he wasn’t trying to act cool and just smiled calmly

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