Chapter 98 

Chapter 98 

Under the gentle sunshine, like a soft veil, warmth enveloped their bodies

Blooming flowers and melodious bird songs filled the air with hope and vitality

This feeling of freedom was wonderful

Thankfully, he met Alan and Clara; otherwise, he would still be trapped in that cold room, studying those boring courses in front of a computer

Alan, there’s something I want to sayLeslie hesitated

Feel free to speak. Alan said candidly

I don’t want to be the heir of the Melendez family anymore. Why don’t you take over?Leslie stammered

Why?Alan asked calmly

I’m dumb and don’t know how to learn those courses Mommy wants me to. You see, my hobbies are only reading and music, which are not suitable at all! But you’re different, Alan. You’re much smarter than me

Moreover, you’re Uncle’s son, and you’re the true heir of the Melendez family! Whenever Mommy tells me to strive to be the Melendez family heir, I feel guilty as if I’ve taken something that belongs to you.” 

Leslie said with a guilty face

Leslie, listen to me. I’m not interested in being the heir of the Melendez family. You can choose to be the heir or not. There’s no need to feel guilty.” Alan said straightly. Alan said assertively

Alan, Mommy says many people want that position because, as the Melendez family heir, everything of the Melendez family belongs to you, and you’ll have a lot of money to buy whatever you want. Why don’t you want it?Leslie asked, puzzled

Alan smirked coolly. That’s because I can save money and support Mommy and Clara without the Melendez family.” 

Alan’s words impressed Leslie again, as he didn’t have the confidence to say so

Alan, you can save money too?Leslie asked in surprise

Yeah, I do some parttime jobs online when I have spare time and save some money.” Alan smiled and then said to Leslie, Leslie, what toys do you like? I can buy them for you.” 

Alan, thank you! But Uncle and Mommy buy me the toys I like. I can’t let you spend your money on me.Leslie said shyly. How can the toys from your uncle and mommy compare to those from me?Alan boasted

Alan, you’re so good to me. You’re willing to give me anythingLeslie said, his face reddening with emotion and shame. Didn’t you do the same? You were even willing to give me heir of the Melendez family position; you’ve been very kind to me too!Alan laughed

Leslie’s bright eyes sparkled with happiness

He was truly overjoyed

Because he finally knew that Alan didn’t resent him for taking the position of the Melendez family heir

Moreover, he admired Alan more and more

They were almost the same age, but Leslie couldn’t do anything and often fell sick, while Alan already knew how to save money

At that time, Leslie considered Alan as his idol

Besides Joshua, the person Leslie admired the most was Alan

If Joshua Kad been there and heard the conversation between these two young boys, he would have been furious. Many people would have fought to the death for the symbol of endless wealth and prestigious status: the Melendez family heir. Yet these two young Melendez masters despised it, treating it like a hot potato, as if it were a cheap, counterfeit product… 

Seeing the two boys sitting and chatting on the lawn for a long time, Joshua became very curious and approached them. He changed his usual cold Mr. Melendez style, dressed in a sunny and handsome outfit, smiling warmly and speaking softly, hoping to attract Alan’s attention

Alan, Leslie, what are you talking about? Can 1 join your conversation?Joshua asked kindly


Chapter 98 

Before Leslie could react, Alan replied first, resolutely

We’re talking about men’s affairs; you better stay out of it.Alan bluntly refused, exuding confidence


Leslie felt awkward, and Alan was still fierce toward his uncle

Also, why did his tone sound so familiar

Joshua was left speechless by Alan, feeling that Alan sounded more domineering than himself

Usually, only he could speak to others like that

Now, the tables had turned

FineI won’t disturb you two, please continue your conversation, young gentlemen!Defeated, he reluctantly went to find Clara

His wounded soul, hurt by Alan, could only seek healing from his adorable daughter

He had painstakingly organized this family outing, intending to please Alan and foster their fatherson relationship

Unexpectedly, Alan was even more stubborn than Christy and still refused to give in

After playing all morning, everyone was tired and hungry, so the tour guide Karter led them to the Dream Candy House

Clara was intrigued by the tour guide, dressed as a vampire, especially his cars and fluffy tail

Like all little girls, Clara had no immunity to charming vampires

Karter, your ears looks so cute! Can I touch it?” 

Clara widened her watery eyes, sparkling with anticipation, desperately trying to act cute and coquettish


How could he refuse such a cute little girl

Karter could only smile and agree

Karter, your ears are so long! They look so realistic, as if they’re real! Where did you buy them? I want one too!” 

Clara playfully rubbed Karter’s ears, excitedly studying them and exclaiming loudly

Karter, blushing from Clara’s teasing, managed a polite smile and said, Miss Clara, if you’re interested in cosplay, after lunch. I can take you to the souvenir area. There are not only many animal plushies and costumes, but also popular anime and fairytale character outfits, and even various clothing and accessories.” 

Costumes and clothing? Like what Karter is wearing?Clara asked, becoming even more curious Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Yes,” Karter replied with a smile

Karter was dressed in an elegant, scholarly robe, looking like a handsome longhaired man from a painting and a transformed vampire, very pleasing to the eye

Wow! That sounds so fun! I love it! Karter, hurry up and take us to eat!Clara couldn’t wait for the next destination

Karter breathed a sigh of relief

Finally, this lively and adorable little princess was willing to let go of his tail

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