The Call Of Thalassa
A Collision of Worlds

“As calm as the sea,

but as devastating as it becomes.”

-Vincent Krennerich

All her senses were useless –she couldn’t see or feel anything at all, no matter how hard she tried. She felt as if she was floating freely in the vast darkness of an infinite abyss, which she didn’t know where it started and where exactly it ended. She felt like she was forgetting something very important, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it, no matter how much she put her mind to it. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

And in that endless darkness, something completely unexpected happened. The absolute silence of the blackness of her reality was disturbed by a sweet and melancholic melody, which penetrated her whole being.

Someone was singing to her with such a magical and rich voice that made her desperate to hear more, even though she didn’t know nor the language or the lyrics of the strange majestic song. Aileen began to search for the source of this wonderful melody, feeling a deeper need to meet the singer who had bewitched her with his performance.

The wonderful song made all her pain disappear both the physical and the emotional, relieving her mind off her problems. The delightful notes touched her whole soul, giving her courage and hope again.

Now that she was thinking about it...she should be dead, shouldn’t she?

She could remember the water that surrounded her and lured her to the bottom of the ocean. She could feel her lungs burning from lack of oxygen and her panicked heart beating against her ribs. She could taste the saltiness of the seawater as it descended down her throat and filled her lungs.

She smiled faintly -she remembered how beautiful the moonlight was as its rays reflected in the dark waters before she lost consciousness and someone saved her.

Oh, a savior!

Her very own unexpected savior.

She needed to find him –she needed to know the person that saved her life from certain death. She tried to open her emerald eyes –knowing deep in her heart that the beautiful voice belonged to him. She was displeased to discover that her eyelids were heavy and unmoving.

She couldn’t feel anything really. She realized that she couldn’t feel any part of her body and she couldn’t understand where she was or what was happening around her. She tried yet again to open her green orbs, but to no avail since it felt like someone had shut them with super glue.


This can’t be happening.

She had to find who the voice belonged to –she needed to.

She tried harder, focusing all her willpower to get control over her own body. She tried to move her fingers unsuccessfully. Then, she tried to move her legs, although she couldn’t even move her toes for even a little bit.

She grew frustrated and she wanted to cry so damn much. She felt so helpless and scared, feeling trapped in her own body. She was unable to do anything but let the different thoughts pass through her mind. She took a deep breath and willed herself to relax –she would not be unsuccessful. She tried again and again, crying from inside out until she finally made it.

The first thing she could feel was her tired and painful body as her back was rubbing against the rocky ground. The second thing that she came to realize was that she was laying in the salty water as the ocean’s soft waves moved her frail body up and down in a relaxing manner. She was laying in the shallow waters of a beach with the small pebbles gently touching her back.

“Am I not dead?“, was her first thought as she understood exactly where she was.

When she managed to open her heavy eyes after lots of failed attempts, she saw the magnificence of the dark blue sky stretched above her. It was full of shinning distant stars that glowed perfectly under the moon’s light. The moon itself, however, was hidden from her sight and dark clouds were preparing to cut her beautiful view as a storm was coming nearer.

And then she registered something else.

A huge black figure was standing above her laying body. It was muscled and had broad shoulders and long silky dark locks. His large palm was cupping softly her cold cheek and she could feel him caressing it lovingly, letting pleasurable sparks wherever his fingers touched her.

Her eyes widened as she realized he was the one that was singing to her –the person that had saved her from her death. His striking blue eyes had her breathing getting caught in her lungs and a deep blush began to decorate her cheeks as she took in the model of a man that stood in front of her.

“Meum Arcanum”, he whispered.

The foreign words were in an unknown language that she couldn’t understand, but they brought warmth and comfort to her. She couldn’t do anything but stare at the beautiful beast in front of her.

“Are you okay?“, he asked her in worry.

Truth be told, she was definitely not.

She began hiving as her chest constricted painfully. She managed to turn around and began to cough loudly. The seawater that had filled her heavy feeling lungs made its way out of her trembling body and back to the ocean. Her throat hurt as she coughed but she couldn’t stop. Her chest was also burning terribly like someone lit a bonfire inside of her.

The ethereal man patted her back soothingly in an attempt to calm her down as her body trembled. His breath-taking, glowing blue eyes were filled with concern, anguish and stress, but she couldn’t understand why.

She felt so embarrassed to be in such a horrible state in front of such a handsome man, but she couldn’t do anything about it. She just hoped that she didn’t look as unattractive as she felt.

“Drowning hurts like a b*tch”, she murmured when she finally calmed herself down, hearing a soft chuckle from the man in front of her.

Laying back down, she looked at the man standing above her. He was the most handsome person, she had ever seen in her whole life. She couldn’t stop staring at his magnificent face as he stared back at her with an expression she couldn’t quite understand.

He was like a Greek god, with defined cheekbones and full red lips. His body was hard and his skin pale. He was also drenched and droplets of saltwater could be seen falling from his perfect body.

What drew her to him though more than anything else, were his eyes. They were sparkling an inhuman blue color. They had such a depth in them that she felt like he was hiding the whole ocean inside of them. They made her feel connected in some way with him, although she didn’t even know him.

“Who are you?“, she whispered in a calm voice.

“My name is Havelock”, he answered her question with a breathtaking smile.

“And who might you be, Meum Arcanum?“, he played with a red lock of her hair.

“Aileen Smith”, she blushed in embarrassment looking away from him -he wouldn’t stop looking at her.

“Such a pretty name for my precious”, he smiled down at her making her cheeks redden even more.

She took in more of his mesmerizing form as he kept on playing with her hair. She looked again deep into those ethereal eyes of this strange man...and then it clicked. She had seen them before. They were the last thing she saw, before drowning.

“Your eyes”, she whispered barely audible.

“I’ve seen them in the dark before”, she realized

He just nodded slowly, not saying anything else.

“You...You are the one who saved me!“, she realized as she cupped his cheek with her small palm.

“I couldn’t let you drown, could I?“, he simply answered as he leaned his head further onto her small palm.


She was curious to find out why a stranger was feeling the need to save her when he didn’t even know her. Why would someone put his own life in danger, just to save a complete stranger?

“Because miracles don’t happen every day.”

The raw honesty and the intensity of his words made her unexpectedly shiver in delight. She felt that there was a deeper meaning underneath –something that she wouldn’t understand so easily, but she didn’t want to push him. She could only be thankful to him for saving her life and to God for hearing her desperate prayers.

“Thank you...I wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for you.”

She admitted honestly as she got herself lost in his eyes.

“You are very welcome, my dear. How did you find yourself in this position anyway?“, he asked her worriedly.

Flashes of dancing in the festival appeared before her eyes, creating a terrible headache. Then, running through the flowery fields towards the cliffs and Alastor screaming her name. His tight grip, his confession, his actions –all went through her mind like an old movie. Him dragging her to the cliff’s edge and throwing her below to the dark ocean.

She closed her eyes momentarily in pain, trying to rid herself of her thoughts.

“It’s a long that I don’t want to talk about”, she mumbled, looking at him tearfully.

Havelock nodded in understanding, not pushing her for more answers. He was desperate to know why his mate was feeling such anguish and pain, but he wouldn’t make her feel uncomfortable. He was sure that he wouldn’t like the answer to his question and felt the anger brewing inside of him like an inferno, although he did a great job of hiding it.

If someone had hurt her, then he would be out for blood. No one was going to touch what was his and be left unpunished. He would make sure that he got what he deserved...personally.

“Havelock?“, he heard a sweet voice, snapping out of his thoughts.

“Yes, my love?”

Aileen blushed terribly at his words, not expecting him referring to her as such.

“Hmm...could you please move from above me?“, she asked shyly.

“Oh why? I quite enjoy this position.”

He smirked down at her, enjoying the scarlet color that decorated her cheeks and neck.

“I um...I was saying that...I was thinking...”

“Take your time, love.”

He teased her even more, enjoying her stuttering and the cute nervousness he was causing her.

She took a deep breath and looked him in his blue orbs.

“I am sorry, but...well... my legs hurt. I-I barely can feel them”, she murmured to him.

“Why? What’s wrong? Are you hurt? I didn’t notice anything! I am so so sorry! What can I do? Should I-”

A soft giggle cut him off his worried runt, making him turn his attention to his beauty of a mate. What could he say? He didn’t know anything about human anatomy and couldn’t understand if his mate’s pain was serious or not.

Mermen could become quite possessive and overprotective of their other halves, especially if they were hurt or they had gone too long without them. So, this reaction was normal for his kind and he couldn’t understand why his mate was laughing at him.

“It just feels like a huge weight was on top of them for some time and they have become numb”, she explained to him simply.

He still looked at her dumbfounded.

“I need to stretch them a bit...You know...Stand up and walk around a bit”, she explained yet again.

“Oh! Of course!”

He moved away from her and inside the dark waters of the ocean, letting her stretch her numb feet on the lonely beach. When after a while she tried to stand up, her legs gave out and she fell down in the shallow waters with a huge splash. Havelock was immediately by her side, helping her stand back up.

“Are you okay?“, he asked yet again.

“You don’t have to worry about me. I am perfectly fin-”

Something sparkling under the moon’s light caught her attention immediately. It was inside the dark waters of the ocean and she couldn’t make out what its color was. It looked like a long, thick snake?

As her curiosity got the best of her she came closer, only for her to realize that the thing she was watching had scales on it. They were glowing a beautiful silver and blue color under the moonlight. Her eyes traveled along the thick long tail to find where it was attached to.

As her curious eyes moved higher and higher following it with her gaze, she came across its end. The scales ended on a muscled lower stomach and after that, a ripped pair of wet abs appeared in her widened gaze. She looked up and came face to face with Havelock’s towering form as he looked down at her, watching her inspecting the strange scaly thing.

And then it hit her like a lightning bolt. A tail. That was what she was currently seeing. A mermaid’s tail was attached to Havelock’s body.

...He had a mermaid’s tail...

...Havelock had a tail...

“No”, she whispered in utter disbelief.

...Havelock had a tail...

...Tail... Tail... Tail...

“This can’t be real”, she gazed into his worried blue orbs.

...Havelock was a merman...


...He was a merman...


End of chapter 12!!

Latin Translations:

“Meum Arcanum”: My Treasure

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