The Cambion's Hoard
Chapter 31-Thatcher

Rose snuggled into the spot I had been in. She looked content and satisfied lying there. It made my heart swell with happiness. I’d never expected her to accept the mate bond so eagerly. Knowing she was mine brought a sense of relief I didn’t realize I’d been needing.

My brothers had been rejected by their mates and left devastated. Even though she had accepted me, I was still a little fearful that she would leave me eventually. Male dragons didn’t have luck keeping mates that weren’t female dragons. Mother said it was because they couldn’t handle the demands of our prolific nature. Not only that, but we also tended to hoard things we coveted.

I closed the door softly. I needed to get Rose something to eat and drink. Two hours stuck together had been unexpected. I’d been thinking 30 minutes tops, but two hours was insane. I may not do that often until the drive hit us to have children. Which I’m hoping is a few years down the road. I want to enjoy her and just her for as long as possible.

The party had died down, and the music was a low hum compared to earlier. Couples spread throughout the house, talking, kissing, dancing, or sleeping. This was our hoard, people we enjoyed being around, that brought us pleasurable company. Every dragon’s hoard was different, but this was ours.

I grabbed a bottle of water and an orange from the counter. This would have to do for now. I knew she was tired from working and having sex. When I turned around, I nearly knocked over Melanie, a nymph.

I caught her by the arm to keep her from tumbling over. “Sorry, Mel.”

“It’s okay. I didn’t mean to sneak up on you. I was going to see if you wanted to dance?” She twisted her hair around her finger.

“No, I’m taking Rose something to eat. It was nice of you to ask, though.”

She scoffed. “Ever since Rose showed up, you’ve been entirely different. So gentle and nonchalant. Where did the aggressiveness go? You didn’t use to turn anyone down.”

I blew air out my nose. “That does happen.”

Moving past her, I headed for the stairs. She grabbed my arm and flipped me around. “What’s so special about her? She’s not funny or pretty. She seems rather dull. When her succubus friend is around is the only time, she seems sexy, and everyone knows that’s because of her friend. She’s just a lame human.”

Agitation moved through me, and I scoffed. Then, showing teeth, I moved closer to her. “Is it because she’s a lame human or plus size?”

She paled a little. “I didn’t say that.”

I sneered. “You implied it. I don’t give a fuck about Rose’s size. What I do give a fuck about is how she treats me and those I care about. Rose’s body is an extension of her personality and soul. It’s soft and inviting. I love being embraced by its warmth. Her warmth.”

Melanie stepped back a little. “I don’t know why you’d want something like her.”

“Huh. A mating bond doesn’t pick what we want. It chooses what we need. So don’t come around if you don’t like the woman fate has decided for me. That simple.”

Her eyes widened. “She’s your mate?”

“She is my mate forever.” I looked around the room. “If any of you dislike Rose because of her size, you can get the fuck out. My brother and I will not have anyone disrespecting our mate. Yes, she’s Biggs’s mate too. We’re twins, linked to love the same mate through eternity. Is the fate of the shared egg. Now, you can take your shallow asses out the front door or get used to Rose being around. She’s really quite magnificent once you get to know her.”

No one moved. I looked around and spotted Biggs and Henson on the couch. Biggs had his arms wrapped possessively around Hen.

“Care to add anything?”

Biggs kissed Hen’s throat. “I think you covered it. However, I do think it’s time that everyone cleared out. We have personal matters to discuss.”

Everyone in the house jumped to their feet and cleared out like we’d set the place on fire.

“Wallace.” I lightened my voice like Rose had told me to do.

The little gremlin popped up by my feet and rubbed against my legs. “Hey, buddy. Could you take this stuff to Rose? She’s in my room.”

I set the water and orange next to him. He sat next to them and popped out of the room.

“He likes you now. It’s weird.” Biggs’s voice was low and threatening for such an innocent comment.

“That’s thanks to our Rose. She’s worked hard to make him happy. Also, to be sure we take care of him too.” I grabbed one of the abandoned chairs and sat before my brother and his mate.

The silence between us grew heavy. I knew he was still angry about Rose. It wasn’t like I did it on purpose; the bond couldn’t be helped.

“She loves you.” Biggs absently rubbed Hen’s back.

I shrugged. “She doesn’t love me yet.”

Biggs growled. “The bond says otherwise.”

I nodded. “Ah, the bond. Biggs, the bond may let us feel each other’s emotions. But regardless, those emotions are open to our own interpretation and understanding. You may think she loves me, but it’s not love, not yet. We have an intense affection for one another. You can feel that through her bond with you, we are still creating a relationship that will turn into love eventually.”

“You’ve always been dense.” Biggs scoffed.

“Biggs, give your brother a break. You’re feeling something different than he’s feeling. You know that he has a stronger bond with her than I do. So, he’s feeling the emotions in depth where you’re getting her surface-level feelings. Love is a broader scope than what you’re experiencing from her.”

Biggs looked at Hen and his gaze softened. That was the love I was creating with Rose. A gentling love, one that will overtake all other emotions. One that gives as much as it receives. That kind of love takes time to develop.

“I know you’re still pissed, but for their sake, you need to start dealing with that anger. They don’t deserve it.”

Biggs gave me a stern look. His lip curled up, baring teeth.” I don’t need you lecturing me about my anger. What about yours? Aren’t you worried about hurting Rose?”

I shrugged. “My anger is in check because I’m working on understanding the situation. I also utilize the bond. It lets me know how Rose is feeling. That way, she and I can converse on how to handle those feelings. Maybe you should reach through the bond and figure out how your mates feel. You have to work twice as hard as I do. You have Hen and Rose to think about. As much as I care about Hen, my bond with Rose nullified my deeper feelings for him.”

Henson closed his eyes and looked out the back window. I knew that was hurting him. I knew my words cut, and I couldn’t change them. I had loved him for a long time, but now that love was different. It was still there but platonic in nature. However, I still needed him because he cared about Rose, and I trusted him with her. He may not be mine to touch and love anymore, but he’d always be a part of my life.

“I’m sorry, Hen. I wish it was different, but I think it may be for the best. Rose is going to need you when Biggs is being a dick. You’re an amazing mediator.”

Biggs pulled Henson closer. “Fuck off.”

“Yeah. I’m going to go snuggle, Rose. She likes being warm when she sleeps. Keep that in mind when I’m out of town next week.” I stood so I could head back up.

“Oh, is it your annual trip time already?” Henson looked back at me.

“Sure is. Promise to keep her company for me?” I winked at him.

Smoke billowed from Biggs’s nostrils. “We’ll take care of her.” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I snorted. “I’m sure you will. Night.”

Maybe some alone time would help them all.

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