The Cambion's Hoard
Chapter 36-Rose

Henson and I tumbled through the front door, arms laden with bags full of clothes. We both laughed and fell forward, thudding happily. All our worries cast aside.

“You two alright?” Biggs words bounced off the walls.

“We’re great! Come see what we bought, Rosie.” Hen pushed up and headed for the living room.

I rolled onto my back and looked at the top of the stairs. Biggs stood at the top, towel wrapped around his waist. It hung loosely and low. Steam began rising from his skin. The look on his face was predatory. Finally, a whimper escaped, and I slapped my hand to my mouth.

“I’m going to get dressed, then come down. Give me a minute.” His words were gravley. His stare made me squirm, and not from nerves. They were a liquid bronze, so different from his brother’s.

I rolled back over and got off the floor fast. I scooped my bags up and took them to where Henson waited. He turned from the couch, and bemusement filled his face.

He took the bags I had and tossed them into his pile. He pulled me into his arms. Then, brushing his lips against my ear, he whispered, “who was I kidding? I’m watching Biggs fuck you. I would let it be just the two of you, but you’re ours. Not alone but together. In everything.”

Hen bit my earlobe, and I shuddered. “Biggs shift while you’re at it. I’m going to watch you lock into our fuckable succubus.”

Biggs only sounded like he fell down the stairs because he moved so quickly. Henson spun me round, and Biggs stalked towards me.

“Look at one of the pieces of lingerie you bought her. The maroon looks perfect against her skin.” Henson pulled my dress slowly up my legs.

Biggs watched as Henson’s fingers glided up my thighs. I pressed my body against him, wrapping my arms up slowly behind his head, and swayed gently. I leaned my head back and watched Biggs.

Biggs inched forward slowly, moving in tandem with Hen. Henson pulled the dress over my head. Biggs stopped and dropped to his knees before me, groaning.

“Perfect, right?” Henson nipped my neck and trailed his hands down.

Biggs grabbed my hips and pulled. He pressed his head to my stomach and rubbed his face against it. “Beyond that.”

He looked at me, and my knees weakened. I had thought Thatcher’s look of needing was maddening. Biggs was different, so pleading, so wanting. I felt it to my core.

I took his face in my hand. “I’m yours. Show me. Show me how badly we want this.”

“Hen, sit on the couch and take her in your lap. I’m going to feast before I fuck her.” Biggs nipped at my hip. I grabbed his hair, pulling.

“Feels so good.” He dugs his claws into my thighs.

“Easy, her skin it’s softer than mine.” Henson wrapped his arms around my waist and led me to the couch.

Hen sat, pulling me into his lap. Then, he pulled me to his chest and rolled his hips against my ass. I moaned.

Biggs closed the space between us and dropped to his knees again. He moved my legs to either side of Hen’s. Instead of spreading mine apart further, he spread Hen’s.

“Slouch a little for me so she leans back.” He eyed my body hungrily.

Henson sunk further into the couch cushions. “We can buy her another.”

He grabbed one of my breasts and kneaded gently. My body arched and pressed.

“Rose, do you want this? Want me?” Biggs didn’t sound unsure if I wanted him. Instead, he was making sure that right now was when I wanted it.

“Fuck yes.” I wrapped an arm around Henson and pulled my body against his.

Biggs grin was wicked. “Henson, no more words from our woman until I say. If you want to talk, Rose, bite Hen’s finger to stay silent. But I can be paid in compliments.”

Compliments? Henson wrapped his hand around my chin, sliding his index finger into my mouth, and rubbed my chin with another. Biggs ran a finger between the crotch of my teddy and labia. I moaned.

Biggs chuckled darkly. “That’s the best type of compliment. Keep ’em coming.”

He pulled hard, and the fabric ripped away from my flesh. He pushed on Hen’s legs more, and Hen adjusted for compensation. Biggs moved his face closer and inhaled. He pulled the heat from my body, and I shuddered. I didn’t know that dragons could take the heat too. I’d have to shelve that thought for later. Biggs moved his tongue against me, and I jerked on Hen’s neck.

He pulled back. “Oh, I didn’t tell you my tongue was bifurcated. It stays that way when I shift too.”

Biggs stuck his tongue out. It was split in the middle so he could move each side independently from the other.

Henson leaned in. “The things he does with that tongue. It’s more tactile than Thatch’s.”

Biggs started licking me again. I could feel each part of the tip moving against me. He slid my labia between the cut but could somehow apply pressure. I bucked my hips and whimpered. But he didn’t stop; he grabbed my hips and pressed his face harder. The sounds of him sucking and licking, paired with how much attention he paid to clit sent me over the edge.

I bit Hen’s fingers and whimpered.

“God damn, not so hard, Rose.” He slipped his finger out of my mouth.

“But you didn’t, you didn’t.” He didn’t finish the bond.

Biggs came up, hovering over my body. “I’m far from finished, Rose.”

He kissed me and then kissed Hen. “Doesn’t she taste good?”

“I can’t wait to dine on such delicate flesh.” Henson squeezed my breast again.

Biggs kissed Hen again but ran his fingers against my wet flesh. I grabbed his upper arm and squeezed it. Biggs chuckled and broke his kiss with Hen. He tipped my head up, giving me his full attention. I moaned as he slid his fingers into me. Biggs grin was devilish.

“I’m going to make you cum again before I even fuck you.” He moved his finger in and out of my body, and I writhed against him. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

After a few seconds, he slowly pushed a second in. He moaned. “I swear your body is adapting to mine. Making it feel so good for both of us. Before I switch again, I will need you to cum.”

Biggs leaned down and kissed me. He didn’t stop as he thrust his fingers harder and moved deeper. I hugged him to my body. With one of his thrusts, he hit my g-spot, and I nearly slipped from Hen’s lap. Biggs took his time going back over that spot, rubbing and pressing until I finally lost myself.

“Good girl.” He stood up and slicked his hand over his cock.

Henson nuzzled my temple and slid his hand across my cunt. He lifted his fingers to his mouth and licked my juices from his hand. His smile turned wicked as he looked up at Biggs. “Now for the best part.”

He moved his hand to my thigh and squeezed. Then he adjusted, so Biggs had a better angle push-in, or maybe he wanted a better angle to watch. Either way, they both got their way. Biggs pushed slowly into my body, moving slowly at first and then becoming more forceful as he thrust.

Biggs moved his hips back and forth, sliding easily in and out of my body. Warmth filled me, giving my body more sensation to experience. Henson tilted my head back and kissed me. Exploring with tongue and touching with teeth.

“Fuck, this is better than I dreamed. ” Biggs words hissed from his lips.

Hen let go, and I looked at Biggs. His eyes showed brightly in the dusky light. With each of his thrusts, a little moan would escape.

“Big, harder, please I need you to finish the bond. I need it.” Blackness crept along the edges of my vision.

He thrust hard, and I felt his knot slip in, easier than Thatch’s had. I dug my nails into Henson’s neck and raked them across Biggs scales. He groaned and bucked his hips forward in a slight roll. I swore I could feel his release slide against my inner walls.

I could feel the bond slide into place like a missing puzzle piece. I was thrilled when I could feel that I wasn’t a mate of convenience. Even though it had been more of a surprise than Thatch’s, it was right.

Biggs leaned forward and kissed my chest. “Henson, I’m going to take her upstairs. Could you get us all food and water?”

Henson eased me up and slipped from beneath us. “Yeah. Let me help you up first.”

He helped Biggs get a hold of me and then to stand. I whimpered.

“Does it hurt?” Biggs’s voice was soft but firm.

I shook my head and clung to him. “It feels good, but I’m all sensitive.”

Biggs smiled wickedly again. “Oh honey, I told you I wasn’t done. I’m going to make the most of our time locked together. Unlike Thatcher, I know how to use my cock locked in that nice tight cunt.”

I swallowed hard and glanced at Henson.

He winked. “Trust me, babe, you’re never returning to unshifted dick again.”

I rested my head against Biggs. Panting. I didn’t know if I could handle more. But, no matter how I looked at the situation, I was getting fucked good.

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