The Cambion's Hoard
Chapter 46-Rose


The chaos that erupted in the house was an unthinkable nightmare. Thatcher and I jumped from bed rushing for the door. Thatcher made it to the door and nearly ripped it off the hinges in his rush.

Kelley was striding down the hall. "What is going on?"

I shook my head.

"Thatcher!" Henson's voice echoed in the bedroom. I'd never heard someone sound like that.

The roar that followed Henson's scream froze me to the spot. I didn't know what could make something so terrifyingly inhuman.

"Fuck!" Thatcher slammed into the door.

"Biggs, calm down! You have to stop." Henson's words pulled me back from my fear.

I rushed into the bedroom only to freeze in place again. My brain couldn't comprehend what was happening in front of me. Henson had ahold of a reptilian arm, my gaze followed the arm to its core. Biggs had shifted into something more closely resembling a dragon than a man. He pulled against Henson and Thatcher who had taken the same form. As my eyes traveled down Biggs's body my stomach lurched. I would have focused more on the thick tail lashing against the bed, but the blood and viscera spread across Biggs's stomach held me firmly.

Kelley pushed past me. "What happened?"

He moved quickly and with authority. As he moved across the room he picked up the belts from the floor. He fitted one into a loop and as he reached the bed grabbed Biggs's tail, putting it through.

"We were laying here, I was still asleep but Biggs scratching woke me up. There was already so much blood. He kept scratching, and the harder I tried to pull him away the more he fought. He shifted and threw me off of him. I blacked out for a second, but it was enough for this. He kept saying it has to come out." Henson lost his grip and Biggs pushed him away again.

Biggs rose up and bit into Thatch's shoulder. Thatcher growled and pried his brother from him. Henson grabbed him again and they did their best to hold Biggs down.

"Rose? Rose!" I looked towards Kelley. His words sounded so far away. "Rose, I need you to go downstairs and get the plastic wrap. We have to close his wound. Hurry."

I couldn't move. He was tearing himself up, he was trying to rip the womb from his body. Why? We were getting him help, so why?

"Rose! Go get the plastic wrap." Kelley yelled.

Turning from the carnage in front of me I hurried downstairs. As I fell down the last few stairs, Patti burst through the back door. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Rose I'll get this, back upstairs. You have to calm him down. You're the only one that can right now."

"I, I have to get. I have t-to get the..."

Patti strode across the room. The sting of her slap woke me up.

"I'll get the things from down here. You go up there and help your mates."

Patti pushed me, I turned and hurried back up the stairs. How was I going to help calm him? I rounded the banister as another feral scream and a thud emanated from the room. I nearly tripped over Kelley when I entered the room.

He pushed himself from the floor. "Rose, get out of here."

"No, he needs me. I have to help." I hopped over his legs and clamored onto the bed.

Grabbing Bigg's knees I moved between them and sat on his tail. I swallowed hard when the blood slicked my knees. Closing my eyes I opened the bond between us and was washed in rage and terror. I did my best to ignore those and pushed my energy through the bond. Focusing on his body beneath me I pushed more energy into him.

Thatcher's grip on Bigg's arm slipped. It gave Biggs enough of a chance, he reached out with his talons and hit his brother. Thatcher protected his chest with his arms, but the block sent them in a different



I slid back but wasn't fast enough. His claws connected with my face. The pain was intense but I had to ignore it.

Blood filled my vision but I pushed past the fear and pain. "Biggs, I need you to calm down."

I diverted all the energy I could spare into him. I sent the calming energy I'd shared with him so many times. His body began to relax and the scales began to recede from his arms.

My words left my lips in a slow, sweet tone. “That's it, my love. Listen to my voice, follow its cadence. Calm."

I know there was a movement to my left but I couldn't see who. Biggs tail slowly disappeared back towards his body. The faint sound of plastic flitted across the edge of my hearing. I rubbed Biggs's legs and blood slicked between our skin.

"What's..." Biggs's eyes widened as he looked around.

"Biggs, I need you to close your eyes and focus on my voice. It's all ok. Everything is going to be fine. Keep your eyes closed and listen to my voice. "

Biggs closed his eyes and I was able to look away for just a moment. Kelley and Patti were wrapping Biggs's abdomen in plastic wrap. He moaned with each pass of the roll.

"Wallace." Patti's voice was even, but I could still hear the worry.

Wallace appeared on the bed beside Patti. His body stiffened into an arch.

She reached out touching him. "I need you to take me to the parking lot, then come back for Biggs and Rose. They need to go to the back of my car."

Patti and Wallace popped out of existence.

"Rose, we'll be right behind you." Thatcher held his injured shoulder.

I looked down at Biggs, my left eye was in complete darkness. Forcing the panic down I focused on the man in front of me. He held Henson in a death grip. His golden skin was brown and lightening quickly. I willed more energy into him, trying to help him make more blood, to heal.

"Rose, don't. You don't …” Thatcher’s words were cut off.

I jostled around and Biggs screamed. We were in the back of Patti's car and she was already in motion. Wallace yowled and disappeared.

"Sit by his head Rose. Keep touching him." Patti glanced back at us only briefly before she returned her gaze to the road.

I moved clumsily, to Biggs's head. Pulling him into my lap made my head spin.

"Did I do that to you?" His words were so low.

"No my love, you didn't." I ran my thumbs over his cheeks.

He touched the uninjured side of my face. "You promise my thorn."

A sad sob bubbled from my lips. "I promise. You did not do this to me."

"I'll kill whoever it was. I'll rip them limb from limb." His eyes fluttered.

"Biggs. I have to tell you something."

He struggled to hope his eyes. "Is it who hurt you?"

"No. It is way better than that." I kept pushing energy into him. Giving more than I had.

"Tell me..." His lips pulled into a strained grin.

"I want a family with you." I wiped my blood and tears from his face.

He touched my cheek again. "The best thing I've ever heard."

The car swerved. "Almost there."

"Rose." Biggs's hand dropped to his chest.

"Hurry Patti. " My words were shrill.

"Hang on." Patti swung her back end around and we came to an abrupt stop.

I shook Biggs, begging him to look at me. Patti flew out of the car and I could hear her cries. She was like a banshee, screaming for death.

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