
I watched as the ship that once held me captive Burned and sank to the bottom of the ocean. I wanted to feel remorse for the men who died under Lance's control but I hardly had the energy to do so. I was fairly exhausted after everything that happened.

The storm Had dispersed, leaving little more than a blanket of rain clouds in the sky around us. I always enjoyed the rain back home, even when there were thunderstorms that shook the walls I took comfort in the smell, the white noise, even the feeling of raindrops kissing my skin. 

It's a strange feeling when something with no heartbeat, something that does not breathe or even feel, comforts you more than another human being ever could…

“Violet?” I was snapped out of my Trance by a soft voice and turned my head to look at Johnny Who was standing beside me. He looked completely normal and healthy, just as he had before. 

I feared seeing them Again because I knew the only way I could would be as bodies floating in the ocean. I could hardly imagine seeing the young boy, floating Lifeless and pale in the water.

But like a dream, here he was once again, full of life and innocence. Untouched by death or decay. He continued to breathe and move, as if nothing happened. 

He seemed worried and I could only assume it was due to the mark on my face. Instinctively I covered the bruise with my hand trying to hide it from the boy. I'm sure he's seen plenty of violence, more than I have ever witnessed, unfold right before his eyes. But I still tried to retain his innocence.

He grabbed my free hand before gently pulling me along to follow him. “Come on, I'll make you a warm bath!” He urged, leading me back towards Ace’s cabin.

I couldn't stop my gaze from wandering up to the quarterdeck where he stood, steering the ship. I wasn't sure how I felt about everything that happened. So much happened… I think I was perhaps in shock?

Johnny took me inside and started preparing a bath for me. I think he was trying to cheer me up and help me relax while Ace was busy taking care of things. 

I was still sore from the beating I took so I didn't deny his attempts and simply sat on the edge of the bed, fidgeting.

“Are you hungry?! I can ask the chef to make you a warm dinner if you'd like!” Johnny asked as he poured the last of the water into the tub. 

“n-no I'm fine…” was about all I could muster in response. I hardly understood what was wrong or why everything around me felt so far away. Including the people I cared about. 

Johnny seemed upset and anxious but kept his mouth shut. No doubt under ace’s orders. He knew I had questions and knew he needed to be the one to answer them. That's the only reason I had yet to say anything.

When he came to my rescue he told Johnny to take me back to the ship. I protested at first but quickly stopped as Ace said he’d explain everything later. Ace and his crew tore the ship apart and tortured Lance until he stopped screaming. 

When they were done, they returned to the ship, detached themselves from the other vessel and sailed off like everything was normal.

Glancing around at the candles in the room, they were all still burning in that eerie blue color. 

“well… if you need anything I'll be right outside! Just call for me!” Johnny said before leaving me alone in the cabin.

Sighing I stood up and did my best to remove the gown I wore. Wincing each time my sore body ached. Slipping into the tub I relaxed as the warm water ebbed away at the chill in my bones and the pain in my abdomen.

I made no effort to scrub myself off or attempt to clean my hair. I was too tired to care and simply wanted to relax and wash away the discomfort and memory of my fiance.

As I sat there in the water, my eyes grew heavy and I sank a bit lower, growing Comfortable in the warmth surrounding me. Before long I closed my eyes letting darkness envelope me.

Suddenly I was lightly jostled and woken up as Ace appeared by my side. He had taken off his coat and rolled up his sleeves to reach into the water and put his arm behind my back to hold me up. “You shouldn't fall asleep in the bath.” He said quietly.

I tiredly blinked at him as he reached back to grab something outside of the tub. His hair still covered his injured eye, hiding it from sight, and I couldn't help but reach up towards his face in an attempt to get a better look.

Before I could, his other hand grabbed my wrist gently stopping me as he turned his attention back to me. “Trust me, it's not a pretty sight. It’d be better if you didn't see it…” his other eye was still black as he gazed over me, returning my hand to the bath.

His attention was drawn downwards and I could see him tense as he reached down to touch my stomach. His hands were cold, even in the warm water and despite the gentle touch I winced and he stopped, his face twisting into anger at the reaction.

“I should've made him suffer longer…” he gritted his teeth. 

I didn't respond, still out of it as he got a towel ready. “I'm going to lift you up, I need you to stand for a moment.” He said. He then proceeded to help me stand up and step out of the tub. 

Taking the towel he quickly and carefully dried me off before inspecting my bruises more thoroughly. Once he finished, he wrapped the towel around me and lifted me off the ground to carry me bridal style, over to the bed. “Ace?” I finally spoke up through my half lucid state.

He hummed in response while lying me down in his bed. “Can you hold me?”

He paused at the question looking at me with an unreadable expression. “It may be uncomfortable, my body is cold at the moment, you’ll get no warmth from me like you usually do.” He stated.

“I just want you to hold me while I fall asleep. I don't want to be alone…” I admitted. He gazed at me solemnly before nodding and Crawling into the bed beside me. He placed one arm under his Head and the other around my body, resting his hand on my hip, away from my injuries. 

Closing my eyes I relaxed once more and relished In his presence as I fell asleep once more.


Waking up I found myself cozied up underneath a blanket in Ace's bed. The events and everything that happened before played in my mind As I laid there. There was so much to think about and take in. 

The room was dimly lit by only a few candles, and no sunlight passed through the windows. Was it night again? Sitting up I noticed I now wore a nightgown and my injuries felt a little numb. Looking over to the small table at the side of the bed there was a tin of ointment lying there. 

‘Ace must've put it on me While I was asleep.’ I turned my attention back to the room, since Ace wasn't her he must be outside.

Climbing out of bed I made my way outside in search of Ace. Most of the crew was missing from the deck, no doubt sleeping below. The few Who were up and about tending to the ship paid me little mind, some giving mere curt nods as they passed me by. 

Looking around I saw Ace up on the quarterdeck leaning against the side railing of the ship, Looking out over the sea, in deep thought. 

Stepping up there, he noticed my approach and turned his head to face Me before straightening himself. “You're awake…”

I merely nodded in response before standing beside him. His eye Looked me over, before looking back out at the sea he now had some bandages covering his injury hiding it from view.

“How long was I out?” I questioned him.

“All night and day, can't say I'm surprised, you went through quite the ordeal. Though I was a little worried.” He looked at me from the corner of his eye, and I could only stare at his strange eye.

He seemed unnerved by my stare and turned his head away so I could no longer see his face. “It will go away in a few days.” He stated.

His reaction surprised me a little as I blinked and snapped out of my daze. Did he think I was disgusted by it?

reaching out I grabbed his hand, drawing his attention back to me. “It doesn't bother me, I'm just…curious.”

He was silent for a moment before Relaxing. “Usually when we obtain more fatal wounds our eyes and Bodies change. Our skin grows cold as the blood in our veins slows and our hearts nearly stop beating… depending on the injury It may take a few hours or days to heal, and then we return to normal. We don't really have any control over it, the curse just does it automatically.

I looked at Ace surprised once more. “Curse?” I questioned.

He stared back out at the sea before responding. “Yeah, this ship and its crew, We are all cursed so to speak… we are unable to die and this ship cannot sink. It's how we've managed to keep sailing for so long and through so many generations.”

I gazed at Ace a bit worried and he seemed to notice quite quickly how nervous I was.

“Don't worry, you aren't cursed with us! And honestly it's not all that bad–” he stood straighter and faced me seeming unsure of himself. 

“I Understand if you're scared but you are perfectly safe here violet. The curse won't be passed onto you unless you want it. and if anything it's more like a blessing. We only call it a curse because it binds us to this ship and because it is magic. Most condemn and shun it due to its origin but for us it's what keeps everyone safe.” Ace reassured me.

“I, I thought you said you couldn't tell me or else I would be trapped here?” 

“Well I only said that because if I tell you everything about us and the curse then I would be able to let you leave and risk you telling someone… they may try to use the knowledge against us and actually figure out how to kill us.”

“So you were bluffing.” I huffed, in partial relief.

“Kinda.” He smiled while gazing at me, his smiles slowly fell as we stood there and I tilted my Head, curious as to what the problem was.

“I hope this doesn't change things between us now that you do know the truth…I still wish for you to stay, but I won't force You to if you want to part ways…just know that if you choose to stay I will keep my word and keep you safe. You will never have to worry abo–?!”

I cut Ace off by grabbing his face and kissing him. He was caught off guard And shocked by the action but quickly responded by wrapping his arms around me and closing his eyes to kiss me back.

Deepening The kiss, we both melted against one another not wishing to part for a single moment.

When the kiss finally broke I was panting for air as Ace gazed at me lovingly. “Does this mean you'll stay with me?” He asked.

Smiling, I nodded my head.

grabbing My hips and pulling me flush against his front, Ace placed his forehead against my own. “Good, because now I'm not sure I could ever let you go…” he stole my lips in another passionate kiss, leaning me up against the railing as the moonlight shone down on us. 

I had to break the kiss after a few moments to catch my breath but Ace didn't stop. He kept peppering my neck and shoulder with small pecks and nips as his hands wandered all across my body. I was already breathless from the kiss but Ace wouldn't relent in his attack, and as his hands skimmed up my thighs and under my gown I knew I needed to stop him.

“Ace! someone's gonna see–” i tried to reason with him and I felt him practically smile against my skin. 

“If I remember correctly, you seemed to like it last time…” he lifted his head to smirk at me. 

I gave him a small glare in return. “It wasn't like that!” 

With a chuckle Ace lifted Me up, wrapping my legs around his waist, giving me no option but to either hold on to him or fall over the railing.

“Then let's take this back inside.” He carried me back and I hid my face in his shoulder as we passed a few of the deck hands on duty. Seeing Ace carry me like this I'm sure they knew exactly what was about to happen.

“Ace put me down!” I whined. As we approached his cabin. 

He pushed open the door before kicking it shut behind him and carrying me over to his desk where he sat me down atop of its surface. 

“better?” He asked smugly.

“You enjoy embarrassing me, don't you?”

“It's not that I just happen to like showing you off like the golden treasure that you are… you are something I cherish deeply and I want everyone to know.”

“I'm not going to be a trophy wife, I hope you know that.” I poked Ace in the chest and in return he gave another light hearted chuckle before grasping my hand and kissing my fingertips.

“I would never expect such from you, you my lady are far more than a woman I would flaunt around Just because she looks nice.” Ace leaned in, pulling me to the edge of his desk so he could rest right between my legs. “You my dear are my greatest prize. One that only I may truly enjoy. I will be the only man who shall touch you…” his hand released my own to cup my cheek as he leaned in closer. “the only one who can kiss you…”

He pressed his lips to mine with one hand at the. Back of my head and the other on my hip. I kissed him back, right before he pulled away. His hand gently gripped my head pulling my head back enough to expose my neck. “the only one to taste you…”  He attacked at my exposed neck slowly trailing his mouth downwards towards my chest as my heart raced.

“The only one who shall feel you…” his other palm moved up my front to pull the top of my gown down enough for him to grope my breast. I nearly moaned, grinding my hips against him, uncaring if I dirtied his pants. I needed stimulation.


“but most of all…” He suddenly let go of my hair and pushed me down so I was lying back on his desk. 

The hand that had a grip on me before busied itself with untying the strings of his trousers. “I will be the only man in the entire world to hear you moan their name,” he smiled. 

I gulped as he leaned forward holding himself up with one arm next to my head while his free hand moved to stroke the outside of my underwear. 

Biting the inside of my cheek I squirmed in anticipation. “Then hurry up and put it in…” I breathed.

“So impatient…” Pulling them to the side he positioned himself Before easing himself In all the way. 

With a grunt, Ace put his arms on either side of me before grinding himself into me. “So bloody perfect…”

He leaned in and stole my lips in a kiss before pulling out and thrusting back in, repeatedly. 

“A-ace!” I gasped and gripped at the desk, seeking something to cling to but my fingers were only met with parchment that crumpled up In my grasp.

It didn't take long for Ace to get tired of the slow precise thrusts and opted to grab my hips to start moving faster. I nearly mewled in pleasure as he changed to much more sporadic thrusting. The desk was knocking against the wall behind me creating more noise than I liked. 

“Y-your gonna– wake the entire ship!” I panted. Ace all but snickered before pulling me up. I squeaked as he pulled out and Stepped Backpulling me off the desk before wrapping his arm around my waist so I wouldn't lose balance.

“Then we should move this to the bed, no?”

Before I could reply there was a knock on the door and we both looked over as a particular voice spoke up on the other side.

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“Captain, are you in there?” Johnny called out and started to open the door. Pulling away from Ace both rushed to force The door shut. As I pressed myself against it, Ace came up right behind me leaning over me to also keep it shut.

Looking down at me as I gazed up at him a devious smirk played on his lips. Johnny Was hopelessly confused to the jammed door and probably heard the thud As Ace suddenly grabbed me, lifted me off the ground and pinned me against the door. 

I was about to protest but was quickly silenced as his hand came over my mouth and he hushed me. 

Looking at him wide eyed his hand muffled my disagreement with his plan and before I could stop him from trusting back Inside of me. 

A muffled whine was all I got outside he pressed me further against the door. 

The handle jiggled some as Johnny Attempted to open it and I gave Ace a weary look. “Captain? I think the door is stuck?” He knocked. 

Ace ground himself Deeper inside of me and I nearly moaned at the feeling. 

“What is it boy, I'm a bit busy…” Ace replied smugly before making a hard deep thrust into me that nearly had my eyes rolling back.

“Ah well Ivan wanted me to ask you what the plan was if we are still going to the port or returning home.”

Ace hummed As he looked at me, and my face flushed in Embarrassment. “That is a good question.” He thrusted into me again and I whimpered trying my best not to make too much noise, but he was making it nearly impossible to keep quiet.

Groaning quietly Ace removed his hand from my mouth and then grabbed me by the thighs to make it easier for him to move. 

realizing what he was intending I quickly slapped Both my hands over my mouth and he started Working up rhythm. Squeezing my eyes shut I tried to keep quiet as the door rattled slightly. 

“Sir? Is something wrong with the door?”

“Nothing I can't handle, tell Ivan and the crew we are gonna finish up our initial journey then we shall head home…besides i think violet is going to need some time to recuperate.” Ace replied with a bit of a suggestive tone at the end.

“Understood, I'll go Tell him now!” Johnny replied. We were both silent for a moment waiting for him to walk away completely. Once I was sure he was out of earshot I smacked Ace's chest. “That wasn't funny!

He merely laughed before pressing me further into the door and kissing my neck. “It was a little funny but most of all I think it's a bit thrilling, Trying not to get caught.”

“Ah– Ace! What if he did catch on!” I scolded. He didn't relent in his assault upon my neck and continued grinding into me with a few thrusts here and there. 

“Don't worry I wasn't gonna let that happen.” He reassured me before grunting as he made another hard thrust that nearly made me see stars. 

I gasped and grabbed his shoulders out of reflex, holding Onto him like my lifeline. “w-why are you thrusting so hard?!” I asked breathlessly.

“Because each time I do I can see on your face how much it affects you… your eyes lose focus your breath catches in your throat and sometimes cute little noises slip past your lips… and every time, it makes me want to do it over…” he pushed in quick and hard. “And over!” He did it again with a grunt and I feared the door would end up breaking off its hinges.

I clung to him as he buried his face in my neck and kept a steady pace with a few surprise thrusts here and there that drove me up the wall. I could only feel the knot in my stomach winding tighter and tighter as he screwed me against the door like there was no tomorrow, and I loved it.

No matter where, how or when each time we made love I felt Overwhelmed with pleasures I never knew existed. He always surprised me with new ways to feel intense pleasure unlike anything I've ever experienced before. But the thing I loved most of all? Is how gentle he was even while being rough. 

It hadn't slipped past me, how he was doing his best to keep pressure off my bruised stomach. And how he avoided touching or grabbing me there. Or How he occasionally watched me for any signs of discomfort. Even while drowning in a world of ecstasy he made sure to keep his head straight enough to take care of me.

Wrapping my arms and legs tightly around him he changed his pace into a slow grind and held me close. “Come on, let's finish this together darling, then we can move to the bed…” he whispered into my hair.

I nodded and ground myself against him making him nearly moan before he braced himself with one arm against the door.

he changed out his grinding for quick rapid thrusting that probably shouldn't have even been humanly possible but each second of it had me crying out and gasping like a fish out of water. “Come on sweetheart, almost there!” 

my hand clasped at the back of his head as I made him look up just long Enough to steal a kiss of my own. As my eyes closed and I clenched Around his cock he made one final Deep thrust sending us both spiraling over the edge of cloud 9.

breaking the kiss we both let the euphoria wash over us in waves. My insides spammed as his hot seed spilled into me. Legs trembling I slowly lost my grip as the adrenaline left my body but Ace kept hold of me breathing against my Neck. 

Once we had both recovered our eyes met and Ace gave a warm smile that made me smile in return.

He then placed his forehead against mine and closed his eyes before whispering to me.

“Worth every last coin…”

(The End.)

(Note: originally this was gonna be a short little erotic story. It turned out to be a 40k word novel  that i finished in a month, and I have no fucking clue how… I never had any real plans for this but inevitably I came up with the idea to add in lore from a series I've had planned for over 5 years… I know there's many questions still to be had such as details on the ship, the curse etc… a lot of that I won't reveal until I actually write the series this was based on. (Because technically this is a spin off story…(Idk why I write in such a strange manner.) 

Anyways I do hope the mysteries leave you all giddy for more cause I can't wait to write the main story. (The sirens curse) if you have any questions about anything please let me know I'll do my best to answer Without giving spoilers.

And do tell me what you all thought of this, for it is my first ever erotic story! Tell me what you enjoyed most And what you found the most attractive! I wanna know what my readers enjoy 😉 love you all! See you in the next one.)

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