I could only stare at the dice in disbelief, sobering up real quick. This isn’t really happening is it?

How could I have lost that? How could I be so foolish as to make that kind of bet!?

“Well that was a close one now Wasn’t it…” the captain grabbed the winnings and I watched as he looked at the pouch of coins.

No, no! Not Only did I lose all my money, if he finds out that I don’t have enough to pay him back–. my hands started to shake underneath the table as I glanced over to the blood staining the floor a mere few feet away.

I have to get out of here…I have to leave now! The captain’s eyes moved to me as he quietly observed me. As if knowing what was going on I could see him grin.

standing up he dumped the coin out on the table and my heart skipped a beat as the two drunk sailors at his side looked at it confused.

“Hmm? Is this all you have?”

“I– I’ll just leave!” I moved to stand up only for the two sailors to jump From their seats and grab me, I was pinned to the wall within seconds with no escape.

“You said 20 gold coins. You are short 5 coins and you believe You can just walk out of here without paying up?” The captain stalked over, twirling The knife in his hand.

“I’m sorry– I’ll pay you back somehow!” I pleaded.

As the captain Stood before me Peering down at me I managed to finally get a good look at his face. He was…handsome to say the least, most women would probably Fall head over heels for such a guy. Even I felt a bit speechless from the way he looked down at me.

That shock however was quickly downed with fear as he lifted his blade to my neck, forcing me to tilt my head back to avoid being cut.

I whimpered helplessly as he waved off the two holding me down. “You were going to run away and cheat me out of five gold coins.”

“I didnt– I wasn’t trying to–” I struggled to find the words as panic took over me. Tears pricked the corners Of my eyes as I imagined him slitting my throat, cutting out my tongue Or even cutting off my hand. I made a grave mistake, I should have Been more prepared, I should have thought of another way!

The Captain hummed and I dug my nails into The wall behind Me as he trailed the edge of his blade down my neck towards the button-up coat.

Pulling the blade away he slid it through a gap in the front of my coat, I could feel the cold steel press against my skin, through my blouse underneath.

Closing my eyes I waited for him To gut me like a fish. It would be painful I’m sure, he already did something horrible to the last guy as a message to all those within the tavern. And now he’s gonna do the same if not worse to me. Would my family find my body in the morning? Would I be left on the street? I’m scared, I don’t want to die, not like this.

With one swift motion his blade sliced through the top of my shirt underneath and popped all the top buttons of the coat I wore over my clothes. I flinched and he took a small step back and stared down at my chest.

Confused, I looked down to see my breasts nearly spilling out from my torn blouse and my face immediately reddened. With a gasp I quickly covered myself holding the coat over my chest.

The pirate before me grinned mischievously as his men awaited his orders. “my, this is unexpected… Now why is such a fine lady of yourself out here in the middle of the night gambling with a bunch of lowlives?”

“I–” once more I was at a loss of words, both flustered and confused. Did he know I was a woman this whole time!?

Looking back up I could see he was smirking while looking at me intrigued. Maybe I could convince him to let me go unharmed?

“I just needed some money to get on a ship! That’s all, I wasn’t trying to steal or cheat you!”

“Hmm, be that as it may, you bet 20 gold coins in a fair game. You should have known that should You have lost you would have to pay up. In the end you did lose that bet and now I’m out by five coins!” He feigned being the victim and I couldn’t help but chew on the inside Of my cheek. “You think it’s fair for me to gamble away 20 gold And lose even though I won?”

“I– I would’ve found a way To pay you back!”

The man tsked before stepping Towards me again, keeping me backed up into the wall. “You have no money and from the looks of you probably No home. I don’t appreciate being lied to nor deceived, little lady…” he grabbed my chin Tilting my head back.

“I-isnt that the whole point?” I internally wanted to smack myself for saying such words. He arched a brow looking at me curiously. “I mean that’s what the game is all about right? It’s called ‘liar’s’ Dice for a reason.” I stated boldly. Now I was just asking to be killed.

He was silent for a moment before he started laughing. I could only stand there and watch as he wholeheartedly laughed at what I had said as if it was the funniest thing in the world. I Glanced to the two men who worked for him but they didn’t seem amused in the slightest.

“You’re a clever one aren’t you? Foolish, but clever. Very few have given me such a good laugh before, you’re quite…interesting. and attractive might I add…” He mused while looking me over.

“so…will you let me go unharmed then?” I asked, feeling a bit hopeful.

His eyes seemed to darken as he glanced towards his men and nodded towards the door. They nodded back In acknowledgment before walking to the front of the tavern. I watched confused as they stood guard at the entrance and the captain turned his attention back to me.

He pushed Himself closer, putting one hand on the wall beside my head as he caged me in. I grew nervous once again as he grabbed my chin while smiling down at me. Had he been some Nobel from another family and not some pirate who might kill me I might’ve felt more bashful than scared.

“Unfortunately for you, no. I’m you still owe me five gold pieces and I have a reputation to uphold. What kind of captain would I be if I just let a pretty girl like you underhand me by fluttering her lashes after ripping me off during a game of liar’s dice? People might think me soft and try to do the same.”

“But no one else is here! They don’t have to know, I won’t tell-” he quickly cut me off, grabbing me by the throat. I grabbed his wrist and whined As he kept his grip on me firm.

“I apologize darling but I still gotta keep up appearances in front of the boys.” He nodded towards the two men standing guard at the door. “don’t worry, I’ll make things simple for you…”

I watched him spin the blade in his other hand off to his side before watching it disappear between us. I felt the cold steel against my skin between my breasts and whimpered fearfully.

his thumb angled my chin up to make me look up at him as he trailed the knife downwards, slicing through the remaining buttons on my coat.

“Let’s make a deal, I’ll give you a chance to pay off your debt, you need only satisfy me and we can forget all about the gold coins. Hells, I may even give you that ride you wanted to another port.”

I blinked a few times as his words sank in. I only need to satisfy him? Using his blade he pushed aside my coat, opening it up enough to see my torn blouse underneath. “I’d consider my deal carefully for I am feeling quite generous this ni-”

“I’ll do it!” His eyes moved back to mine as I repeated what I said.

He hummed to himself as he removed his hand from my neck. “Fine, then it is decided. There’s no backing out on this.”

Taking a shaky breath I removed my coat as he stepped back and sheathed his knife. There were worse ways to lose my virginity, I made a mistake and now I have to make up for it. Even if he’s a pirate it’s better than being married off to some old man. And at least he’s handsome… I blushed at the thought and I moved over to the table and set my coat down.

“Where should we-” i squeaked as he grabbed me by the hips and spun me around to face him. Knocking everything off the table he sat me on the edge and put himself between my legs before knocking the flimsy newsboy cap I wore off the top of my head, freeing my braided hair underneath.

“Here is fine.” he Stated as he removed his Fancy hat and tossed it to the side before beginning to unbutton his shirt.

“W-wait here?!” I tried to move away Only for him to grab my wrist and push me down onto the table.

“I find myself unable to wait any longer.” He admitted.

“B-but someone–”

“Should anyone enter this establishment, I’ll kill them.” He said nonchalantly. While pulling at the strings of my pants. Was he serious!? There’s no way he’s serious!

He pulled back only to flip me onto my stomach and Press himself against my backside. I was standing on my toes, bent over the edge of a table.

This wasn’t how I expected my first time to go! It was supposed to be in the isolation of a dark, quiet candle lit room! not on a tavern table like some brothel servant! Even though the situation was anything but ideal, the idea of being so exposed and careless made my toes curled and my insides twist.

“shouldn’t we do this elsewhere!?” I asked in uncertainty. As soon as the words left my mouth I felt my pants and underwear fall to the floor and a hand slide between the folds of my heat.

I gasped at the sudden feeling of someone else’s hand rubbing me in such an intimate area. This is really happening! “You’re already wet?” He spoke out loud, a bit surprised and I wanted to bury my face in the table and hide away In embarrassment. “Were you anticipating this? Or perhaps you enjoyed the rough treatment and danger?” He chuckled while massaging my clit.

“n-no! It’s not like that!” a squeal escaped me as I felt him push his middle and ring finger deep inside of my pussy to stir up my insides.

“you’re tight…you probably haven’t done this very often then?” He teased while thrusting his fingers in and out of me I couldn’t even conjure words as my insides twisted and grew hotter from his touch.

“I have a feeling this will be well worth the lost gold… I hope you’re capable of lasting for five rounds.” Wait what? Five? Did he say five rounds?!

Looking back at him I watched him loosen his own pants while thrusting his fingers into me. I held back another Cry as he curled his fingers inside of me. “W-wait what did you mean–”

He pulled his Fingers out, much to my relief and disappointment. Relief that I could have a second to think straight, and disappointment because Of how void I felt.

Grinning, he Leaned over me with his hands at either side of me. He grabbed the shoulder of my blouse and pulled it down exposing My shoulder and neck. Leaning in he nipped at my neck and shoulder. A gasp escaped me as he Sucked and nipped at my skin making shivers and goosebumps to crawl down my spine.

With his dry hand he reached underneath me and grabbed my exposed Breast Squeezing and playing with it as he assaulted my shoulder.

My head was spinning from the feeling as he did these things to me. No man had ever touched me like this before, I had never touched myself like this before…

Even if I wanted to, I’m not sure if anything I did could ever feel as good as this.

Looking over towards the entrance I could see the captain’s men were still standing guard. They briefly glanced over occasionally but seemed to know better than to Stare as their master had his fun.

The fact that they saw us like this was still embarrassing however and I had to avert my gaze and squeeze my eyes shut to try and forget about it.

The man above me broke away from my shoulder to nip behind my ear before whispering to me. “don’t worry, they can’t hardly see anything.” He kissed the side of my neck again and teased my nipple between two fingers as I whined again.

“w-what did you mean five rounds?” I questioned as he pulled his hand away from my breast to hold himself up on the table as his other hand traveled downwards.

With a small chuckle he teased me behind my ear once more before whispering to me again. “I meant exactly what it sounds like. Five rounds. One for each missing gold coin. That’s how you will pay off your debt. That is how you shall satisfy me.” He rubbed his hand covered In my arousal over his cock before guiding it towards my entrance.

I practically froze and my eyes shot open as he turned my head to the side to look back at him to see if he was joking. He has to be joking, there was no way–

He smiled. Before I could do or say anything else His hips slammed into mine with one swift thrust, causing the entire table to slide across the ground an inch or two. I cried out from the sudden intrusion, both in shock and a bit of pain as he took my virginity in one foul move.

He groaned and cursed under his breath as my legs trembled and I rested my head against the tables surface, squeezing my eyes shut.

“damn, you’re…” sitting upright he stopped as he pulled out slightly and looked at where we were connected. “blood?” He whispered under his breath.

I didn’t listen, my insides stung and I was just trying to bear with the pain, afraid of it hurting again once he decided to start moving.

He was silent as The pain dulled and he leaned over me once more to start giving attention to my other shoulder, kissing and nipping at the skin... “I am your first, I am honored.”Thingles traveled down my spine and he ran his hand up my side.

“I’m going to start moving now.” He pulled back halfway and pushed back in quickly, before doing it again a second later. Slowly he picked up the pace until he was going at a steady rhythm.

My small gasps of breath soon turned into whimpers and moans as he steadily grew rougher. He pulled back further and thrusted in harder, faster, than I thought possible. The table shook and creaked as it slid across the floor little by little as he started pounding into me with deep groans.

“by the seven seas–” he mouthed as he grabbed my hips and went even faster. I cried out with a shameful moan as my toes curled and he drove me to heights I’d never felt before. Looking up I saw the bartender coming out From the backroom.

He immediately stopped in his tracks as he saw Us and I stopped breathing. but the captain didn’t relent. He cursed, thrusting into me particularly hard and tried to hold back my cry, as it came out in A pitiful Whimper. Part of me wanted to say something to tell him to stop while the other part of me wanted him to go at me harder. Faster.

He looked up suddenly noticing the bartender And I heard a click as he suddenly pulled a pistol and aimed at him. “Get out.” His voice came out deep And commanding as he pulled back the hammer And kept thrusting into me like there was no tomorrow.

Something about the situation made my inside burn even hotter and I cried Out again as he kept thrusting inside of me.

The poor tavern Bartender quickly Scampered back to the back rooms slamming the Door as I hid My face by Pressing my Forehead Into the table. That was horrifying! Embarrassing! Get I couldn’t get over how it felt–

The pistol clattered onto the surface Beside me as the captain wrapped his hand around my neck to pull me up slightly As he leaned in closer to my ear. Stopping his thrusts he ground his Hips Into my own and i swear i could see stars.

“My– you really are an intriguing woman, before, I thought you might cry at the idea of someone coming in and watching Us but when the bartender came in I could feel you clenching tighter around my cock… Perhaps you enjoy having someone see you get fucked?”

“N-no thats– i–” i couldn’t get the words out. There was no way that was true, no way that I enjoyed being watched. I’ve never had anyone watch me touch myself before so it can’t be true!

“Come now there’s No shame in it, we all have our Kinks. Yours is just particularly dirty…” he chuckled before releasing his hold on my neck. “Perhaps I should help you figure out what other kinds of stuff you’re into.”

“I-im not into that, I’ve never– ah?!” I cried out as he pulled back and thrusted into me hard, picking up the rhythm he had before.

I dug my nails into The table surface As he thrusted into me rapidly and the Knot in my stomach grew tighter and tighter. He grunted and started going for harder and deeper thrusts as he leaned over me.

“Damn, already–” he groaned and leaned in, pressing his front against my back before nipping at my shoulder once more. “Almost there darling, just a little more…” he kissed The side of my neck And slid his hand down my stomach and in between my legs to start rubbing circles Around My clit.

I Whimpered from the sensation and Pleasure of him Thrusting while stimulating my sensitive bud And the knot In my stomach tightened far quicker and tighter than it had before. “good girl, let’s Do it together~”

Stars danced before my eyes and my entire body tensed as He grabbed my hip and made one final Deep thrust inside me that made me unravel. I cried out as the knot In my stomach Unraveled and an explosion went off right before my eyes.

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The captain Groaned and he made a few more small thrusts inside of me as something warm pumped Inside of my core With each twitch and pulse of his erection. My entire body shook as something dripped down the inside of my thighs as I laid there panting.

“I must say…I’m not sure any woman has pulled quite so much out of me before. Now I’m worried I might run dry before we complete the five rounds.”

As my high cleared I soon realized exactly what he meant and pure panic took over me. No no no! He came inside! Why didn’t I think about this before! I should’ve stopped him! Sitting upright I twisted around and put my hand to hisnchest to try and push him away. He has to pull out if he doesn’t–

He pulled away from me only to grab both my arms and pin them above my head on the table. “Feisty now aren’t you?” Holding Both my arms above my head with one hand he grabbed one of my legs with his free hand, lifting it up so He could position himself at my entrance once more.

“Stop! You have to get off me! You must let me go!” I pleaded.

The captain didn’t relent in his hold over me and merely arched a brow as I squirmed trying to shake him off. “And why would I do that?” He cooed while pushing himself back into me.

“Because! You did it inside! You’re not supposed to finish inside! I’ll get pregnant!”

He stared at me for a long moment Before breaking out laughing much like he had done earlier. I stopped struggling and looked at him like he was mad as he shook his head. “Oh darling you really are something–”

I felt anger and frustration bubbling up inside me as I glared back at the captain. “It’s not funny!” I snapped at him only to yelp as his hand released my wrists to wrap around my neck.

“calm yourself little lady, and don’t raise your voice to me.” I swallowed hard and gripped his arm that held my throat as he peered down at me with a dark look in his eyes. “You ain’t gotta worry about that. As funny as it would be to have little gremlin versions of me running about, that ain’t gonna happen.”

“what?” I breathed.

He smiled and looked down to my stomach running his hand over my belly as he pushed Himself particularly deep inside.

Biting my lip I squeezed my eyes shut to stifle a moan as he rubbed his hand up and down my stomach. “You ain’t gotta worry about it because I ain’t carrying the kind of seed that would put a bunch in your oven.”

Cracking my eyes open I looked at him as he grabbed my hip and started grinding into me. He’s infertile? Is he telling the truth?

His piercing green eyes moved back Up to my own and he leaned over me smiling. Moving close to my ear he whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

“Now then if that’s your only concern how about we get on with round two? I may not be able to put baby in your womb But I damn well am gonna fill you up so much that it’ll look like I did…”

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