The Cardellian Chronicles Book One: Clinging to Reality
The Cardellian Chronicles Book One: Clinging to Reality

The Cardellian Chronicles Book One: Clinging to Reality

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What happens when an 18 year old pre-med student with advanced CyberTech and hacking skills is blamed for the death of hundreds of her kind with a Virus when she's been trying to stop it for months? Alfia May is a girl who lives with wires in her head and memories of a past she doesn't quite remember. The world she was born into has been strange and cruel to her, but it also gave her a second chance at life when she should have died. This world she lives in is a wonderful mix between almost ancient and so advanced that the latest and greatest medical treatments involved putting wires and computer programs into someone's injury either becuase it would save their life, or becuase they had some sort of handicap that they didn't want. But what happens when this CyberTech starts to turn on the lives it has sustained and starts picking them off one by one? WARNING: will randomly be edited, and sometimes there will be random things for said editing for a while cuz I get busy and forget that I'm editing it (i.e. (tbd), (insert blank here), etc.). You'll know it when you read it. Just know that these edit inserts aren't permanent and will eventually be fixed. Thanks for reading!!!

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