Chapter 395 

Perhaps because Rosalie was really tired after an exhausting day, she quickly fell asleep after dinner. 

Jonathan sat by the bed and looked at her face with a serious look. 

Rosalie was lying there quietly. Jonathan felt that she would not go anywhere and could only stay with him. 

But somehow he also felt that she seemed to be far away from him and he couldn’t touch her even though she was right in front of him. He wondered why. 

Rosalie said earlier that day that she would not regret it but he believed she was regretting it at the very moment. He thought her words were not sincere! 

The scene where Calvin was carrying Rosalie on his back was like a video played over and over again in Jonathan’s mind. 

Jonathan had never been so scared before! He felt as if everything he had been worried about had all become true! 

Jonathan whispered while gently stroking her closed red lips, “Does Calvin really mean nothing to you?” 

But Rosalie couldn’t give Jonathan an answer because she was asleep. 

“Jon, if you fall in love with someone in the future, I hope that you don’t fall in love too deeply. Don’t let anyone else control your life.” 

“Jon, do you know what cowardice is? It’s when you hate someone very much, you still don’t want to hurt her.” 

“Jon, don’t repeat my mistake! Don’t end up like me! It hurts so much. I can’t even control my own life…” 

Jonathan’s father’s words echoed in his cars again and again. 

Jonathan thought, ‘Control… It should be me who controls everything! 

She is already trapped by me. She is completely under my control, isn’t she?” 

Jonathan asked again, “Rosalie, did you betray me?” No one knew whether he was asking her or himself. 

Jonathan thought he was not his father and his life would not be the same as that of his father! 

Suddenly, Jonathan stood up and walked to the room next door. He opened a drawer, in which there was a photo of Rosalie in a floral dress and the silver bracelet that used to belong to her Grandmother which he had received in advance. 

It was a pair with the silver bracelet in Calvin’s hand. 

Jonathan tried hard not to let them know the truth. He wondered whether what he did really worked. He was suspecting whether he had failed. His eyes became deeper. 

The next day, when Rosalie woke up, it was almost 10 o’clock. Jonathan was not in the room. 

Rosalie lifted the quilt and got out of bed to wash up. The places where she got scratches yesterday didn’t hurt much now and the redness on her wrist had faded away. 

Rosalie raised her head and looked at herself in the mirror. Last night, she slept soundly and she thought it was a comfortable night. 

She thought, “Maybe it was because I knew the truth about my memories and got over it!” 

And today, was Rosalie’s birthday! Jonathan promised that he would make a cake for her. 

Thinking about this, Rosalie looked more delighted. 

Rosalie thought she would definitely be very happy. It was her first birthday after she got out of prison. 

Rosalie thought when the candles were inserted into the cake, her birthday wish would be: May Jonathan always feel safe and not be hurt anymore. May we spend the rest of our lives together.  Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

After washing up, Rosalie changed into the dress she had prepared before. It was a simple white dress and it was elegant. 

Rosalie didn’t want to wear bright colors because she was still mourning her grandmother’s death. After all, it was only the seventh day after her grandmother died. 

Rosalie applied some foundation and made a simple makeup. 

Of course, with the flexibility of her fingers now, Rosalie couldn’t make more exquisite makeup. 

She looked down at her fingers and smiled gently. Although her fingers wouldn’t recover, they were much better than before. 

Rosalie thought she would only hold Jonathan’s hands in the future since she had gotten over Calvin! 

Rosalie stood up, about to leave the room, and caught a glimpse of the door connecting the two bedrooms. 

Since Jonathan started to sleep together with her in her bedroom, he had rarely been back to his own bedroom. 

Rosalie stepped forward to close the door. But when she reached the door, she walked into his bedroom. 

Rosalie asked, “Jon?” Then she was sure that there was no one else in the room. 

Rosalie thought, “He is not here. Is he making the cake for me downstairs?” 

She remembered that he said he would stay there with her all day on her birthday. 

Rosalie was about to turn around and leave when she saw a photo album on the cabinet. 

At that moment, the photo album was open. Rosalie saw a photo of Jonathan and his father when Jonathan was a kid! 

Rosalie thought, “Is this Jon’s album?” 

Rosalie couldn’t help but pick up the album. She never opened Jon’s photo album before! 

Rosalie began to look through the album from the first page. They were all photos of Jonathan when he was a child, either alone or with his father, but there was not a single photo of Jonathan’s mother. 

After flipping through most of the pages, Rosalie started to find photos of Jonathan after he was seven or eight. His clothes were obviously different, of much better quality. But it seemed that in those photos, he no longer had children’s innocence in his eyes. He seemed much more mature than other kids at the same age. 

Rosalie thought Jonathan’s father must have passed away and Jonathan had returned to live with the Youngblood family at 

that time. 

Rosalie continued to flip through the album page by page. In the album, Jonathan gradually grew up year after year and became taller and taller, from an adorable baby to a handsome guy. 

But in most of these photos, Jonathan was expressionless and always alone. She couldn’t even find a photo of him together with his grandfather. 

Rosalie thought, “Those photos happen to not be here or they simply never took a photo together?!” 

Rosalie was reminded of how Jonathan looked like when he was standing alone in front of his father’s photo in the memorial hall. He looked lonely. Rosalie couldn’t help but feel sad for him again. 

Jonathan’s father’s death was a turning point in his life.” 

In the photos of him before he was 7 or 8, at least he had all kinds of expressions. He was smiling, crying, and even pouting. But after that, his expressions became more and more monotonous. 

Rosalie stared at a photo of Jonathan when he was probably about three or four years old. He was smiling so brightly in that photo. 

She couldn’t help but fish out her phone, took a picture of that photo, and kept it in the album of her phone. 

She hoped that she would see such bright smiles on his face frequently! 

Just when Rosalie was about to close the album, she noticed that the last page of the album was empty.

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