The Change (Fated Series: book1)
Chapter 46 - Skelletons in my closet


Nessa’s full attention was concentrated on Travis. She doubted there was another time when she was this focused and anxious about the words going to follow. After all, he had reluctantly agreed to provide her with exclusive information about Emma. And Goddess only knew how curious Nessa had been about Marcus’ Fate Mate. Although Nessa knew Marcus belonged to her now, the inner jealousy was demanding to compare herself with the fate she-wolf in his life. Nessa was not sure if that would ultimately be a good thing. Her insecurities were increasing with every second of the uncomfortable silence. Her eyes landed on Travis’ urging him to begin talking. He uncomfortably shifted in his chair, lacing his fingers through his neatly cut hair. She had never seen him so conflicted. That was when she realized he was fidgeting because he knew she wouldn’t like what he was about to say.

“They were opposites that needed each other to succeed in life. Marcus was a boisterous youth, which is not saying much since Alpha pups run on passion and are usually hotheaded. Luna Claire managed to knock some sense into him in his late teen years, but he was nowhere near as level headed as he became after he met Emma. He was already in his twenties but he did not really have a direction. The Pack was doing great under Alpha Logan and there was no need for Marcus to step up. No mate meant no responsibility and he was quite satisfied with it. Needless to say Marcus had to rethink and restructure his priorities once Emma showed up. But he did it for her and for the good of the pack. What happened to Emma was unfortunate. He was devastated.” Travis curtly explained and then looked at Nessa. “You were the one who brought him back to us. We weren’t expecting him to manage to hold onto his sanity for much longer. It was a well-known pack secret he was rash in the days leading to the Rover Grove meeting. The Beta has been trying to balance him out for months! It all changed after his visit. He was more…. stable.”

“How did they meet?” Nessa asked smiling, choosing to change the topic as she couldn’t deal with receiving such a compliment. Because it was indeed a compliment, right?

“The Spring Pack House Gathering. Emma was back at Pack Grounds and wanted to ask Alpha Logan for a position in the pack’s daycare. She had just finished her internship in Moonlight pack’s daycare. That’s Alpha Rylee’s Pack,” Travis explained for Nessa’s benefit. “It’s interesting that they hadn’t met before before as Alpha and Alpha Rylee were buddies and Emma worked with many Enforcer’s families and pups in Moonlight.”

“So they met, and?” Nessa decided to try to guide the conversation.

“Emma ran away after the Alpha acknowledged her as her mate.” Travis chuckled. “She was timid and shy. Probably she even got overwhelmed by a snarling Alpha, who looked quite feral growling at her. A scary sight even for a seasoned enforcer. Later on Alpha Marcus told us he couldn’t piece any of his words together or stop growling at her for the matter because of how excited his wolf had been.”

Nessa’s heart broke. She knew Marcus had loved his Fated mate wholeheartedly. Unlike her unfortunate and brief mating with Brandon, his mating had love and pulled at strings deep in his heart. She could imagine the excitement Marcus had felt. Her mind started painting the scene of the youthful Marcus, who could not hold it together at the sight of his mate. Her lips curved in a smile, although her heart broke. Was he feeling the same passion and devotion for her? Could she ever compare?

Travis must have noticed her mood, as he quickly cut his story short.

“Needless to say he chased after her, pissed that she took off. I guess his wolf thought she was rejecting him. Once they returned, they had talked. She was marked and staying at Marcus’ site. She was a shy Delta and Claire was not happy about how bashful Emma has turned out to be.”

“Leave it to Claire to meddle everywhere,” Nessa mumbled.

The story explained Claire’s bluntness with Nessa. It would have been intimidating for someone who hadn’t been through the tough lessons life gave Nessa. Nessa felt bad for Emma. She was thrown in the deep end with only Marcus as a life jacket.

“It must have been difficult for Emma to adjust,” Nessa sighed. “And Claire isn’t the warm and gooey mother in law. I bet she didn’t stop pushing Emma around to toughen her. It sucks.”

“The talks with Claire always ended up badly,” Travis told her. “Emma was shy and socially uncomfortable in big crowds. Claire kept on making the point that Alpha or Beta’s daughters were mates for Alphas because they were better suited to understand and support their Alpha mate. Delta had to be strong and fake it till she made is. That is why we didn’t know how much was too much for you as a Gamma.” Travis gently shifted the conversation back to Nessa. She looked up at him and urged him to continue. “In retrospect, we should have known better. I mean, seriously, a Gamma’s family that has ties to the Royal one and produces a she-wolf that gets rejected by a Beta-turned-Alpha Fate mate would surely be a kick-ass she-wolf, who can easily handle being a Luna to a very unstable Alpha.”

“Marcus wasnt unstable,” Nessa smiled, “but thanks for the compliment.”

Joel laughed.

“I wouldn’t be here if he was,” Joel replied. “We suspected he’s turning berserk after the way he dealt with the last rogues that didn’t seek Alpha permission to settle on his land and cause trouble. He accepted an Alpha challenge from them and burned them alive.”

“His back,” Nessa looked at Travis who nodded.

“Cameron pulled him out,” Travis replied. “After that we didn’t think he’d make it. He held on a year, becoming more easy to anger and rash in his decisions. After Rover Grove’s meeting, everyone was on edge as he started disappearing. We came to your apartment building thinking we’d find another rogue massacre.”

“That’s on me. I didn’t recognize his authority because of how my wolf was. Besides the way I talked to and teased my flirty Green eyed devil, there was no way he was quick to anger Alpha Ned. Nah,” Nessa continued. “Have you met an Alpha that doesn’t use their tittle in the first five minutes?”

“Few and far in between but it is not unseen,” Joel told her.

“Luna Claire is simply protective of the Alpha. She wants the best for him and the pack. He needs someone to balance him out and I think you can handle him with ease, seeing that his intimidating growls does not affect you. Luna Claire just wants to make sure you’re the right one for him. Don’t take her inquiries personal.” Travis continued and then applied. “Though I must admit she approached you too head-on. You would think she would have learned her lesson with Emma.” At Nessa’s confused face, he explained. “Claire and Marcus had a falling out over how blunt she had been with Emma. The evil tongues were suggesting Marcus had decided to announce his mating in attempt to take over the pack, it could have not been more far from the truth. For Emma’s sake, Marcus was willing to give up his title and accept a position in Pack Law.”

Nessa was awesome struck. Her powerful and proud Marcus was willing to choose a common life in order to accommodate the shyness of his mate? If nothing else was indicative of how much he really loved Emma, that was proof enough. He would have given up his pack for her.

Her heart burned and she could not help herself and compare her relationship with Brandon. He had not only chosen the Pack over her, but he had rejected her in the most painful way. Cheating brought physical pain after the mating bond was completed. She could still felt the sour taste in her mouth as she had felt every single thrust he had made. The fact he had cheated did not hurt as much as the knowledge that the bond provided – Brandon had enjoyed it. Enjoyed it, despite being aware that Nessa had witnessed his little affair. That she could never forgive.

“Nes, you okay?” Joel asked gently, snapping her back to the present.

“I was just thinking how different his true mating was compared to mine,” Nessa replied.

“I told you it is not such a good idea,” Travis started, but Nessa reassuringly patted his hand.

“No, it’s fine. I just realized how lucky I am to have Marcus’ bond. If he loves me even half as much as he did Emma, then I am ten times better than any love I could have gotten from my true mate.” Nessa blurted out.

“Ness, don’t be ridiculous. He loves you just as much if not more.” Travis replied to her and then proceeded to explain. “He would not willingly sever the last remainder of his bond to his true Mate, if he didn’t feel at least the same amount of love for you than he did for her!”

Nessa smiled at that notion. It did make sense. Unlike her mating that she was rather willing to forget, he had had it all – a loving mate and even a pup on the way. To sever the mating bond and distance himself from those memories, to make a room for someone new – that had to be a decision he carefully made. Hope filled her heart. She felt proud she was as important to him as his late mate.

“What was that about Pack Law?” Nessa asked shifting the attention to Joel, who patiently waited for Travis to continue.

Travis smiled at Nessa’s curiosity and continued, “At that time we weren’t aware that Frank’s position as a recruiter was a well-maintained cover to protect you and to give him the freedom to travel for Pack’s Interrogator Business. After all, it makes sense that a Pack Law recruiter will always be on the move and nobody would target his family. Marcus was considering joining Pack Law for the sake of giving Emma some peace and quiet time and starting a family. He had a huge sign up bonus, relocation fees were paid. He did not need any help in supporting his mate nor an approval from Alpha Logan. Alpha Logan obviously gave Marcus enough space and time for Emma to get accustomed to influential wolfs in Pack Law. I guess it was all settled until Claire fumed over his announcement that he is going to be signing a four year term with Pack Law. She didn’t like it one bit. Then Emma became pregnant and priorities shifted. Either way, Emma was simply too calm and naive for an Alpha mate and she did have to learn things as she went, which was never as fast as Luna Claire wanted. The first time Claire left Emma in tears, the Alpha warned his mother to back off. Things escalated from there. Her relationship did not recover from the hit it took that night and it wasn’t for the lack of trying on her part. When Emma got pregnant, Claire wanted to rekindle their relationship and managed to persuade Emma to live in the Pack House until the birth of the Heir. Emma agreed to stay for the sake of mending the relationship between mother and son.”

“Do you think Claire could have instigated something?” Nessa quickly asked Travis.

“No,” Travis shook his head confidently. “Luna Claire can be a handful,” he gave a meek smile to Nessa, “but Emma was caring her grandpup. She would never harm the pack. Plus surprisingly they were actually starting to finally get along.”

“Can you think about someone who had a personal grudge against her?” Joel asked.

“She was too timid to make any worthy enemies. She-wolves that had any aspirations for the Luna-title quickly learned our Alpha had eyes only for Emma. Moreover, I seriously doubt they would have the means or influence to take down five Guards.” Travis offered.

“Who was he seeing before he met Emma?” Joel pressed.

“It’s not such a good idea,” Travis tried to reason with Joel and cautiously looked at Nessa.

“Oh, please I can handle it. It happened before I even met him,” Nessa assured him waving things off.

“Danielle,” Travis cautiously replied, watching as understanding settled in Vanessa’s face.

“That bitch!” was all the Vanessa muttered before she jumped off her seat.


The waves of jealousy and anger washed over Marcus. He took a deep breath and tried to steady himself as his body was suddenly fueled with rage he knew did not belong to him.


He opened his mind and tried to feel for the exact cause of her mood but her defenses quickly snapped the connection shut. Marcus looked down at his fisted hands and let go of the rage that was threatening to cloud his judgment. He would deal with whoever managed to upset Nessa later.

He focused on the pup before him, who was patiently waiting for him to speak. The rogue did not look too bad. His clothes were well kept and he generally looked carefree as any child of fourteen should be.

“You are trespassing,” Marcus informed the pup.

“I’m sorry, Alpha,” the pup lowered his gaze respectfully, but otherwise kept his relaxed posture. Marcus smirked. The boy before him was outnumbered but he remained calm and collected as if he was merely casually conversing with his senior.

Damn it! Marcus felt old and tired compared to the budding youth in front of him.

“Why are you here?” Marcus continued his interrogation.

“Curiosity that hopefully doesn’t get me killed?” The boy shyly suggested and chuckled at himself then as nobody said anything. He then continued on explaining for the mere purpose of filling in the uncomfortable silence which would have otherwise settled in between him and the dozen wolves surrounding him. Marcus knew the pup did not possess a threat. Hell, he even doubt he would have to break any sweat to dispose of him. Convincing humans to look the other way and dealing with the publicity of it all, made the matter more delicate. Cameron’s chuckle brought Marcus’ attention to the pup’s speech.

“Besides, who wouldn’t want to meet you? You are just, powerful and kind of like a Super Alpha!”

“Super Alpha?” Marcus gruffly questioned.

“I would say Superman, but you can’t obviously compare an Alpha with a mere man. So superman will eat dust from you, Alpha,” The boy explained and Cameron chuckled. “But it’s true.” The pup looked offended by Cameron’s reaction and insisted. “Look at him. He is a Steele wall of muscle. Is it true what they say that you can break a man’s neck with bare hands?”

Can you fly?” Cameron linked with Marcus.

Marcus growled at his second in command. The fact that the pup appeared harmless didn’t mean his Beta was to resort to theatrics. The pup obviously thought the growl was aimed at him. His heartbeat raced but otherwise he remained calm.

“I am not really suggesting you try it with my neck.” He quickly explained.

“Enough,” Marcus interrupted him before the pup could settle in for another one of his long explanations. “I seem to be at a disadvantage. You know of me, but I don’t even know your name!”

“Ricardo Lopez, Sir,” the boy saluted Marcus.

“So Ricardo Lopez, what are you doing on my territory?”

“Visiting you, Alpha.”

“For what purpose?” Marcus asked his unexpected guest.

“To meet you,” the boy confidently clarified and then as he felt Marcus’ patience wearing thin he quickly started explaining. “It was rumored that you marked a Choice Mate.”

“Do you want to die?”

“No, no, Sir!” The boy shook his head.

“Then you would do wisely to remember not to mention my Mate in this conversation, Rogue!”

“I can see the source of that anger towards Rogues, but I assure you I am completely harmless. If anything, I trespassed because I needed your help.” The pup continued looking expectedly at Marcus as if he was the answer to all his prayers.

“Let me get this straight. In your head, I not only kill you for trespassing, but I help you?” Marcus asked and the pup nodded his head in agreement.

“We are done!” Marcus grunted and almost turned around before the pup’s words halted him.

“Ah, I almost forgot,” the pup’s hand shot and smacked his own forehead. And if that wasn’t confusing enough, the pup kneed in front of Marcus, exposing his neck to him in submission, “I plea protection and request sanctuary.”

Marcus looked at Cameron and linked him, “Escort him out of the territory.” Considering the matter done, Marcus turned to go back to the Packhouse.

“Wait, wait, you just can’t walk away. You can’t dismiss me. I am underage. I fall under the protection of the Luna of the Pack! I request my petition to be taken to Luna Vanessa! I want to see her!” Ricardo smugly called after him only to have Marcus growl at him.

In a flash, Marcus was in front of him and holding him by the collar of his shirt. Marcus stared down the eyes of the youth, searching for malice, or any inclination of his true intentions. If he could find any, he could snap the pup’s neck and be done with this! The request and the timing of it all seemed rather suspicious…. Too convenient for the situation!

It seemed immensely suspicious why the pup was so well informed about the laws that pertained to requesting a meeting with the Luna, but failed to acknowledge the basic ones that carried a Death Sentence.

“You say you are underage, but you shifted. You’re a shifted male rogue who is openly asking for my mate. The sentence for that is DEATH,” Marcus took his time to explain. “The sentence for trespassing is DEATH.” Marcus growled his frustration at the pup’s face. “Your insistence makes me reconsider my merciful decision of escorting you out of my territory. Instead of taking your life seems a very reasonable option to deal with pesky youth such as yourself. Anything you would like to say in defense?”

“I am underage and Pack Law dictates, the Luna shall be the one to sort punishment to pups for their crimes.” The pup recited the Pack Law decree. Marcus rolled his eyes at the pup’s instance releasing him from the grasp.

“You are not a pack pup, hence that clause does not apply to you,” Marcus informed him only to witness the pup paling in front of him. Marcus smirked. Yes, that was the reaction he usually produced when Rogues dared to trespass his territory.

“If you escort me out of your territory, I am good as dead,” the boy finally broke down and for once, his cocky behavior was gone. He was submissive, broken and lost. Marcus glanced at Cameron who was already watching the pup with increased attention.

“Why?” Marcus found himself asking. For the love of the Moon Goddess, he could not explain what possessed him to ask the question. For the pup it seemed like it was the life-vest that he needed. Ricardo’s posture straightened up and his eyes shone with… hope?

“I only crossed your border, because I had no choice. I couldn’t lose them. In all honesty, I thought it’s easier to deal with a trespassing charge, hell even Pack Law seemed like a better option.” The pup reluctantly replied.

“Who are you running away from?”

“Alpha Nicolas,” the pup said.

“Blood hounds?” Marcus questioned only to receive a short nod from the pup.

The Blood hounds were a pack that bordered with Lee’s Moonlight to the north west. Personally, Marcus only knew them from the references Lee made for the bloody hounds scaring off his tourists with their hunts. They lived up in the mountains and because of their remote location, they were hardly considered by anyone else other than Lee and probably the Alpha of the Iron hearts, a pack that was peculiar with their interest in mining. Marcus could never fully understand how werewolves would actually willingly go underground to mine. Werewolves’ place was in forests. To roam free and wild!


“He banished me,” the pup reluctantly admitted. Marcus motioned him to continue talking with his hand. The pup took a deep breath and then explained, “I might have overheard his conversation with Alpha Wynton. He’s Iron hearts’ Alpha Alfred’s Heir.” The pup explained.

“What about?”

“Emma Kennard,” the pup whispered.

Marcus eyes narrow in slits, hearing her maiden name.

He didn’t even try to fight his shift.


“Hold on there, tiger,” Joel’s voice stopped her before she could make a step. “You told me you can handle this conversation, so show me! Sit down.”

Nessa gave him a glare but followed his instruction. Joel stated the obvious, “I take it you know this Danielle.”

“She’s still drooling over Marcus,” Nessa replied.

“You have his bond and he is loyal. He would never cheat on you,” Travis reassured her, only for Nessa to close her eyes trying to regain her peace.

“I trust that’s how Marcus sees things, but I am not so sure she got the memo,” Nessa sighed and before Travis could say anything, Nessa shook her head and explained. “The night before Alpha Lee’s party she had tried to get in with him. According to Marcus nothing happened. He had passed out from drinking with Lee, and woke up to find her kissing him. Anyways, I saw them right afterwards and I swear they looked like a couple. Now I know why,” Nessa said snarling the last part. After a deep breath she finally managed to regain some composure. “Has she been questioned after Emma’s death?”

“Pack Law didn’t even know she existed,” Joel shook his head and looked at Travis expectedly.

“There was no need. She was mated and expecting a pup by the time the Alpha claimed Emma,” Travis explained.

“She is mated?” Nessa asked Travis who shifted uncomfortably under the authority of her voice. On the other hand, Joel glared at her, condemning her outburst. “Sorry,” Nessa excused herself and reached out to path Travis’ hand in reassurance. Maybe some of her Luna-power had seeped into her words. Travis definitely looked torn.

“Her mate died a couple of years ago and she moved back so her mom can help with the raising of her pup,” Travis explained and before Nessa could ask, he answered her unasked question. “He’s not Marcus’.”

“As if you would tell me if he was,” Nessa huffed.

“Actually I would, but he’s not. Cameron had me run a paternity test on the pup in hopes the he can pass the Heir-title,” Travis explained.

“Leave it to Cam to try to get rid of his title,” Nessa ironically said but thanked the Goddess in her mind that because of Cameron’s lack of acceptance of the Heir-title, she knew the paternity of the pup.

“The Alpha does not have any pups and I would appreciate a heads up on that matter,” Travis replied looking pointedly at her stomach.

“Oh, stop it. If I was pregnant you’ll know the moment my scent changes,” Nessa rolled her eyes at Travis theatrics. There were just a few things that one could hide from the heightened senses of a werewolf. Pregnancy was not one of them. That is why, when Joel chuckled at her, Nessa snapped her attention to him. What was that damn funny?

“Would you like to tackle this one, Commander Rifkin?” Travis asked only to provoke a comical shrug from Joel, who raised his hands in defeat, shaking his head.

“But you are doing so well,” Joel argued. Nessa narrowed her eyes at him urging him to explain himself, but instead Travis spoke after taking a deep breath.

“True, it would make your mate’s scent on you appear more prominent, but…” before Travis could continue, Joel chuckled again. Travis remained stoic and continued. “If you mate, his scent is enforced over yours just as yours is on him. Obviously, one can’t distinguish one from the other occasion, so I need to be kept in the loop.”

Entertainment flashed in Joel’s eyes the moment that the words registered in Nessa’s mind. As she was stunned by it, Joel found it a perfect time to flat out laugh at her! How dare he?! That laughter only served to infuriate her and to increase her embarrassment ten-fold.

“We know what you did last night,” Joel teased.

“Shut up!” Nessa quickly shot, her cheeks reddening. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“It’s normal. What was surprising and borderline extraordinary was how the Alpha was with you before you completed the bond,” Travis made his point. Nessa looked at him. Why was he brining up the marking? “Marking him right back was a bold move too that spoke a lot about your power. But back to your question, Danielle’s mate was said to be one of the best Enforcers of Northern Hills. They lost him in one of the scuffles with Alpha Steven’s Blue Moons.” Travis explained.

“There you go. It’s her, I am telling you!” Nessa excitedly said. “She might have found her mate, but who is there to say that the mating was happy? Maybe she had a grudge against poor Emma. She did return back and had an affair with Marcus that I am suspecting ended because of me.”

“Only you would be excited at such preposterous possibility. Don’t let your imagination run wild. Of course, she would have been thrilled to have a found a mate. You know how it feels. You should be more compassionate with her losing her mate. Besides, it must be hard raising a pup alone,” Joel decided to be the voice of reason.

“I am not accusing her out of jealousy! She had a reason to seek revenge against the old goat Stevens. Maybe her minions got carried away with Emma. Who knows? You were the one who insisted plans work until the first move is made and afterwards it is all improvisation. Think about it! She was widowed and happy or unhappy mating doesn’t matter. She was out for blood. If she took Emma out, she cleared a path to Marcus and deprived Stevens of a loyal ally.” Nessa told him.

“Nes, nobody makes such long term plans. She couldn’t have foreseen the consequences.”

“Of course, you could. Losing a mate is the worst pain,” Nessa argued back.

“Say she arranged it, which is doubtful. But how would she insure Ned turns to her? It’s impossible to predict this things,” Joel started.

“If you’re looking for a mating your choice is between a human mate and rejected or widowed wolves. You won’t let yourself feel for someone only to watch them walk away when they find their Fated,” Nessa explained. It made sense and it was interesting how nobody else saw it.

“Ness, breathe. They had an on-off relationship, but you can’t just accuse her of Emma’s murder because you don’t like her. You need proof,” Joel spoke with authority trying to get her to calm down. “Marcus made his choice and wears your mark. Relax. He’s yours! You will not accuse anyone without a proof.” Joel warned her. His words were conveying that this had to stay under lit from Marcus until she found proof.

How could Marcus not see it? Because the bitch slept with him, Nessa’s wolf replied to her. For once, Nes had to agree with her wolf. There was something there and Nessa was hell-bound to found a proof of it and rub it in both Marcus and Joel’s faces! Males were so clueless!

“You haven’t seen her. She looks far too good to be grieving,” Nessa argued.

“You don’t need me to tell you that sex can be an outlet for grief,” Joel cautioned her.

“Joel, I don’t know how she was able to pull it off, but she is the one. It all fits,” Nessa tried once again.

“I am serious, Vanessa! Alphas are hotheads and they will kill before they ask questions. You don’t want blood on your hands. Besides, this is beyond our conversation. We are trying to figure out if there’s something in Emma’s life that could have gotten her killed.”

“Fine,” Nessa pouted. “Travis, sorry for wasting your time.”

“She was fascinated with vampires,” Travis cautiously said.

“They are cool,” Nessa agreed, only for Joel to lean against the table, urging Travis to talk.

“Alpha Lee first picked up on it in one of the Pack gatherings. He kept on teasing Marcus for watching the Twilight saga with Emma, until she snapped at him.” Travis said.

“Edward was lame, but that hulky Cullen dude, not the old doctor dude, was an eye-candy,” Nessa gave in her two cents. Joel rolled his eyes at her. Travis shook his head disapprovingly.

“You better not let Ned hear that,” Travis cautioned then explained. “It was rather strange Emma would snap at an Alpha, even if it was Alpha Lee and even for something as simple as a movie! Everyone thought of it as entertaining to witness her stepping into her Luna shoes once her mate was insulted. The whole issue of insulting a visiting Alpha was downplayed – after all it’s Alpha Lee and he likes goofing around. Now that I think about it, she was vocal about Giovanni, too.”

“What show is that?” Nessa asked completely losing the two.

“The live one,” Joel replied and rubbed his chin, focusing his eyes on Travis. There was something unspoken between the two, judging by the level of concentration they both had.

“It must be cancelled, when was that?” Nessa replied.

“It’s not a TV Show, Nes,” Travis told her. “He’s alive…. as alive as he can be considering.”

“You don't make any sense,” Nessa complained.

“Giovanni is a pretty influential vampire,” Joel explained.

“Vampires exist?” Nessa asked with astonishment.

“Don’t they teach you anything in Rover Grove?” Travis questioned.

“It’s not my fault there aren’t any vampires in Rover Grove! And I haven’t seen any in Blackwood, so don’t play the diversity card on this issue,” Nessa defended herself.

“It’s common knowledge,” Travis pressed and before he had the time to add something, Joel spoke:

“As I said vampires are pretty influential, but by Giovanni’s decree they keep their existence well hidden, even from other supernatural creatures. They are a community of their own. Rather closed one. Even in Pack Law, they settled and kept their Nests hierarchy down in the Fourth Battalion. Anyways, the more important question is why would a shy she-wolf without a proper influential background be defending a vampire? What else did she say about Giovanni?”

“She made a point Yiakimeri was right about helping humans advance genetically, but our existence should be kept a secret just like Giovanni preaches. After all, the humans outnumber us significantly,” Travis recalled.

“Did she have someone else before she met her mate?”

“No. She was untouched,” Travis replied shaking his head. Maybe their conversation so far had gone over her head, but that didn’t mean that Nessa wasn’t paying attention. Did he just tell them that Emma had been a virgin?

“Untouched?” Nessa repeated. “What century does this pack live in?”

“Vanessa,” Joel cautioned her.

Travis must have realized his poor choice of words as he tried to talk but Nessa’s glare stopped him.

“A male can have relationships and be considered experienced based on it, but if a she-wolf so much as indulge into a relationship before she finds her mate, she is less of a person that the “untouched”?” Nessa growled.

“I didn’t mean…” Travis started, only for Joel to interrupt.

“Vanessa, look at me,” Joel commanded lacing his voice with enough power to make Nessa comply. As her attention shifted from Travis who was squirming under her penetrating gaze, he continued, “He was stating a fact. No judgment was involved. Calm down! You don’t want your mate to storm in and start serving out justice!”

Nessa growled at Joel, who simply ignored it.

“I am sorry, Luna,” Travis continued, only for Joel to interrupt.

“Travis, your Luna feels very strongly about equality between genders. She gets a little irritated by old perceptions and prejudice, which you clearly did not intend. She’ll take a minute to compose herself and then properly handle this conversation,” Joel sternly said only for Nessa to pinch herself.

What just happened? She had never been this aggressive in expressing her opinion on the matter? Nessa shook her head and took a deep breath. Maybe having her wolf back was not all joy and sunshine. She only hoped the urge to kill was not transmitted through the bond to Marcus. He had his hands full with the rogue situation. One distraction and the unspeakable might occur. She tried to calm herself down but it seemed increasingly impossible. Something in her kept on urging her to tear everyone and everything apart.

“I am overreacted. I am sorry,” Nessa finally spoke, trying to subdue her murderous intent.

“It’s all right. I shouldn’t have used that term,” Travis eased the tension between them. However that didn’t do anything for her. She snarled.

“Sorry, I don’t know why…” Nessa managed to push past her growls. Travis reached out to reassuringly pat her hand, while for Nessa’s utter surprise her nails shifted and swatted his hand away. “What’s happening?”

“Travis, leave…” Joel shouted and quickly jumped over the desk to come to Nessa’s side. Travis continued looking stunned at the partial shift of his Luna, only for Joel’s growl to snap him out of it. “LEAVE.”

Nessa kept on looking at Joel who quickly shoved Travis towards the door, which surprisingly busted open by Alex, who joyfully said, “Where’s the fire, Captain?”

As soon as his eyes landed on Nessa he gasped,“Holy crap.”

Vanessa closed her eyes and tried to calm down but no matter what she did the rage inside swell. Her eyes snapped open when she felt Joel’s scent envelop her.

When did he come so close to her?

She could feel his heartbeat as he was anxiously pressing her right hand to his bare chest.

When did he lose his shirt?

It wasn’t until Joel’s hand connected with her cheek that she looked at him surprised.

Why the hell did he slap her?

He deserved to die. She could tear his heart out without fully stretching her hand. But why did she want to feel his blood on her hands, to feel the warm red liquid dip to the back of throat? She licked her lips in anticipation.

His eyes were holding hers captive. They were commanding.


His lips were inches apart from her own and they were moving, telling her something her ears were simply ignoring.

“Calm down.”

His voice awfully sounded like Cameron’s. What the hell was going on?

“Calm him down,” Joel’s voice came and registered in her mind as his cold fingertips ran against her cheek. “Listen to me, calm down.”

Her sluggish rage infused mind registered the command but did not submit.

“Damn it, think of your mate!” Joel’s voice sounded again a lot like Cameron’s.

“RELAX,” Joel’s voice came to hear ears and she tried to get away from his arms. He quickly restrained her hands pressing them over his heart with one hand and then held her chin firmly, before he spoke, “Calm down. This is not your anger. Help him by calming him down!”

Was this because of Marcus? What did he get himself into?

She tried to push through the mating bond reassurance, but when the pit of her stomach did not go away, all she could do was let the frustration roam though her body until it found its release as soon as the first tears started rolling down her cheeks.

And she couldn’t stop.

“There, let it go,” Joel’s voice registered before she buried her face in his chest.


As soon as the name Emma Kennard left the pup’s lips, Cameron swore. Judging by the quick shift of Marcus, Cam was right.

How much he loathed being right!

Cam quickly jumped and pushed the pup behind his own back and faced down the irritated growl of his Alpha. Lowered his gaze and exposed his neck to his Alpha was the most submissive stand Cameron could take. That was also the very best strategy when dealing with a very pissed off Alpha!

“All due respect boss, I am curious of what the pup has to say. We can dismantle him later on,” Cameron pressed through the mindlink. If those stormy green eyes were any indication, the Alpha wolf in front of him was actually considering pouncing and taking down his own Beta.

If Cam couldn’t reason with his own Alpha, he would find himself between a predator and his prey. And that was the last place on Earth, he wanted to be.

Where was Nessa when she was needed?

Cameron quickly side stepped hiding the pup from the Alpha’s vision. Seeing him would only infuriate his Alpha. Cam quickly mind linked with Nessa.

“Nes, calm down Ned. Now!” He laced his message with as much Beta command as he could master. Then his attention snapped at the growling wolf in front of him.

“Calm down,” he cautiously said and he received a deafening snarl in reply. He pushed himself to continued, “Think of your mate! Nessa will be freaking out right now! Calm down.”

The sluggish rage-infused mind of the wolf in front of him must have finally registered the name and he halted his growl short. It was almost comical to see him freeze mid-growl. If Cameron did not value his life, he would have chuckled at the sight of his imposing Alpha who was trying to swallow down his growl.

Cameron had big plans for finding his mate and dying definitely not a part of any of them. Cameron quickly used what-control his Alpha had regained to divert the attention from the pup.

“Boss, you know, she would feel your rage through the mate bond. She wouldn’t know what is happening. Could you please link with her to reassure her you’re okay? Then we’d address this situation however you want.”

The green eyes blinked in recognition and then glazed over, giving Cameron a temporary relief. This was not a lost cause, yet. If Ned could be reasoned with, he could still be tamed. Cameron just hoped that Nessa managed to calm him down.

The moment lasted shorter than Cameron had hoped. The thought Ned projected entered their minds abruptly, “Throw the pup in the dungeon.”

Then surprisingly, the Alpha turned and rushed to the general direction of the pack house.

Cameron took a breath of relief.

“What just happened?” The pup finally found his words.

“Mates,” Cameron replied and then smacked the pup on his back, making him lose his balance. Damn, the lad was weaker than he tried to pass himself. “Next time, give heads up before you reopen old wounds so carelessly, or you might dig yourself an early grave.”

“But he insisted,” the pup defended himself. “I thought he would want to know what happened to his Fated.”

“It’s far more complicated than that,” Cameron shook his head. As the pup excitedly looked at him, Cameron shook his head. “Let’s go. We have a long walk.”



The heartbeat was steady and the only thing that kept her grounded.

Lub-dub- lub…

The sound reassuringly never changed, allowing her to pace her breathing to it.



She finally managed to normalize her breathing matching it to his heartbeat.


Nessa’s sniveled against the muscular chest that engulfed her. Body heat and touch were the only reassurance the wolf-from-within understood. Werewolves after all communicated and conveyed emotions by touch. And just like a newborn, heartbeat seemed to have a very calming effect on them. She closed her eyes, relaxing her body against his, letting him embrace her.


Her hearing started filtering in the sound of the wrist watch he was wearing. She was beginning to regain her senses. She could feel his warm breath pass over the top of her head.


It was not the first time she ended up curled up on his lap, sniffing like a lost puppy. They had been there before. And it had helped.

The rage was gone, but the unsettling ache in her heart was still spread its venom across her body.

“You feel better?” Joel’s soothing voice filtered through her thoughts.

“I still feel anxious, but I am not seeing red anymore,” Nessa whispered against his chest.

“It was not your rage,” Joel answered, lacing his hands through her hair. He really knew how to calm her down. Before she could ask the obvious question that was spinning in her mind, he continued as if reading her mind. “Nobody got hurt. I kicked everyone out.”

“The bond?”

“I assume,” he replied and she felt his nod. “For his rage to imprint on you so deeply, he must be really furious.”

She had guessed as much.

“Is he coming?” Nessa asked.

“Travis informed him. He should be on his way,” Joel explained.

“Thank you,” Nessa mumbled and tried to move out of his embrace. His arms tightened around her back, preventing her to fall down. The lump inside her heart finally started dissolving and she knew that he had arrived. It was the first time she actually noticed more of the room. His shirt was thrown over the desk and he was sitting on the chair she had previously occupied. She was sitting sideways on his lap, “I’m sorry.”

“You shouldn’t be. He should be the one to apologize,” Joel told her just as the door swung open to reveal her very muddy mate, who was breathing heavily. He swiftly entered, shutting the door behind his back. Joel smiled and nodded towards him.

“Go to him, before he misinterprets our friendship!”

Nessa could only blink before a set of muddy muscular hands wrapped themselves around her waist, lifting her up to a sweaty chest. His hands were casually supporting her bottom, as she locked her legs behind his waist.

He must have run from wherever he had been back to the Pack House. His quicken heartbeat was all the evidence she needed. There were only few things that can make a werewolf’s heart beat quicker. That made her smile. He cared to rush to her site. Her hands arched around his thick neck, bringing her face to crook of his neck, inhaling his scent.

“You are sweaty,” Nessa whispered against his neck.

“I love you, too,” Marcus huskily replied before chuckling. That made her snap her head from his neck to his face, that was relaxed and playful.

Marcus pivoted on heel and sat down on the small sofa to the side of the desk. As soon as he sat down, Nessa felt his hands fan across her back, pressing her harder against his torso. She could vaguely feel his hardness forming underneath her. She needed his touch and his hardness was the reassurance she needed he wanted HER just as badly.

The intimacy of their posture was irrelevant.

He reassuringly brushed her hair down allowing her to nestle in his arms.

“I’ll leave you two alone now,” Joel’s voice came and Nessa watched him over her shoulder as he put on his shirt. If only to herself, she had to admit his sculptured torso did not stir her insides as it used to. Brandon was right. In those early days right after the rejection, she had developed a thing for the Pack Law Official that remarkably evaporated only after her mating to the Alpha she was currently straddling. Was she always governed by her own desire to be loved and treasured?

Vanessa expected Marcus to fuzz about the position he had found them in, but to her surprise he had chosen to avoid addressing the issue all together. Even more so surprisingly, Marcus’ steady voice told Joel.

“Stay. We have things to discuss.”

Joel nodded in reply while Marcus looked at Nessa before he began explaining.

“It’s about the Rogue that trespassed. I didn’t think I would get so ticked off by him.”

“Did he hurt you?” Nessa asked and quickly pulled away from his arms, glancing at his torso, expecting to see an injury she had not noticed.

Marcus chuckled at her.

“I can handle myself in a fight. Though, it wouldn’t be much of a fight. The Rogue is barely a shifted pup. Definitely not much of a challenge,” Marcus cockily replied, moving his hands from her sides to cupping her breasts. Nessa outrageously swatted his hands away.


“His scent is all over you. I know he tried to calm you, but my wolf wants to imprint my scent on you. Short from mating or ripping him to bits, showing him that you belong to me is what would take to calm my wolf down.” Marcus explained just as his hands fanned across her bottom, pressing her against his hardness. “I don’t think you’d appreciate it if I wiped the floor with your friend.” Marcus calmly informed her. On the contrary his green eyes were burning into hers and Nessa knew that he was anything but calm. “You seemed too familiar with him and his wolf.”

“He helped me through my rejection,” Nessa explained.

“And I am thankful for that. But it still angers me he comforted you as I wasn’t there for you,” Marcus explained to her and then looked at Joel who calmly occupied the chair across his desk.

“I have a mate,” Joel explained.

“I know. That is the only reason why I didn’t tear you to shreds when I entered,” Marcus honestly replied only for Nessa to narrow her eyes at him. Marcus thumb brushed over her furrowed forehead and Nessa found her eye brow and creases on her forehead relaxed under his touch. “The Rogue rubbed me off the wrong way when he requested a meeting with Luna Vanessa. But that did not compare with the rage I felt when he implied he knows something about Emma’s murder.”

“What about her?” Nessa quickly asked only to have him shrug it off.

“I couldn’t get into details. I shifted,” Marcus told her and then pecked her nose only to have her rub his saliva off her face. “I need Pack Law to witness his confession and you to be next to me to keep me from losing it and sentencing him before he finishes his tale.”

“You need me to hold your hand?” Nessa giggled.

“Among other things,” Marcus mindlinked her and said loudly, winking at her outraged face. “I need to be just and any matter pertaining to Emma’s death is still a sore subject for me.”

“Where is this Rogue of yours?” Joel asked.

“Cameron is supposed to arrive with him in the next hour or so. I don’t think that they’ll cover the distance as fast as I did,” Marcus replied only to have Joel nod his agreement.

“Just say the word and Pack Law will be there as soon as everything is set up. Do you want any of the other Alpha’s present?” Joel inquired.

“No, I'd rather keep it a private hearing. It’s more efficient if we narrow it down to Second and Third in command.” Marcus told him. As Nessa’s eyes focused on him, Marcus linked her the explanation. “The more Alphas present, the longer the sentencing and discussing over the information provided by such interrogation. I am rather impatient to put this matter to rest.”

“I’ll see to it,” Joel nodded.

“Good,” Marcus said and then looked at Nessa, moving his thumb across her face. “We’ll go to freshen up. I’ll send Cameron to inform you as soon as everything is set up.”

Joel nodded and Marcus stood up with Nessa in his hands.

“You know, I can walk,” Nessa mumbled. Marcus rearranged her body in his arms, allowing her to feel his hardness again. Nessa quickly whispered, “Never mind.”

“I knew you would agree,” Marcus smirked at her reddened cheeks and walked out of the room.

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