The Couple
Chapter 20: I will kill him if I see him


I rarely slept that night after returning home. It was our first date and probably last too. Whatever we had ended and now I don't have anything to do with him. He is just Jeanne's brother to me.

I had a day or two in daze. Met J on monday while I ignored her brother's call all day. Although he didn't call before noon but still didn't want to talk to him.

I was invited by Mary for dinner yesterday at the cafe as she wanted to have something different and since Jeanne was busy with Greg and Ethan was busy with some office work, she asked me. Christian showed up in the name to pick up Mary for home.

I don't want to talk to him without an appropriate excuse but all I got in messages was "I had to go.", "Talk to me.", "Something needed my attention.", yes maybe another girl needed your attention.

How did I even think that a playboy will turn into a loyal lover for me? What happened to Shelly, isn't necessary will happen to me too.

I was foolish to trust him in the first place, I should have pushed him the first time he came to me. All this mess started back in New York and I still regret having that party.

Jeanne called to inform me that grandma wants me for dinner at home today. Her aunt will be there and she wants me to meet her. I doubt that its Christian's plan too but be careful as he will definitely take it as an opportunity.

I will make sure to be surrounded by one or another there so he can't dare to talk to me or even come near to me. I want him to stay away from me the way, he left away that night.

I can't deny grandma and her invitation anyway so I had to show up. I left the office and went to change from my office clothes when I saw Harris coming from the office maybe. I tried to avoid him and started a mission to find nothing in my bag.

After that dinner on friday, he changed slightly and always wants to be around. Sometimes he wants to have coffee or wants to discuss some more details alone after the meeting.

"Going on a date already?", he asked as he saw me coming. I flinched as he spoke.

"No, grandma called me at dinner.", I replied smiling.

"You look pretty, I must say in this green dress you will be an assault on men."

"Thank you.", what a weird way to compliment a girl for looking good.

"Let me drop you there."

"Oh no no. Don't bother, you just returned from the office, please go and have rest. I have my car. I will drive there myself."

"No big deal, I will rest after dropping you there. And there I will catch up with Christian too."

Before I could speak more to deny his offer once more politely, he grabbed my hand and dragged me towards his car. He made me sit on the passenger side and returned to the driver's seat. "You don't need to go all the way just to drop me."

"No worries, I was free this evening and I will catch up with Christian and Ethan too. It has been a long time since we haven't had drinks together."

I didn't speak much after, just replying to his questions of how it is here, if I am liking working with him, or if I need anything. He told me to inform him if I need anything.

We reached there and as he pulled in the driveway, Jeanne came out jumping and smiling. I guess things are working out between her and Greg.

"Hey, J", I came out of the car and gave her a hug. Harris came out and stood beside me.

"Hello lady, it was a pleasure meeting you", he spoke even before I could introduce them. She looked at him and back to me and then again back to him, shook his extended hand and said hello politely. Ethan came out from the house with a hard look on his face, well it was scary that I took a step back. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Hello Harris."

"Hey Ethan, man long time no see.", Harris took a step forward and gave him a hug. Ethan tightened his hands on his back and said something in his ears and pulled away from the hug.

He definitely threatened him and looking at Harris's pale face I can tell it definitely worked. He turned and left after politely saying bye to me and Jeanne.

I thought I saw anger and fire in his eyes but with the speed he left I am not sure. As soon as he left, we broke into laughter.

"Ethan, what did you say to him that he got so pale and left?"

"If you need a lift next time, tell me I will come or arrange someone to drive for you.", Ethan told me.

"Do you really think I will ask him for a lift? He literally grabbed my hand and dragged me to his car after I refused politely."

His eyes went to my hand and growled with that angry look.

"Did you just growled?", did I just hear him growling.

"Come inside, grandma is waiting for you. She prepared this many dishes for you and isn't letting me have any." Jeanne pulled me into the house.

We went directly to the dining room where everyone was already there with a lady probably in her forties and a young man in his early twenties. Do I know him?

Ethan walked behind us and took his place. Fortunately,Christian isn't here. As I was looking at his empty chair across the table.

"He will be late, or even may not come for dinner.", it was Mary. It was like she knew I was ignoring him for two days and teased me that I won't get to look at his beautiful face tonight.

"Celia, this is my aunt Karen and my cousin Bryan.", Jeanne introduced me to the lady and man.

One more look and I remember where I saw this guy. I saw him nearly everywhere I went in the last 2 days. He was under my building or at the restaurant when I met Mary. Did Christian appointed his cousin t follow me around?

He looked away from me, as if hiding his face. Yes, definitely he was following me and Christian appointed him. I will kill him if I see him.

The food was served when my phone rang in my purse. It was Tyler from the office. I excused myself and went into the living room to talk.

He wanted me to send him a few sketches for tomorrow's meeting with Dante company. He needs to share them with Dantes as we're sharing the project with them.

I told him I will send him by tonight and turned to leave for the dining room when a hand came on my mouth and another grabbed my waist. The person dragged my body while I threw punches and kicks at him carelessly.

I tried grabbing a few things or tried to resist him but he was too strong for him and dragged me all the way down to hall and then to another room, by the looks of it was a store room.

I turned around and found the guy smirking as he succeeded in getting a hold of me after 2 days. I tried moving away and leaving the room but he trapped me using his hands and the wall.

In this black suit with black tie and royal shirt, he looks incredibly handsome and no wonder he had many women before me and girls in my office call him the most eligible bachelor of town or city. "Let me go.", I attempted pushing him away but failed miserably.

"Tell me after you're done trying. So, we can talk peacefully."

"There is nothing to talk about. Let me go."

"You came here with Harris?"

"Doesn't concern you."

"Leave his company. Work with me."

"I don't want to work with you. I don't want to be around you."

"Stop avoiding me. You can't avoid me for long."

"Test me." He cupped my face with his hands and came closer.

"I am sorry, heaven. I know I shouldn't have left you like this but I needed to go. Something required my attention."

"Something or someone?"

"I will tell you everything when the right time comes, please have faith in me. Trust me, I won't let you down. I won't hurt you or let anyone hurt you." he closed his eyes and put his head over mine as he spoke. Suddenly, he pulled away and stood straight. What? Is this guy even normal.

"Little is near and looking for you. I will go and distract her. You come after waiting a few minutes."

He jumped out of the window and left. How did he know she is looking for her. I didn't hear anything or was I too lost in those two big infatuating orbs that I forgot to hear, see or sense anything else apart from him.

I left the room after a few minutes as he said and went to the washroom to check up on makeup. My face was too flushed, if I would have entered with this look, everyone would have guessed something happened.

I went to the dining room and Jeanne enquired about my whereabouts. I told her after the call, I went to the washroom.

"But I checked it, you weren't there.", I was speechless as I didn't have any answer. I looked at him, who was smirking and enjoying me helpless.

"She must have been talking over the phone outside when you checked.", it was Mary who came to my rescue. Damn, she knows.

Before J could ask more questions and know what exactly happened when I went to talk over the phone, grandma shut her up and asked to eat food in silence.

After we finished eating, I tried talking to Bryan, my appointed stalker but he dodged me each time. I helped Mary clean up the dishes while Jeanne cleared the table. "Thank you for saving me on the table before."

"No worries, I got your back.", She definitely knows. I grabbed the knife to kill Chris but Mary took it from me.

"Stop thinking about killing him. Instead give it a thought to forgive him."

"He has no reason. Even he put his cousin to follow me around."

"Maybe he has his own reasons, think about it, can you share each and every thing about your life with him already."

"Even now I can't tell everything to Ethan. Like I can't tell him, before dating him I made out with a guy from school at a party. If he finds out he will track him down and kill him for what happened before us." "He loves you a lot"

"Christian loves you too, let him show you. Give him some time to prove his love."

"Its too soon to fall in love and Chris really doesn't know me that well"

"Does he know you call me Chris?", I nodded in response.

"See, he never allowed me or even Ethan or anyone else call him Chris after his parents." I sighed and we finished the rest of the dishes in silence.

After a few drinks, I left for my apartment. Chris wanted to drive me home but before he could say anything or move forward. Mary ordered Ethan to drive me back.

She said with such a stern voice that no one opposed her. I thought she might help me get some time alone with Chris but she did the opposite.

As Ethan dropped me under the building, my eyes flew to the top floor at the window of the penthouse and I saw a figure moving and curtains falling into their place.

Was Harris there? Was he keeping a watch on me? I just prayed to Jesus to not create a mess in my life.

I went up and locked my door. After mailing the sketches to Tyler, I changed and went to bed. I couldn't sleep and kept thinking about what Chris said in the store room and what Mary told me. Should I really trust in him and give him another chance.



I hope you're enjoying reading the story. Do let me know in comment section.

Tell me if you want more Chris and Jeanne romantic scenes or them fighting the devil.

Help me make it more interesting for you. Keep reading.


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