The Couple
Chapter 32: Found the man


After spending some more time in Dante Company, I left with J and Mary for my previous apartment to pack my stuff again. Chris and Ethan sent Bryan with us to protect us. Greg came later in the afternoon as he found J missing in the office. J was right he isn't leaving her for long.

We got my stuff packed till afternoon and Chris arranged people to get stuff delivered to my new apartment. By the time we left for Dante House it was already time for dinner. Whole day was spent and I couldn't even send a message to Chris.

Grandma has already prepared the dinner and set the table with the help of maids. We washed our hands and got seated on the dining table to eat. It was only then Chris and Ethan entered the dining room and took their seats on the table as well. I avoided his eyes which were stuck on me, I didn't see them but could feel them on me.

I brought one more bag with the clothes for the rest of the week. Thank god my parents aren't coming this weekend otherwise I don't know how I would have explained the situation and convinced them to let me stay.

After having dinner, I cleaned the dishes with J while Mary went to rest after a long day. She must rest, with all the stress today, we forgot about her and the baby. Grandma is all chirpy and telling me how fun it will be working with J, Ethan and Chris until J speaks.

"Mumma, don't excite yourself. Celia won't be working with us until next month." Grandma was all wide eyes and wide mouth, she kept her cup of tea on the table carefully. "She has to serve notice period before terminating or give her two month salary for compensation. And she spent all her money as a deposit on a new apartment, so she has no money."

"Oh child, you don't have to worry about money." Chris happened to pass by at the same time and she called him in to join the conversation. "Christian, how can you let her work there after so much happened. Pay for the compensation and let her join our company." She ordered Chris while he listened all with head down. He put his hands behind his back and balled them in fist.

"Mumma, J and I already offered that to her but she refused. I have no right to order her, please don't involve me." He told her calmly and left the room.

"Why child, why did you refuse our request?" I washed my hands, went up to her and kneeled down in front of her.

"Grandma, I am your string child. I can't run from the problems. Mom and dad never taught me that and you won't be proud of me if I do that too." Hearing my words, she smiled and kissed my forehead gently. "Bless you, I pray to god to help you and ease your next month without any hurdles." She blessed me and left the room too with her cup to her room.

J and I also left for our rooms. Chris didn't inform me to leave the door of my balcony open. Will he not come today? Is he too upset? But he needs to understand that I can't be dependent on him and I can protect myself. He can't always be around me or can let someone follow me for the rest of my life to guard me because there can be a threat outside which none of us know. I left the door open and went to the bathroom for a hot water bath.

I filled the tub with hot water and took off my clothes. I got in the tub and rested my head over the head of the tub. I let the hot water act on my body and release the tension of today. I need to get relaxed so tomorrow I can be ready to bear the torture of Harris. I swear if he tried to harass me in any manner more than just making me work overtime I would make him remember my name for the rest of his life.

I stayed under the water until I felt the water growing cold. I got out and realised I forgot to bring new clothes in. I draped the bathrobe around me and got out knowing Chris won't be outside to witness anything.

But as I stepped out I saw him sitting on my bed naked with just his boxers on. Luckily, he had his back to me and I brought the bathrobe together to cover my bare cleavage. Instead of turning and lusting over my body and making naughty comments, he laid down without turning and closed his eyes to sleep.

What are we as husband and wife who are supposed to sleep together no matter what happens? If he doesn't want to talk to me, he shouldn't have come. He could have slept in his room, I wouldn't have minded.

I let the bathrobe fall on the floor and moved to the closet naked to get my clothes without forgetting to sway my hips a bit more. He couldn't resist for long. Without turning back, I wore my night clothes which was his white shirt and purple lace panties but I can feel his eyes burning in my back.

I turned and he turned back to his original position. Nice try, angry boyfriend. I know you were watching, don't pretend. I got to my bed and laid down but far from him on the other end of the bed. I felt his movement on the mattress and a pull to his hard chest. As soon as I felt his bare chest on my back through his shirt. I tried hard to get out of his hold.

"Shh, sleep. You must be tired after all the packing and crying in one day."

"But you weren't there to wipe my tears or even help me with packing. Let go." He turned me and pressed me down on the bed so I was half under him.

"I don't think you would have liked to explain Little after all the crying and in between the packing. Would you?" I shook my head and looked away.

"I know you won't take the help from me and if I talk more I will force you to take the money. So please sleep before you hate me." His confession made me laugh and I kissed his cheek while he kissed my forehead and slept in the same position with me half under him. He is heavy with this physique and perfect muscles but I loved his weight on me. Somehow, it was relaxing.

I remember in high school, like other dumb girls, I also thought of marrying my high school boyfriend Tyler. I was dreaming of a perfect future with him while he was fucking that cheerleader behind my back. In high school, I once asked my mom how she knew dad was the one. She gave me a very romantic answer at that time and after being cheated I thought she is mad and how can that happen. Even George wasn't like what she said. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

She told me, "Many will tell you to marry the one who stays during your hard time but no you should marry the one who stays during the hard time of your relationship. Every relationship goes through hard times, you might fight or want him to leave but if he chooses to stay, just as a presence around you then marry him. Sometimes, you both won't agree for the same thing but if he respects your decision and supports you even with a half heart then marry him."

Right now, I feel like I found the man mom wanted me to look for.

I woke up with him already gone, I think he starts his day a little too early. I got ready for the office as I was a little late and I knew I would be tortured there with more workload than last time he was angry because Ethan gave him a hard time.

I had my breakfast in such a hurry that grandma and Mary were scolding me for eating so fast. Even for once Chris whined about eating me too fast. I ran out fast and drove there. As I got in the car, I thought I heard Chris in my heart to drive safely and slowly.

I sat there with a bundle of files already waiting for me at my desk. He wants me to read the requirements of the client and sketch according to them. I think he freed every other architect of the company and sent their work to me. I skipped my lunch and asked Jessica to bring me something to eat. I had to stay back to complete my task.

Tyler stayed behind and helped me a little bit. I wanted to refuse him but I doubt if I can complete this work even in the remaining week alone. So, I let him help me.

While working I got to know, he lives with Karen and Bryan. Since Bryan is bisexual, Karen wanted him to have someelse instead of a boy but seeing Bryan's consistency she let them both get together. Chris helped them a lot in convincing Karen back then. Bryan is a sweet guy, he is a bit serious but more romantic. He is 4 years older than Bryan and has liked him since middle school. He waited till Bryan got eighteen to propose to him. I found it too cute.

By 80'clock, together we both almost completed the task and got ready to leave. Bryan was outside waiting for me. At first, I thought he was here to pick his boyfriend but it was me whom he was waiting for. I wanted him to leave with his boyfriend but he was too stubborn to deal with. He followed me home and then went back to his house.

After having dinner alone and a long hot water bath like last night, I fell on the bed in the arms of my hot boyfriend and slept like a baby. It felt good to return to such a warm bed after a long tiring day. He asked me about my day but I was almost half asleep so I forgot to reply to him and he kissed my forehead and slept hugging me.

Next day, I got up early on time and found my clothes ready on the chair with my other necessities for office ready too. I smiled at the generous act of my sweet boyfriend. I don't know if grandma's prayer will work or not but with her this sweet grandson, I will handle the rest of the month with ease.

I got ready and went down to have breakfast with everyone. Chris smiled and winked at me seeing me in his chosen outfit. With this smile, I can handle this day but will need another smile for tomorrow and its next day and days after it.

I reached and found the same such files with the sketches and client requirements but to read and make notes. But before that I need to finish the sketches from yesterday which Tyler and I left. I was reluctant to finish every task he sends my way till he is too tired to torture me and annoy me with such silly things. I think I can finish my work by the end of the day without Tyler's help.

After having my lunch at my table instead of going down to cafetaria, I went to the coffee machine to get my coffee when Peter bumped into me and threw his hot coffee on me. That bastard knew I don't have extra clothes and it would take my whole day to get another pair of clothes. So, I have to sit in these wet clothes for the rest of my day.

I ran to the restroom and washed my shirt, it was burning my skin but I can't change my clothes or get rid of them. I was cleaning myself and the shirt. I didn't know what to do now as I felt tears in my eyes. I can't cry so easily, but it was burning and my skin was already burnt.

Suddenly, my phone rang. It was Tyler. He told me to come out and take his shirt. Bryan will get him one soon and an ointment for me. But it will be too late for me in this shirt. So, I took his shirt and went inside to change.

After five minutes, Bryan called me and I went down to get the ointment and the spare shirt for Tyler. Tyler was hiding in the restroom with no shirt. I sent him the shirt and went to the restroom again to apply the ointment. I told both of them not to tell Chris about this time but I think it was too late as he looked at me with a guilty expression. So, Chris knows now.

By the time I went home everyone at the house knew about it. Grandma was worried and cursed all bad omens to Harris and Peter. Chris, Ethan, Mary and J all had the same red face with anger. I don't know whether they were angry at me or Harris.

After dinner with everyone, I went up to have a cold shower. After the shower, I returned to my room with Chris sitting shaking in anger. He held his head down, I touched his shoulder and he looked up at me with tears in his eyes. I felt a sharp pain in my chest. He hugged me and repeated only one word, sorry.

"Shh, Chris, why are you saying sorry? It should have been me, not you baby."

"This is all happening because of me." Releasing myself from his grip, I squatted down in front of him.

"How can it be your fault? You weren't even there baby. But yeah, it wouldn't have happened if you would have kept your anger in control. But its okay." I kissed his both cheeks and tried to calm him down. I didn't like his teary eyes. It was heartbreaking. "Now, will you apply this ointment or will you keep holding it."

He nodded and laid on the bed while he applied the ointment and hissed on touching each burn as he felt my pain. His expression was angry and confused, which I can't put a finger on. He blew air on my burns for sometime. He laid beside me and we again slept hugging. I fear I will soon get habitual of him but no worries, I know this sweet boy can't break my heart and hurt me. So, I will sleep beside him for the rest of my life.

Next day, I got to know that Harris left urgently for a meeting. Jessica didn't know of any such meeting or client. It seems he was important as he left in such a hurry. My Thursday was quite relaxing with him no around and no extra workload or unnecessary work.

But on Friday, he informed Jessica of my work and again I was loaded with more work but I can get it done today or by Saturday at most. He didn't say anything about his return, I hope my birthday will go without any trouble.

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