The Couple
Chapter 47: Let's break up


Chris left even before I woke up this morning. All night he was just drawing small soothing circles around my back or lower stomach to comfort. His warm hands were more comforting than a hot water bag. Last night, I forgot to charge it but later it was not required at all. I wonder if he slept but I slept like a baby because of him. I was in deep slumber but I know he gave my leg a good massage before he left. "Celia, I am telling you just a strong, handsome chef. You will be blessed all your life." Mom exclaimed as she stuffed her food in her mouth.

"No doubt, you married me for my food. I wonder if you ever loved me." Dad called out from behind the counter, pouting.

"I do love you honey but I love your food more. UMMMM....." I giggled at their sweet fight. They have always been fighting over the same topic for the last I don't know how many years. She always said she is blessed with such a sweet, loving and chef husband. She never forgets to mention he is a chef and how much she loves her food.

We were sitting at the dining table having our breakfast in my apartment when we heard a knock on my front door. Selena and Robert are here. They said they wanted to meet me and say hello to my parents. doubt they are telling the truth but Selena's warm nature tells me she is here with good intentions. Obviously they both are the only elders who accepted me and Chris with all their hearts, even after what happened recently.

I was just looking at Selena when it suddenly struck me that if Chris's mother was alive would she have accepted me the way Selena did? I don't know but I really wish she would accept me as her boy's girlfriend.

All the elders are in the living room talking, whilel served drinks for them in the kitchen. It was then Chris spoke in my mind. I was a bit startled hearing him in my head. It feels good hearing his voice but hearing him out of the blue in my head is what I need to get used to.

'Did uncle and aunt already arrive?'

'Oh god, You scared me Chris. And yes they are here.' I told him back while I cleaned the little mess I created because of him.

'Don't worry you will get habitual with time.'

'Why did you call out in the first place, Chris?' I asked him a bit pissed. I don't know if its my overly hyped hormones playing their roles or I am actually annoyed with his behavior right now. I hope it is the forme


'Oh yes, I just reached out to inform you that they are there to bring your parents out with them so we can have our talk with J because I don't want to delay this a bit more.'

'Are you missing your little sister already? Hell, I am missing my best friend too.' I scoffed.

'Not only her but someone else too.'

'Who?' I think his whole family is here. Is he missing his parents? Shit, I am not ready for that heart to heart talk with him yet. I mean not right now not like this and specially not when my hormones are super hyperly active and working my mind a bit more.

'My Heaven.' I blushed.

'Chris, you just left in the morning. And speaking of morning, thank you for that leg massage it really helped. My leg is a lot better now.'

'Told you, never can get enough of you.' I know he is smirking while leaning back in his chair right now. 'And I hate it sneaking around. Although it is fun, your parents don't know about us and it saddens both your lovers.' I could feel my cheeks burning as he called his wolf my lover as well. It is the biggest turn on how his animal loves me and wants to be called mine.

'I will take your leave, I think it is enough to get you turned on.' I looked around to find the kitchen empty and elders at some distance in the living room.

I took the drinks in the living room where Selena is trying to convince my parents to come out with them. Mom and dad are clearly not interested.

"Celia darling, do you need your parents at home to babysit you?" She asked while I served her the drink. I just shook my head instead of giving a verbal reply. "See, she doesn't need you and you both have to come to our place for lunch. I am not taking no as an answer."

"Alright, we all will come." Mom replied with a sigh and a smile on her face. For a moment, I thought she was uncomfortable and just wanted Selena to stop poking her. But watching her smile growing and not fading away, I knew it was genuine and she was not pissed at the sudden invitation.

"No, no. Just you both. We don't need Celia to babysit us elders and spend her afternoons boring." She turned towards me and gave me a warm smile. I really don't get how someone can genuinely be this calm and loving. I can barely believe she is not a goddess and just a human. Because her smile gives her assurance, love and empathy.

"No, we actually don't want to leave her all alone, not after the little stunt she pulled recently." Mom said a bit harshly like scolding me. I know dad and her didn't say anything because they thought I must be traumatized with that but they both are really pissed off with my actions. I just sipped my drink and avoided her gaze poking into my side face.

"Speaking of her little stunt, I must thank you Celia for protecting my family, my daughter. I owe you my life." She came and sat beside me while she spoke. She pulled me in a hug and just held my hands in hers after pulling back. "I just feel frightened to my core when I think what could have happened if you weren't here to protect us." I could see her tears taking their place in her eyes which only made her grey shine and feel her godly mother love. She just shook her head before continuing as if bringing herself back and getting a hold of herself.

"But that doesn't mean that I appreciate you getting yourself in deadly danger. Something could have happened to you. You should make your decisions with responsibility, you have your parents to take care of." She scolded me with a stern voice that I could hear her care and anger. No wonder, Jeanne never craved her mother's love as she grew up.

She got back to her seat near my mother and gave her an assurance smile as if talking to my mother and letting her know she can feel her pain and anger while she took some of it. That moment I knew Selena is the only one who can make my parents let me stay here with Chris.

They left soon after but with the confirmation that only parents will come to lunch at their place. As soon as they left, mom spoke my feelings out loud.

"I can't believe how lovely she is. Don't tell me it was just me who felt like this. Although it is the second we met her and you know the first time I kept an eye on her with the hope she would lose her temper for once but she didn't lose it for a second. Damn, I wonder if she can compete with Mother Mary."

"Yeah, she is a lovely lady, not an angry wild woman like you." Dad said while escaping to the kitchen to get some food ready before they left.

"Excuse me, what did you call me?" Mom followed him with her arms crossed across her chest.

"Just your thoughts out loud." He chuckled.

"Damn, you chef, if you weren't a good cook. I would have divorced you till now."

"And I would have had an affair with that lovely lady." This statement made my mother lose all her temper as she sprinted to the other side of the counter. She broke my father's personal space and broke into her intimidating personality which might leave one shook even her judges.

But dad being my dad, he turned to face her and overshadowed her with his tall stature. I don't wanna see what might happen later. As much as I adore both of them, I really don't want to see what might happen now. So, I got up from the sofa and left the living room.

Trust me seeing your parents making out or even just kissing is gross. I don't want to hear my dad telling mom how hot or sexy she looks when she gets jealous or how turned on he is seeing she still gets jealous for him. Growing up witnessing your parents being lovebirds even after all these years makes you know when to take your exit.

I don't know what to do now. I really have nothing to do. Mom and dad won't allow me to go back to the office. Although I have resigned from Harris's company and was about to join Dante's soon but my parents won't see it feasible as according to them we're soon going to leave this town. Although I wonder what might happen to Fieldson's and how is my first project Houston's summer house going on. With that thought I dialled for Tyler. He picked up soon enough.

"Hey, Tyler." I tried to sound normal without giving him any hints that I called him just because I got bored.

"Hello Luna" He spoke on the other side.

"Hey drop the title besides I am still not your Luna or even declared that I am about to."

"You're my Luna. I don't give a shit if



you're done with the rituals yet or not. Pardon my language, Luna.” I rolled my eyes and decided to let it be because I don't think I can manage him to drop the title being so formal. “So, how is boyfriend doing? Is he protecting you well? You can complain to me


against him, I will give him a good smack later for you." We both chuckled at his remark.

"Oh Tyler, I really don't want to hear your plans for Bryan, please."

"Of course, you won't. Afterall, he is now practically your brother." I frowned before getting what he meant.

"Why are you so determined for me to get married to Chris?"

"Why? Are you not going to marry him?" I was stunned as I heard pain and innocence in his eyes. I didn't know he would get hurt just with a mere thought of that.

"I don't know, I mean we're not

planning it right now. Besides, your

alpha didn't ask me yet." He

chuckled and we kept talking about little things like before. He told me about the progress made in


Houston's project and that someone is going to take over the company but the person isn't disclosed yet. We talked until my dad called me out to inform me they are leaving and he has prepared food for me.

As soon as they both left for Selena and Robert's place. I saw Chris sneaking in my apartment. He grabbed me in a tight hug and smelt my scent while I enjoyed his embrace and sniffed his smell.

We heard someone clearing their throat which made us pull back. It was Greg and Jeanne. Greg was holding her by arm like he dragged her. I don't care if she came here herself or someone pushed her. What matters is that she is here and we're about to resolve our differences. I got near to her to give a hug but took a step back slightly. I took the hint and made a way to let them enter.

They both took their place in the living room. I couldn't bring myself to move forward when I felt Chris squeezing my hand. I looked down at our locked hands and then looked up at his smiling face and adorable black orbs.

We moved forward together with hands locked and stood in front of them. I asked if they wanted to have something to drink or eat but before Greg could open his mouth, Jeane refused on the behalf of both. I decided to get on the point without wasting any time because I don't trust my parents; they can come back just within an hour. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"J, can we please talk?" My voice betrayed me as it sounded like crying.

"What is there to talk about, C? I just can't believe you both hid things from me. Went behind my back you both had an affair."

"Trust me, J I wanted to tell you about everything from the beginning but I couldn't..."

"What stopped you, C? That you hid

your relationship with my broda

from your best friend. I just can't believe it was you who couldn't hold back a single detail before." She turned to Chris before continuing her wrath Broda, you didn't think before

going behind my back. t


think I could be affected by your

decision. I was the one whom you thought about always before making any decision but this time you didn't think once. I don't know what trick she played."

"Little, you're getting us wrong. Hear us first, we didn't know how to tell you about it. We didn't know how you would have reacted." She just scoffed in response and avoided our gaze.

I took a step forward and when she didn't flinch at my action, I moved beside her.

"J, you know we both love you. I really want to mend my relations with you and not because you're his sister but because you're my best friend and I need you, J. Please listen to us. Let us explain."

"Okay, let's hear what you have to say, my ears are all yours." I was dumbstruck hearing her. I lacked the words, well I should have prepared what I was going to say to her. But since I haven't I don't know what to tell her and how to convince her.

"Umm.. J..."

"Yes, I am listening." She gave all her attention to me. She even shushed Chris when he tried to butt in and speak for me.

"See, you got nothing to say. So, stop wasting my time and let me go." She got up and gave one look at the still sitting Greg. They both made their way to the door. She was furious and I was determined to amend the relationship but I got lost of words.

"I was afraid, J. I was afraid of losing you, him, everything" I didn't realize when words left my mouth and echoed in the apartment. I don't care what I said but she turned around and looked at me with an angry but curious look. I took the lead and continued.

"I was scared. All that was happening too fast. Me shifting here with you, me and him liking each other, having an affair, Harris trying to harass us. Everything was too much and I didn't want to lose you in all of that. I only had you here and you're my best friend."

"But you could have said anything when we talked, I gave you hints, I gave you the moment, C. You should have said something back then."

"You tried warning me, J. You said even if he likes me he will leave me surely sooner or later. Now, I get it you implied but trust me I was scared that you will not approve of our relationship. I was scared of losing my best friend. I didn't want to lose you then, not now. Please forgive us."

"What about you, broda? You were also scared?"

"Little, I was trying to figure out the things. There is something we need to talk about."

"I just can't believe you two." She turned around and was about to leave when I ran up to her and hugged my sister. That's right, ever since we met her she was my sister for whom I longed all my childhood and teen.

"You just can't leave your soul sister. You want me to break up with him. I will take a single breath but please don't leave me sissy." She wriggled in my arms while I could see pain and hurt in Chris's eyes from the corner of my eyes. For now, my priority is Jeanne. I will make him understand as I know she will never ask me for that, will she?

"Leave me, C"

"Forgive us both."

"Break up with him!!!" Her voice echoed in my ears, it felt like the earth was crashing down on me. I didn't mean when I said it, I never thought she would ask me to do that.

"You're kidding, right?"

"You told me you will if I ask to, so break up with him now." I was dumbstruck, I couldn't bring myself to say the words. I couldn't bring myself to break up with him.

"Let's break up." I don't know when the words left my mouth. As soon as they stumbled upon my tongue, I ran into my room and threw myself on the bed. I don't know if she forgives me or not. I don't know if he will ever take me back. I just broke up with and felt its pain in my heart like a bee stinging in my skin and increasing the pressure on his stung continuously.

I cried and cried. I just cried in my room for a lifetime. I cried for my stupidity for even suggesting it to Jeanne. I cried for losing Chris. I cried for hurting him and breaking his heart. I felt sorry for his pack, I don't know but I felt sorry for disappointing them. Now, I just want to leave this town with my parents and never come back.



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