The Crimson Fang
Chapter 24 - The New Age

There was a loud knock at the door. “Dimitri, open up!” Dimitri opened his eyes, wiping his eyes, trying to wake up. All he could feel was how cold it was, his body shaking as he tried to warm himself up. Most days were this way, ever since the Altros had claimed dominion over the world. “Dimitri!” “Da, da! I am coming!” He pulled himself out of the slab of wood that served as a bed, slowly making his way to the door. “What is the password?” “Shut up and open the bloody door! It’s Nigel! I have news that you need to hear!” Nigel was the leader of the local corpse of the Resistance. He had rescued Dimitri from an enslavement facility that the Altros operate, just outside of Moscow. Those who didn’t surrender to the Altros were thrown into these facilities, where they would be slaves, while they awaited what was referred to as “meal time.”

“God, you look like crap, mate.” Dimitri nodded, as he tipped back his energy drink. “Are you still having those dreams?” Another nod. “Who was it tonight?” Dimitri recalled his dream. “Ser Joseph.” “What happened in this one?” “He was sparring with his papa, Reinhardt. Miss Sakura and Miss Ami were watching. The Dark Lord himself showed up, interrupted the training session, and beheaded Ser Reinhardt.”

Dimitri had no idea why he had been dreaming about the people with the red eyes, but he had been having these dreams since before the Altros invaded. “They’ve been becoming more frequent the last little while, haven’t they?” He was right! Dimitri told Nigel, every time he had one of the dreams, but hadn’t noticed himself. “Da, now that you mention it, my friend. What exactly do you think that it could mean?” Nigel thought for a moment. “It may be nothing, old chap, but be sure not to dismiss it. I want you to start keeping a journal, recording when you have these dreams about the “red warriors,” and what happens in them.” “Is that an order, sir?” Nigel smiled and chuckled. “More of a suggestion, but yes. I order you to keep a dream journal. If you do not, then I shall have you thrown into chains!” The two of them laughed. “Sir, yes sir!”

The two were to be on guard duty today. They were standing on the walls, watching for Altros task forces. If one happened to appear, they were to try and free them, as all task forces were made up of slaves. If they were unable to free them, they were to prevent them from entering the compound, where they would place a device to summon their lords. “How are your English lessons coming on?” “They are, how you say, improvising?” “Improving, mate,” Nigel smiled. He had to admit, his friend’s English had improved greatly in the three months since he had been liberated. Nigel found himself impressed by how quickly Dimitri learned. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Did you see that?” Dimitri asked, breaking Nigel’s concentration. He quickly pulled up his scope, pointing out at a field nearby. There was a flash of movement, almost too fast to be seen. A nearby mountain almost seemed to be moving, as well. It must have been his imagination. He informed Nigel of what he saw, anyway. “What are playing at? There aren’t any mountains around here,” Nigel responded, vexed. The mountain began to move, consuming a nearby deer. “Sound the alarm! It is one of THEM!”

The mountain stood, in the open field near the compound. A rumbling voice was heard. “Any who stand against Gigantuthos shall fall!” The Altros giant began to lumber closer and closer to the compound. Nigel sounded the alarm, as Dimitri lined up a shot at the invader. As he was about to pull the trigger, the flash of movement reappeared, this time stopping in the field. “Nigel, it’s…” Dimitri’s dream replayed in his mind. He was looking down his scope, directly at… “It’s Ser Joseph!”

The Crimson Dragon stood in the open field, staring at Gigantuthos. “I told you, there is no escape, Noble scum!” the thunderous voice yelled. “What are you going on about? You’re the one who took off running, immediately after you said it!” The Altros High Lord charged with alarming speed, considering his size. Dimitri watched as the two clashed for hours, the audience growing as the battle went on. Gigantuthos merely regenerated the damage that he was receiving, and Joseph had been able to avoid damage, altogether. As the battle continued, the ground gradually warmed, causing the mountain’s movements to become slower. His voice rumbled, “Are you prepared to surrender to me?” Joseph smiled. “That depends; what happens to mud when you heat it?” “Are you seriously asking me this question?” Gigantuthos laughed. “It hardens, even if I wasn’t made of the earth, I would know that! It hardens, becoming like stone.” “Exactly, my imperceptive opponent. Would you mind looking down?” The giant Altros looked away from the smirking countenance on the Dragon’s face. His body was half stone!

The Resistance members who were watching looking on in amazement. The small figure moved in a completely flawless manner, as he remained nearly imperceptive to the eye, and struck the Mountain. “Are you certain that it is him?” Nigel asked his friend. Dimitri looked at him and nodded. “There is no doubt in my mind that it is him. I can even see the glowing red eyes.” “What about his blades?” “He hasn’t needed them, yet.” As if to respond to the “yet,” the Crimson Dragon’s blades materialized, glowing from the heat. “Any last words, Altros?” He said from his target’s shoulder. “Shall I say hello to your father?” His head hit the ground, causing a tremor, as his body formed into a real mountain.

The Resistance members didn’t know what to do, as they watched the Crimson Dragon approach them. “Who is in charge here?” His voice pierced the darkness of the fallen night. Nigel stepped forward, hiding his fear. Dimitri followed. Nigel called down from the wall, “Ser Joseph! I am Nigel Fairweather, and I am in charge of this compound! State your business!” The Dragon’s eyes lit up, and he went into a defensive stance, as soon as he heard his name. “How do you know who I am? Are you working for the Altros?” “Perhaps you should come inside, so that we may talk. Where it’s safe,” Nigel added.

Half an hour later, after Nigel has assigned new guards, the three of them were inside Dimitri’s house. “Now, will you kindly explain how it is that you know my name?” “I have seen you a great many times.” Joseph stared at Dimitri, confused. “I have been having dreams of you, as well as the other members of the Crimson Fang, since before the Dark Ones rose to power.” Dimitri began to tell Joseph about his dreams, how he had watched Ser Reinhardt and Lady Anna die, how he had practically stood there, watching the tournament, about everything.

“Perhaps you would know what these dreams mean, seeing as how you are a pivotal part of them?” Joseph looked deep in thought, as Nigel’s voice rang in, posing the question. He shook his head. “No, I have no idea. I’ve never heard of anything like it. It’s not the first thing that’s new to me, though. The only person I can go to for answers is Elder Simon. Are you able to come with me, human?” “It’s Dimitri. Where would we be going?” “To Crimsonia or what’s left of it. We need to go there to consult with Elder Simon and King Albert.” Dimitri turned to Nigel, a look of questioning on his face. “How long will this take, mate? We don’t exactly have a great deal of manpower. “I’m not sure, it depends how easy they are to find. I don’t even know if they’ll be willing to see me.” Nigel looked skeptical. “Well, I suppose we could spare him for a day. Tomorrow is his off duty day, anyway.” “Then I am yours, my friend, for a day, at any rate.” “Good. Come here then, and I have to warn you, this is going to feel…strange.” That was the first time Dimitri experienced Shadow-Walking.

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