The Curse of Thir
Chapter 19

A pair of warm hands latched onto Xylees top and pulled her backwards. She screamed in surprised and weaved about as quickly as possible in the water, hitting the owner of those hands squarely on the temple. There was a glug and Naveen sank down in surprise.

Of everybody in the palace, this princess Xylee viewed as spoilt, had to be the one to find her and now she was probably about to drown. She ducked down between the ripples of the commotion and reached for the princess pulling her up. She spluttered and coughed out some water.

“What are you doing? You can’t leave!”

Xylee was about to reply when the cold metal of the necklace began to tighten around her neck. She’d harmed Naveen, even though accidental, the necklace activated and carried out its duty. The chain lit up with the green fire that burnt wickedly even though it was surrounded by water and forced itself tighter around her neck, she squeaked in terror as she realised she was about to get what she wished for.

Naveen realised Xylee was being choked as soon as she saw the faint outline of green around Xylees neck. Grasping at the necklace she tried to remove it, when she realised she could not she tried to lessen it by slipping her fingers in between the neck and chain, but there was no space for her fingers as the necklace had begun cut into Xylees flesh.

“It was an accident you Elta-ant necklace.” Naveen shouted at the necklace pleading as if it would listen and stop Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Xylee stopped thrashing about and began to sink. Panicking Naveen grabbed the back of her shirt and began paddling backwards as fast as she could to the sandy shore and grassy embankment. All the while she shouted at the top of her lungs for help. Her heart hammered in fear as she realised Xylee had not moved at all and was merely a dead weight being dragged along. She reached the grass bank and heaved her only half out of the water, unable to find the strength to pull all of her weight. Looking down at Xylees neck she saw the blood trickle slowly down onto the grass.

“.. no... no... noo... please.....”

Her body did not move and no air reached her lungs, perhaps she had found the peace of death?

...Das ne yo berd ne.... Not your turn... yet.

Her eyes brimmed over with tears as she listened for a heart beat but found none. She dug her fingers between the necklace and Xylees neck; it came away easily enough but left a deep cut and slid limply to the side.

...Wahg endag stille volg, Wahg..... wait, one day silence will come. The cold words of a disembodied voice echoed in Xylees mind.

Grabbing Xylees’ lifeless shoulders she shook violently.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry.... so sorry... please wake up.... Please....” her tears streamed down.

....Wake my puppet, my little death bringer...

A cold blue light swam through Xylees body and jolted her awake, she breathed heavily through her injured neck and coughed up water, looking up she was surprised to see Naveen staring wide eyed at her, tears streaming out.

“ you’re awake....” The princess smiled, bent down and brushed her lips lightly on the top of Xylees head. “...sorry...” She felt perturbed at her own thoughtless little action but felt it could be ignored. “...please don’t run away... I’m so sorry Xylee, I should have... I should have known how you felt, I should have known that I was going about this the right way.”

Xylee sat up slowly and looked at Naveen with a bewildered expression on her face.

“I should have known why you acted like you didn’t care about anything Xylee. I’m a stupid princess I’m sorry.”

“What? Why are you crying?” Xylees voice was raspy. She coughed, more water came out.

“Because I nearly lost you.You’re not my pet, you’re not a slave, you’re not some plaything, I don’t own you no matter what anybody says and you are not going to be executed.”

“But... I heard them talk about it...” she shook her head confused at this sudden dialogue between herself and Naveen. “I don’t understand...?”

“I want you to be my friend Xylee and I want you to choose to be my friend on your own, but only if you want to.”

“But... friends... what? Is this really the time... to talk about ... friends?” She almost died and had no idea how she was alive.

Naveen smiled.

“Perhaps no, but I should have realised sooner and said this... I would like to be your friend Xylee, would you like to be mine?”

Xylee cocked her head to one side but did not reply. It felt a bit sudden and odd to have the princess ask something like this after a near death situation.

Naveens smile faltered a little but remained.

“You can answer later, you’ve just survived or came back, you must be confused... just please don’t try and run away again. I’d be deeply hurt if you died.”

“Why?” She was puzzled beyond belief and her neck hurt. Her ears twisted in the direction of the castle she could hear shouting through the walls.


The kings personal guardsmen burst through the door and streamed out looking for the princess.

“Well, I like you and I believe you’d be a wonderful friend to me if you wanted.” One of the guardsmen spotted Naveen and Xylee on the bank and sprinted for them.

“Stay behind me and don’t say a word.” She stood up and shouted for the charging troop of men to stop.

“Princess Naveen!” The one who had spotted them slowed down but continued to move forward. The rest of the men stopped.

“I am fine; we just had a little accident whilst swimming. Xylee got cut on something and I panicked that’s all. I shouldn’t have called out for help like that.”

“You swam in winter fully clothed Princess?”

“Please, Holton, I swear on the soil of Thir I am unharmed. Ask your man back please. Besides I thought it might be warmer to swim with clothes on.” She pouted in a childish manner in an attempt to seem daft an airy as they might expect a princess to be.

The single guardsman did not stop but continued forward.

“I said it’s alright, you need not come here. Holton, please call him off.” Naveen waved her hand gesturing the man to go back to his fellows, yet he continued forward. The light of the day had faded and the chill of the coming night caused Naveen to shiver with cold.

“Maybe you could go get us some towels?” He was closing in on the two girls. Something was odd about this man, Xylee noted blue veins in his eyes, she stood up and took a step to stand beside Naveen. The other guard Naveen had addressed as Holton walked forward calling his name and asking if the Princess was sure she was alright.

“I’m fine I swear.” She called back. “Maybe a little cold though.” She shivered and smiled.

The guard that edged forward was getting to close for Xylees comfort. Something about him was off, his movement jerky and unstable. Twitching as if fighting to hold himself back.

“Gavan! Get back here! The Princess is alright, so she says, but perhaps your manner makes her uncomfortable.” Holton, night guard, took a few paces forward, “I’ll tell Gelnane that you disobeyed direct orders from her if you don’t get back here right now.”

Neck hairs stood on edge as Xylee saw the blue in Gavans’ eyes spread and consume his irises’. As she stepped forward he gave an unholy cry and jumped for Naveen.

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