I step forward into…nothing. I look around the space, my wisps of power brushing against me as I assess the situation. Magic crackles around me, small specks of blue shining randomly here and there. Taking a step forward, approaching whatever I can sense in front of me with caution, I reach down for my blade but feel nothing.

I’m not sure how I did it, but I’m sure I’m in my little wolf’s mind space, just like she came into mine at Wolvorn Castle.

I continue forward, the blues around me appearing more often in a frantic motion the closer I get. A low growl suddenly echoes into the dark space and I pause, tilting my head as I consider the sound. Then I hear shuffling and I follow it, turning to keep the sound at my front as it circles me.

“Hello, wolf,” I say into the darkness, a smirk pulling at my lips. “You have been causing Rhea all sorts of problems, haven’t you?” Another low growl and I chuckle, unbothered as Drax’s ears perk up inside of me, intrigued by the sound. “With your reluctance to come out, you’re exhausting her, did you know that?” More movement, nails scraping the floor. “She can’t help anyone in this state. How do you expect her to get Kade when she can’t wield her power the way it should be?” A low whine echoes around me and the sound of movement halts.

Suddenly, blue sparks spread out in a wide arc, illuminating two piercing, ice-blue eyes in the distance in front of me. Rhea’s power spreads out, branching into strands as it creeps closer to me. I stand still, readying myself in case of an attack, yet they halt just before me. Not touching, just observing. Curious and almost scared.

I gently call my power and move it toward the blue, slowly, not to scare it. The black touches the blue and the strands vibrate at the contact. I suck in a breath, feeling the intensity of it myself.

Raw power touching raw power.

Our Heir powers are like no other, and gifted to no other. It’s the purest form of magic.

The blue strands flinch back, and another low whine comes from the wolf. Drax shifts inside of me and I clench my jaw, not liking the sound. My strands stay still, waiting for Rhea’s to come forward again, and they do. They wrap around each other, the blue tentatively at first, but eventually roam over the black mist like strands with eagerness. I blow out a deep breath at the feeling of contentment that runs through me, noticing that it oddly feels like the barrier that was once around Eridian.

I watch as they spin around each other, swirling together, almost like they are playing. The blue eyes in the distance lower, a low growl coming from her, but it’s not aggressive, no, it’s soft, almost like a purr. I smirk over at her.

“I will not hurt you,” I tell her, and her eyes sharpen. “Drax wouldn’t allow it.” He rumbles his agreement. “You feel him, don’t you.” Her head tips to the side. “Don’t you want to meet him properly? To run with him?” Her paw moves as she takes a tiny step forward. Drax stands tall within me, an eagerness washing over me for him. But the female wolf stops, hesitance filling her posture.

I’ll wait you out, wolf, just like I’ll wait for your keeper.

I watch our powers, moving and thriving with a mixed feeling of fascination and rightness when I feel a new presence enter the space.

I turn my head and look toward the new being as the power of Zahariss swishes off in the same direction. A hand appears when the glow of that power reaches for it, calling it. The blue stands wrap around the hand, almost in greeting, as the face of a woman who controls my every thought appears.

Rhea watches her power float around her palm, a small smile on her face as wiggles her fingers. I can’t look away from her beauty, from her delicate features that also haunt my nightmares from what I did at Wolvorn Castle. The same features that were twisted with pain as I stripped the flesh from her back at the command of Higher Charles, making her bleed all over that stone floor.

She looks so innocent playing with her magic, and I hate myself more for ever giving her an ounce of pain, for being partially responsible for taking her home away from her. A home she fought for with every strand of her soul.

I did that because I couldn’t refuse the command. I couldn’t let my men suffer over a traitor, no matter what she was to me.

If I could change that day, I would.

If I could go back and change ever agreeing to go into The Deadlands, I would.

No. No, I wouldn’t have changed that. Because to not have her, even as hateful as she is, is a crime higher than any other. But I should have pushed her more to talk to me in Eridian. I knew something wasn’t right, but I automatically thought she was the one doing something to her pack, thought she was harmful to them.

Rhea was just a pawn in the games of people in power through no fault of her own. Being an Heir of Zahariss marked a target on her back since the day she was born, and I have to wonder if I hadn’t had my own memories blocked, would my life have been similar to hers?

Would I have been trained to do unspeakable things to females like she was trained to let it happen, otherwise there would be consequences?

My upbringing was warm. I was a happy child. My mother and sister gave me all the affection I needed as a child, and my father, although cold, taught me everything I needed to know about being an Elite. As I grew older, the harder he was on me, and he didn’t have time for me anymore. Yet even he had ulterior motives as Elites were made to hunt Heirs. He was an accomplice in what happened to Rhea. He wasn’t a man I knew at all.

A small giggle has my hearing homing in on the sound. I haven’t heard it in so long, and a rush of…something flows over me. It starts in my chest and expands, until it runs down my arm to the center of my forearm. I want to hear more of that, I want to hear it daily, and I want to be the cause of it. Just like I also want to hear her cry out my name when I make her come on my cock. It’s a daily need.

The few times I’d fucked her during her heat and yesterday wasn’t enough, not nearly at all. Those weeks searching for her after she escaped Wolvorn Castle have always ended with my hand wrapped around my cock to the memory of me pounding into her, remembering her little moans and cries of pleasure. The way her body trembled and needed to be as close to me as possible.

I did that to her, me. And I’ll be the only one to do so.

She was mine the moment I locked eyes with her in The Deadlands, whether she likes it or not. I couldn’t give a fuck, the truth still stands.

She will only have pleasure from me in all forms. From my hands, my mouth, my cock, just like yesterday. Not even her own dainty fingers will get her off unless I allow it, and she will get her ass slapped for every time she comes by herself if I find out about it. The good thing for her is, no one else has touched her since she ran from me. I would know.

I placed my scent on her during her heat, that, I don’t even think she knows about, and she wouldn’t unless someone approached her with the intent of claiming her. That’s the only time when an Alpha is able to scent it, it lets them know she is claimed. Letting them know that if they want her, then they need to challenge me.

And no one will challenge the Alpha of the Elites.

Another laugh, this one more lighthearted and I’ve had enough of hiding in the shadows.

I stalk toward her, noticing her wolf has also backed away into the darkness. Rhea’s gaze is too focused on her power to see me coming until I’m right in front of her. “Little wolf,” I murmur, and I know my voice is a low husky tone by the way goosebumps pepper her skin. Her head snaps up and her eyes widen in my presence. I let loose a smirk and grab her chin, keeping her where I want her. “Looks like I’m in your mind this time.”

“What?” She tries to look around but my hold won’t let her. “We’re inside…me?”

“I’m about to be inside of you,” I growl low and slam my mouth down onto hers, unable to keep this sudden need away. Not after hearing the innocent happiness coming from her.

She squeaks in surprise, her hands clawing at my grip on her chin. I don’t relent, I don’t let up. I can’t hold back anymore. I use my free hand to glide up her back, up to her nape and take a fist full of her hair, sharply pulling her head back. She gasps into my mouth, and I don’t waste the opportunity.

My tongue dives in. Tasting, stroking, fucking owning as she whimpers against me. I pull her closer to me, letting her feel just how hard I am for her and she arches into me, rubbing her stomach against my covered cock. It’s not enough, it’s never enough.

I release her mouth and look down at her. Her pretty eyes are glazed, her cheeks rosy and breathing erratic. Letting me know just how turned-on she is. I lick my lips, wanting to taste her again on my tongue, and that’s exactly what I’ll do.

I lower her to the floor, not too gently in my haste and she growls when her back slams against the ground. “Darius, what the fuck are you doing?” she breathes, her eyes taking me in as I lower myself on top of her. Her body deceives the anger in her voice. I smell her arousal.

I grip the sides of her shorts and yank them down. “Eating you,” I murmur in a low tone, taking in the wet patch I can see on her panties. I growl, leaning forward and licking over it, having a small taste of her, but I need more. More, more, more, more.

I roughly spread her legs wider, needing to be able to get closer. A moan comes for her, and then a hand is in my hair, gripping it hard. My eyes blaze as I look up at her, my impatience wearing me thin. “You can’t just, you know,” she breathes, her chest rising and falling with harsh breaths as she looks down at herself. The innocence of her voice as she can’t even say aloud what I’m about to do, unfurls something feral in me.

One day, she will ask me for exactly what she wants. And I will give it all to her.

“Can’t what?” I tilt my head, my hands squeezing her hips. “Taste you?” Her pupils blow wide and I chuckle. “I want to taste you all the time. I want inside of you all the time. So I will have you, at any time.” I lean down and breathe in her scent, a rumble coming from me. “But, little wolf,” I murmur over her panties, and she sucks in a sharp breath. “I’m going to do more than just taste you.” I grip the sides of her panties, ripping them down the center and I waste no time.

I dive onto her perfect, little pink pussy, my tongue going straight to the source of her arousal. She may seem to think she hates me, but there is no denying her body craves being near mine.

I groan at the first taste of her, and she lets out a long, low moan at the feel of me. I lick her entrance, letting my tongue dip inside of her, gathering as much as I can. Collecting what I’m doing to her on my tongue. She wiggles beneath me, and I tighten my hold on her hips. I move further up and circle her clit, teasing until I keep a steady rhythm. I suck, lick, bite at her, claiming it as mine and only mine. My growls echo around us and I grip her more tightly, feeling her start to shake and I know she’s close. I bring a hand up between her thighs and shove two fingers into her roughly, just the way she likes it and start fucking her with them. She whimpers, breathing heavily as her hand in my hair tightens, her hips rolling, fucking herself on my fingers.

“Look at you, little wolf,” I murmur against her, my cock leaking to be inside of her. “Fucking yourself on my fingers again, dripping down my hand.”

“Darius,” she moans, her back arching. Hearing my name from her lips makes me feral. “So…close,” she pants, and I twist my fingers inside of her, aiming for the sweet spot and suck her clit. She shatters. The sounds of her moans, the shake in her legs, her cum coating my tongue, I can’t hold back. I pull my fingers out of her, looking at her blissed out face for a second and then grab her waist, flipping her onto her stomach.

That takes her out of her haze though.

She growls, her foot coming out and connecting with my side. I grunt, snarling at the back of her head. I go to reach for her, but she turns over, planting a foot on my chest and pushes, blue strands of power coming out of her foot to help with the force and I’m shoved back. She scrambles to her feet and I stand too, raising a brow at her.

“Want to play, little wolf?”

She shakes her head, eyes wary, cheeks flushed. “You’re not fucking me, Darius, I don’t even like you.”

I lick my lips, looking at her flushed face. My eyes dip down to her naked pussy. “I can taste you on my tongue, and we fucked yesterday, you like me just fine.”

“My body may react to you, you know I have no control over that, just as much as you don’t with me, but that doesn’t mean I like you.” Her eyes harden, something shifts within me “You have done too much.” I hold back the flinch at the reminder, my face a mask of indifference. “You let them take my pack, you let them into my home. You destroyed our way of life!”

“Well I am Cazier’s Heir, he was the destroyer after all.” And I know it well, looking into her eyes.

“That’s all you have to say?” she demands, her tiny hands balling into fists at her side. “You’re not even sorry, are you?”

“Sorry?” I scoff, and then grind my teeth. She has no idea how much my regret runs deep.

“Yes, Darius. Sorry.” She throws her hands up, and I can’t help it. The look of anger on her face makes me even harder, makes my need for her more potent and to douse those flames sparking in her eyes. To make them fill with need. Need for me.

I stalk toward her, my power reaching for her. She counters, throwing up her hands and her magic comes forth, colliding with mine in a tangle of will and strength. I move through the strands, moving my hands out to create a clear path to her. She brings her hands forward, trying to push them together to have her power close in on either side of me, but she hasn’t realized she has already lost.

I have control of my power, she doesn’t. I slash both hands out at my side and her power sails through the area away from me before dispersing. She watches it turn into nothing, her eyes wide, chest heaving but I’m already on her. I grab her by the throat, hauling her to me as she brings her fist up, hitting me straight in the nose. I growl down at her, baring my teeth as she digs her fingers into my wrists, drawing blood.

She freezes at that, and I watch the small trail of red run down my arm and smile at her. It’s not friendly. “That wasn’t very nice now, was it?” She kicks my left side at the thigh, using her power to cause more damage and I use mine to drag her to the floor. I kneel in front of her and once again flip her on her stomach. She growls and snarls beneath me, small strands of power fighting with my own to release her. But there is nowhere for her to go.

She’s trapped in my grasp, and I won’t wait any longer. I pull her hips up and bite the top of her ass. She squeals, trying to move away from my touch as I let out a low chuckle, biting the other and then licking the mark. I shove a finger inside of her, her pussy clamping down around it and I lick her from ass to clit. She gasps and struggles in my grip, but she’s in my possession to do what the fuck I want.

I unbutton my pants, releasing my aching cock. I moan when I wrap my hand around it, squeezing the base as I continue to move my finger inside of her, licking at her. My power keeps her on the floor, holding her still. She quivers beneath me, choked moans coming from her as her power still tries to fight with mine.

Not for long.

I pull back and press my hand to the back of her head and push down. Just as it touches the floor beneath my palm, I pull my finger out to drive forward with my cock, not stopping until I’m balls deep in the tightest pussy known to any male. I groan at her walls clamping down on me, pausing for a moment to savor the feeling of her wrapping around me again. Then I pull my hips back before driving forward in a brutal thrust. Her muffled scream makes me growl in approval. My fingers grip her hair tighter while keeping her head down to the ground, my hips moving faster as I slam into her again and again. She moans louder for me, her fingers clawing at the floor as more wetness coats my cock.

“Fuuuuck,” I pant, my head tipping back at the feel of her. “Your pussy was made for me, Rhea, don’t you know that by now?” She makes a noise low in her throat as she flutters around me. “This is where you’re meant to be. Taking my cock in this tight pussy of yours and moaning my name.” I lean over her back and bring my free hand to her lips. “Suck.” She obeys immediately, too far gone to do anything else as she takes my fingers into her mouth, getting them nice and wet. She sucks my fingers like I want her to suck my cock, and the thought has me pressing them to the back of her throat, stroking over her tongue. She gags, a tear leaking from her eye and I’ve never seen anything more beautiful. “Good girl,” I rumble, stroking my thumb over her cheek before I withdraw my fingers from her mouth.

I lean back up, still driving into her in long, hard strokes and I look down as I bring my wet fingers to her ass. I circle the flesh there, rubbing and gently probing as her choked gasp reaches my ears.

“Darius,” she moans, hesitance clear in her tone.

“This hasn’t been taken before, has it?” I ask, my eyes watching as my fingers continue. She makes an affirmative sound that has my balls drawing up. “One day, I will take you here, fully, and that will be something else that is only mine. Just like I’m the first to have my fingers inside of you, I’m the first to taste you, I’m the first to satisfy you.” I let go of her hair and bring my hand up to grab one ass cheek, pulling it to the side as I watch myself shove a finger all the way inside of her. She groans, a mix of pain and pleasure, but I don’t stop, moving my finger back and forth through the ring of muscle, adding another one. My eyes roll into the back of my head as she squeezes me impossibly tighter, a long groan spilling from me.

“Oh, Gods,” Rhea whimpers, rocking her hips back to meet my thrusts and I grit my teeth, holding back the urge to come. She feels too fucking good.

I pick up speed, feeling her clench around my cock as I reach the end of her. The sound of just how wet she is echoing with each slap of our skin has me growling in appreciation, knowing I did that to her. Only me.

“You ready to come, little wolf?” I grunt, and she nods her head frantically, her small, little breathless moans an aphrodisiac to my ears, but now I want to hear her scream.

I take my fingers out of her ass and grab her by the hair again. I pull her back, so she’s flat against my chest, and push a clean finger into her pussy alongside my cock, her arousal making it slide in. It’s so fucking tight. I pound into her with a brutal pace. Her hand comes up, gripping my hair as she clamps down around me, throwing her head back in a scream as she comes. Just like I fucking wanted her to. I remove my finger and grab her hips, the hold bruising as I slam into her. I growl into her shoulder, licking at her skin before biting down in the exact same place as the last time, as I spill my release inside of her, groaning at the thought of it being where it belongs.

Rhea slumps back against me, her body shaking in the aftermath of her orgasm and I hold her there, slowly moving my cock back and forth inside of her to make sure she gets every last fucking drop. She moans lightly, probably sore, but the thought makes me bite her shoulder harder, knowing she will feel me there every time she moves. Again, just like I wanted.

She whimpers as my teeth dig deeper, and I rub her throat before I release her neck once all my cum has coated her insides. I push her back to the floor gently, and she goes down without a fight. A satisfied, rumbled purr comes from my chest that I did that to her, sated her. Turning her on her back, I pull her legs apart and watch my come trickle out of her. I didn’t get this view yesterday.

I move my eyes up her body, looking into my fully satisfied, little wolf’s eyes, and I bring my hand to her abused pussy. I collect my cum, circling it around her before I shove it back inside of her. I watch as she winces, yet her eyes heat. I rub my fingers around her insides, making sure it’s embedded into her, staying there. Always with her.

The last time I saw my cum leaking out of her this closely was in her cave. The possession I felt for her at that moment wasn’t acceptable. The need to keep her, the need to be inside of her a constant threat to my sanity. So I left, said vile things and tried not to destroy the forest around her home in my anger at what she made me feel.

I don’t feel anything like that, ever.

But I always do with her. She’s not just a hole to empty my cum into. I know that now, I even knew it then. She’s more than what I ever wanted, because I didn’t want it. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

We also can’t refuse what we are though.

If we do, I suspect we will end up like the old Gods. Going mad, always craving, never quenching our thirst. We can’t jeopardize what we are trying to do because she’s stubborn and I can’t apologize to her.

I don’t even know how to begin. My back twinges at the thought.

But she’s mine. The Gods themselves chose, and you don’t go against a God.

Not for this.

Never for this.

And I don’t even want to anymore.

Since the moment I stared into her pretty, ice-blue eyes, everything shifted inside of me, and I can’t let that go.

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