The Defiant Claim - The Claim: Book 2 [LGBTQ+]
Chapter 36 - Mik - Feeling HOT HOT HOT

Blood rushed to the surface of Sam’s cheeks with more heat as his lips unfurled in a shy smile.

Sliding his hand behind Sam’s head, Mik coaxed him closer to brush his lips against Sam’s. He didn’t deserve this male but he wanted this male. Needed this male. Would die for this male.

He kissed Sam softly, savoring the gentle caresses of his lips as his chest burned for this male. “I want you...” he uttered, his voice rumbling from his chest, “but not until you’re stronger.”

A whimper of need emitted from Sam. Power surged to Mik’s cock at the sound of it, drawing forth a groan as Sam reached up and wrapped his hand around Mik’s nape, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss.

More. The need for more built up as an ache gripped him like a tight fist around his balls.

Momentarily breaking the connection, Mik grabbed Sam’s hips and guided him to straddle his lap. Sam’s arms wrapped around his neck as he leaned into Mik and grasped his lips, burning up with desire. His hot mouth devoured with a hunger that mounted in intensity. His scent dripped with a syrupy sweetness that clouded Mik’s mind. Instinct and lust increased as Sam began to gently rock his hips. Through their clothing, Mik could feel Sam’s little head, hard and erect, rubbing against his own. Mik’s canines descended, nipping at Sam’s bottom lip and drawing forth a moan. Sam was sweating. Panting with exertion he wasn’t used to exerting as he grasped for Mik’s lips, kissing him harder and riding Mik to the point of nearly making him cum in his pants.

Collapsing, he pressed his forehead to Mik’s, both of them breathing hard and their cocks aching to cum. Mik’s body trembled, fighting against the urge to sink his teeth into the soft flesh between Sam’s neck and collarbone and claim him as his.

“Dammit. I’m so hot and tired and horny,” Sam uttered between pants.

An idea struck Mik. He pressed his lips to Sam’s temple. “Wait here.”

As Mik tore himself away, Sam groaned in frustration. Going into the bathroom, Mik put the plug in the tub and turned the faucets on.

“Hey!” Sam protested from beyond the ajar door.

“Wait,” Mik hollered back, putting the lid of the toilet down before emerging and going to the linens closet. “Valentine’s Day present number two,” he asserted as he grabbed two towels.

“I’m too tired for a shower,” Sam complained.

“Nah, nah, nah. A bath. For two.”

Mik set the towels on the toilet, checked the water’s temperature and grabbed the oil lamp as he flicked the lights of the cabin on.

Sam hummed in approval. “A bath together sounds nice.”

Bringing the oil lamp into the bathroom, Mik turned the lights off and dimmed the wick. He checked the temperature of the water again and adjusted it before returning to Sam and helping him out of his sweaty clothes.

His skin was fiery hot to the touch. Sam looked up at him with hooded eyes, biting his bottom lip and making Mik’s balls clench.

Lifting Sam up into his arms, he carried him into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Sam stole a kiss before Mik set his feet in the bathwater.

“It’s too hot.”

Mik helped to support him standing there as he reached for the faucet to reduce the heat. Turning back to him, he supported him as he stood in the water, kissing Sam’s lips hungrily as his nectar-sweet scent filled the tiny space. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

A few seconds later, Mik pulled away. “Is the temperature okay now?”


Mik helped to set him down in the water before he turned it off.

Staring up at him, Sam watched him undress, his teeth raking over his lip as Mik pulled his T-shirt off. Mik caught sight of his reflection in the mirror. His thick, bulky muscles were gone. He was leaner, his chest still wide, but much of his muscles were gone without the rigorous exercising required every day to maintain that physique.

“Not much to look at now, am I?” he joked as he turned back to Sam and unhooked the button of his jeans.

Sam was still gaping at him, his face growing redder. “Still... hot.”

Mik’s eyebrows rose up before lowering and a smirk tugged on his lips. “You think so?” He let gravity pull his pants down as Sam mashed his lips together. His cheeks darkened another shade.


He was staring. Staring at his hard-on straining in his now super-tight briefs. Mik stuck his thumbs in his waistband and teased the rim as Sam groaned, his patience waning. Chuckling, Mik pulled the material down a little to expose the head of his cock.

Sam growled in wanting. “Hurry up.”

Mik laughed at his boldness. “Hungry, my male?”

“Yes,” Sam hissed through gritted teeth.

Pulling his cock out, Mik stroked the length of himself, drawing another low growl from Sam. Where was this coming from? Removing the underwear completely, Mik stepped to the edge of the tub and helped Sam to sit up. “I’m coming in and you’re going to lean against me.”

Slipping in behind him, the coolness of the water surprised him. But at the touch of Sam’s body, he could see why. He was still burning up.

“Are you okay?” he asked as Sam settled against him, his ass cheeks cupping Mik’s hardened length between them.

Sam hummed. His chest glistened with water droplets in the lamplight as Mik gazed down from over Sam’s shoulder. He kissed his neck, his canines still out and teasing the soft tender flesh.

“Can I touch you?” He swallowed, nerves bunching together and twisting into knots.

“Yeah,” Sam uttered in a breathy whisper.

Kissing Sam’s neck again, Mik allowed his hands to first glide up and down Sam’s arms, feeling the water droplets tickle as they trickled down.

Sam sucked in a breath when Mik ventured to his breasts—little bumps like a prepubescent female. A little moan of pleasure greeted Mik’s ears as his fingers brushed gently over the little hardening points, encouraging him onward.

Sucking in a breath through his mouth, Sam mirrored him as his fingers circled the little tips, teasing them the way he would a female. Sam moaned, encouraging him to continue as Mik gently began to caress them and massage them as he kissed Sam’s shoulder.

Sam’s little head down below bobbed against the surface of the water as Sam grew restless. His hips began to buck with a need for more while generating friction on Mik’s aching cock. Visions of pushing himself inside Sam filled his mind, but he shoved them aside. He couldn’t do that yet. Sam had to get strong first.

Slowly sliding his hands down Sam’s smooth chest, he paused at his hips and brushed his lips against Sam’s ear. “Can I touch you?”

Sam whimpered, swallowed, and nodded his head. “Yeah.”

“I’ve never touched a male before,” he reminded Sam, “so if you don’t like what I’m doing or if it doesn’t feel good, tell me to stop, okay?”

“Okay,” Sam croaked, his breathing becoming shallow and fast.

Even in the cool water, Sam’s flesh was hot as Mik slid his hands over Sam’s hips and down to cup his small assets.

Sam moaned and bucked his hips again, his balls and cock seeking stimulation from the palm of his hand.

Mik’s hand was larger than his balls and erect cock combined. He didn’t know how to hold him. Anxiety began to gnaw at him as he fumbled around with them.

“Like this.” Taking Mik’s hand, Sam wrapped it around the length that was as big as his thumb. His breathing grew more shallow as Mik gently pumped him up and down. The water sloshed around them with his movements as Sam leaned back, moaning and panting until milky fluid burst forth.

Mik kissed his neck as Sam shuddered before his body and muscles relaxed. Embracing Sam’s torso, he held him as Sam caught his breath.

“It’s so much better with your touch,” Sam admitted with a sigh.

Mik couldn’t help grinning into Sam’s shoulder. Pride puffed his chest. He nuzzled his nose in Sam’s wet hair. “Good. I’m glad.”

“What about you?”

Mik shifted Sam on his lap. His cock slid effortlessly between his ass cheeks but he also felt choked with Sam’s weight on him. Reaching down, he adjusted himself and slid his cock between Sam’s legs. The friction felt good but at the same time he thrust his hips, the water splashed around them and then he’d have another mess to clean up in addition to the dishes.

He heaved a sigh of defeat. “Later, I guess.”

“I want to make you cum too,” Sam whispered, a note of shyness in his voice.

Mik pressed his lips to Sam’s shoulder. “Not here.”

Whimpering, Sam tried to turn over but didn’t have the strength. “Ugh. My body is so useless.”

Mik’s lips curved up in a grin. He knew part of that feeling wasn’t simply due to his weakened state. He kissed Sam’s neck and shoulder, pulling the tender hot flesh in his mouth and teasing it with his teeth. Sam groaned before Mik released him and reached down to adjust himself between Sam’s ass cheeks again. His fingers brushed against Sam’s asshole.

The thought of fucking Sam in the ass would have repulsed him months ago, but things were different now. Sam was his and he wanted him and he wanted to make him feel good in every way possible. And if he was going to explore his asshole, he was going to ensure it was clean first. What better way than to do that now in the bath?

Sam tensed as Mik touched the puckered opening.

Mik shushed him to try and soothe his anxiety away. “I’m not going to do anything. I’m just exploring. But if you want me to stop, I will.”

“I-It’s okay, you... you just caught me by surprise... and that it feels nice.”

“Nice?” Mik pressed a smile to Sam’s shoulder.


“Only nice?”

Mik saw the redness rush up Sam’s already hot face and neck.

“It’s unexpected,” was all Sam would say.

Mik continued to run the pad of his index finger around the puckered hole slowly. Sam’s breathing grew shallow again and he whimpered his name.

“What do you want?” Mik coaxed, pressing his finger gently to the tight opening.

Sam whimpered again, bucking his hips to make Mik’s finger press harder to the opening.

“Tell me,” Mik asserted.

“It feels good but... more... need more.”

“Like this?” Mik pressed his finger to the hole and gently stroked it up and down until the hole opened little by little to let him venture inside.

Sam moaned. “Yeah...”

Mik pressed a kiss to Sam’s shoulder as the tip of his finger slid inside. Little noises of pleasure continued to emit from Sam as Mik pushed himself a little deeper and pulled back out a bit, but not all the way, working the opening slowly until Sam started writhing and demanding he go deeper.

Threads of anxiety coiled around Mik as he began to shiver. His back was cold but his front was hot. Heat continued to pour off Sam as his demands grew, his body trembling, his hands reaching out to grip the edge of the tub.

“Do you want more or is this enough for today?” Mik asked, pulling his finger out a little and sliding it back in halfway.

Sam moaned. “More. I need more.”

Mik gave him more and Sam rewarded him with a long low moan. Sliding his finger back in and out until he’d gone as far as he could and Sam’s demands increased.


His breathing grew more shallow until he was panting and bucking his hips.


Mik’s canines had descended again as Sam neared another orgasm. His body shaking and moving in unison with the thrusts of Mik’s finger pushing in and pulling out. The heat and syrupy sweetness poured from Sam’s pores, surrounding Mik in a haze of primal desire as Sam’s muscles clenched around him. His pants echoed that of a female on the verge of cumming. His world coming undone at the touch of his mate.

Mik pulled away from Sam’s neck, arching his back and clenching his teeth together as Sam reached his climax with a strangled cry of euphoria and firing more milky fluid into the water before falling limp on Mik’s chest.

Stilling, Mik continued to hold himself away, the urge to mark Sam too great until the heat and sweetness of Sam’s body dissipated.

But it didn’t.

Minutes passed before Sam stirred. “Mik...”

“Yeah?” Mik’s voice was the growl of a male wanting to take what was his.

Sam melted at his tone, but there was a hint of fear in his voice. “Something’s... off... Something’s... wrong.”

Mik’s canines retracted as he stiffened. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

“No, no, it was amazing but...”


“I feel... weird... I’m so hot and I can feel you shivering. Your skin is cold against mine...”

“Are you ill? Should I call Dr. Waaban?”

“I don’t know... maybe?”

“I’ll call him,” Mik asserted and helped Sam to sit up.

“Fuck, it’s so hot,” he whined.

Sam was swearing... something was definitely wrong.

“Let me help you up and get you to bed,” Mik said but Sam shook his head.

“No, leave me here with more cold water. It’s so hot.”

Fear began to nibble at Mik as he jumped out of the lukewarm water and helped Sam lie back before adding more cold water.

“That feels better,” Sam said with a sigh as Mik hurried to dry himself.

Wrapping the towel around his waist, he exited the bathroom to grab some clean underwear and Sam’s phone. While the phone rang, he returned to the bathroom to turn off the cold water.

“Hello? Sam?” the doctor answered.

“Dr. Waaban, it’s Mik. Um...” he ran his hand through his dripping wet hair. “Sam’s not feeling well, do you mind coming over to check him out?”

“What seems to be the problem? He was fine a couple of hours ago.”

“He’s hot. Like, skin burning up kind of hot.”

“Oh, he has a fever?”

“Worse,” Sam muttered, listening in on the call.

“He said it’s worse,” Mik reported.

“Okay, I’m on my way. Put him in a bath of cold water for now.”

“Already done.”

“Alright. Keep him comfortable there until I come and give him some cold water to drink.”

“Will do. Thank you.”

Mik hung up and rushed to the kitchen to fetch Sam a glass of water. When he returned, he helped Sam to sit up and Sam whined when he left the water, complaining again about being hot. After Sam gulped down the entire glass, Mik tugged some clothes on and turned on the bathroom light. He paced around, not knowing what to do while Sam began to moan in discomfort until Mik added more cold water to the tub.

“No, no, no, I don’t want to get sick,” Sam complained. “This was the most perfect Valentine’s Day ever and I’m ruining it.”

Mik sat next to the tub, touching Sam’s head and caressing his hot, flushed cheeks and shushing him about such nonsense.

Fifteen agonizing minutes later, the doctor knocked on the door and Mik dashed to answer it.

“How’s he doing?” Dr. Waaban asked as he took his coat and boots off.

“Worse. He’s just burning up. I keep having to add more cold water.”

Dr. Waaban sniffed the air, his brows furrowing as he strode across the space to the bathroom on the other side of the cabin.

He pushed the door open and peered inside at Sam, his eyes widening. “How in Goddess’ name is this possible?”

“What?” Sam and Mik asked in unison.

The doctor tore his eyes away from Sam to Mik, pinching his nose as his pupils slowly began to dilate.

“He’s in heat!”

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