The Demon Prince's Possession
Chapter 6 – The Angel Within


I woke up today feeling anew.

Today, I would stop dwelling on the past – even though I had no idea what it was – and focus on the present.

If I remembered, then I remembered; I couldn’t force it, just like Calcus had said, I could end up in much more pain or worse…

I quietly climbed out of bed upon seeing Cerberus softly snoring on the loveseat sofa. It was strange that he hadn’t woken yet; he was usually up at the crack of dawn. He clearly needed the rest.

Once in the bathroom, I locked the door behind me, headed towards the shower and turned on the smallish tap like Cerberus had before. I stripped, relishing in the warmth of the water batting my skin.

Luckily, I remembered to bring spare clothes with me this time, so I changed into a long-sleeved, loose-fitting white top and tight black leather pants. I pulled on the knee-high boots Grace had given me before tying my black hair into a high ponytail and exiting the bathroom.

Cerberus had just woken; his hand swept over his face as a tired yawn exited his lips. He was sitting, elbows resting on his knees, as his head slowly tilted my way.

I wanted to keep calm; I needed to show him that I wasn’t afraid.

Not that I was afraid of him; it was more of his effect on me that made me skittish.

Standing confidently, with my hands on my hips, I spoke, “Get dressed, you’re taking me out!”

He cocked his eyebrow to the side as his blackened eyes stared at me in disbelief.

“I have been cooped up in this palace for days. I need to get back to whatever is considered normalcy unless you want me trying to remember facts of my past and potentially die in the process,” I smirked condescendingly.

He stared at me with an emotionless, uncaring expression.

I sighed, allowing my shoulders to sag dramatically.

“Since I woke up, you have been the one person who has protected me and cared for me. I don’t know anyone else; the only other would be Grace, and I don’t think your mother, the Queen, has time to entertain me for the day,” I pouted.

He soon answered with a dissatisfied growl before heading towards the bathroom.

I internally celebrated my triumphant success before heading towards the kitchen.

I was just finishing my breakfast when Cerberus walked in; he wore a deep-black shirt, black combat trousers, and a long black trench coat with the sleeves ruffled up towards his elbows.

“I am only going so you don’t get yourself hurt. If my Angel senses any sort of distress, he has an annoying habit of taking control,” he deadpanned.

I smiled back, not letting his negative demeanour win, and tugged him along with me until we reached the gates.

“So,” I faced him, “Where to?”

“You wanted to go out, and you’re asking me where to go?”

“No memories, remember,” I pointed to my head.

He looked into the distance for a while, contemplating where to take me until a smirk overtook his dull expression.

“What?” I said wearily. That smile was definitely not an innocent one.

“I know exactly where to go,” he said before magnificent silver wings sprouted behind him.

They were exquisite and tempting to touch, yet you could see the deadly edge of each individual feather if you looked close enough.

I went to reach out, not really sure what I was doing, until he grabbed my wrist in a vice. His eyes stared down at me for a split second; I could have sworn I saw his gold rims reappear until I was swept off my feet and taken to the sky.

I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck as he held me bridal style. I was too amazed to speak as I peered down at the Kingdom’s vast expanse; I watched as blurred dots of moving silhouettes scurried metres below us.

His wings were just as enthralling when in motion. They were huge; the length of my body was just about the span of one wing.

With internal protest, Cerberus descended to the ground. He landed in a place that was nothing like I had expected him to take me. The surrounding buildings were grubby, grey, and crumbling. The putrid smell of alcohol, vomit and faeces almost made me gag.

People of all species were around; some collapsed on the ground’s narrow paths, empty bottles of alcohol littered the street, and barely dressed women stood on corners, some leaving their top halves completely unconfined.

I turned to Cerberus, using my sleeve as a sort of mask from the rancid smell.

“I wasn’t expecting this,” I replied bitterly.

A drunken man stumbled past me, almost falling into me on his way. I automatically took a step to the side, causing me to collide with Cerberus’s side.

“This is party central. I thought you would want a little… entertainment. Like you said, you were bored.”

I knew what he was doing. He wanted to deter me from leaving the palace by showing me the most run-down, dirtiest place in the Kingdom. But I wasn’t going to fall for it.

“Fine, let’s have a drink. If this is party central, we might as well have a good time.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I walked towards the closest tavern; a large sign on the front said the words ‘Moonshine’.

I cautiously stepped over a fallen drunk on my way to the doors. It took almost everything in me not to release the contents of my stomach, but my need to hurl was instantly quashed the moment I saw the peeved look on Cerberus’ face.

I was winning.

He wasn’t about to scare me that easily.

As I was about to push through the doors, a hand pulled me back with force by my waist, and I was propelled into the sky again.

“What are you playing at?” he growled, his wings beating against the soft winds.

“I wanted to explore,” I said innocently.

He scoffed before landing somewhere in the middle of the green, a few miles from the grim scene of ’Party Central’.

As he landed, I took the opportunity to move a few paces ahead of him. Turning around, he had a beaten look on his face.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, completely taken off guard by his bizarre reaction.

“You!” he took a long stride towards me, “You are my problem,” then another until I was backed up against a tree.

His large frame shielded me in, un-allowing escape.

“What are you talking about?” I spoke a little too quietly.

He stared down at me for a moment before walking away from me. Ruffling his hand harshly through his hair, he released a breath.

This man, this enigma, was a complete mystery to me. I somewhat selfishly liked the effect I had on him; knowing I could help him gave me a purpose, something to distract me from my stolen memories.

As I was about to speak, I heard a light whimper sound. I looked around, trying to distinguish where the sound was coming from. I walked until the cries became louder.

I peered behind a bush, seeing a little boy with messy brown curls holding his legs tightly towards his chest and his face buried deep into his knees.

I crouched, reaching out to the little boy. He looked up, eyes puffy from tears, and he instantly relaxed.

“What’s the matter?” I asked softly, not wanting to spook the child.

“I was playing hide and seek with Jessy and Tony. I think I wandered too far. I can’t find my way home…”

“Come, it’s freezing out here; you’ll catch a cold,” I said comfortingly.

I helped the boys to a stand, but he instantly tensed at something behind me.

I followed his line of sight, seeing Cerberus standing a few steps behind me. His neutral gaze locked upon the boy, but to those who don’t know Cerberus, that look could scare the fiercest fighter into submission, let alone a child. That and his intimidating silver wings were standing tall and menacing.

“You’re scaring him,” I hissed, holding the boy close as he wrapped his arms around my thighs.

“What are you doing?”

“He’s lost, I’m taking him home,” I affirmed.

“You don’t even know where he lives,” he sighed.

I looked down at the boy, “What’s your name sweet?”

He peeled his horrified gaze from Cerberus and towards me, “Joey,” he replied.

“Where do you live, Joey?”

“I live in an orphanage,” he replied.

After a few seconds of silence, Cerberus sighed defeatedly, “I know where it is.”

“Lead the way,” I said as I began to walk with Joey’s hand tightly attached to mine, “And put those away, will you? You’ll scare him half to death,” I whispered the last part, insinuating his wings.

“You’re going the wrong way,” Cerberus huffed, agitated, then began walking in what seemed to be the right direction.


This woman was starting to grate on my nerves. I didn’t have patience, not my Demon half anyway. I wanted to scare her, hoping she would take the bait from the worst place in the Kingdom. Yet she surprised me yet again.

I could feel my Angel surface when he saw her almost enter the run-down tavern, so I had to stop her; otherwise, he would take back control, and I couldn’t have that.

“How do you know where it is?” Allegra asked as she and Joey caught up to me.

“I just do,” I replied sourly.

I didn’t ever want to see this place again; the place this boy needed to be just happened to be the place where I met her.


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