The Demon's Claim [House of Arcane #2]
Chapter 2: The Location

Logan O’Sullivan’s POV

I was sipping on the tea that was being served to me by the maids of this mansion. The mansion that was supposed to hold my fiancée, Nora McCarthy but unfortunately, she was way in Dublin, trying to get away from meeting me.

And I was not happy about that as well as my father.

But I came to an agreement that I will come back and bring good news to my future in-laws to learn that I have tracked my runaway fiancée. And I was intending to confront her later on.

‘So, are you saying that Nora has been found? I thought she was—‘

‘She wanted to throw you off that’s why she bought tickets to French Polynesia. It was supposed to be a cover for you to get to her, sir,’ I said as I was looking at my future father in-law before he turned to look at my father.

‘Is this true? Are you sure about this, mate?’ he asked my father before my father agreed with me. I know that he will because he was my follower reincarnated back in the day when I was still the Lord of the Underworld.

I still was only in different body.

‘Now, what do you wish to tell me, Logan? I thought you have something important to say to me?’ the man asked as I was smiling at him. I put down my tea cup before I was looking at my father. He took out the files that contained all about Nora’s information.

‘I have found where she was and I was hoping that you would let me meet her and explain everything that we have discussed so far. I am sure Nora would see the reason behind our union if she did not want her family to suffer,’ I said as I was looking at the man and his wife. Nora’s father and mother were holding their hands tightly against each other.

Mortals, such a fragile things with emotions.

‘As you wish, Logan,’ he said before I nodded at him. I stood up and my father followed me.

‘One more thing,’ I said as I was pulling at my cuff links. I smiled at the couple before I put my hands behind my back.

‘I will marry her in the court so there will no weddings on both sides. We know what it really meant, your daughter for your shares an control of the company but remember that I control them all,’ I said as I was looking at them both. They stiffened in their seats.

‘Nora is mine and I have the rights to do anything to her, is that clear?’ I asked them before Nora’s parents nodded at me. I smiled before I went out of the living room, wondering what they think of me as I was threatening Nora’s life and how she should live it.

Do not worry, my dear, for I will be fair and just with you if you obey me.

I went inside the car as I was looking at my father. He was talking to someone that will be handling the stuff later on when I was making a surprise visit to Nora’s apartment and what I will be sharing with her later on as well.

‘I’m coming, my dear. Are you ready for it?’ I asked myself before the car moved to the final destination of meeting my long-last runaway fiancée.

Nora McCarthy’s POV

After we got cleaned up and get ready for the Halloween party, I have to surprise my best friend, Alice even more when I just got the brand new car yesterday and she did not have any clue about it or whatsoever. We were ready to get out of here and get wasted for Halloween was a time for party.

And to forget about douche bags and controlling parents. Ugh, I really needed a drink right now.

‘So, how do exactly we go there? I mean at the party?’ Alice asked me before I was smiling at her while looking at her.

‘I’ll drive,’ I said as I was holding the car keys. Alice seemed unconvinced that I have passed my driver’s license test. She can be such pessimist sometimes. She scoffed at me.

‘And since when you have a driver’s licence?’ she asked before I smiled sheepishly at her. I know she’s my best friend and all but sometimes, I just wished that she would have more faith in me.

Like a best friend should.

‘Well, I wanted to surprise you so, I just passed a couple of weeks ago and today, I got it in the mail,’ I said before I went to the car that I parked at the other side of the road. I don’t know why but I just have to show my new ride to Alice.

I know she will be shocked and the reaction was priceless.

‘Wow, nice ride,’ she commented as I smiled at her.

‘I know, it was my birthday present,’ I said as I was starting the engine while fastening the seatbelt and shifted the gear into D.

‘Should we wait for the engine to heat for a bit?’ Alice asked as she was fastening her seatbelt as well.

‘Well, I don’t think we have that much time now, come on, we have to go now,’ I said before I was drifting on the road as Alice was screaming my name at the top of her lungs.


‘Woah, hoo!’ I said as I was laughing like a mad man I was and we were getting off to a great start with this year’s Halloween party!


The party was a havoc time of my life but I promised Alice to bring her to another place for her birthday celebration which involved food and drinks.

I do anything for drinks.

Alice shifted in her bed as I was brushing my hair before I turned to look at my sleepy friend who just decided to open her eyes.

‘About time, sleeping beauty. Come on, we need to go. We’re going to be late if you don’t get ready now,’ I said as I was getting ready but putting on my earrings and some perfume to make sure that I smelled nice.

‘Right, sorry,’ Alice said before she went to take a shower. I was humming some of my favorites music as I was looking around for my license and car keys as well as my phone and debit cards. I looked at my wristwatch and was getting annoyed when Alice has been so long in the shower now.

‘Alice, come on, we’re going to be late,’ I said as she replied to me. ‘Alright, alright. I’m coming,’

I smiled as I went to the downstairs to get some water for my dry throat. I don’t know why lately I was being parched like I cannot have enough drinks to fill this thirst inside me. Perhaps I was getting wasted so much last night that I was having the impact of it today.

All of the days, it has to be on this day.

I took a glass of water and drained it in a minute before I was wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. I was looking at the stairs but Alice was nowhere to be found.

‘Alice,’ I shouted before she appeared at the stairs as I was smiling at her as I was stepping out of the apartment as Alice followed behind me.

‘Coming, coming. geez, you need to calm down,’ she said as she closed the door and we were walking toward my new ride. I was happy to share it with my best friend as I slid into the driver seat and Alice on the other side.

‘You know, it was unnecessary,’ she said as I was shaking my head while I was focusing on the road so that I will not be hitting anyone. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

‘Hush now, I have been planning this for more than I can remember. Oh my god, it will be the best thing ever,’ I said as I was eager to be spending some time with Alice. But then, out of nowhere, there were swamps of police cars that were holding us in. I stopped the car as I was looking at them.

‘What the?’ I said before a policeman was waving at me to get out of the car. I saw a black head man that was waiting inside the car. I cannot see his face but I think if I have to guess, it would be my father.

‘Damn you, father,’ I cursed before I was turning to look at my best friend. Alice was confused as hell for she never saw anything like this.

She did not know that I was the heiress of a multinational telecommunication company and I was too caught up with my university life that I was forgetting all the main stuff.

To conceal my identity from being discovered.

‘I’m sorry, Alice. I thought we could have some fun but I guess I have to get my things in order,’ I said as I was stepping out of the car, not wanting to cause any trouble. Alice must be shocked to see that I hear an order for once in my life.

If only she knew the truth of my life.

‘Thank you for your corporation,’ the police said as he was escorting me to meet my father. I was gripping my hands into fists as I was looking at the police car. I took a deep breath as I slid inside the car, waiting to meet my father but instead, I was greeted by someone else.

Black hair.

Turquoise eyes.

Such a handsome man.

‘I see that you have nothing to say about the stunt that you pull off on our meeting day, my dear,’ the man said as I was blinking my eyes. I was still confused who was this man was until my stupid mind recovered.

Meeting day. My fiancé.

This man was my fiancé.

‘You!’ I said as I was pointing at his face as the man was just smirked at me. I noticed that the car was moving and I saw in my peripheral view that Alice was looking at me strange.

‘Surprise, love. Finally I got to meet you, Nora McCarthy,’ the man said as he was looking at me and my heart was beating so fast.

Not only I failed to lay low, but I have been discovered none other than my own fiancé, the person that I was running away from.

Fuck my life!

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