The Devil’s Fire by Mariam El-Hafi Full Episode
The Devil’s Fire by Mariam El-Hafi Chapter 13


We were seated in the dining room, the long and dark dining table decorated with a rustic wood centerpiece box and vines with leaves surrounding the candles inside the box. White plates with gold rims, gold cutlery, and even the glasses had a gold design around the rim.

Small chatter erupted as we waited for the appetizers to be served. My father was sitting at the end of the table, and on his right side was Morella, Uncle in the middle, Cara beside him, and right in front of me. This meant that I was sitting right next to Damiano, and Lorenzo next to him.

This was either going to be a blessing or a curse. I haven’t decided yet.

Unfortunately, Michael couldn’t stay because of ‘duty calls’ as he had said before leaving.

I was sitting so close to Damiano which had me a little nervous for some reason. I tried to distract myself by quietly talking to Cara and I pretended it was a fairly normal person I was sitting next to.

Appetizers were served and I stared blankly down at my plate. There was some kind of green liquid in front of me, and I wasn’t even sure it could be classified as soup. There was no way I was touching that. In no way was this appetizing looking in the least.

I then accidentally made eye contact with Morella, who gave

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me a big smile and an encouraging nod to try the green liquid in the bowl. I picked up the spoon to pretend I would eat and waited until she stopped looking at me. But of course, the universe was giving me a big fuck you today because she waited for me to eat.

I took the tiniest amount of the green liquid on my spoon and tasted it. I stopped breathing as soon as I put it in my mouth. A very pungent taste of something I couldn’t even describe covered my entire tongue. I forced myself to swallow as I looked at Morella, who was still looking at me with a Cheshire smile, waiting for my response. I gave her a tight smile and an awkward thumbs-up, and she nodded in approval, returning to her conversation with my father. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I took the glass of water and chugged half of it in no time. I looked over to Cara, who was discreetly trying to squeeze her nose shut as she ate. The sight of her made me snort out loud and quickly tried to disguise it as a cough. Cara squinted her eyes at me as I tried to cover my smile. She quickly looked around and flipped me off.

Oh no, she didn’t.

I stretched my legs as far as I could and kicked her leg. Her eyes narrowed and tried to kick me back, but I was faster and quickly moved my legs to the side.

Crashing them right into Damiano’s leg.

-My eyes went wide and my cheeks heated up as he turned to

face me with that blank look of his.

Shit, I hope I didn’t piss him off…

“Sorry.” I whispered and gave him an apologetic smile. The

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corners of his mouth curved in the slightest amount, having me look at him a bit surprised. I would have missed it if I had blinked.

I looked away only to see Cara with a satisfying smirk on her lips. I was going to get her back for it one way or another. As I was going to move away, he put a hand on my thigh, stopping me from moving. So, now I was supposed to sit through. dinner with his hand on my thigh, and my legs pressed against him. That wasn’t nerve-wracking at all. I reached for the wine and took a big sip to calm down my nerves.

The servers came and cleared the table of the appetizers, and I noticed that Damiano hadn’t touched his food either. I didn’t

blame him since it was truly disgusting. My breath halted when I felt his hand caressing my thigh in painful slow motions, going up and down. It made my body tingle like crazy! I took another big sip of my wine, and if I kept going at this rate, I was going to get drunk fast.

Another plate of food was served, and this time, it looked promising. Steak with roasted potatoes and glazed vegetables. I didn’t waste time and dug in immediately. I almost moaned out loud when the very tender and juicy piece of meat melted on my tongue. I stopped chewing for a second as I felt Damiano’s hand going up even further on the inside of my thigh. I faced him slightly to look at him, but he was facing my Uncle and listened to whatever he had to say. I tried to ignore his hand, which was getting dangerously close to my private part. I could move my leg away to stop him but it felt nice.

Maybe a bit too nice.

I finished my wine and continued to eat. My cheeks were

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warm, and I couldn’t decide whether it was because of the wine or because of him.

His hand continued up north and my breath got caught in my throat as he was now touching my front and started to caress the outside of my lace underwear. I couldn’t suppress the shudder that rippled through my body as he applied a little pressure every now and then. I couldn’t concentrate on my food as I felt myself getting hot and…wet.

My legs started to part, thinking about how his fingers would feel inside…. I quickly stood up and excused myself to the bathroom. I hurriedly walked away from the dining room when I realized what I had done.

I walked into the bathroom, put my hands on the sink counter, and looked at myself in the mirror. My face was flushed, a hue of red on my cheeks as if I had been out in the sun for a while. I turned on the faucet, letting my hands be under the running cold water for a little, and then pressed my hands on my neck and chest to cool me down.

Why was I feeling like this? I shouldn’t be attracted to someone like him. But I couldn’t help it, and his touch certainly didn’t help at all.

I took a deep breath, turned around, and opened the door. I stopped in my tracks as Damiano stood in front of me, and the heat of the pool returned with intensified force down south, making my clit throb almost painfully.

Damiano stepped inside the bathroom, making me stumble back a little until my back pressed against the counter. He closed the door and locked it, never breaking eye contact with me. My heart was going crazy against my rib cage. Damiano

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walked slowly towards me and placed his hands on my hips and pressed me so close against him that not even the slightest space was between us.

“Beautiful…” He whispered as his hand trailed up to my face, his fingers lightly caressing my cheek. His intense golden- brown eyes followed his movement as if he was studying my face. My breathing started to get louder when he wrapped his hand around my throat, making me crane my neck to look at him. He squeezed ever so slightly, making me gasp in surprise and my body was getting excited about it.

His face came closer to mine, his nose trailed across my cheek to the side of my face. I jumped a little as I felt a nibble on my earlobe, making my breast press up against him even more. No words could come out of me, and I was afraid if I said something, he would stop.

And I didn’t want him to stop.

Suddenly, he lifted me and placed me on top of the counter with my dress hoisted up around my waist. He spread my legs and stepped in between them with his hands on my thighs, going up to reach the lace thong I was wearing. He pulled it slightly to the side and pressed his fingers into my wet folds.

The tingles in my body intensified and a small moan escaped my lips as he started to move his finger on my clit, building the tension low in my stomach even more. I threw my head back in pleasure as he entered a finger inside of me, slowly moving it in and out.

And it felt fucking amazing.

“Yes…” I whispered breathlessly. Damiano made a sound with the back of his throat and moved his face to the side of my

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neck and started to kiss and suck my skin, and I couldn’t help but moan out loud in immense pleasure.

I put my arms around his neck and bit my lip in order to be quiet, as his finger moved faster inside of me. The pressure kept building inside of me, and fast, as he rubbed my clit with his thumb while still pumping a finger inside of me. I could feel myself coming close to my climax and spread my legs even more for him to give him better access. I tried hard not to make a sound but failed miserably as he kept going faster and faster, getting me closer to a climax.

“Fuck!” Damiano wrapped his other hand around my throat and pressed his lips against mine. He bit down on my lip and his tongue played around with mine. It was intense and rough as he kept working in and out with his finger, and I loved every single thing about it.

I gasped as I felt myself clenching around him and my legs were trembling. I moaned against his lips as the climax rippled through me, making me breathe out hard and loud. For a split second, stars invaded my vision.

Damiano slowed down and pulled his finger out of me. I rested my head against his shoulder as I still had my arms around him while I came down from my high. He helped me get down from the counter and held on to my waist for a little when my legs wobbled when he put me down. He even helped me fix my dress, then turned around, and walked out of the bathroom, leaving me confused and satisfied.

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