The Distortion
The Distortion

The Distortion

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Could you imagine if the whole of existence was shuffled randomly like a deck of cards? Could you imagine if the very shape of the world was altered? Could you imagine if time itself broke the rules it previously abided by? What if people from different eras and different places found themselves thrown into a distorted version of the world they once knew? What if individuals who were once dead came back amongst the living, far away from the place they once called home, reuniting with friends and foes alike? What if historical figures rose again, wiping the dust off their crumbled dynasties, reviving their respective civilizations in all their glory, clashing against new neighbors and old rivals? How about the fabric of reality bending to the whims of the human mind? How about myths and legends coming to life? How about the supernatural becoming natural? Try to picture in your mind monsters, heroes, ghosts, deities and otherwordly beings walking the same ground as the very people who either believed in them or straight-up conjured them? Embark on the journey of two brothers as they navigate this lawess existence in a quest that would bring upon disturbing reveals, an adventure that would challenge their perspective on life, an endeavor that would test their strength, their wits and their bonds. Tag along as they get swept in the Tales of a Lost Age.

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