The Dragon King
Chapter 17 ~ Who Would Have Thought

Third Person POV ~

Draco and Aurora arrived at their honeymoon Chalet, on a secluded mountainside a hundred miles east of Sitka. He carried her over the threshold and seated her in front of the warm fireplace, while he retrieved their luggage.

He walked over and tells her “Why don’t you freshen up.. I will fix us some snacks.. would you like a drink?” She hmm’d and suggested something warm.. and ran up the stairs.

She opened her suitcase and removed the black peignoir set she had secretly bought for this special night. After a quick shower, she slipped the sheer lace gown on.. and overlaid it with the silk robe. Brushed her waist length silver hair and left it loose.

Walking barefoot down the staircase, she paused three steps from the bottom, as Draco turned to greet her. His eyes raked her entire visage, from head to toe, and back again.. as his eyes met hers. “I am such a lucky man! My love, you are breathtaking! So much more than my imagination allowed. I love you so, so much, my Moon!”

He lifted her, carrying her to a bed he had made, in front of the fireplace. He divested himself of his clothing and laid beside her, pulling a warm fur-lined duvet over them both.

Slowly, he began kissing her.. his hands and lips roaming her entire body.. bringing her to completion with his mouth and hands, so her body was fully prepared for his penetration. She was a moaning, gasping mess, when he lined himself up at her entrance. He whispered “Are you ready, love? I know it will hurt and I hate that for you.” She smiled at him through her haze and nodded.. telling him “I have been ready! I have imagined this night.. dreamed of it.. for a long time. The pain is nothing to the pleasure you bring me.” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

He pushed into her slowly.. allowing her to stretch and accommodate his size.. backing off a little when he met her resistance, he plunged in, all it once.. gritting his teeth and forcing himself to be still, until her body acclimated to his size. He whispered “I am sorry” as he kissed her face, nose, eyelids, catching the tear that had escaped.

Once she moved her hips against him, he began thrusting slowly in and out.. increasing his pace. Finally finding a common rhythm, he brought them both to climax, as she yelled out his name, in sheer ecstasy. He followed right behind.. roaring out his release.

They spent three days in complete and utter bliss. Making love again and again. Draco couldn’t get enough of his beautiful, captivating mate. The evening before they were scheduled to return to the real world, found them in the hot tub on the back deck. A light snow was falling, but the warmth of the water kept them comfortable.

Aurora sighs “Are you sure we can’t stay here forever? It has been such an idyllic and beautiful three days.. I find I don’t want to give it up.” He grins and tells her “I vow to you.. my solemn promise.. we will return here every year, on our anniversary for three days.. and relive our moments together.” She smiled at him “I can get on board with that! It will give me something to always look forward to!”

The next morning they headed home and Draco asked “Is the blanket notice ready to be emailed?” She nodded and said “I had finished drafting it the day before our ceremonies.. it was set on a schedule to go out about.. an hour ago.” Looking at her watch, she pulled her email up on her phone. “Right on time. By the time we arrive home, I should have responses from the Alphas. Hopefully, one of them has contact information on Michaelson. Things are going to get messy from here on out. My case is rock solid.. and I have all the testimonies aligned. I provided depositions to the council. They were all on board, except old man Thompson.. he has it in for me, mostly because I am a shewolf.. but also because I don’t tolerate his misogynistic bullshit!”

Draco laughed “That’s my girl! Have I told you how proud of you I am.. all seven lawsuits we were facing.. I despaired thinking we would lose, but you just kept pulling rabbits out of hats, at every turn! Having our territory surveyed by council approved surveyors was absolute genius! I love you, baby! More than I can ever put into words!”

Aurora smiled and said “You make me proud every day! You lead our people with a kind, firm hand! Treating them equally.. caring enough about each one individually and working to help them overcome any problems they have. They are so lucky to have such a fair, just leader. I am more than lucky, though! I am blessed! I love you.. more.. every day!”

They arrived home and Culver ran to Aurora “Thank Goddess you’re back! Adrian has been a pain in my ass! The paperwork! Luna! The paperwork I have been forced to complete. I have writers cramp.. carpal tunnel.. tennis elbow! He is a vicious torturer of the highest caliber! Make him stop now! I need a vacation!”

Draco started laughing “What the fuck, Culver? Paperwork is your responsibility! There couldn’t have been that much! When did you become such a drama queen?!” He shrugged “Gamma’s job is to protect his Luna! You took my job away! For three days, Draco! Three whole days! And Adrian made me do the work of two men!”

Adrian walks up, shaking his head “Thank Goddess you’re home. This whine ass has not shut his piehole since you left! I need a vacation!” This time, Aurora laughed “The two of you are more alike than you realize! Now, straighten up.. or Draco and I are leaving again!”

At dinner, Aurora asked Connie if she had heard from Naomi.. and Connie said “Oh Goddess, Luna! That woman nearly caused my Naomi to beat her to death! It’s calmer there, today, though. The Alpha sent Amelia to Luna Academy for three months.” Aurora sputtered “What? They are only just now sending her? Oh! That’s funny! I hope it helps her.. but I fear she is too set in her ways for classes to help. I pray I am wrong!”

Draco led Aurora to her seat, and prepared her plate. He forked a bite of pasta and fed it to her, allowing everyone else to begin their meal. She whispered “I am not entirely comfortable with this particular tradition. It makes me feel entitled.. and it’s not a nice feeling.”

He grinned and kissed her temple “I am totally comfortable with it! And it makes me feel like I am taking care of my mate. Please indulge me, in this one thing?” She smiled and told him “My big, bad Dragon King is a big softie. Who would have thought!?”

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