The Dragon King
Chapter 24 ~ It’s a Boy!

Aurora’s POV ~

I have enlisted the help of Culver and Adrian to chase fireflies with us. I made all three wear gloves though.. the toxicity of these little insects could knock Donnaugh and Culver’s dragon, Pete, (yes.. his dragon is Pete the dragon… I laugh every time I say it) out for several hours. Adrian and I are immune. Wolves don’t care!

Culver says “It’s chilly! How long do we have to stay out here?” I groaned “Damnit Culver! You asked that ten minutes ago! I need at least two hundred of these friendly little guys.. Your flavor of the week can wait a couple hours for your particular brand of entertainment!”

Adrian laughed and asked “What’s her name, Culver?” He shrugged.. thinking.. “Umm.. Bethany? No.. that’s not it.. Brittany?.. hmm.. Tiffany.. that’s it! Tiffany!” Draco laughed “How the fuck did you get a B name from Tiffany!?”

Hanging his head, he said, sheepishly “The B girl was on Saturday.” I shook my head “Goddess! Your libido is off the rails! Dragons are horny devils!”

It took several hours last night,but I feel we have enough. This morning, Caleb called with an update on Amelia.. it seems she has tried to ditch her guards, but Naomi caught her. He said it seems like she isn’t even trying to atone for the shit she pulled at the academy. Anderson has locked her in her room.. and now the threat of being rejected and banished is a very real thing. He told her she is on her third strike.

Draco said “I am actually beginning to think that’s what she wants. One more thing she will find a way to blame you for?” I laughed “I couldn’t care less. If she’s blaming me, she’s leaving somebody else alone. I only wish I understood her. It’s a shame.. “

Adrian came in to join us “Draco.. the mortar tubes you ordered arrived this afternoon.. I’d like to test them out.. but I don’t want to use live rounds..”

I said “Potatoes” and Culver said “Cats” Draco looked at both of us like we’d lost our minds! I laughed “Culver Danvers! You are not launching cats out a mortar tube!” He said “What? No! I thought we were playing word association.. You said potatoes! The first thing that popped into my head was cats! Duh!” I asked him “What is living in your brain? I say potatoes and your mind jumps to Cats? The fuck is wrong with you?” Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Adrian said “The two of you are weird as fuck!” I laughed again “Culver’s lunacy notwithstanding, I was talking about launching potatoes. No big boom! Harmless.. unlike cats! Dude!!”

Draco hadn’t stopped laughing. He pulled me into his lap and said “Never a dull moment! I love you! Let’s go launch some potatoes!”

At dinner, Culver was still groaning.. Adrian told him “Suck it up, buttercup! How was I supposed to know it would hurt that bad?” Culver whined “What would even make you think launching a potato at me? That shit hurt! Couldn’t breathe for ten minutes, bro!”

Draco laughed and told him “After dinner, you can launch one at him, if that will shut you up!” Culver’s face was filled with a little too much glee, while it was Adrian’s turn to whine “Dude! Why would you tell him that!?” Draco only laughed again, saying “Suck it up, buttercup!”

Lying in bed beside Draco, I whispered “I think I may be pregnant. I’m not sure.. maybe I should take a test, in the morning?” He rolled over and looked at me.. “Baby! We might be pregnant? Oh Goddess! I could be a dad? A real dad? How soon can we find out? Have you been feeling alright? Are you nauseous? I can get you some crackers.. or ginger ale! Chicken noodle soup! I will get you some soup!”

I laughed and said “My sweet love, I said maybe.. my breasts are tender.. and my tummy has a bulge.. I may just be getting fat.” He grinned “You aren’t even close to fat! Stop that!” He laid his ear against my stomach.. and then his face lit up in a huge smile.

He whispered “I hear it. A fast little heartbeat! It’s there! We’re parents, baby! A little you and me! We test first thing in the morning.. We will go straight to the clinic! I am so happy.. You have completed my life.. and now you are adding to it!”

Draco was up with the dawn.. nudging me awake.. “Come.. shower with me! I want to be at the clinic when Doc arrives.” I giggle and ask “What? No coffee? How will I function.. I need coffee, before anything else!” Pulling me to my feet, I realize okay.. we’re doing this now!

While I dressed, Draco disappeared.. returning just as I tied my shoes.. Coffee in hand, he said “Hurry.. drink it on the way” Making me giggle again. This man of mine is something else!

Doc looked up from his desk “Alpha! Luna! Is everything alright? It’s awfully early.. are you sick?” I shook my head asking “Would it be possible to give me a pregnancy test, doctor? I told him I might be.. and he’s quite eager to find out.”

She smiled “Of course. Here.. pee in this cup and bring it back to me. I will take some blood and we will figure this out!” I went to do as she asked.. and when I returned.. she and Draco were in an examination room.

She drew some blood and asked us to wait. Draco said “Your scent is changing.. more noticeable, this morning, than yesterday.” I laughed and said “Or wishful thinking.. and your brain has run wild?” He grins “Oh.. Hush, you!”

Doc walks back in a half hour later “Well.. congratulations are in order! You are indeed pregnant! Let’s get an ultrasound done so we can see how far along.. and what’s going on.”

Draco looked at me, glassy eyed and whispered “Thank you, my Moon! I love you so much!” I held him tightly and the doctor cleared her throat. “Lay back, Luna.. and let’s have our first look at this little bean!”

When the wand rolled over my stomach, she stopped and took a picture every so often.. after several pictures, she said “There! You see that.. there’s his heart.. spine.. arms and here.. legs. The head is measuring around fourteen weeks. You actually only have two and half months or so before you are parents! Have you not had any symptoms before now, Luna?” I shook my head no.. she then said “Do you want to know the gender?” Draco nodded right away.

She grinned and said “Congratulations! It’s a boy!”

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