The Elements
Lead the way agent Darkbolt

“They are almost there. Five more minutes and they will BOOM!”

I laughed when I saw the dement face Sparky had when she said that. She is really happy to see how a bunch of darks will be set on fire and crashed by some rocks. What can I say, we are crazy but I like it this way.

In exactly 5 minutes a series of crash sounds and screams were heard. “Nice one Sparky.” I really was impressed.

She smirks and puff her chest. “Thanks. I know. I’m a beauty and I’m smart too.”

Hazel slapped my arm and looked at me with big eyes. “She’s one of us!!! Sexy and smart!!!”

I slapped him back and glared at him. “And you could have told me that without hitting me!!!” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Shut the fuck up both of you! We have a mission here and you two are about to blow up our cover!” Ash whispered-yelled at us angrily.

Me and Hazel raised our hands in surrender. “Okay, okay. Calm down your balls, grumpy.”

Ash glared at me and Hazel high fived me when Ash wasn’t looking. ‘Nice one crazy.’ Hazel mouthed and I replied with a smirk.

I turned to look around when I felt a gaze on me. I saw Black staring at me with no emotion on. I was smiling but when I saw him, my no feeling mask was on and I showed him my middle finger.

Flame snapped his finger and we all put the fight mode on. That was our signal when they were getting very close. I looked down from my branch, and I saw them taking cautions steps.

I smirked and put a silencer on my shotgun. I seat down on my butt and leaned on my back. Now I was upside down, dandling from the branch and shooting every dark that came into my view with a maniac face on. The rest of the guys were fighting down on earth with them, except Sky who was a sniper and he was in a different tree.

In less then 5 minutes the area was clear. “Hazel, honey, help me get down without breaking my neck please.” I said and he helped me to jump.

“Anything for ma babe.” he said and we both kissed each other cheeks.

We two, when we are together, we are the most retarded persons on earth and we flirt with each other, but we are like brother and sister.

“Enough affection for today. We have to keep moving.” No other than the traitor bitch said, and started to walk.

I bite back a remark and just said “Whatever.”

He completely ignores me and keeps talking. “I heard some of them saying something a meeting point. I think we should go there and make them a surprise.”

It doesn’t smells good to me. “I think we should stink to our plan. And we don’t even know where that place is, so we would just waste precious time.”

If looks could kill, I should be dead now, but I’m me so I don’t give a fuck about his glare.

“I saw them trying to run in that direction and I got in their head so I know where that place is. We aren’t wasting time Shadow.”

It hurt a little when he used my name instead of Lighty but I decided to don’t give a fuck anymore. I glared at him for at last 5 minutes and just then I realized that everyone was waiting for my answer.

I wanted to let him go there and I would just stick to the original plan, but these idiots will follow him and it could be a trap. I can’t let them go there alone with that risk. I can’t lose them too.

“Fine. Let’s go. Lead the way agent Darkbolt.” I said on a cold tone and motioned him with my head to go.

Something flashed in his eyes, but it was gone as soon as it came. The tension was filling the air and everyone stiffed when I addressed him as ‘agent’. That was the term we should use with each other but we use our names or nicknames, so it was a shock for them to hear me using that word.

“Today Darkbolt. We don’t have the whole time in the world. We are under pressure so move your ass already!” I snapped angrily at him.

He is wasting my time and I don’t like it.

He shook his head and started to walk. I rolled my eyes muttering a ‘Finally’, and waited for the guys to walk first because I want to stay in the back and make sure that this isn’t a trap.

Call me paranoid but I can’t risk anything.

Each one walked pass me and looked at me with a different expression. River with worry, Flame with pride, Lincoln with a we-will-talk-about-this-later face, Sky with sorry, Hazel with confusion, Ash with just raised one eyebrow and Sparky with a tell-me-what-the-fuck-was-that-about face, while Sirius was completely lost.

I’m afraid of River and Sparky because they are the only ones who know when I’m feeling bad or when I’m hiding something. Or in this case both.

After a long walk, with lots of turns and dodging trees and of course, killing some darks, we arrived at the so called ‘meeting point’. We all stayed in a line hiding behind the trees and watched how darks started to fill the clearing. The girl sitting in the middle with lots of bruises on her, I recognized as Mel, the traitor’s sister.

“HEY! EVERYONE! LISTEN UP!” she yelled and everyone was listening to her, including us. “I know that we are in a numeric disadvantage, but we can beat this losers. You saw how the majority of them couldn’t even hold a gun correctly in their hands.” Everyone laughed at this one except us, who were about to snap. “So why are we afraid? They were just lucky with those traps.”

What? I can’t see what she is trying to say but okay.

“And that famous team everybody was talking about Team something. If those losers were that bad, that team I bet that is the same! Maybe they are even more lamer than this ones!”

Ou, that was such a wrong move bitch. I’ll cut your breasts and I’ll hang them in a tree, after I’ll pull of every single teeth from your mouth and depilate all the hair from your head with hot wax.

My eyes were already changing colors and I saw that the others were barely holding themselves back, so I took it as a signal.

A lightning bolt cracked the clearing ground in two, hitting some darks in the process. This one was my masterpiece. Suddenly, the sky was grey and it started to rain. I’m feeling in my element with this lightning storm happening above our heads.

“Oh, really bitch? You think that we are lamer then the other idiots? You think that I don’t know how to hold a gun? You whore! I was practically raised with one in my hand so don’t fucking dare to talk about me like that!” I roared and sent a lightning in her direction but she jumped just in time.

She had the guts to smirk at me. “So you are the little lightning girl everyone talks about. To be honest, I was expecting someone more bigger and scarier because you are just a little girl who is trying to look scary but doesn’t work.”

I think the stupidness is a family thing. My blood was boiling in my veins and my mark was on full display.

A crazy smile appeared and I started to walk in her direction. “I don’t think so, arrogant fucktard. I think you are the lame one bitch. You just tried to talk me out of this battle, but this little girl will kill you and prove you something. I’ll prove you that nothing is what it seems. Not even me or you bitch.” I said and snapped my fingers.

The guys got the message and we all started to attack them. They were somewhere around 20 or 30, but I think we can kill them.

I used my gun and powers while trying to spot the bitch. Until now, I have no scratch on me but I don’t think that this is a good sign. Suddenly, my lungs had no air in them and I couldn’t breath. I dropped my gun and hold my neck with both my hands.

“What? I took your breath away?” the bitch asked smirking.

I fell on the ground and started to see black dots. Fuck, I can’t die like this. It’s too lame for me. I tried to use my powers but I couldn’t concentrate. The bitch was in front of my with one hand raised, but not for long. What looked like a mini tornado, raised the bitch from the ground and throw her in a tree.

I started to cough and I was trying as much air as I could. I looked up and saw Sirius smirking down at me. “You saved my life then. Now it was my turn to safe yours.”

I nodded my head at him and I run after the bitch. She was trying to recover from her little fly lesson so I decided to help her a little. I kicked her in the chin with my leg, sending her flying in the air. I jumped and shoved my fist in her face and I smirked when I heard a crack. She fell on the ground and winced. I wanted to punch her again, but I was sent right across the clearing by the wind, and I hit the ground hard. She was now in front of me and tried to kick me in the face with her leg, but I cached it and pulled her down. I jumped on her and started to throw punch after punch in her face. She raised her hands and I flied, again, through the air and I was about to hit a very sharp rock, but someone jumped and caught me. We both fell on the ground, but this time wasn’t so painful because I was on top of someone.

“Be more careful next time you idiot. Now, get off me. I had to finish my sister.”

I stand up and I saw that Black was the one that helped me. I raised my eyebrow but I helped him to get up.

“Too late. I want to kill her now.” I said and a low growl erupted from my chest.

I started to walk away but he grabbed my wrist. I ripped off my wrist from his grip like it was fire.

“You can’t kill her.” he simply said and I wanted to kill him too.

Darks were running towards us, so we stayed back in back and shoot them with our powers.

I scoffed and killed two darks with one shoot.“Don’t pull out that ‘You are too weak’ bullshit. I can kill her and I will.”

He scoffed too. “I wasn’t going to say that. I wanted to say that you can’t kill her because this is a family thing and I want to be the one who kills her.”

Aww. I love when I see how much the siblings love each other.

“Fine. You can kill her, but if she kills ya, I want to kill her.”

“Why do you want to kill her so bad?”

“Because she talked shit about me and my family. No one does that and it’s still alive.” My eyes turned stormy yellow.

He nodded his head and shoot the last 2 darks standing up.

“Okay. I get it. Now, excuse me but I have to kill my bitch of a sister.” He said and disappeared.

I hope that he won’t be killed by her, because it’s my job to do that. That fucker will be killed by my hands and only mine. I still can’t believe he did that but I have to move on at some point.

I shook my head to erase those thoughts and I started to kill some more darks. I was feeling pretty well, actually it was relaxing me. It feels nice using my powers. Utility feels nice killing your enemies too, but I’ll stick with it feels nice to use my powers.

Everything was fine, I was having fun frying some darks until I heard a ‘NOO’ and I turned around. I felt something piercing through my chest and my knees buckled underneath me.

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