Chapter 51 

Chapter 51 

The chief was very enthusiastic when he received Aurelia’s call and learned about the purpose behind her call

Speaking of which, that chief had a keen eye. Although he couldn’t compete with Michael in the political scene, he was an astute person

He always thought that the transfer of his mentor, Michael, was weird and unreasonable

Most importantly, Yves and Christopher did not appear to have any intention of readjusting their positions whenever he followed the head of the department to the sheriff’s office for a meeting and so on these days

On the contrary, Yves’s secretary was especially polite and kind to those who had been with Michael

What exactly did that mean? It meant that, despite Michael’s transfer, Yves still trusted him.. 

Then those who were Michael’s subordinates didn’t have to panic

He pondered whether he should appear in front of his mentor these days to declare his loyalty

Aurelia called just as he was hesitating and couldn’t find a good excuse

Moreover, she was only asking for a very small favor. This opportunity was a godsend

If he couldn’t grasp it, then all of his years in the political scene would have been for naught

Naturally, he was enthusiastic and serious on the phone

In fact, after hanging up the phone, the section chief immediately asked his subordinates to prepare a car, and he went to Scott’s school in person

It was a onceinabluemoon occurrence that Aurelia asked him to do such a simple favor. How could he get a promotion in the future if he couldn’t please her

Therefore, when Aurelia drove alone to Xandenia, the state capital, Scott, who had returned to school, had no idea that his life would be turned upside 

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The school was shocked. A work meeting was held almost immediately after the chief was earnestly and enthusiastically sent away, and Scott’s resume and academic materials were placed in front of each school management member

All of them looked around and noticed that Scott’s resume was too ordinary. Nobody could tell what sort of powerful backers this young man had

Especially since he was an orphan. Why did the section chief of the Ministry of Education come to discuss Scott’s affairs in person

Although the section chief didn’t say much and only asked the school to look after Scott, there had to be something else going on that wasn’t disclosed, right

All the supervisors of the Ministry of Education had their noses in the air. Even their officers were arrogant and hard to please. Not to mention that he was the chief. Could it be that he was so bored that he came here in person to request a leave of absence for a student

How could the principal believe that

It would be very embarrassing if he truly believed that. It wouldn’t be long before the higherups informed him that his career as the principal was 


The school supervisors were most perplexed because Scott appeared to have nothing to do with the section chief, but it seemed like someone from above asked him to greet the school in his stead

What a mess

This Scott kid was serious The school would’ve taken better care of him if he had revealed his connections earlier

Ahem, everyone has seen Scott’s materials. He is definitely a top student and a real talent cultivated by our school! How could we not praise and cultivate such a talented and intelligent young man? Am I right?” 

Look, he is already a party member. It shows how ambitious this student is! Isn’t the new era in desperate need of someone solid, diligent, and talented? Don’t you think we should give more opportunities to such students?” 

Naturally, everyone agreed. First of all, the section chief of the Ministry of Education came to the school to speak for Scott. Not to mention that Scott’s academic performance was good. Even if he was incompetent, everyone had to agree now

*Since everyone agrees. Isn’t the student council short of a vice president? We could also ask Scott to assist our youth league, right?” 

I think it’s a good match, Sir! Your arrangement is very reasonable. Scott is under a little bit of pressure, but young people should be better trained so that they can walk steadily in the future. I believe Scott will understand the good intentions of both the principal and the supervisors.” 

What should and should not be said had been condensed into a few short sentences at this point. Everyone knew the principal had to make sacrifices for Scott, the baby Jesus

It didn’t matter if Scott understood what was going on. Naturally, someone would inform him

Anyway, their ultimate goal was to show that specific someone in the Ministry of Education that Scott had received full care and attentionin school

and that was enough

Chapter 51 

Meanwhile, Scott soon discovered that his teachers and classmates looked at him differently after he returned to school

Initially, he thought it was because of the injury on his head. However, he soon realized that was not the case

Firstly, his dorm, which had previously been a group dormitory for six people, was abruptly moved to a separate postgraduate dorm to live in, and he didn’t have to pay any extra money for it

Then the school suddenly gave him a large number of scholarships, saying that it had been missed in the past few semesters. Hence, the school compensated him and specifically apologized for the omission of his name

Not to mention, the student council extended an enthusiastic invitation, hoping that he would join the student council and serve as vice president

Furthermore, the university’s Reserve Office also sent invitations to outstanding party member personnel to assist the community services group

Even if Scott had no idea what was going on, he knew the truth was far from simple

His scholarship might have been missed, but changing his dormitory or allowing him to join the student council and serve as vice president of the student council was not easy

Although no one recognized the position of vice president of the student council after leaving school, it was undoubtedly an eyecatching position in the school, and people without a special background couldn’t enter

Navarre University was also one of the most famous prominent universities in Tospait. It would be a notable achievement on someone’s resume to serve as an important cadre on the student council of this university. The preferential treatment in all aspects of the school and the advantages of accumulating personal connections were not something that nonmembers of the student council could be entitled to

It was important to befriend lots of people, no matter in school or society. Wouldn’t it be easier for people to integrate into society after graduation if they could get along with each other during school

As for the Reserve Office, the position of a lowly officer in this wellknown community services group at the county headquarters couldn’t be 


If the vice president of the student council was only attractive on paper, a Reserve Office officer would be a serious reserve cadre

Once he graduated, he would have the advantage of becoming a fulltime employee. In other words, if you were lucky, you could directly enter the system without exams and become a member of the government

Scott had never considered these things before, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t heard of them. Even though he should have been pleasantly surprised by all of this, he was anxious and panicky then

He wanted to call Aurelia for help, but he had already troubled her a lot in the past, and she might have gone to Nuthana already. Scott had to keep his cool and accept it modestly. Regardless, he was a man, so he shouldn’t always let a woman worry about him

Aurelia had no idea that her phone call had changed Scott’s life forever

She only wanted Scott to live a fairer and more dignified life in school

However, she underestimated the spirit of these people in Tospait

Aurelia was seated in a private room of a quiet and elegant café at that moment, and across from her sat Channing, her high school classmate before 

Aurelia went abroad

Aurelia and Channing hadn’t seen each other for years, so they thought it would be a little strange to meet each other. However, when they finally sat face to face, they discovered that the estrangement that both of them thought would exist had vanished after they spoke to each other

“Aurelia, you are as beautiful, elegant, and mature as ever! I’ve heard that you’re married. I’m a little jealous of the man who married you!” 

Channing, you’re more talkative than when I was at school! I remember you didn’t praise people like that before.” 

Really? In fact, I’ve always been good at talking. But every time I face you, I always keep quiet because of nervousness. Everyone knows that I have a crush on you. Maybe you don’t know it!” 

Aurelia smiled. She didn’t know that, but she had no feelings for him

Besides, girlsfeelings were always like poetry. At that time, what she longed for was another man, like the type of Prince Charming, not a young boy in 


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