(Chapter song ‘Good Feeling’ by Flo Rider)



Jayson glares at me and turns into the common room heading for the dining hall.

"Jayson, I can fight!" I’m right on his heels.

I showed up at the pack house the next day after he announced the devastating news that a bunch of murderous rogues are coming to hunt us down. Our little town can't take it. I won't let them win so, first thing in the morning, I booked it to the pack house looking for the training sheet to sign up.

First, I have to get past the concrete wall of Jayson.

"Forget it, Sarah! When this shit goes down, you're on the bus with the rest of them. That's final!" He yells with his back turned.

He waits at the counter for food with his arms crossed and irritation on his face. He's steaming at the fact that I'm fighting him on this.

"I told you I was by your side and I'll be damned if you're going to stop me!" I point my finger at him. "I'm not running, Jayson!"

He grabs his plate and leans in to my face. "Over my dead body. You join this fight; I'll kill you myself." He goes to the table and sits down.

"Why? Why don't you want me to fight? You know I can. Hell, I can kick your ass." I slam myself in the seat across from him.

He swallows his food. "That's different. This is fucking dangerous, Sarah. It's not a game."

"This is because I'm only 18, right? I'm not a big, tough military fighter like you? You think I can't handle it because I'm still just a kid to you." I sit back and cross my arms.

He points his fork at me. "No. I know you can fight, but I just found you and if something were to happen to you, I'd tear the fucking planet apart. No. I won't allow it." He shakes his head and stuffs his mouth.

I lean on the table. “I get it. It's scary. But, Jay, I can handle my own. I love this pack just as much as you do. I want to protect my parents, my brother and my sister... and you. I want to help. Please let me help."

He leans back and his face turns to a whine. "Sarah. If anything happened. If you got hurt in any way. I can't. I wouldn't survive it. I love how you want to fight to protect your family and me, but I want to protect you and the only way I know how to do that is to get you as far away as possible."

I get up and walk around the table. I straddle his lap and stare into his eyes. "And how do you think I'd feel if you died and I wasn’t there to try and save you. I want to be with you, Jayson. Together. Side by side. If we die, we die together."

He wraps his arms around me and rests his head on my chest. "I'm just scared of losing you."

I kiss his hair. "I know. I'm scared, too, but when we're together, all that fear seems to go away. Like we're stronger together."

He lifts his head and gives a half smile. "You know, for a kid, you're pretty wise."

I giggle. "Well, someone has to be. Mr. Hothead Alpha." I give him a kiss.

I sit up straight. "So... Can I?" I bite my lip with excitement in my eyes. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

He closes his eyes and sighs like he's about to make the biggest mistake of his life. I've made my dad do the same thing a million times. "Ok. Yes. But..."

I jump off him and squeal, jumping up and down. "Yes. Thank you. I promise I'll make you proud."

"Hey!" He stands and grabs my arm. He points a finger in my face. "First, you stay by my side at all times. You don't do anything unless I tell you to. Second, if it gets too hot, you get the fuck out. I mean it, Sarah. I don't care where I am in the field. You fucking run. You put as much distance as you can between you and this town. Do not look for me, do not turn back. You understand me?"

"Yes." I say quietly.

He grabs me and pulls me into his chest. He wraps his strong arms around my head and rests his head on mine. "God, please don't make me regret this."

"You won't. You'll protect me. You'll protect all of us." I mumble on his chest.

"I fucking hope so." He kisses my head.


Jayson leads me to Derek's office. He gives a quick knock and opens the door.

"Hey." Derek smiles.

"Hey, man. I have our first volunteer." He turns to me and places a hand on the small of my back. "Go ahead, baby." He leads me in as I look around, nervously.

He flicks his eyes between me and Jayson. “The Terror of Black Lake? Really?” He chuckles.

My cheeks heat. “Um… yep.” I say as I pull my hair to the front and play with it.

“Well, damn. Ok. What's your name, darling?” Derek throws me a charming smile.

I tuck my hair behind my ear. "Sarah." I squeak. "Um... Sarah Reynolds." I'm starting to slightly tremble as the reality of what I'm getting myself into sets in.

"Sarah. That’s a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He looks to Jayson. "Jay, have you been holding out on me?"

"Cool it, Derek. She's mine." Jayson shoots him a glare.

"Lucky dog." He grins and I blush at the compliment. "Ok. So, you want to fight? Now, why would Jayson let a precious thing like you fight a dirty battle like this?"

"Jayson's my trainer... at the camp." I say.

Derek arches a brow. "He is? I'm in the wrong business."

"You going to sigh her or drool on her?" Jayson crosses his arms.

"Can't I do both?" He wiggles his brow.

"Dude." Jayson's mouth goes small and his jaw ticks.

Derek laughs. "Alright. I'm just fucking with ya. Ok, sweetheart. So, you can fight. Are you any good?" He looks at Jayson.

"One of our best and we don’t call her the Terror for nothing." Jayson beams at me and I glance at him with a half smile.

"True enough. Well, if the Alpha says you're good, I have to believe it." He pulls out a piece of paper and shoots it over to me. "Place your name right here, sweetie."

I look at Jayson and he nods. My hand shakes as I sign my name.

"Good. You're in. Training starts tomorrow morning and will run to the afternoon. Bring your gear." He grins.

I nod. "Thank you. I'm glad I can help."

"No. Thank you." He flashes another smile.

He looks to Jayson. "We're going to talk about how I get into that camp of yours." He chuckles.

"Dude, I wouldn't let you near that place. See ya." He leads me out of the office into the common room.

"Ok. You're signed up. I'm scared out of my mind and your dad is going to kill me, but I think we can win this." He glances at me as he leads me to the front door.

"We will win this. Together." I hold his hand.

He turns and moves his hand behind my head and pulls me in for a kiss. I melt instantly and let out a tiny moan.

We come up for air. "I'll call you later. I have some meetings, but we'll go for a drive or something."

"I'd like that." I smile. "Bye."

"Bye, baby." I leave the pack house and walk down the long driveway toward the square.

Yes, I'm feeling scared, but I know now that I'm with Jayson. Nothing will destroy us.

I round a corner of shops, heading for my street when I bump into someone coming from the opposite direction.

I look up and my eyes widen.

"Sean." Oh no. I completely forgot.

"There's my girl!" He grabs me and twirls me around. He grabs my head and kisses me hard. "God, I missed you." He mumbles on my lips between kisses.

I back up. "Sean. W-What are you doing here?"

"I've come to sign up. Jayson put the word out for the rest of us to meet him next week, but I couldn't resist seeing my baby early. So, I had my mom drop me off." He kisses me again.

"Uh... oh... um..." I can't look at him. I'm flooded with guilt knowing I cheated on him.

"What's wrong?" He looks concerned.

I look at him with my guilt written all over my face. "We have to talk."

"Oh, I don't like the sound of that." He crosses his arms.

"Um... Jayson and I sort of..." I'm trying to find the words.

A scowl grew across his face. "You're back together, aren't you?"

"Yes... but Sean, I didn't mean it. I mean, I wasn't expecting it to happen. He said he made a giant mistake rejecting me. Please, I didn't mean to hurt you." I glance at him, hoping that I’m softening the blow.

"I should've known. I knew this would happen. I heard he was headed back here and I knew he'd snake you for himself the minute my back was turned. Fucking Alphas. Well, fine. If that's what you want, don't come crying to me when he rips your heart out again. Because he will." He pushes past me, heading to the pack house. I watch him go up the drive then turn to head home.

I feel bad, but he doesn't understand that what Jayson and I have is way stronger than what we shared. Sean's a really good friend. I just hope I haven't lost him for good.


The training sessions were pretty standard sparring. Just fighting and using weaponry.

We even had some target practice with guns.

I've never shot a gun before, so Jayson is helping me.

I have a hand gun loaded with regular human bullets. When we fight, they'll be silver.

He's behind me with his chest on my back. His head’s to my ear. The feeling of his warm breath on my skin sends goosebumps all over me.

"Ok. Loosen your elbow. Hold your hand like this. Loosen your grip. Don't choke it. Just breathe." He instructs.

His low, deep voice in my ear is sending hot waves to my core. I let out a quiet, shaky breath as I do as I’m told.

He turns his eyes to me. "Relax." He whispers as he rubs his nose on my cheek, heating me up even more.

"Train your eye on the sight. Aim." His breath tickles the hairs on my skin as he barely rubs his lips up and down my cheek and ear.

My breathing is speeds up as my core starts to swell with desire.

"Slow your breathing. Don't get excited. Concentrate on the target. Now. On your breath out. Squeeze the trigger. Don't pull it."

I try to calm myself even though Jayson is teasing the fuck out of me right now.

I squeeze the trigger and the gun goes off, making me jump. The bullet totally misses the paper target attached to the hay bale we set up.

He laughs as I groan. "I suck." I turn around and flop my hands down in defeat.

"No, you don't. Look, it's all in the stance Ok. Watch." He stands in front of the target and raises the gun. His body tightens and his arms relax. His strong chiseled chest puffs out, threatening his t shirt. His large biceps flex and his strong legs plant in place. I'm getting wet just looking at him as I sink my teeth into my bottom lip.

His face is serious as he fires five times, hitting the bulls eye every time.

The others on the field stare at the skill of their Alpha.

"That's not fair. You have what. A hundred years of practice over me?" I smirk with my arms crossed.

He laughs. "Fuck, now I feel really old. Ok, smartass. Yes, I'm more experienced, but with practice, you can do it. Come. Try again."

I get back into position and he stands behind me.

"Ok. Legs apart. Hips planted." His hands glide up my body seductively. "Pull in those gorgeous abs." He turns and smiles.

"You know teasing me isn't making it easy." I tilt my head to him.

"I can't help it. Seeing you with a gun in your hand is so fucking sexy. You're lucky I'm not ripping your clothes off right here." He kisses my neck.

"Ok. Pull in the abs. Loosen your arms. Try again." He holds my arms at the elbows.

I squeeze the trigger and it goes off. I don't jump this time and I hit the blue part of the target.

"Ah!" I smile and start jumping up and down in excitement.

"Ok. Ok. Ok." He says, grabbing the gun out of my hand. "Rule one. No jumping around with a loaded weapon. They may not be silver but they can still do serious damage."

"Sorry, but that was great, right!" I beam.

He kisses me. "Yes. That was very good, but you still need practice."

I wrap my arms around his waist. "I think... I need to take care of the frustration your sexy teasing caused."

He smirks. "Complete your practice and we'll see." He spins me around and slaps my ass, making me yelp. "Come on little girl. Show me what you got."

I take my stance. Jayson makes some corrections and stands back. I squeeze the trigger and it hits almost in the red.

"Good. Again." He orders.

I fire again and it's in the red.


I fire once more and it hits the bulls eye. I throw a toothy grin to Jayson, feeling extremely proud of myself.

He crosses his arms. "That's my girl." He smiles.

I set the gun down and he wraps his arm around my shoulders. "You’re so beautiful you’re almost painful to look at, an awesome kick ass fighter and a good shot. How the fuck did I get so lucky?" He kisses my temple.

"Must be written in the stars." I laugh. Swiping my hand across the sky.

"Yeah. Must be." He laughs.

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