The Fallen Angel
Chapter 13

After several hours of driving away from the military base, Gabriel and Jasmine found out they were overseas in America’s war the American president started. Cyndil explained everything that happened to them and the next plan. They had contacts to get them back to America, but it would take time so they had to stop in a safer place to rest and prepare. The ride lasted several hours in the desert Gabriel looked down at Jasmine who laid on his shoulder as she fell fast asleep. There was a small amount of joy from watching her sleep on him, some sort of small peace. They barely survived this round. Gabriel feared the next one.

“She…um…got us out of that somehow.” The agent said as he drove the van. “She can read minds?”

Gabriel nodded, wrapping his arms around her lovingly. “Yes.” Gabriel replied. “Thank you for helping us by the way.”

“Lucas Banning.”

“Thank you Lucas. And you as well Cyndil.”

“You didn’t have to save us you know.” Lucas interrupted, glancing up at the middle mirror at Gabriel. “We tortured you and Agent Fuller was about to do much worse to you before Agent Cyndil walked in. We just couldn’t believe what you said to be true. Angels don’t just pop in and…”

“No I get it. I don’t blame you nor do I blame Simon Fuller. Fear is a running component I have noticed with my time here. Even if I meant no harm, there was no way to know that.” Gabriel looked down at Jasmine resting peacefully in his arms and couldn’t be upset. “Jasmine is unharmed which is all I was concerned about.”

“You love her.” Cyndil made it a statement as she looked back at them. How he looked at her, how she looked at him. It wasn’t very hard to see that. His body language even then was loving and protective as he wrapped his arms around her, keeping her warm from the cold, and his thumb drawing circles around her wrists.

“I’m not sure what that entails. Human emotions are coming in so new to me that I don’t know what I’m doing is because I feel for her or if it’s just ingrained in me to do so. My task The Almighty gave me was to protect her. Now it seems to be all I want to do.”

Cyndil smiled and no one spoke again until they were at a hotel room. Lucas paid for two rooms, separate beds for him and Cyndil, but a queen size for Gabriel and Jasmine. Cyndil turned to them before they walked off to their adjacent rooms.

“If you make a call make it quick. We may have enemies tracking us. I will work with Agent Lucas to get us squared away so we can take you both back to America.” She explained.

“What about the both of you?” Jasmine asked.

“Our base was destroyed so they may need us to stay. Don’t worry about us. We will be fine.” Lucas replied, as he opened the room. Cyndil smiled and walked into the room with him, leaving them alone in the hallway. Jasmine turned then swiping her card to open the door. The room was comfortable enough small and cozy just for them to rest up and get ready to leave.

The door closed behind them leaving Jasmine and Gabriel in awkward silence. The chemistry threatened to consume them both and Gabriel was now questioning whether or not he did love her. He looked at her in ways he hadn’t looked at another woman. He felt things for her he couldn’t remember feeling, so right so perfect, in his life. Knowing how she felt on different topics told him she wasn’t ready to be as open with him as he wanted. Which was fine, he could give her time. They had that at least.

“I should probably call Xavier. He’s probably worried sick about us…” Jasmine said, walking over to the older looking phone.

“Worried about you.” Gabriel corrected as she dialed the number. She looked up at him accusingly.

“Detective Adams.” Xavier answered sounding a bit confused, most likely by the number on the other end.

“Xavier..It’s Jasmine.”

“Oh my god! Jasmine where the hell have you been? I sent an entire team looking for you both. Where are you?” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Umm…Out of the country…don’t worry. I can’t explain everything over the phone, but I’m fine. We’re fine. We should return soon.”

“Jasmine we found Chase and Pedro ripped to pieces. I need to know what the hell is going on here.” Jasmine paused unsure of what to say. “If you are running because we…” Xavier sighed. “I need you to come back and let’s at least talk please.”

“We will as soon as I come back okay. I promise.” She hung up then, looking at Gabriel as he sat on the chair looking out the window in deep thought.

“I can’t read your mind you know. You have to tell me what you are thinking.” She said sitting on the bed in front of him.

“Lucifer…I encountered him at the base. You said you spoke with him before?” Gabriel asked trying to place the pieces together to make sense.

“I did. He was disguised as Lucas. He called me the Chosen and compared me to Jesus. Jeez I never knew the devil could have been more wrong.” She said, standing to look at herself in the mirror.

“He’s right, you know that. You feel that. It would make sense that is why you have your gifts. It is why I was meant to protect you.”

“No. I can’t believe you honestly believe that.” Jasmine objected looking to Gabriel, but he did. It was written all over his face that he did. “I don’t need people sacrificing themselves for me or bowing to me. I don’t even believe The Almighty is listening, but yet I’m supposed to believe he chose me?”

Gabriel stood to calm her down as she started pacing the floor frantically. He placed his hands on her shoulder, pulling her into him to steady her and calm her which worked. She wrapped her arms around his waist calming her breathing before she hyperventilated.

“The Almighty makes no mistakes, Jasmine. Everything you have been through is to prepare you for this very moment. Lucifer told you the truth, but don’t think for a second it isn’t for his own benefit. Whatever happens I’m not leaving you to go through this alone.” He cupped her chin and gave her a reassuring smile.

She wanted to kiss him. She wanted so much more than she knew she was ready for. She slowly backed away from his safety and held herself, placing up her shield. “I don’t want you involved in my mess. I need to do this alone. I’ve been doing just fine by myself…”

Gabriel wrapped his arms around her again, not falling for her pushing him away. He rested his chin on the top of her head, crossing his arms around her chest holding her close. He didn’t say anything. They just stayed together until Jasmine gave in to the feeling and placed her hands on top of his arms, closing her eyes savoring the feeling of him. She couldn’t stop herself from falling however much she wished she could spare him from the heartbreak and danger that came with being with her.

“You have been fighting so hard for so long, Jasmine. That now you don’t know how to do anything else. You fight my feelings for you, you fight Xavier’s feelings for you, you fight your own feelings…”

She moved away from him enough to turn around to look him in his eyes. “I don’t have feelings for Xavier…” She lied causing Gabriel to scoff.

“You love him, Jasmine. You just never wanted to get too close. He loves you as well. You and I both know that.” He objected.

She placed her hands on his chest a bit confused and wanting to tell him she wanted him. She did love Xavier, but not in this falling for him kind of way. Xavier had always been at arm’s length. She supposed they were just there for each other even though Xavier was all she had, it felt comfortable being with him, a logical choice. In the most cliche way she did fall for him. They were partners, could trust each other and held a level of respect no one else had towards each other. Being with Xavier was natural and easy, comfortable.

Being with Gabriel though felt right and challenging. Felt as if this was who she was meant to be which wasn’t comfortable. Quite frankly she was terrified and no matter how much he was there for her Gabriel was her safety net and causing a whirlwind of emotions . So many decisions had to be made if she didn’t want to hurt herself or others. She didn’t want to think about that. Not now, not when Gabriel was there for her.

She leaned up standing on her tiptoes, sliding her arms slowly towards his neck wrapping them around as she drew herself into his embrace. He held her close, lifting her up once their lips touched, so softly, feeling each other’s breathing. It was Gabriel who tilted his head allowing more access for full control as he took over. Both of their eyes closed and both of them devoured the other, drowning the other in feelings that washed over their entire body. Their tongues danced together as they tried to get as close as possible wanting no spaces in between.

Gabriel picked her up by the back of her legs lifting her in his arms to free fall on the bed still engrossed in the kiss. Jasmine moaned and it caused Gabriel’s cock to jerk unexpectedly. It made him realize what he was doing. He pulled away slightly to gain control and air. If he went all the way with her there would be no coming back for either of them.

“Jasmine…” his voice came out more rasped and needy than he wanted it.

She placed her hands on his cheeks. “I don’t want to think about the future right now or who I would have to choose when I get home. I don’t want to decide the fate of humanity…I just want to be me for a moment,” her voice broke which made Gabriel’s heart break. “I want you, Gabriel.” She said. “I’m sorry I do…I…”

He kissed her again keeping her from saying anymore. He wanted her too. At that moment it was all that mattered. His hands caressed her face first and then slowly trailed down to her chest where he stopped to experiment on her sensitive breast. He couldn’t remember a time where he actually had sex before, but it was as if it had been embedded in his human skin to do this, as if he knew all along how to please her.

Jasmine’s breathing changed, her eyes dilated showing her arousal. She arched her back into him, pulling at his shirt to suggest he take it off. Gabriel helped lifting his shirt to feel her hands caressed his chest as he caressed hers. It was something erotic having Jasmine touch all over him in this way. Pleasure shot through him and he needed to feel her.

Gabriel took over her mouth again, pushing his hard body to hers needing to feel her wet and begging for mercy underneath him. Her shirt was the next to go as he dipped down to her nipples and licked lazily until he got the reaction he wanted. Her nipples were so sensitive that she could feel each lick sending signals to her core and her vagina was throbbing. Moans escaped her mouth as she tried to contain them. He was only licking her nipples why did that feel amazing she would never understand her pull to him. Maybe because they possessed powers that coming together in such an intimate way was increased tenfold.

“Don’t hold back on me. You want a moment to forget about everything then you have to let go. No fears, no worries. Let me take care of you.” Gabriel said, very close to her other nipple as his mouth began to cater to it while his hands trailed down ever so gently to her stomach. It bunched under his touch and her breathing picked up even more as the anticipation of his fingers touching her was driving her crazy. Her hand slapped on top of his eagerly for him to release her of this building pressure. Gabriel smiled, lifting his head at her.

“Gabriel please.” She panted, unable to take anymore teasing. She bit down on her lip once his pointy finger found her clit. He cupped her mound as she opened more into him, needing so much more of him. He kissed her because he couldn’t stop himself and his fingers moved in and out of her once he found the sweet spot that made her moan into his mouth which made him moan from her own pleasure. Her hands grabbed his shoulders as her hips started to move along with his curved fingers.

Gabriel didn’t let up as he kissed her moving in and up and down, imagining what she must feel like. She moved from Gabriel’s mouth and moaned while she cursed. Her walls clenched together and vibrated as a waterfall started to pour unto Gabriel’s finger. She didn’t wait to calm down. Her hands pulled at his pants and pulled his sweats down revealing his glorious cock curved and thick.

She laid him down on the bed and kissed his chest, all the way down to his pelvis all while looking in his eyes. Gabriel’s cock jerked and he closed his eyes and allowed the feeling to wash over him. She cupped his shaft and started to work her magic up and down until he moaned. His head fell back on the pillow. Her mouth soon was on the mushroom head licking his cock like an ice cream cone.

Usually, the small amount partners she did have, she could read their minds, but she couldn’t read Gabriel’s. She wasn’t sure if she was doing what he wanted and if he even liked it. It was kind of exciting to have to go by his expression and his actions alone instead of his mind. The more she inched into her mouth, the more he sucked in a breath to try and gain control.

She sucked in though and all control was lost. He placed her back down on the bed, kissing her as he wiggled out of his pants while pulling down hers, he pressed against her again, this time they both were naked and the pull towards each other was super strong. Gabriel’s penis jerked as he felt the warmth and slipperyness of her pussy dripping wet for him. He felt her walls so tight around just the head already, he hissed in response and moved his hips a little more each time. His fists clenched on the sheets as he felt the gates of heaven open for him inside of her.

Jasmine closed her eyes and arched into him. Gabriel was the perfect lover as she knew he would be. Gentle yet demanding. Nothing nor no one had ever felt so perfect in all her life. She felt her body preparing to cum again.

“Tell me…” Gabriel moaned before he could continue as he pressed himself further inside of her. She grabbed his back holding his shoulders down as she moaned loudly. “Tell me what you are feeling.”

“I feel…” She moaned. “fuck that feels amazing.” Gabriel’s slow, but hard pace was driving her out of her mind. “Faster.” She moaned biting his shoulder causing him to moan. His hips picked up, slapping against her ass echoing through the room. The friction of her silk walls against his hard dick caused his balls to clench tightly and his toes to curl. He grabbed the covers again as the bed started to rock and squeak under them.

Jasmine’s moan became more constant. It was clear she was close to cumming and taking Gabriel with her. The pressure started to build in her toes and up her leg until cum was coming out of her vagina as he pounded faster into her as he moaned and let out a groan as his hips tensed and everything within stilled as he came, shooting hot loads of cum inside of her. His breathing picked up and he felt as he had ran a marathon from the loss of energy. Both he and Jasmine were panting once Gabriel fell beside her on the bed.

“Wow that was…” Jasmine smiled as she thought about it some more.

Gabriel smiled, turning her face towards him, cupping her chin. He kissed her softly needing to touch her. He was addicted now, she was his drug. He needed her. That was the scary part.

“I never knew sex could be so…liberating. So intense…so satisfying.” He said while placing his forehead on hers. Jasmine blew out a breath for laughter then as she smiled at him. Her hands caressed his face down to his shoulder as she found his sweet spot on the side of his neck, licking around the pulse. Her hands continued to work her way down as she cupped his shaft and began a slow up, around, and down motion. Gabriel hissed as he closed his eyes, feeling the blood flow back into his penis.

Jasmine wasted no time once his dick was back hard she pressed him on his back and mounted on top of him. Gabriel grabbed her thighs looking at her gleam in the moonlight, glowing as some mystic being. Her beautiful brown skin, hypnotizing him to touch. He wondered how had he gotten so lucky? He spent his time admiring her for a moment, his hands grabbing hand full of her ass and then slightly caressing her back, back to her breast.

“I usually can read my partner’s mind and know what to expect and know if I’m doing something right.” She paused while inserting his dick into her entrance and slowly sat on him, taking every inch, feeling his cock stretching her walls adjusting inside of her, fitting perfectly inside of her. They let out that first relief moan when one has felt the ecstasy of being home. She looked down at him as he rocked his hips, slow and intimate. “You have to tell me…” Jasmine moaned low while biting her lip.

Gabriel sat up adjusting himself comfortably against the headboard, wrapping Jasmine’s legs around his waist as he drew her in close, moving his hips upwards still slow enough to drive her crazy. They stared into each other’s eyes, gazing into the others soul, giving complete trust to the other. His hands pulled her face close to his, as he devoured her mouth again. Jasmine moaned as she started slightly pushing her hips forwards and back. “You want to know what I’m feeling with you, Jasmine?” His whisper in her ear made her stomach clench and he kissed her neck down to her shoulder once he pulled away from her mouth. He thrusted up causing her to scream out from the sudden push of pleasure. Her hands instinctively held onto his shoulders to balance herself.

His right hand held her shoulder down while his left grabbed her breast rubbing her nipple across his thumb as he continued to move his hips up and down, holding her firm and taunt. His breathing picked up pace again right when he had just caught his breath. Jasmine’s smooth velvety vagina was making Gabriel fall, weak, and more human than he ever felt. “I want you...I need you like this all night.” He moaned, voice betraying him, low and sexy. He bit into her shoulder as he gave a long stroke, rocking hips. “I never knew human connection could be like this...this…” Deep, loving, powerful were all the words that came to his mind, but he looked at her and said “Beautiful.”

Jasmine smiled and turned his face to access his lips and she kissed him while pushing her body up and down on his shaft causing him to moan even more in her mouth. Her own mouth opened as she couldn’t stop the pleasure coursing through her body and her toes started to curl. The sounds of their bodies joining together echoed through the room. Their moans increased as the need to release was coming faster and faster.

“Oh shit! Oh shit…” Jasmine chanted over and over as Gabriel met her thrusts with his own. His hands grabbed her back as he held her close, giving her one last kiss as they came together.

Gabriel woke a few hours later content, but weighing his consequences. It would be no doubt in his mind now he was in love with her. Their sex was beyond intimate and touched more than their bodies. It was hard for either of them to deny it. Gabriel’s biggest fear now, his biggest consequence would be if she chose to be with Xavier and not him, how could he stay by her side and protect her and not feel so deep for her? He committed a sexual act without being committed by societal standards of marriage. There are several verses in the bible that said ‘each man should have his own wife and each woman should have her own husband’ which can mean multiple things. Does their bible apply to modern times?

He placed his hands on his forehead at the weight of what he had done. Slipping out of bed he placed on his pants and shirt and walked into the lobby to stare in the night sky. “I need some guidance. I don’t know what I’m doing anymore. I…love her…I don’t think that was supposed to happen.” He said low as he spoke to The Almighty looking to the sky.

“Who you talking to?” A man walked up seemingly to be house cleaning, but Gabriel looked at him again, feeling a familiarity about him as he walked up. He was a bit older and his face was wrinkled in his old age. He seemed to be a native of the land with something else hidden in his depths.

“The Almighty.” Gabriel replied, truthfully.

The older man nodded. “And what is The Almighty saying back?”

Gabriel sighed. “I’m not sure. I cannot deny the suspense The Almighty placed us under. I can see why people have a hard time believing in such miracles when no one has seen such a thing for themselves. And sometimes the signs aren’t as clear as I would like.”

The old man scoffed, leaning against the fence. “If you are told your destiny then it wouldn’t be destiny then would it?” Gabriel pouted, impressed as he thought about it. “You ever wondered why The Almighty created humans in the first place after he created Angels?”

“I have thought about it, but explain what you think.”

“I think it’s because Angels worshipped him because they had too. It wasn’t true love like a love that chooses to love you and follow you. Understand? You love this woman despite her resistance not because you are forced. You have a choice. You can always walk away from her now and never look back, but you won’t because your destiny is calling you. She is calling you.”

“The bible says differently…”

“The bible is collective stories of different people’s journey and experiences. Some things can be…” He paused as he thought of the correct word to use. “Lost in translation. It should’ve been used as a guideline, but people aren’t too keen on finding The Almighty for themselves. It’s just easiest to go step by step, but it doesn’t always make it correct.”

“Most would beg to differ with that.”

The older man shrugged. “It’s just what I think. What do I know? I suppose we will all reach the pearly gates and see what’s true and not.”

Gabriel smiled then patting his shoulder in encouragement. “Thank you. You are a very wise man.”

The man patted Gabriel back. “Go back to her.” The older man walked off leaving Gabriel smiling. “Fulfil your destiny.” He walked through the hallway hearing moans from across the way in Cyndil’s and Lucas room. It seemed they got along fairly well. He opened the room with his key to see Jasmine panicked as she started to place her clothes on in a hurry causing Gabriel to look concerned.

She ran to him and hugged him as she calmed down. “I thought something happened. I woke up and you weren’t there…I thought…” She just squeezed him tight, fearing the worst. Fresh tears fell from her eyes as relief washed over her. The worst thing she feared was Gabriel becoming so involved with her that eventually he would get hurt saving her. She didn’t want to risk him, but yet she couldn’t let him go.

“I’m sorry.” She said wiping her eyes.

“Why?” Gabriel asked, grabbing her hand to keep her from walking away.

“You will get hurt if you stay with me You know that don’t you? I can’t risk you getting hurt, especially not because of me.”

“What brought this feeling on?” Gabriel asked, pulling her back into his embrace as he sat on the bed ready to listen. She sat on his lap and rested her head on his shoulder in the dip of his neck.

“I had a dream of you getting shot again, but this time I couldn’t heal you. You were gone forever and you ceased to exist. I…” Her mouth became dry suddenly at the revelation of what she wanted to say. “I need you, Gabriel. That’s why I’m sorry. I’m far too selfish to give you up.”

“I placed myself on the line for you Jasmine. Perhaps I am just too stubborn to let you go as well. I’m not going anywhere. You got me for as long as you need me.” He replied, wrapping her arms around his neck so he can lift her up bridal style to place her back on the bed. He pulled away slightly to get back undressed as he got back into bed with her, kissing her senseless before placing the covers back over them.

Jasmine snuggled up closer to him as he spoke. “I’m sorry for leaving you here alone. I went out for a walk. I needed to talk to The Almighty.”

“What did The Almighty say?” She asked curiously.

Gabriel just smiled as he turned them both over so he was on top of her again. His cock poked at her entrance ready for whatever round they left off before they fell asleep. Jasmine opened herself to him as they stared into each other’s eyes as a moan escaped her once he pressed forward while he rubbed his thumb over her cheeks.

“That I’m right where I need to be.” Gabriel replied.

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