The Fallen Angel
Chapter 2

Jasmine sat at her desk at home after a very long shower in shorts and a tee shirt. Her fingernails in her mouth ready to bite as she looked at her emails. Her eyes kept darting to the application beside her, conflicted whether she should fill it out or not. The pros and cons of filling out the application weighed heavily on her mind then. A flash of the dark silhouette shot through her mind as she started to google the image trying to describe it.

There was nothing on the website that was similar to what she saw to give an explanation. Hope was almost lost until she saw an article that stood out to her. She clicked it, becoming intrigued. A woman claimed to have seen angels and demons. Surprisingly the article wasn’t calling her crazy, but it instead explained how the war for souls between angels and demons had been raging in another realm, the celestial realm. People who had gifts were said to have eyes in the celestial realm, regular people called it the sixth sense.

As Jasmine started to research more, writing notes along the way, her doorbell rang in her one-bedroom apartment. She got up hesitantly to answer it, glancing at her phone to check the time. It was later than she thought. Who would be ringing her doorbell at 2 am in the morning? She curiously looked through the peephole and opened the door slowly, sensing the person on the other side.

“Xavier? What are you…” before she could continue he grabbed her face and pressed his lips to hers. It was clear what he wanted in his mind and in his action. As much as she wanted to protest, tasting the liquor on his tongue, as it slid along her bottom lip, she couldn’t stop him. If anything she walked backward as he pressed her along the wall, pulling her hands above her head. He smelled good, pressing closer to her, her nipples were growing hard as his hands traveled down her arm above her head to caress her right breast. She moaned in his mouth which made him smile.

He lifted her legs around his waist, kissing her neck as his hands traveled under her shirt. In his mind she could see all the erotic things he wanted to do to her and everything he’d been thinking about with them together. She wanted those things. It had been so long since she was with a man she had almost forgotten how good it could feel, but her head warned her what she was doing was wrong.

“Xavier we have to stop.” She moaned as his hands covered her full breast massaging and slowly rolling over her very sensitive nipple. “Please...before you regret this.” She pleaded, pulling his hand away and removing herself from his hold.

“Why do you think I would regret this? I have feelings for you Jasmine. Why do you fight this?” he placed her hand on his hard dick causing her to jerk away. Sleeping with Xavier would cause everything to become even more awkward, falling in love with him would make matters worse. She couldn’t allow herself that luxury. Besides he was with someone. Teresa was going to kill both of them.

Jasmine didn’t want to, but she probed his mind a little, enough to see him and Teresa got into it at the celebration once he had one too many. She knew he was attracted to Jasmine and felt so threatened that even when Xavier took up for her with the other officers she couldn’t help but to accuse him of having feelings for her, which she wasn’t wrong. He did. He cared far too much.

“You need to leave Xavier, you’re clearly not in your right mind and can’t seem to hold your liquor for shit. I will call one of the officers to come by and get you.” Jasmine said regrettably, not looking at him in the eyes.

Xavier scoffed. “You want me to leave? If she thinks we are having sex together anyways I minus well do it.” He slurred, sadly, nearly falling over the couch as he gave her space. “I know you want me too Jasmine.”

She folded her arms in anger, but mostly to cover her nipples. “What makes you believe that?”

Xavier smiled and pulled her closer to him before she could get away. “You can read my mind before I even knocked on the door. You saw what I wanted to do, but yet you let me in. So stop with the games.”

As much as she wanted to deny his accusations he was absolutely right. Her body was on fire for him. She thought about wanting to have sex with him and then act as if it never happened, but she respected their relationship more than that and more so she didn’t want to fall in love with him. It was already hard enough to work with him when they both had such amazing chemistry. It was vital to keep her feelings in check.

Jasmine pulled out of his embrace before he could kiss her again and walked around for her phone. His eyes stayed glued on her ass and again his thoughts went to a place her thoughts started to travel. Her bent over the couch while he pounded her from behind as he smacked and caressed her round ass til she was begging for her release. She had to get him out of her house before she gave in.

“What are you doing?” Xavier asked, following her around the living room.

“Calling you a lyft to take you home.” She replied, determined, dodging him from taking the phone out of her hand.

“Jasmine, don’t please. Just let me stay, I promise to keep my hands to myself.” He sat on the couch sad again as he sighed and closed his eyes. “You were right about those assholes at the precinct they really do fear you. I couldn’t let them sit there and talk about you like that. You have helped me in so many ways. I love you, Jasmine. It should’ve been us and not Teresa.”

Jasmine gulped hearing the words she’d been wanting to hear for the longest time. The loneliness had her wanting to fall over him and fuck his brains out on the couch, but rational thought and fear kept her placing in his address to order the lyft. She sighed though regretting not going after what she wanted, as she placed her phone on the table as the lyft was on its way.

“You love Teresa, Xavier. You two are the star couple that everyone wants to be. You have been with her for three years now. Way before I got in the picture. I don’t want to be the homewrecker she already thinks me to be. Go home okay. Forget about this night and be happy with her.”

It was written all over his face that he wanted to protest. He wanted to tell her that he wasn’t happy and that he really wanted her instead, but he didn’t reply as he stood sobering up some, rejection on his face. Jasmine waited for him by the door, refused to look at him, afraid he may see the disappointment in her eyes. He walked up to her and caressed her cheek so that she looked at him anyways.

“I will never stop you know.”

Jasmine forced a smile. “Your lyft is outside.” She replied, opening the door to her apartment.

Xavier nodded walking out as she quickly closed the door before she changed her mind. She locked it and threw herself against the door, still feeling him on the other side of it. Her hands started to caress her body picturing them together on the couch making love. Those thoughts led her to the couch, touching and caressing her body until exhaustion caved in and she fell asleep.

The next morning Jasmine’s phone vibrated on the desk waking her up. There was a hit on the woman she researched and she had an address off the social media account. There was also a lot of texts from Xavier that she read with a smile, but deleted. He just apologized for last night and how he acted. He hoped they could still work together and it not be weird. Which it would be from now on. They kissed, that was enough.

Once she got dressed she headed out to the address which was on the opposite part of the city, damn near in the farmlands. It took her three hours to get there in her car. It was a good thing she had the money from the France family. It wasn’t clear what she expected going to this home alone. Her mind told her she should’ve told Xavier, but this was more her problem. This world was something he would never be able to fully understand. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

The house was nearly deserted and not well kept. Only a couple of cars were in the driveway. Her hands stayed on her keys where her pepper spray rested in case of any danger. She scanned the house looking for a mind to connect with. It was a man there and a sickly woman, no one else. The man was grieving over the woman wishing she would get better. It was his mother. Jasmine felt safe knocking on the door then.

“Hello Jake. My name is Jasmine Peters. I contacted you on facebook about Mrs. Jenkins.”

The door opened a few seconds later as the man pulled Jasmine in. “Thank you for coming. No one else responded.”

Jasmine looked confused as she looked at the man. “Responded? I’m sorry…”

“You’re a medium like my mother aren’t you?” The man asked, confused and desperate. “I read about you on the blogs and other social media that you help the Local Police. You have gifts like my mother.”

Jasmine drew a little closer. “Your mother has gifts?”

Jake nodded. “You are the person I been praying for.”

The fact that Jake thought Jasmine of being some savior made her uneasy. She wasn’t and didn’t even believe in her own gifts. They were more like a curse to her. Ones she was stuck with forever. Jake led her to the room where his mother laid in the hospice bed under a breathing tube and barely moving.

“The doctors say she won’t make it past the week so I brought her home.”

Jasmine’s heart started to break. Seeing his mother like this with him so hopeful she could save him made her want to try, but that wasn’t her gift. She could only read minds not heal anyone. She feared she would let him down, again the God he was praying to was letting him down by making her the scapegoat.

“I’m sorry Jake I don’t heal people. I never could do that. It’s not what I do.” She replied, sadly, touching the railing on the bed.

“Can you read her mind then? Tell me if she is suffering. What would she want me to do?” Jasmine could do that at least. “I can pay you whatever you like.”

Jasmine held her hands up. “Not necessary. I will do it.” Jasmine took a deep breath and grabbed Mrs. Jenkins hand. The feeling started to travel up her fingers then to her arms and straight to her head. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and pressure inside started to build as she felt a tinge of electricity run through. Mrs. Jenkins power coursed through her veins.

“Help! Don’t let them take me!”

Jasmine almost wanted to pull away, but Mrs. Jenkins grabbed her hand strong keeping her there with her in the darkness. “Mrs. Jenkins? I can’t…”

“You can.”

I can’t. What are you trying to do? Who is after you?”

Mrs. Jenkins started to scream. “Open your eyes!”

Jasmine hesitated but opened her eyes to the darkness. It drew her in another world it seemed. Another realm. She could feel the pull of something there with her. Something she had never felt before. The bright light shone then as if she was outside of herself. The silhouette was leaning over Mrs. Jenkins, this time more visible. It was what Mrs. Jenkins’s spirit was seeing. The black wings nearly took up the room as he stood there staring at her. His cold piercing gaze shot over at hers as Jasmine gasped. She nearly released her hand, but Mrs. Jenkins’s grip was stone cold.

You see him too don’t you?” Mrs. Jenkins asked in her mind to Jasmine.

“Yes.” Jasmine stuttered unsure of what she was seeing. “Who is he?”

“The warrior of darkness who works for the light. I won’t go with him. Please help me.”

Jasmine looked over to the sort of dark angel man. His eyes were a beautiful green and his skin was glowing. He had on some kind of black armor that didn’t hide his body at all. He was built like a god.

“So you can see me,” he spoke and it was as if angels from the heavens were raining down on trumpets. “Odd.”

“Were you the man I saw at the gravesite? Are you some sort of angel of death?” Jasmine asked, boldly.

“Excuse me?” Jake asked, hearing her and not the angel.

The Angel’s eyes glanced over at Jake, and back to Jasmine, who looked at him determinedly. “You really want to know the answer to that?” he asked, again the voice was triumphant and should’ve shattered Jasmine’s core.

“Yes. Who are you? And what do you want?” She asked, stubbornly needing answers.

“Jasmine?” Jake touched her causing her to jump.

“Jake can I have a moment alone with your mother please?” He was hesitant and didn’t respond right away. “If you want me to heal her I need alone time.”

“You won’t heal her.” The angel chuckled, crossing his arms.

Jasmine ignored him as she continued to look to Jake. He nodded and slowly walked out the room not turning his back on Jasmine as they both waited until he closed the door to look back at each other. The smug look on the angelic man’s face made Jasmine even angrier as he leaned against the wall arms still folded as he watched Jasmine still hold onto Mrs. Jenkins’s hand.

“You are quite determined to go against The Almighty. That woman’s soul is ours. It has already been determined. Let go of her hand now.”

Jasmine took a step back as he took a step forward. “Your almighty hasn’t been present in a long time and now his main job is collecting souls? You can’t have hers.” She argued. “You only want her because she can do things that normal people can’t.” His eyebrows rose at her defiance. “You were at the grave sight about to take Amelia France’s soul weren’t you?”

“I suppose it was me. I had a busy schedule so it may have been me or some other angel. Nonetheless this would be twice you have interfered with The Almighty’s business. Interesting.” He started to walk over to her looking her up and down. “The Almighty won’t be happy to hear about this.”

Jasmine shuddered out of fear. Of course, it would be just her luck she pissed off God of all things. The angel’s presence was very intimidating and now life-changing as she knew that God was real and dark angels carried out souls to heaven. This angel was sizing her up and down and one of his wings caressed her arm feeling the feathery embrace and feeling scared all at once.

“Jasmine Lanea Peters, age twenty seven. Born from the mother of Janea Latrice Peters and father unknown. Last prayer was for her mother before she passed several years ago. You feel alone and helpless. You need this to be your saving grace. It is no wonder you are so determined.”

Jasmine’s mouth went dry and she wanted to remove her hand, but instead, it started to glow which caused the Angel to look worried then. “What are you doing?”

Honestly, she didn’t even know, but she willed for Mrs. Jenkins to become better. Her body started to heal itself from growing cancer and she was pouring her life force into a complete stranger without even realizing she could. The Angel wanted to take her away. He tried to grab her, but remembered it was against the rules for him to do so, clenched his teeth in anger.

“Who do you think you are?” he asked angrily. “Do you even know what you have done?”

Jasmine watched him stare dead into her eyes as she watched him fade away, his wings flapped and he flew off before he was entirely gone out of her sight. Jasmine could release Mrs. Jenkins hand then, breathing and grabbing a hold to the wall as she panted. Mrs. Jenkins rose with a deep breath calling for Jake as she did so. Jasmine held her chest unsure of what just happened. Curiously she looked at her hands from front to back.

“Jasmine you did it.” She said, happily. Then she turned to her son as he hugged her tight.

“What did I do? How...did I…” Jasmine watched the woman get out of the bed before she lost focus and started to fall with Jake helping her.

“Sit down Jasmine. Let me get you some water.” He offered, walking off quickly and returning before Jasmine could get her head together. Mrs. Jenkins held her hand as she squatted in front of her.

“I never met someone as strong as you before. You are…” Jasmine started to fade before she could continue.

Gabriel waited in front of the throne on his knee bowing to the Almighty as he felt ashamed. Yet another soul was regained and the earth now was out of balance and corrupted by one person. One measly woman. His fists clenched and he contained the anger from his lips as he spoke. He had never been so humiliated.

“No need to feel humiliated, my child. There are certain things in this world that you do not understand.” The Almighty replied, in a blanket of warmth surrounding Gabriel, not at all upset as he thought The Almighty should be.

“Who is this Jasmine Peters supposed to be really? Why can she do things an Angel can?” Gabriel stood from his bowed stance, hands on his chest as he spoke. “I never…” He paused remembering he had seen such gifts before. His fists clenched. “These are critical times Almighty. The celestial war is growing more and more brutal by the day. We needed those souls with us. I was first on the scene before Malakith and his demon ambassadors. If it had not been for that woman…”

“Gabriel my child. You have missed the importance of what is to come. Keep a close eye on Jasmine Peters. This is an order. Follow her and report back to me your findings.”

The light soon disappeared having the final say so and leaving Gabriel confused and even more curious. The woman was ruining his angelic duties. He wasn’t a babysitter. He was a dark angel, God’s fierce warriors who lead souls to heaven. It wasn’t the toughest job if the Demons they battled for the souls weren’t growing more powerful by each soul they consumed.

“This human has you going, brother?”

Gabriel smirked as he turned to his brother, Ezekiel. They clasped arms as men would in a battle environment. Ezekiel looked much like him, but different color eyes and slightly different build. Both Angels cut from the same cloth.

“Nothing I won’t be able to handle.”

Ezekiel laughed then. “Not sure these humans are far more superior than we think they are. We are clearly powerful celestial beings, but yet we watch over them. We nourish them. The Almighty needs them. They are as much as our brothers and sisters as we are. The Almighty’s children.”

Gabriel frowned. “He speaks in encrypted code. These humans may have the Almighty’s mind clouded with love for them. They don’t deserve it. They never had. They never will.” He folded his arms as he looked to the earth in the vastness of it all.

“Free will my brother. We cannot interrupt free will. No matter how much we would like too. They are free to decide and make their own choices. We are just here to guide them to Almighty. Remember that.” Ezekiel patted Gabriel on his shoulder as he flew off with the last word leaving Gabriel pondering on going back to earth to deal with his failings. Whatever the Almighty had in store in his future he was more than willing to accept the task and complete it determinedly. Jasmine Peters would be carefully watched and guarded, rather she obeyed him or not.

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