The Fifth Element
Chapter Twenty-Six

For a split second Vivan’s face remained blank like I had slapped her across her face, then her eyes widened and her mouth formed into an O shape. Her face changed expression again, and she narrowed her eyes at me.

“Lacy who?” she questioned.

It was my turn to freeze. I hadn’t ever bothered asking Lacy her last name, it hadn’t seemed that important at the time, but then it came to me, from a voice somewhere deep in my subconscious.


Vivian closed the distance between us and clamped her hands on either side of my shoulders. She leaned her large frame over me until her face was so close to mine that she could have kissed me if she really wanted to.

“How do you know my sister’s name,” her eyes burned into mine.

Sister? Oh wow. There wasn’t much of a family resemblance.

I swallowed, “I met her ghost when I first came to the school, and she talked to me. She’s stuck in some sort of limbo, and won’t be at rest until she receives justice. If you ever loved your sister, you’ll admit to whatever you did to her.”

Did she love her sister? And what had she done anyways?

Vivian released me and turned her back to me.

“She told me it was an accident,” I offered.

Vivian looked at me, and I was surprised to see her face streaked with tears, “She’s in limbo?”

I nodded.

Vivian breathed in deeply and walked over to the edge of the ledge. For a moment, I was afraid she was going to jump.

“I’ll go find something to keep us warm, it’s cold outside,” she finally said. She made a single gesture with her hands, and a staircase materialized out of the side of the mountain, “Put on a shirt, there’s an extra one in my bag, I’ll be right back,” she said and tossed me her bag.

I caught it and tucked it under my arm. “O...Okay,” I called after her. I watched her descend the stairs leading to the ground.

When she was at the bottom, I undid the clasp on the bag and reached inside. The bag was a lot bigger. Then it appeared to be on the outside. My arm was in all the way to my shoulder, and I still hadn’t even scratched the bottom. But the again, I guess that’s what you can expect from a possession of one of the members of the big four.

My hand brushed against something soft, and I grabbed it and pulled it out. It was a heavy duty blanket the color of grass. My thoughts drift to Henry and then the steadily chilling air. I dropped the bag and walked over to where Henry lay.

Nessie, who was lying only a couple of feet from her master, raised her head and scrutinized me with her bright yellow eyes, before resting her head on her front claws again. I guess I was less of a threat than Vivian.

I carefully draped the blanket over his body. The crouched down and smoothed some hair back from his face.

“Wake up soon,” I said and began walking away from him


I stopped in my tracks and turned back towards Henry, wondering if I had just imagined it.

“Violet, I have to tell you something before I pass out again because I’m not sure if I’ll wake back up.” he pleaded.

I definitely hadn’t imagined that. My heart pounded in my eardrums.

“Henry?” I walked back towards him. “Elum,” I said, casting the spell for the small ball of light.

I smiled when I saw his electric blue eyes were open.

“Good, you’re awake,” I said.

He gave me serious look “Violet, I need to tell you something,” He repeated, “I-”

“Sh, save your breath. I understand why you did what you did. You don’t have to apologize. You just need to get your rest.”

“No, I need to tell you something before I black out again because I’m not sure if I’ll wake up again. You’re my nurse after all,”

I snorted, “If you’re aware enough to insult me, I think you’ll pull through.”

He shook his head.” I just got to say this, I like you, Violet Silver.”

I coughed, “Excuse me what?”

“I like you. Your brave and kind and that’s all I need in a girl. ”

“Oh-kay maybe you’re really going to die, you hate me remember ?“.

Henry frowned, “When did I ever say that I hated you?”

“You didn’t have to. How stupid can you be Violet? I’m not repeating myself, Violet? Can you even breathe right Violet?” I mimicked.

Henry closed his eyes. “Alright, I’ll admit it, I didn’t like you at first. You were always doing stupid things to put yourself in danger, and sometimes you’re annoying, but you are one of the few people who aren’t afraid of me. Plus, it’s fun arguing with you. And why don’t you have a shirt on? Not that I really mind.”

My face turned red, and I quickly covered myself up with my hands. I felt like I could die. I don’t think I’ve been more embarrassed in my life.

I turned my back to him “T-That’s all you like about me. Isn’t that pretty few reasons to fall in love with a person?”

“I said I like you, not I love you. I promise there’s more than that, but I really can’t think straight right now.”


No answer.


I reached out and gently shook his shoulder. Henry let out a small groan but did not open his eyes. I waited a couple more seconds, before rising to my feet and retrieving the bag from where I had dropped it. I reached my hand inside again, and after a little more digging around, I finally found the shirt Vivian had been talking about.

I pulled the simple V-neck shirt over my head and rolled up the sleeves until my hands were showing. The shirt was way too big for me. It reached all the way to halfway down my thighs. It was more of a dress on me than a shirt.

I made my way over to the steps Vivian had created and peered down them. From where I stood, I could see the slight glow of Vivian’s ball of light floating through the forest.

I let mine light my way while I descend the stairs. When I reached the bottom, I headed towards the general direction of Vivian’s light.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see shadows dart in between the trees, and could hear soft whispers on the wind. When I tried to look directly at these shapes, they would dart out of my range of sight.

I wandered what they were. Were they all ghost, or were they something else? And why were there so many of them in the woods?

After a bit of walking, and a lot of falling, I eventually caught sight of Vivian’s light.

“Miss B?” I called out.

My call was followed by the sound of crunching leaves. Miss B appeared a second later, holding an arm full of moss.

I looked at the moss curiously.

“It burns without giving off too much smoke,” She explained, reading my curious look.

I nodded, “So, will you accept the terms of my deal.”

Vivian stared at me for a second before answering, “Yes, I’ve always regretted what happened.”

“And what about Hampton Blackwing, will he confess too?” Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

She frowned and put her bundle of moss on the ground, “I don’t know what you’re talking about?”

“He had a part in it too, didn’t he?”

“No!” she said with such ferocity that I took an involuntary step backward.

I regained my composure and crossed my arms over my chest. I stuck out my chin “The deal is off unless he confesses too.

She took a step towards me, and I began questioning what I was doing. What had Lacy ever done for me? I didn’t even like her, and the deal we had made was kind of pointless now. But I had been a ghost, even if it had been a few minutes, and it was terrible. If Vivian understood, she would hesitate in doing everything she could for Lacy.


“I’m the one who did it, and I’ll be the one to take the fall. If you won’t help protect this country, I’ll make you,” she said between clenched teeth.

The ground began to tremble slightly under my feet.

“It’s not in your best interest to threaten my daughter,” a voice said from somewhere in the darkness.

Vivian’s head snapped to the right, and the ground stopped trembling. She frowned when Neeva glided out of the darkness and joined us. I couldn’t have been happier to see my long lost father.

“No, it wouldn’t be wise of me.”

His dark purple eyes slid from Vivian to me, “Are you well?”

I nodded.

His eyes flickered back to Vivian, “I believe we have much to talk about Miss Bat, I’m I wrong?”

Vivian shook her head, “No, I think we do, Mr. Jaywing.”

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