Chapter 1: The Betrayal

I took a deep breath as I stared at myself in the mirror. It did not look like me. It was not the girl I used to see in the mirror every morning. With the accessories and the colors added to my face, I look different. Beautiful, in fact.

I blushed at the thought as I imagined my betrothed’s reaction. I’ve known Philip ever since we were kids. My family was one of the biggest houses in the Kingdom and has been a great help to the Alpha King for a very long time. It only made sense that our families would marry us so to strengthen our family’s bond. Unlike any arranged marriage, Philip and I love each other. I can see it from the way he looks at me and from the way he takes care of me. We may not have felt the mating bond but it was getting normal these days. Mating bonds were a thing of the past. Wolves like us pair with whoever we fancy.

“My lady.” A voice pulled me from my reverie and I turned to face the door where I saw my lady-in-waiting, Niana. She bowed and looked at me one more time and her eyes glistened in adoration.

“You look stunning, my lady,” she said and I smiled before facing the mirror again. My eyes dropped to the jewelry box on the table. I picked up the necklace there and showed it to her.

“Do you think this would go well with my dress?” I asked and she nodded.

“Everything suits you, my lady. Would you like me to put it on you?”

“Please, Niana.” I turned and I felt her featherlight hands carefully putting the necklace on me. I stared at myself in the mirror once again and memories of my childhood came rushing in, particularly my memories with my father.

It’s been only three months since his death. He had been weakening for several years and no doctor has ever cured him. Being a human, my father was weaker. However, despite being a human, he has made a name for himself being the most influential man in the Kingdom, second to the royal family.

“Do you think they’d be happy for me?” I asked as I stared at the pendant on my neck.

Niana knew who I was talking about. She caressed my hair and fixed it around my shoulder. “They’d be smiling from the heavens, my lady. They’d wish they were here to witness this magical moment.”

Her words assured me, and they gave me courage. I don’t have my parents with me. My mother died when I was just five years old. She was a werewolf, and she met an accident, killing her in an instant. My father died of sickness. However, my father married a woman named Myrna and I was ecstatic to know that she has a daughter around my age named Yvette. My stepmother and stepsister had been good to me, and I am thankful to have them even with my parents gone.

“I think I’m ready,” I muttered, failing to hide the trembling in my voice.

Tonight is the night that I will be declared as the fiancé of Philip, Crown Prince of the Veridian Kingdom. I have loved Philip since I was a child and I felt like this was just a fitting ending for us. I am glad to have the support of my stepmother and stepsister too. They were ecstatic as the engagement party neared.

Niana took a step back and bowed before walking with me out of the chamber. My dress clung to my body so tightly that I could barely breathe. But I did not mind. All of this will be worth it. I will finally be announced to be the future wife of Philip, the only man I ever loved aside from my father.

My steps were heavy, and my hands were sweating. I wish I had Mother Myrna here with me or Yvette.

“You’re beautiful, my lady. Please raise your head,” said Niana behind me and I smiled.

“It’s easy for you to say, Niana.” I took a deep breath. The gesture took effort, but it somehow calmed me. I raised my head and walked towards the grand staircase where I would walk down and make my entrance.

The grand hall dazzled with opulence, its polished marble floors reflecting the warm glow of crystal chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling greeting the guests as they enter through grand double doors adorned with intricate gold filigree. The air is filled with the sweet scent of exotic flowers strategically placed in large, ornate vases.

Suddenly, I want to go back to the chamber. Why did I ever agree to have this? Mother Myrna and Yvette insisted we should have this to announce my engagement to make it more official. I did not need to do this but somehow, they convinced Philip and the Alpha King to do this too. How could I refuse?

I took a deep breath. Muttering my prayers as I slowly walked to the light and made my presence known. The air smelled of power. As I looked down, I could see the guests coming from prominent families, looking up at me. I began to feel conscious of their stares but I remained my feet glued on the ground.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the Lady Henrietta Elizabeth from the House Silvana.”

Soft claps echoed inside the hall followed by the soft music floating in the air. I forced my best smile out as I slowly descended the stairs. The attention all on me made me conscious but thankfully, I successfully reached the bottom of the stairs without tripping.

I sighed and then I felt the presence of someone behind me. I turned and suddenly, our surroundings vanished and there was just me and Philip, looking at each other. His reaction to me was exactly the same as what I had imagined. His eyes were wide and his mouth slightly open as he beheld me wearing the dress he personally chose.

“You’re gorgeous, Henny,” he said and extended his hand out to me. I placed my hand on his and we made our way to the dancefloor as the music started to play a different song.

We stood, facing each other and we bowed before we were in each other’s arms again, moving our bodies with the music. My eyes were on him. The opulence of the hall does not even compare to how beautiful he is. Philip Horace is every woman’s dream. He let go of my one hand and then made me turn before he grabbed my waist to pull me close.

“Tonight is an important night,” he started and I smiled.

“It is, Your Highness,” I said. “And there are many important people present.”

He chuckled. Peering down on me. “It’s my engagement party. I’m going to announce my bride officially.” Then his face lightened as his eyes looked in the distance. I followed his gaze and my heart almost dropped when my gaze met someone’s piercing blue eyes.

My heart ratcheted into a thunderous beat as I saw the man walking straight towards us. His black cloak looked so out of place in a bright and glamorous hall and yet he walked as if he owned the whole place and we were mere extras of his own world.

He stopped an arm’s length away and dipped his head slightly– a sign of respect to the Crown Prince.

“Greetings, Your Highness.” His gaze went to me and I could have sworn the temperature dropped the moment our gazes met.

He’s still as scary as before. The only difference is that he’s grown taller and bigger. Did guarding the Kingdom’s borders do this to him?

Andreas Havilliard raised his brow in my direction and I cleared my throat before I gave him my hand. He gingerly took it and the feel of his calloused hand against my gloved one made me shiver for some reason. Then he leaned and bent his waist to kiss the back of my hand.

“You’re as beautiful as they say, Lady Henrietta.”

I swallowed. Why is he acting like this is the first time we’ve seen each other? But then again, it’s been a long time since we last saw each other. I believe we were still kids then…

“Thank you, Sir Andreas.” I pulled my hand and cleared my throat once again to hide my embarrassment.

Why am I even embarrassed?

“Henrietta has always been gorgeous, Andreas. I’m sure you’ll get along well.”

My gaze pierced Philip with confusion, yet he met my questioning look with an untroubled smile. “I’m going to greet the other guests. Why don’t you two get to know each other again? It’s been a long time since you two saw each other.”

He’s leaving me with his scary brother? Despite the evident pleading in my eyes, Philip left me alone with Andreas Havilliard.

The music sounded so loud and I shifted on my feet. I need to get out of here. Being near this man makes me conscious for some reason.

“S-Sir Andreas-”

“Dance with me.”

I looked up at him, now quite believing what he just said. “Pardon?”

His eyes pinned me on the spot. He extended his hand and I swallowed hard. I could feel the guests staring in our direction.

Will he kill me if refuse?

I forced a smile and placed my hand on his. Before I knew it, we were moving with the music. Despite the dark rumors surrounding him, Andreas was gentle as he guided me across the dancefloor. Perhaps I was nervous about his presence or perhaps it was the whole engagement party that was making me feel uneasy but I kept my composure and danced with the notorious warrior.

Andreas showed no hesitation with his movements as he led the dance.

Finally, the music slowed and so did our movements. My hand was back on his shoulder and his other hand on my waist.

“Whatever happens tonight, don’t show them your weakness,” he said, peering down on me.

I furrowed my brows. “What are you talking about, Sir Andreas?”

Before he could even say something, the music stopped and we all looked at the dais where the royal table was. Seated in the center is the Alpha King and on his left is Philip.

He stood and faced everyone before he cleared his throat and said, “I thank you all for coming. Tonight is an important night as I will formally introduce my fiance.”

“I’m afraid I have to go.”

However, before I could even take a step forward, his hand held my wrist.

I looked at him with wide eyes. “Sir Andreas–”

Before I could continue what I was about to say, my stepmother, Myrna, stood beside me. She looked at me and smiled but she did not do anything. I tried to pull my hand but Sir Andreas’ grip tightened.

Mother Myrna might think wrongly if she sees Sir Andreas holding my wrist.

“Stay still, girl,” she said and I was taken aback by how cold her voice was. “This night is not just for you.”


I looked at the dais where Philip stood. He was smiling but not to me. I followed his gaze and much to my horror, he was looking at my stepsister, Yvette.

“Mother, what is going on?”

But she did not say anything and walked to where Yvette was.

“I introduce you to my beloved fiance, Lady Yvette Silvana.”

Philip’s voice echoed in my head. His beloved fiance? Hold on. Aren’t I his fiance?

What is going on?

A shiver coursed through my skin, and an unwelcome well of tears blurred my vision as Philip extended his hand to assist Yvette up the dais. He looked at her the way he used to look at me and kissed the back of her hand.

The more I looked at them, the more I wanted to tear my heart out. I felt the world crumble under my feet. How is this happening? Why is he introducing Yvette as his bride?

Philip and Yvette faced everyone and Philip’s gaze met mine.

He smiled.

He smiled as if he did not take my heart out and shatter it right in front of my eyes, laid bare for all to witness.

“This marriage will strengthen the relationship between the Royal Family and the House Silvana. To strengthen it even more, my stepbrother will marry Lady Henrietta Silvana.”

My ears were ringing as I turned to look at the man who was holding my wrist.

Andreas Havilliard, stoic as ever, regarded the whole thing with indifference. As if he knew this was going to happen.

“Don’t cry,” he said, low enough for just me to hear. “Face them. Stare them down. Everyone is looking.”

Slowly, I turned to face Philip and Yvette. Mother Myrna was beaming in my direction. They knew how much I loved Philip. How could they do this to me?

“Smile. You can cry once you’re out of here.”

Strange enough, I found myself following his words. Summoning all the strength within me, I straightened my back and unveiled the practiced smile I’d meticulously crafted for the moment Philip would declare me his bride.

Yvette and Mother Myrna gave me a look of disdain. Sir Andreas was right. They would relish it if I cried here. So I smiled wider. As if getting engaged to the rumored most ruthless man in the Kingdom is the happiest thing that ever happened to me tonight.

Whispers rippled through the crowd, curious eyes darting between Philip, Yvette, and me, silently questioning the unexpected twist in the engagement. Everyone in the Kingdom knew I was to be his bride and now, he chose my stepsister of all people.

My gaze went to Philip and I bowed gracefully, stopping the tears in my eyes.

“It is my honor to be engaged to Sir Andreas Havilliard.”

My voice trembled and I felt Sir Andreas’ hand tightened around my wrist.

“If we are done here, we shall take our leave,” he announced. His dark voice echoed throughout the hall.

He turned and was about to walk when the Alpha King called him.

“Leaving so soon at your engagement party, Andreas?”

Sir Andreas did not as much as face the King. He was living up to his reputation of being disrespectful.

With a tug, he pulled me closer to him. “I’m afraid not, Father. Me and my fiance have somewhere else to be.”

And with that, he walked me out of that damned hall. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

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