Chapter 58


The hunger clawed at my insides, an insatiable craving that seemed to consume my very being. It was a hunger unlike anything I have ever experienced, a primal urge that gnawed at me from within, relentless in its pursuit of


With each passing moment, the hunger grew more insistent, a constant reminder of the monstrous transformation I had undergone. Dread coiled in the pit of my stomach, mingling with the desperation that

threatened to engulf me whole. I fought against the primal instincts that surged through my veins, determine

to resist the urge to succumb to my newfound desires– blood. Lots of them down my throat.

I have turned into a vampire. No matter how much I tried to convince myself that it was just a dream, I was kept in the tethers of the painful reality. It loomed over me like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over my once-ordinary


I do not understand how this was possible. I do not understand everything at all. Memories I did not have before started to flood into me and one of them was the night that I was attacked by another vampire and Andreas was

there to save me.

I was mad at him for what he did but after what he told me, it diminished. I am not certain yet if I could trust him after everything but right now, Andreas is the only one who can help me.

I don’t want to be a vampire.

When he compelled me to sleep earlier, I was grateful as I was able to forget my situation.

Yet even in my sleep, my dreams were plagued by visions of blood and hunger, my subconscious haunted by the echoes of my new identity. I longed once again for the oblivion of unconsciousness, a reprieve from the torment of my waking hours because I did not want to feel hunger. I did not want to feel that desperation for blood.

However, I also know that I won’t be able to escape this. That it would only be a matter of time before I lose control of my wits and eventually give in to my desires.

My hands clenched onto the sheets, trying to calm myself when the door of my chamber suddenly opened. My instincts got the better of me and before I knew it, I was already running towards the intruder and pushed him against the wall.


As my fingers held his throat, I felt is pracy me divvu


However, Aiden easily grabbed both my hands and pushed me against the wall. I grunted as my face pressed against the wood. I thrashed and hissed at him but it was no use. My desperation for blood fueled my anger and I could not stop it.

“No, my lady. You can’t,” Aiden’s voice cut through the haze of my desperation, his grip firm yet gentle as he restrained me. Deep down, I was grateful he was able to stop me. Eventually, I calmed down. My breathing went slower and I felt Aiden’s grip on me loosened.

I felt a tear escape from my eyes and when Aiden finally let me go, I let myself fall onto the floor and sobbed. I heard someone else coming inside my room and I remember it was the man who was also there that night of the attack. The look on his face was alarmed. Perhaps he heard the commotion from the outside and decided to

come in.

I hastily wiped my tears. “Please tie me up,” I said. Aiden and the man looked at each other before Aiden.

crouched in front of me.

“My lady, I can’t possibly do that–”

“Just do it. I don’t want to give in to this desire. I don’t want to…” I choked on my words but I took a deep breath. and went on. “I don’t want to drink blood.”

Understanding crossed their features.

“Please. I don’t want to hurt anyone.”

“You’re not going to hurt anyone, my lady,” Aiden said and then he nodded to the man. The latter took out something and the smell of it immediately invaded my nose. The sickening scent filled the air, the metallic tang of blood mingling with the stench of fear. The hunger surged within me, a ravenous beast clawing at my insides, threatening to consume me whole.

I recoiled in horror, scrambling away from the source of temptation, my heart pounding in my chest. “Get that away from me,” I pleaded, my voice strained with desperation. “I can’t… I won’t…”

But the man’s words fell on deaf ears, drowned out by the relentless drumbeat of my own desires. “You need to drink, my lady,” he insisted, his voice tinged with urgency. “You just turned, and if you don’t… you’re going to–”


Chapter 58

“I don’t care!” I screamed, my voice echoing off the walls of my chamber. “Get it away from me!”

But even as the words left my lips, I knew that the hunger would not be denied. It would always be there, lurking in the shadows, waiting to consume me whole.

As the scent of blood intensified, my senses went into overdrive, the hunger roaring to life within me like a starved beast. Despite my desperate pleas, the allure of the crimson liquid proved impossible to resist.

In a frenzy of desperation and rage, I lunged at Aiden and the other man with a ferocity born of primal instinct. My nails clawed at their flesh, my fangs bared in a silent scream of anguish and hunger. I felt the immense pleasure that I was able to hurt them–that I was able to make them bleed.

Aiden and the man fought back with all their strength, attempting to restrain me as I thrashed and snarled, consumed by the insatiable craving. But my newfound vampiric strength proved too much for them to handle, and I broke free from their grasp with a wild, feral cry.

With a single-minded focus, I stalked towards them, my eyes blazing with a hunger that bordered on madness.

The man hid the blood bag he was holding earlier but my fury could not be tamed anymore.

“My lady–” Aiden tried to reason with me, his voice laced with concern and desperation, but his words fell on deaf ears as the primal urges of my vampire nature drowned out all reason and logic.

In a last-ditch effort to subdue me, Aiden and the man attempted to immobilize me with restraints, but I fought against them with a feral strength that belied my strength. With a savage snarl, I tore through the bindings, my claws rending through fabric and flesh alike as I launched myself at them once more.

The room became a battleground, the air thick with the scent of blood as I unleashed the full force of my vampire fury upon them. But even as I fought against them, a part of me recoiled in horror at the violence of my own actions, the realization of what I had become sinking in with each frenzied blow.

Trembling and breathless, I sank to my knees, my hands stained with blood and my heart heavy with the weight of guilt and remorse.

Aiden and the man were healing but their blood was still on my hands. They regarded me with a mixture of concern and apprehension, their faces etched with the gravity of the situation.

A s ob broke through me as I sat on the floor. Broken glasses and wood sca ttered around, mixing with blood– the blood of these people who only wanted to help.

Emergency calls onlyM

Chapter 58


Both of them were quiet as they watched me cry, their expressions softened with empathy as they witnessed the turmoil tearing me apart. Aiden approached me cautiously, his movements slow and deliberate, as if afraid to startle me further.

“My lady,” he began, his voice gentle and rea ssu

“I know this is difficult for you. But you are not alone in this.

We are here to help you, to guide you through this transition.”

His words offered a glimmer of solace amid the chaos raging within me, a lifeline in the darkness. But I do not want to go through that transition. An unknown fear is stopping me. I looked up at him through tear-streaked eyes, with a mixture of anguish and gratitude.

my gaze!

“I… I don’t know what to do,” I whispered, my voice barely more than a broken s ob. “I’m scared. I’m scared of what I’ve become.”

Aiden knelt beside me, his presence a source of quiet strength and reassurance. “It’s okay to be scared,” he said softly, his tone soothing. “But you are stronger than you realize. We will help you learn to control your instincts.”

I stared at him, trying to hold onto my rationality. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Suddenly, I lost control of everything. My instincts took over and the next thing I knew, I was gripping his neck, trying to snap it. The man tried to intervene but with a brandish of my hand, I sent him flying across the room.

I was suddenly stronger than them and should I decide to kill them, I could easily do it.

My gaze went back to Aiden who struggled to get away. I gripped his neck tighter, not planning to stop.

Just when he was about to lose consciousness, I turned his head to the side, exposing the side of his neck where I envisioned sinking my fangs.

Just when I was about to do it, something– or rather someone- tackled me to the ground. The fabric of my dress tangled around us as we rolled to the messy floor. I felt the shards of glass wounding my skin but I couldn’t care less. I was furious at someone who dared to interrupt me.

But then I was met with that familiar piercing blue gaze that was enough to pin me on the ground and make me stop thrashing.

“Henrietta,” he called. His voice seemed like a wake-up call and I was instantly back to my senses. His eyes were filled with urgency, searching my face. “Henrietta,” he called again and I opened my mouth to call his name too.

Emergency calls only U

Chapter 58

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But what came out was a heartbreaking wail as I realized how scared I was before he arrived and how close I was to committing an irreparable act of violence. The realization hit me like a tidal wave, washing away the haze of my primal instincts and leaving me trembling with guilt and horror.

Andreas held me tightly, his arms a comforting embrace that grounded me in reality. “It’s okay,” he whispered, his voice a soothing balm against the storm raging within me. “You’re safe now. I’m here.”

But even as his words offered reassurance, I knew that the darkness within me would not be easily quelled. The hunger still gnawed at my insides, a relentless reminder of the monster lurking within, I shuddered at the thought of what I could have done, the lives I could have ended in a moment of blind fury.

“Please,” I choked. “Please help me. I’m sorry. I did not mean–”

Andreas held me at arm’s length, his gaze searching mine. “It’s not your fault, Henrietta,” he said firmly. “You’re still learning to control your new abilities. We’ll figure this out together.”

His words offered comfort. And even as I did not like the idea of getting accustomed to it, I did not protest when Andreas pulled me and cradled me into his arms.


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