The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C Novel
The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C Chapter 120

The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize

120 – Epilogue

Aurora POV

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

“Ahh! F uck!” I grit out through my teeth. Another terrible pain shoots through the small of my back and travels like a boa constrictor to the sides of my large whale belly.

F ucking contractions!

“Aurora! Love? You in here?” I hear Ben calling me from the other room.

Inhale through the nose. Exhale through the mouth. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

Knock. Knock,

“Sweetie?” He says as he pokes his head in the wooden closet door. He sees me sitting on the bench, my arms bracing behind me, breathing.

“Another contraction?” He says simply. I glare at him, willing daggers to come out of my eyes and stab in the balls.

‘Okay. You ready to go to the hospital?” He is always so calm. WHY IS HE SO CALM? Oh right! It’s because I AM NOT! It does help me relax a bit. I just nod my head, not trusting my voice.

“Let’s get you to the car. I’ll tell Clara on the way out so she can watch the boys and we will call the others. They are already in the city.” He gently pulls me up to a standing position, wraps his arm around my waist and I hold his other hand tightly.

“Keep breathing sweetheart. It will be over soon,” he tries to reassure me. Inhale, exhale. Rinse. Repeat.

It takes us about 20 minutes to reach the black SUV out front. We had to stop several times so I could practically break Ben’s fingers as more contractions ripped through my b*dy. I refused to let him carry me.

When we are finally in the car, I look out the window, watching the autumn leaves pass by in a blur, hoping it distracts me from the pain I feel. I am pregnant with my 2nd set of triplets! Yep, triplets. These as sholes have super sperm.

It’s been almost 14 years since Dimitry Marco met his demise. About eight months after that crazy day, Caden and Arthur were born. Identical twin boys. They are 13 now and they look just like their biological father Jason, and they adopted his snarky attitude too.

About three and half years later we learned we were expecting our first set of triplets and this time they were fraternal, all boys, again. We have August, Xavier, and Zayn. They are ten. Turns out, Ben is August’s biological father and Charlie spawned the other two. They may be the same age, but they are all insanely different. August takes after his father; he has a wicked sixth sense when it comes to technology.

Three years after that we had Oliver thanks to Kai in January and then Julien, also thanks to Kai, in December of the same year. Irish twins are now age 7 and 6.


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Two years ago, we adopted Ben’s nephews Jamison, age 9, Chapman, age 5, and little Wyatt now age 2, after their

parents were shot by a rising gang. Ben had been separated from his brother when he was younger and they rekindled their relationship about ten years ago. It was really tragic.

I am surrounded by testosterone, but I love all my boys. Wouldn’t change anything. This pregnancy was a real shock to all of us, but my guys are the best dads and amazing husbands, I’m getting a hysterectomy after this. Kai’s breeding kink is over.

We still run the Mafia and we have expanded our empire to touch almost every corner of the world. DuPont Enterprises is just as large. Tyler took over for Gustus two years after the Dimitry fiasco and three years ago Tyler merged with us and became Jason’s second in command. Gustus decided to marry Grammy and they lived the rest of their days on their private Greek Island. I opened up 3 restaurants of my own and just last year earned my second Michelin Star. The first star was earned for my signature burger. Go figure!

Clearly, with all the ragamuffins running about, I’d say our S*x life is still quite exciting. Having four dotting husbands makes it easy for a girl to get her juices flowing. There is never a shortage of attention. And you would think with their age, their dominant tendencies would slacken, but nope. If anything, they are more ferocious in the sheets and my as s tends to be permanently a nice shade of red. What can I say, I’m still a glutton for their punishments.

After a lot of debate and compromises, our boys start their training at age 10. They are trained in combat, self-defense, and basic weapons. At age 13 they start studying strategy and business. My loves promised me they wouldn’t force the

boys into the mafia life, and they would be given the choice AFTER they complete college. Caden and Arthur will be the next Dons should they choose to follow in their fathers’ footsteps. The other boys will be trained to be


We reached the hospital in record time. Because I tend to have gestational hypertension and prolonged difficult labor,

I am having another c-section. I am whisked away in a wheelchair straight to the operating room since my

contractions are like 3 minutes apart.

Waiting for me and Ben inside the operating room are a smiling Kai, Charlie, and lastly Jason. They are all already dressed in scrubs. Nurses and doctors are bustling about as they help me onto the table, help me strip to put on my hospital gown, and start prepping me for surgery. Ben comes into the room a few minutes later as I get my spinal tap and they start pumping me full of happy drugs.

Inhale. Exhale.

My hubby’s all take a place near my head, the doctors finishing their prep.

“You ready to find out what you’re having Mama?” My doctor jokingly asks since we decided not to find out this time. We already know that the children are biologically Jason’s, but their DNA does not matter to us. We are all family.

“Well considering the track record, I am guessing it’s more boys, so bring it on!” I say a bit loopy. The guys just chuckle through their masks. As they start cutting me, I feel the pressure. I squeeze Charlie and Kai’s hands respectively since they are the ones holding mine. Inhale. Exhale.

The room holds its breath, bracing for the news. I hear the soft wails of a baby. The doctor shouts “Baby one….it’s a

boy!” My heart flutters and I have tears in my eyes.

“I knew it!” I shout, earning lots of chuckles around the room. The guys each take a turn to k*ss me passionately and

whisper sweet nothings to me.


120- Epilogue

“Baby two is here… it’s a boy!’ sings the Doctor earning cheers from the nurses and the guys.

I roll my eyes. Inhale. Exhale. A few moments later… “Here comes baby three! Silence and then we hear soft crying and my heart melts.

“It’s a… girl!” What?!

I can’t help the ugly cry waterworks from streaming down my face. My men are jumping up and down. The nurses and doctors are all celebrating too. Ben and Jason moved

swiftly to hover over the incubators itching to get their hands on the new babies.

I now have four husbands, twelve boys, nine dogs (all boys), three pet pigs (both boys), five thoroughbred horses (all boys), three restaurants, two Michelin stars, six homes, a private f ucking island, nineteen cars, twenty-seven mafia alliances, employ over ten thousand people, and I finally get my baby girl! It’s about d amn time!

She is going to be spoiled rotten and the most guarded precious treasure this world has ever seen. A true princess. And that is just going to be from me. I can only imagine how her daddies and brothers are going to treat her.

“Here you go, Mama!” Jason coos. He has a small bundle in his arms. Ben and Charlie each have a bundle too. They bring the babies close to me so I can see them. I give them each a k*ss and then their Daddies k*ss me too before playing a game of round-robin of k*sses on each of the babies and me.

I point to the baby boy in Jason’s arms “Tristen Stephen” I name him. Jason smiles brightly. I point to the baby boy in Ben’s arms and say “Lucien Apollo” to which I see more shining faces as they approve of my name. And finally, I turn to the littlest bundle, with a big pink bow already gracing her tiny head in Charlie’s arms. “Madison” I name her. “Madison Gracelyn,” I exclaim. The guys are gushing over our new additions and now my family, my life is complete.

That same day, in a nice cozy modern mansion in the middle of a vast forest in an undisclosed location, an older man is sitting with a boy of fourteen at the kitchen table. The older man looked at his nephew with such pride as the boy continued to sharpen his hunting knives with precision and care.

A man dressed in black, an earpiece settled in his ear, and a gun secured behind his back, comes rushing in. He whispers to the older man who smiles brightly before dismissing the man in black.

“Well, my boy. Today is a great day. We can finally begin to fulfill the family legacy once and for all. Your future wife was just born. Her name… Madison.”

The End.

For now

*Author’s Note: Thank you so much for reading The Four Mafia Men and their Prize. I hope you enjoyed the ride with me. There is some development already on a potential sequel in the future. A huge shout out to the many readers who voted, sent well wishes, made comments, and have stuck with me since day one. I truly appreciate you all!


120 – Epilogue

If you liked this book, please consider checking out my other story The Dragon Kings and the Prophecy. It’s not a dark romance but it does have some dark aspects. It is still ongoing and will be finished in January/February 2024.

I am also starting a new BDSM series as well as a Dark Mafia Romance series that will hopefully launch by Spring 2024.

If you are interested, you can follow me on Instagram @authorMC for updates on all projects. I’d love to chat with you! Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Be safe, Be well.

-M C

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