The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C Novel
The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C Chapter 27

The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize 

27 – Just A Little Experiment 

Aurora POV 

“What else should I do?” asked Lillian. Lillian was one of the servants. The chef, who I learned liked to be called Madam Andre, assigned her to me when I asked to make a few things in the kitchen and use some supplies. Lillian was directed to take me to the second kitchen so we could have some privacy. 

Yes, they had two full size kitchens. This one was a bit smaller than the main kitchen, but it was still bigger than my apartment. It had a massive prep island in the middle that expanded almost the entire room. Three of the walls had cabinets and countertops along with a twelve–burner gas stove top and an industrial sink. The countertops were white marble, and the cabinets were painted a dark forest green. The appliances were all modern and the latest model. They were black stainless steel and massive. The two refrigerators along the fourth side took up maybe half the space,. There was also a walk–in pantry which stored appliances and even a deep freezer. 

When we got into the kitchen, I had told Lillian that I was doing an experiment because I was bored and since I was a trained chef myself, I wanted to experiment in the kitchen. I don’t want her turning me in before I get a chance to piss off my captors now would I? 

So here we are, in the kitchen, by ourselves, having the best time

“Hm, the sauce is almost ready for the final ingredient. I just need mustard powder and turmeric. Are the other balloons sealed tight? I say to my partner in crime. She was finishing up some dishes in the sink. 

“Yep! They are right there!” She says proudly while pointing at me the neon–colored balloons on the clean island countertop, soap still covered her hands. 

“Nice work!” I praise her. 

You see, for the last hour we have been cooking a few dishes and then we placed them in balloons. Every time she would ask what I was going to do with them, I would just respond “plausible deniability.” We didn’t make the balloons really big because I need to carry them obviously. We learned from one of the other servants that the bosses were back from their meetings in the city, and they were in their office now with their right–hand men. 

There was a door in the corner of the kitchen, and I was told that it was one of the entrances that lead to the servants and guards living quarters. 

I finished up the very thick hot mustard gravy. I added extra mustard and turmeric which was going to create such a terrible mess, I made sure to not add a thickener because I obviously am not planning on serving it. 

The other balloons have all sorts of fun combinations: ketchup and tomato sauce with raw hamburger meat pieces, soy sauce and balsamic vinegar with minced garlic, heavy whipping cream with cottage cheese chunks, chocolate and maple syrup, raw eggs, and red wine. The last one is going to be mustard gravy with chopped onions and ghost peppers! 

I am so going to hell, and I am pretty sure I am about to not walk for a month, but it is going to be epic

I helped Lillian with cleaning the kitchen while the gravy cooled enough for me to put it in the balloon. She helped me find a nice storage hamper that I could carry them in, and I put a towel over the top to hide them from prying eyes. 

27–Just A Little Experiment 

Now it’s time to proveke the beasts! 

I walked out of both kitchens and dining room with my little basket of mischied and waded my way down to the other side of the compound near the gym and peel. There was a huge black door, and twe guards were standing 

The hallway was eerily quiet. I approached the deer, and the guards stopped me stepping in front of me 

“You do not have permission to be here servant.” One of the guards said. I am going to call him Grumps. Grumpy was shorter than his wannabe twin, let’s call him Groucho, but both were still taller than me Grumpy had some girtin to him, like he has been hitting the cookie jar instead of the gym. Groucho was leaner but you could see he had some muscle. No doubt that both of them could restrain me easily. Both men were wearing the signature black waits, and had earpieces sticking out like you see them the Secret Service 

“Excuse me?” I said to them, a hand on my hip and attitude on my face. “I am that a servant. And that is just plain Tude!” | added. 

“Who the fuck are you?” Groucho spoke then. He had a bit of an accent, but it wasn’t Eastern European like many oË 

the people around. 

“Why don’t you just tell your boss that Aurora is here.” I said sweetly, batting my eyelashes and everything, trying to hold in my vomit. When he didn’t do anything but stare I added not so nicely, “Chop Chop Groucho! I don’t have all 


He rolled his eyes and turned to the keypad on the wall. He pressed a few buttons and waited. A very angry “WHAT? came over the tiny speaker. 

“Bass, some chick named Aurora is here demanding to see you. She won’t leave.” Groucho said into the keypad. 

“Send her in!” The same voice commanded. 

The guards exchanged looks and then opened the door enough for me to sl*p into. 

The office was nice and spacious. Ben was sitting at a desk to the right typing away on a computer and Kai was sitting next to him on his phone. Charlie and Jason were at a massive dark brown desk that had papers scattered all over the ton. Drace and Thomas along with two other men were standing around with them, they had their hands full of papers and looked to be in a discussion. There were several highball glasses full of amber and clear liquid scattered around. 

the tables. 

“Ah: Aurora darling!” Jason said looking/up from his desk, smiling brightly. 

I gave a simple hi in return. 

“What’s up buttercup? How was your day” Kai asked, looking up from his phone and Ben was now looking up from 

I was starting to feel a little nervous. This is such a bad idea, but I’ve come this far. 

“Um. It was nice, thank you.” replied, forcing a small smile on my face. 


27–Just A Little Experiment 

“What did you do today love?” This time it was Charlie asking. 

“Um, I explored the mansion. And I got a little bored so I went into the kitchen. Madam Andre was kind enough to let me borrow the second kitchen to do some… experiments I cautiously said. 

“Interesting dear.” Said Jason as he sat down in his huge black leather office chair. “Come here and tell us all about your experiments” he was patting his leg. Here we go! You got this Aurora. 

“How about I show you instead?” I asked back, my mischievous smile forming on my face.  Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“What do you mean ‘show‘ us little one?” Kai asked, he straightened his back against his chair and seemed very 


“I have them right here” I said matterof–factly, gesturing to the basket against my left hip. 

“Oh?” Ben said with a smile. 

I nodded and took a few steps closer to my victims but not so close that they could touch me. 

They all raised an eyebrow at me. 

I don’t really know what happened next. I had my right hand around a balloon instantly, pulled it out and threw it 

straight at Jason. 

He caught it but his grip was so forceful it exploded all over his chest and pants. Red wine! 

“What the fu” Another one hit Charlie on his chest. Heavy cream and cottage cheese! 

Thomas got the mustard gravy all over his face and grey suit. Raw eggs splattered all over the desk. I turned and hit Ben with the ketchup and tomato sauce. Kai who was laughing right up until I hit him with soy sauce and balsalmic vinegar. One of the other guys got the chocolate and maple syrup right on his face. 

Thomas started screaming as he tried to wipe his face of the mustard gravy. That would be the peppers. Ouch! 

I was laughing so hard and they all had murdous glares on them. 

“Well! That’s my cue! Gotta run!” I squealed out before I bolted to the door, threw it open and ran for my dear life! 

As I started running, I heard a chorus of angry growls “AURORA!” I swear the windows were shaking and my ribs were hurting from all the laughter and my face was paining from the smiling. I did it! 

I ran into the dining room as I heard Jason’s voice boom down the hall “YOU BETTER RUN BABY CAUSE WHEN DADDY GETS YOU, YOU ARE IN FOR A WORLD OF PAIN!” 

I heard him barking orders to guards like “FIND HER!” 

Oh shit! 

I entered the foyer and saw the front door and another brilliant stupid plan formed in my head. Yep, definitely going to 


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