The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C Novel
The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C Chapter 33

33 – After Sleeping Beauty 

Unknown POV 

“What do you mean you FAILED?” I screamed at one of my men. He was on his knees in front of me, shaking like a leaf. A semi–automatic nine–millimeter grasped tightly in my hand resting in the middle of his forehead, my finger itching to pull the f**king trigger. 

“I’m sorry boss. We followed the orders perfectly. I was texted about a slight delay but we followed and waited for the signal, but it never happened. They just pulled away and we were left there to return.” His eyes were brimming with water but my men know better than to f**king cry. I’ll pull the trigger just for him being a p**sy if he lets one tear drop. 

I can feel my rage building. I have always been quick to anger, but this was supposed to be a huge hit to Jason and his  Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

misfit mafia. 

“Get the fuck out of here before I start putting bullets in your face!” I command. The guy in front of me scrambled to his feet and scurried to the door, shutting it behind him before I took the glass full of whiskey and hurled it across my office, letting the glass shatter on impact. 

“FUCK!” I scream into the empty office. I begin to pace trying to calm my raging black heartbeat, 

Knock Knock 


“Boss” Alexi says calmly, poking his head through my office door, “he’s here.” 

Finally! “Bring him!” I order harshly. It’s about f**king time I get some damn answers. 

A few moments later, the door opens wide and in steps one of my most trusted men to date. We grew up together along with Alexi. He volunteered to go undercover with 

Jason’s gang when he took over and made quite an impression, earning him a valuable spot where we can get great 


My spy came right up to me and took a knee to the floor, his head bowed like the good slave he is. 

“What the fuck happened?” I barked. I took a seat at the edge of my desk, waiting for the shitty excuse as to how Jason got away with a billion dollars‘ worth of goods. 

“We were instructed yesterday about the plan I told you. It was mapped out perfectly and timed to the second like always. Jason and Ben are always sticklers for their timetables. At the warehouse, right before transport, Jason and Charlie showed up with extra men and two extra trucks. They insisted on checking the shipments personally and then they supervised the load. 

They then said they were going to do a new plan. They called it the Sleeping Beauty. The divided all the men in three groups and handed the head cap an envelope and were instructed to open it once in the car and follow the instructions to a T. I thought it was weird because we never do a paper trail. 


33 – After Sleeping Beauty 

The white envelope that was given to the team I was in had the instructions of the original plan, but we were told to take an extra route. I made sure to rest fellathout the slight change. They followed us as planned to the drop off, but the contact wasn’t there. We waited for in while and then got instructions to head back to the warehouse. 

When we got back to the warehouse, everyone was debating, drinks were being passed around. A few n*ked ladies from one of Jason’s chubs were making out with some of the guys. I asked one of the guards what the fuck happened and they said they were pulled off the back of the convey and told to follow two other cars. I talked to one of the othe drivers who said they ran around town doing mantom shit with a full protection detail. One group picked up the booze the other group picked up the chicks and when they got back to the warehouse, there were bonus envelopes for everyone and instructions to take the night aff” 

I sucked my tongue against my teeth. There are three things that absolutely hate. Liars, Thieves, and Being made a fool. That shipment was supposed to be mine! And now my plans are going to have to be rescheduled, and I do not like that. 

“I’m disappointed.” I begin to say, shaking my head lightly. “Temly reason I don’t put a f**king bullet in your f**king little brain is that you normally do good work and need you sol can take them down. Too much time has already been wasted. “Don’t let this shit happen again” Lander, waving my hand in dismissal. 

When he reached the door, I interrupted his speedy departure by saying think it’s time to extract the Princess. I don’t want her around those boys anymore. Make it happen. We have two weeks. He nods his head and exits the door 

walk back over to my chair and huff out a sigh when I sit down. I can over and open the left drawer of my large desk remove my two spare guns and handcuffs from my drawer and place then gate on the table. I press on the bottom. of drawer to release the secret spring and the base pops up slightly letting me hit the half lid. I take out the black mider that is nestled inside and gently open it on the clean surface in front of me mend the few minutes admiring the photographs of my Princess. My Aurora. Seeing her around the mansion, dempings bec, sitting on the sofa drinking a hot beverage. There is this one where she is eating a pie. She was gorgeous and my dick was straining against my pants just thinking about how my cock would look against her pretty plush box and how good it would feel to shove myself deep in her throat, letting her gag. 

Went thing I know, I have blown a load right inside my pants. My cum leaking through the don’t even need to struke myself before releasing just imagining her. F***! I can’t wait until I am deep inside her and instantly get hard again. hit my buzzer and ordered Alexi to have one of the whores taken to my playmun… 

the pictures one last time before I put them away in my secret drawer before walking out of my office. “just a littlelinger Princess,” I mumble to myself, “just a little longer and you will be home with me. 

Aurora PRIN 

The our very own Sleeping Beauty Our Princess Aurora!” Charlie cheers, holding his glass of champagne up in a toast. 

“To Aumm!” The que all chime! 

I follow their muttons, feeling adequately embarrassed about the attention as I drink my first glass. I am sitting in omne of the many lounge maons qi anta with the guys. 

33 – After Sleeping Beauty 

It’s just the five of us. Jason and Charlie returned about an hour ago with bottles of fancy champagne in their hands. I was sitting in the library, enjoying the peaceful serenade of the roaring fire, cuddled up with a new romance novel when they practically busted down the door and dragged me to one of their many rooms. 

Kai and Ben joined us, champagne corks flew as they walked in the door, flutes were filled to the brim. I am loving this bubbly tangy concoction. I quickly downed three glasses consecutively like shots and asked for another refill which they happily filled. It’s hard to get drunk on champagne, but I do not want to be sober with them right now. 

Turns out our very complicated plan worked really well and not only did the shipment get delivered to a very important client, but they got a few more orders which are going to bring them a lot of money. They seem almost normal. Seeing them interact with each other in such a relaxed setting was actually really entertaining. 

I soon excused myself to bed and they agreed. I was told that I would be given many rewards tomorrow for all my help. At least I won’t have that f**king awful chain on my leg tonight. 

I make my way up to my room, my guards following close behind like the good little puppies they are. They let me in my room and I hear the familiar three clicks of my locks once the door is firmly shut behind me. 

As I make my way to the bathroom, I notice a manilla folder on my bed. It wasn’t thick but it did have some weight to 

  1. it. 

When I opened it, I was stunned. Thankfully I was close to the bed, otherwise I would have fallen over. I sat on the bed in total disbelief as I gently went through the papers in 

front of me, rereading the black typed letters on the pages, sometimes repeatedly because I couldn’t fathom what was 

on the page. 

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