The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C Novel
The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C Chapter 68

The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize 

68- The Pain of Pleasure 

Aurora POV 




“Wake up love” I hear a strong male voice con in my ears. I snuggled further into my pillow and when that pillow started moving, I realized that it wasn’t a soft silk pillow but a rock hard hot chest, Charlie, I slowly registered that my b*dy was practically straddling him, my leg over his hips and his morning wood poking slightly against my upper thigh, almost touching my bare ass cheek. The almost non–existent nightgown I was wearing was riding up my back, exposing my ass because someb*dy, cough Kal cough put me in a f**king thong along with a nightgown that should be Illegal. 

I feel his large, calloused hands that were tightly holding my waist slowly lower down to my still sore ass and then SMACK! before harshly grabbing the meaty flesh. “OW!” I yelp and try to wiggle out of his grasp. He just chuckles again. 

My b*dy was still sore from Jason’s night training. He made me do two hours of endurance and strength training squats, burpees, wall sits, sprints, ladders, all sorts of exercises and they put weight cuffs on my wrists and ankles, It was brutal. I should have chosen the playroom when they asked what work out I wanted. I am a damn fool. 

“Good morning sweetheart” he sings while rubbing my back and I just glare at him. “You are cute when your are angry!” he added and k*ssed my nose. I huffed in response and buried my head back against his chest. “Rough night?” He teased me, knowing full well what happened. He was there and watching the whole thing! And his commentary was not helpful. I looked at him and squinted before I made a face, I then got a bad idea and of course followed through. I ran my hands over his chest. It was hard since I was practically laying on top of him anyway. He closed his eyes in pleasure and then I pinched and twisted his n*pples as hard as I could. “FUCK!” He screamed. I jumped off of him and almost made it off the bed but the buffoon grabbed my ankle and pulled me back to him. 

Before I could register what was happening, he was straddling me and had my legs locked with his and my arms secured above my head. Itis face was very close to my face. “That was not nice Aurora!” He scolded me. “You are playing with fire baby. Don’t start something you aren’t prepared to finish.” He then attacks my n*eck like a starved lion and I feel him biting and sucking my sweet spot so hard, I swear he was sucking my soul out of my b*dy. He let my n*eck go with a resounding pop and smiled at his handywork, 

I never thought you could feel sore from a hickey! I was proven wrong.  sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

He shifted us so I was laying on top of him again only to give a few light taps making my ass jiggle a little before gently pushed me off of him. I gave him a squinty glare before I rolled off the other side of the bed. He just laughed and leaned back against his pillow; he put his hands behind his head, showcasing that delicious 8 pack package and very prominent v–line trailing down to a very obvious tent in his sweatpants. Stop it Aurora! You’re becoming a slut with these thoughts

“Like what you see love?” He smirks and I just blush and quickly turn around realizing he caught me staring. I am pretty sure I just drooled a little too. 1/quickly threw a pillow at him as I wiped my mouth and ran to the bathroom, did my business, and returned to the bedroom to see Charlie, now dressed up in a suit shirt and pants. He comes to me with a dark purple silk robe in his hands. It had a black lace trim. Very S*xy, very not me. He holds it up, I put my arms in it, he spins me around and ties the tie in a bow on the side of my waist. He conveniently didn’t close the robe all the way, heavily exposing my cleavage that was already on full display from Kai’s choice of a nightgown. I felt so exposed. 

When I tried to fix the robe, I got a growl from Charlie and a stern look that said, ‘I dare you‘, So I left it alone and 


68 – The Pain of Pleasure 

tried to cover my arms on my chest. He came forward and gave me a k*ss on my forehead, rubbing my comforting motion. 




He grabs my hand and pulls me towards the door. Once we stepped out of the room. I made the mistake of looking up. Coming towards us was Kai and Jason. They were dressed in all black from head to toe, but I couldn’t contain my shock and the chills running down my spine. They were covered in dried blood. Their whole b*dy was covered in blood like a horror movie. They were talking to each other, a sinister smile gracing their faces. 

I stopped in my tracks, making Charlie look at me and then followed my line of sight to see his two best friends walking towards him. Charlie’s calm demeanor changed instantly and he too sprouted a deadly smile. 

Jason noticed us first and then Kai followed. I am literally shaking, seeing these monsters in their true form. They are deadly. And somehow my b*dy is responding to this by releasing a little moisture between my legs. 

Both Jason and Kai casually stroll up to me and each plant a k*ss on my cheek before walking to their rooms and closing the doors behind them. I am still in shock seeing how much blood covered their bodies. I didn’t even register Charlie chuckling and taking out his handkerchief to wipe my cheeks. 

He gently pulled my arm and brought me to his chest where he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and led me to the dining room for breakfast. 

Breakfast was delicious as always. I didn’t realize how hungry I was, I ate everything on my plate and asked if I could even have seconds. I kept my head down, even when Kai and Jason entered the room. I faintly registered them coming over to k*ss me again. I was so engrossed with the flavors exploding in my mouth. As usual, they were all discussing business, but I tuned them out. I was certainly glad it was just us today. Being in this little outfit was unsettling. I wanted my clothes back. 

Charlie took me to the master playroom after breakfast. He sat down on one of the chairs in the middle of the room and when I went to sit on another chair, he stopped me. 

“You do not have permission to sit princess,” he tsked. “Come here and Kneel.” I looked at him like he had 3 heads. “I will not repeat myself. I am your Dom, and you are in training. NOW KNEEL!” If looks could kill, I would probably have 40 stab wounds right now. 

I hesitantly came up to him and kneeled at his feet. I looked down at my shaking hands. Seeing Kai and Jason earlier was scary enough, but Charlie being so aggressive was terrifying. I keep forgetting that these are dangerous men. 

He reaches his hand out, cups my cheek, and massages my face with his thumb while saying “Until further notice, you will kneel at our feet when in our presence, even at mealtimes. We alone will give you permission to sit, stand, and move, especially in this room. Now, I will instruct you today on all the commands we expect you to follow.” 

For the next 6 agonizing hours, he gave me instructions on positions and commands. It was like a covert military operation with all the hand gestures and single codeword commands. He would give me a few instructions and then expect me to remember it all. I got two chances then I would get punished for doing it wrong again

He brought out a riding crop and would proceed to lightly smack my hands, my arms, my legs, my butt. The pain was becoming intense by the 20th smack. I would be lying if I said I didn’t deserve some of them by being a brat and purposefully not following directions. I wanted to push his buttons like he was pushing mine! He did remind me several times that I could use my safe word if it got too much, but I am prideful and I didn’t want him to think I couldn’t take it so I endured it. It honestly wasn’t as bad as some of the crap they did to me before I even had a safe 


68–The Pain of Pleasure 





By the time we stopped, had remate all away my both like a splatter paint canvas, but I can proudly say that I was able to du every command poinsip now and proved it three times over. Ben came to see us and participated in the last hour or so. Beat oven rahel Charlie and in the incuzzi afterwards and they both took extra care of me. They treated me like a dishain. Howery That touch was so gentle and warm. Ben put healing ointment on my newest b*dy art and Charlie took some time to give me the most relaxing massage. They both whispered many praises and contimand to lice my skin anytime they could, making me blush and my core tingled. I could get used to this aftercare. 

I got lacity when Ben taught me. leggings and a one of the guys shirts before escorting me to meet the rest of the imen for dinner. He did not gie ma ha o panties though and only smirked when I asked for them. He said I had to 

en them. Aukrusts But denturel them that…. 

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