The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C Novel
The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C Chapter 72

72 Let the Fun Begin 

Aurora POV 

“Oh. My. GAWD! JASON?” 

I turn around with everyone else. A very tall, super skinny blonde chick with huge boobs, designer sunglasses that match her fire red skintight, too short booty dress and matching stilettos comes walking frantically over to us with a few retail bags on her arm. 

She practically throws herself into Jason’s arms and gives him a smoldering k*ss. 

Jason, shocked to say the least, forcefully puts his hands on her hips and pulls away from her. 

“Charity” Jason says through his teeth. 

“Babyyyyy” she whines. Oh sweet, spoiled avocados, her voice makes me want to vomit. I would rather listen to nails on a chalkboard. “I have seen you in forever! I’ve sent you like a million texts and pictures and called you, but you don’t respond,” she continues to whine. 

Jason just looks at her, his eyes furrowed. “Charity. We were never a thing. You were a decent fuck when I needed a release. Nothing more. Now get lost.” Ouch. That hurt her ego. 

“You don’t mean that baby” she tries to seduce him sweetly, touching his muscled arms. I have this crazy urge to punch 


He forcefully removes her hands and raises his eyebrows. 

She then looks at me and I swear if she could command flames with her eyes to make me combust, I would be burnt 

toast by now. 

“You got a new toy is that it? She’s not even pretty to hurl my breakfast. 

You know we are meant to be together…” I roll my eyes and try not 

“F*** off Charity.” Jason says and tums us around and we leave her to stew in her own bubble. 

For the next three hours, we go from store to store. They pick out all sorts of things, practically a whole new wardrobe and all with four figure price tags. We spent a good hour in Victoria Secrets. They insisted I model everything in the 


As some of the guards take the latest bags to the cars, I spot the food court. My tummy grumbles at that cract moment telling me she is hungry. The guys hear it loud and clear and chuckle. So we stopped for food. We are ushered over to a few tables. Our handy dandy armed football team take a few positions around the open space and some sit at 

tables next to ours. 

I noticed a Carousel in the middle of the court. It’s one of those old–fashioned ones, the ones you see in pictures from the 50’s, with gold trim and porcelain–looking horses. 

I suddenly became like a child, and I want to go on with it. While Jason gives the orders to one of the guards, I pull 

72–Let the Fun Begin 

Bens hand and practically drag him to the Carousel 

“Please oh please oh please oh pleaseeeeeeeee!!!!” I squeal, jumping up and down and giving the best pers dog eyes. 

“No. Ben says Batly. 

Okay fine, have it your way. I have no choice but to bring out the big guns 

I take a sultry step towards him and whisper once more in his ear, “Please. Dad! And then I bck his ear and k*ss his cheek. I hear his breath hitch. Bingo Baby! 

I look at him again with my puppy dog eyes and his whole bad boy demeanor just melts like ice cream. 

“Fine” he says, rolling his eyes. He takes my hand, and we wait a few minutes before we make it up to the ticket counter. He hands the ticket taker a wad of cash and says something to him, but I don’t catch it because I am already headed to the ride. I see the horse I want. 

It’s white with a blonde mane and painted with pink and purple flowers and a golden lace pattern trim and gold handles. It’s in the middle row. 

Ben catches up to me and helps me on the seat. I can’t help but giggle. Ben sits on a white horse with blue mane and faded gold and blue lace pattern next to me, on the inner most row. He whips his phone out and acts photographer. 

my personal 

I look out at the crowd and see Jason standing by the table and watching me with hooded eyes and a smile on his face. 

The ride begins and I can’t help but giggle like a schoolgirl crush and wiggle in my seat. Ben just had a handy belly laugh the whole time. As the ride spins us, I keep glancing at him, and I smile wide. It is so fun to see such a large. intimidating man on a good old–fashioned merry–go–round. He stands out against all the colorful paisley prints and screaming giddy children. 

He rides with me five times before my stomach decides it is too hungry to go another round. 

I k*ss his cheek as he escorts me back to our table. 

“Thank youDaddy” I playfully say to him. He groans again and bites his lower l*p and gives me a nice slap on my 

bum in response. 

*Did you have fun princess?” Jason asks when we get back to the table. 


It was amazing. You should come with us next time!” I try to keep a straight and serious face, but I can’t hold in my laughter when I see his eyes widen and almost a look of terror crosses his face! This man is a cold–hearted killer, yet he fears a tiny colorful Carousel! 

We finish up our meal and begin to head to another part of the mall. The hairs on the back of my n*eck stood up got a bad feeling. I started looking around me, but I couldn’t see much over the giant human bulldozers surrounding 

and 1 

  1. US

“Everything okay love?” Jason asks, noticing my frantic searching around me


72–Let the Fun Begin 

Yeah…” I hesitantly say. He raises his eyebrows not satisfied with my answer, especially since I keep trying to peer over the mountains of muscle walking with us. 

“Um, I don’t know Sir. I feel like something is wrong. Maybe I am just overthinking?” I try to shrug it off. 

Jason flags one of the guards and whispers in his ear. That guard then says something in his jacket coat and he and a few others casually break away from the group, spreading out. 

We turn a corner of the mall and then… 

BOOM!  S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

A strong gust of air hits me in the chest as a fire ball escapes the air in front of us. We all are thrown back by the force but luckily not too close as to have the full impact from the blast. 

Smoke and debris are everywhere. I hear a ringing in my ears. As my hearing returns and my senses come back to me, I hear gun shots, lots of firing gun shots and shouting. 

Pop! Pop! Pop

A hand is pulling me up, an arm wrapped around my waist, POP! POP! POP! 

There is so much chaos. People covered in dirt and blood screaming and running frantically out of the way. I see Jason crouched behind one of those art islands, his gun drawn. Several of our guards are also firing behind cover. 

A few people and at least three guards are lying motionless on the ground. The smoke was still heavy in the air. POP! 


I scream Jason’s name, but I hear him yelling and motioning for someone to get me out of here. POP! POP! POP! 

I barely register Ben pulling me around the corner with a few guards blocking me from sight, all their guns drawn at 

their side. POP! POP

They ushered me quickly down the other side of the mall. People are running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Gunfire can be heard behind us like it’s following us and I can faintly see more flashes of guns in front of us. POP! POP! One of the guards in front of me gets struck, blood splashing my face. 

I scream as I watch him take a knee. He was shot in the shoulder. I hear Ben curse loudly and one of the other guards picks him up and they help me run through a department store to the closest parking lot. 

Once we hit outside, it is not but a minute or more and five black tinted window SUV’s rolls up to the curb, but I feel Ben’s arm around me tighten when at least 20 armed men quickly get out of the vehicles and raise their machine guns 

to us. 

Ben visibly gulps when I look at him while he places himself in front of me like a human shield. 

Ben begins to speak in another language, quite a hostile tongue. Maybe Russian? All Russian sounds like their angry. but Ben is clearly seething. 

Next thing I know: POP! POP! POP! POP! 


11:41 Tue 20 Feb 

72 – Let the Fun Begin 

All 4 guards surrounding me and Ben drop to the ground. I see blood seeping out of a hole in their heads. 

I feel Ben shaking slightly in front of me. He turns around and faces me, terror on his face. 

He grabs my face quickly and gives me a quick k*ss on the l*ps before whispering to me: “We will find you. Fight, okay. Don’t give up. We. Will. Find. You.” What? 

Before I can register his words completely, POP! POP! 

I heard Ben scream and fall to the ground next to me. He has blood seeping out of his back and he is not moving. 

“BEN!” I scream and try to reach for him but I am quickly 


I started to kick and scream. I use all my might to kick behind me, but it’s like a steel wall. I keep thrashing with every cell in my b*dy. I feel myself being pulled towards a car effortlessly. My b*dy is shielded by more walls of muscle while I continue to kick and punch and scream. My vision is blurry with tears in my eyes. 

As I reach the open car door, I hear Jason’s voice scream my name. More gunfire rings thoroughly ears and echoes against the concrete garage. I turn to look at him, and our eyes meet once more only to be shoved inside the waiting car. Someone gets in next to me quickly and the door is shut, caging me inside. I hear bullets hitting the car but of course it is not penetrating. 

The car peels off seconds later at a high speed, the tires screeching and leaving smoke in their place. I feel a strong arm hold me in a bear hug with my back to this man’s front and then I feel a sharp prick on my n*eck. 

My vision becomes blurrier, and I feel the darkness setting in quickly. I hear a voice whisper “Shh. It’s okay. Sleep. I’ve got you back princess. We are going home.” And there is a k*ss to my temple. 

I remember that voice and it’s the same voice that has plagued my deepest nightmares for years. My eyes widen as I finally see his face and a single tear escapes my eyes as they close to a deep sleep. 

F***ity F*** F***ery in a bakery on Sunday! 

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