The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C Novel
The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C Chapter 75

75 – The Man of My Nightmares 

Aurora POV 

He obviously hears me and looks up, putting his phone in his pocket before standing and coming over to me, smiling brightly. He is tall but not as tall as Jason or Ben. Maybe 6 feet. He has broad muscular shoulders but not as buff as the men I am used to. He has black hair, short on the sides and nicely combed on top, clean shaven with sharp cheekbones, a bit of a crooked nose. 

His suit was black and looked expensive. It was tailored perfectly to mold against his b*dy. He wore a silver watch that looked like it cost more than five years of my salary I made at the restaurant. But his most noticeable feature: one green eye, one blue. My breath catches in my throat. Those eyes! The eyes I can never forget. The eyes of my nightmares. 

“Who are you?” I demand, trying to look tough in front of my new captor. My voice is shaken, and I back up closer to the comfort of the wall behind me. I feel the cold sweat coming back. 

“Oh sweetheart‘ he coos as he places his hands on my arms that I Have wrapped around myself trying to find comfort. flinch away at his touch only for him to raise his eyebrow, pinch his l*ps in anger, and step closer to me now boxing me in with his b*dy so close, I can feel his aura dominating mine. I can smell his minty breath upon my face as his beautifully dangerous eyes bore into mine and practically pierced my soul. 

His hand reaches up quickly and grabs my throat. He pushes me against the wall and squeezes my n*eck, not enough to cut off airflow but enough to keep my attention. 

“Never cower away from me, love.” Says the mystery man with venom on his tongue. “I will forgive you this once since you have not learned the rules…” He runs his nose against my cheek and I try to push myself further into the wall. He traces a path down to my n*eck and takes a large breath before stepping away and releasing me from his grasp. 

I study his face for another minute, our eyes never wavering. He looked familiar and I squinted my eyes. Suddenly it clicked. “You!” I begin to say “You helped me once. The car in the country. But you had brown eyes, your face was a little different and your accent wasn’t there. But it’s you!: He winks at me and smiles evilly. My brain is working overtime trying to understand how everything is connected. “Very good love. Contacts and Prosthetics. Not bad, eh?” He was so full of himself. 

“I don’t understand. Why help me then and now take me? Who are you? What do you want!” I begin to cry out. I have so many questions. 

Instead of answering, he just watches me for another minute. He steps forward and leans down before k*ssing my cheek softly. He walks away and heads to the door. I am still frozen in my spot. His presence sends shivers down my spine. 

Once he opens the door, he turns around and says “All your answers will be answered soon, my love. All you need to know right now is that my name is Dimitry Marco. And you, my precious princess Aurora, have been promised to me since 

your birth. You were taken from me more than once. I have watched you grow up and waited a very long time to finally have you in my arms. Now that I have you, NO ONE and I mean NO ONE will EVER take you away from me again.” 

He leaves and I hear the clicks of the locks in place before I collapse on the floor, my breath coming in shallow gulps and the tears wanting to explode from my eyes finally burst and flow free down my cheeks as I sob. The man of my 

75 – The Man of My Nightmares 

nightmares is real. I thought he was a dream, a scary dream. I don’t stop the ugly crying, snot and all

This man scares me more than I care to admit. Something about him makes my blood run cold with fear. I allow myself to cry and mourn my freedom, mourn my life, mourn the men I was crazy enough to be falling in love with. I let myself feel the pain. 

I don’t know how long I was on the floor. Eventually, I let myself close my eyes in exhaustion and succumb once again to the darkness. Darkness. Scary beautiful darkness. 

Dimitry POV 

I made my way down to my office on the first floor of my compound. Sitting at my desk, I pull up the camera feed on my laptop. I notice Aurora sitting on the floor between her bed and the bathroom door, right where I left her. 

She was messy crying, my poor baby. I know it is overwhelming for her, but we will get her started on her training and when she is ready, I’ll tell her everything she wants to know. Just 67 more days and I will be able to finally make her mine. 

Alexi walks into the office along with Brianna and my third–in–command, Stephen. They all make themselves comfortable on my sofas, Alexi helping himself to my decanter of 520,000 whiskey, 

“How is she doing?” Alexi asks, handing me a three–finger glass and I silently cheers him and take a swig. The amber liquid burned down my throat and a nice little buzz started behind my eyes as it hit my stomach. 

She’s adjusting as expected.” I finally answered his question. I notice Stephen is particularly quiet, not that he talks much anyway, but he certainly looks uncomfortable. Brianna is too. I know she loves Aurora. They spent most of their childhood together. It’s going to be hard for both of them, but it will be good for my Princess to have a familiar face to show her how things are done. 

“Any news on those assholes? What about the one I shot?” I ask. Stephen answers this time “No news. They are keeping a tight l*p from everyone, but one of our sources said that it didn’t look promising. The kid is still in a coma. It’s only been two days so we will keep watch.”  sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I hummed in approval. “When is the next shipment coming in?” I had made arrangements that all new shipments were to come to the main compound until further notice. I hate bringing all my business so close to my home, but I need to be close to my Princess to properly train her so we do what we have to. 

“The first two containers arrived three days ago. They are finishing up processing and should be ready for sorting shortly. The other two containers are en route. We should have the goods unloaded and ready for evals by tomorrow afternoon.” Brianna said while playing with her little pocket knife our dad got her when she was 10. You can still make out the princess crown etched into the handle. 

I take a huge gulp of my whiskey and place it down on my desk. “Then let’s get to it.” My commanders stand and exit. I linger behind, taking one last glance at the laptop footage and notice my Princess is now passed out on the floor. 

I turn off the laptop and exit my office. I let my guard know to inform Alexi that I will be there momentarily. I make a detour back upstairs and head to the gold door in the middle of the hallway. Her guards stand a little straighter when they notice me down the hall. I input the codes on the locks and let myself in. 


11:41 Tue, 20 Feb 

75–The Man of My Nightmares 

I walk over to the other side of the room and see Aurora curled up into a ball on the floor. Her features are soft and she is breathing steadily. Her cheeks are red, her eyes look swollen, and there is dried snot all over her nose. She has dried track marks from her salty tears. I bend down and pick her up carefully. She is practically lifeless in my arms. I put her back in bed and covered her with the pink duvet I had made specially just for her. 

I go to the bathroom, grab a wet cloth, and take a few moments to clean her face. I can’t get enough of her and spend a few minutes staring at her, taking the opportunity to rub the pad of my thumb over her cheeks and soft l*ps. I k*ss her softly on her l*ps. “Sweet dreams my Sleeping Beauty, I’ll see you soon” I whisper in her car. I see her curl further into her pillow and smile. 

I head out the door, making sure the guards lock it up before heading to the sorting warehouse. Business is booming and we have some special packages to get ready. I step into the warehouse, sit down on my throne, and snap my fingers. Immediately a little fire spirit is brought in. 

“Number 04367 BVH, sir.” 

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