The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C Novel
The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C Chapter 87

The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize 

87 – Answers. Part 2 

Aurora POV 

Sometime later… 

“Wake up Princess! I hear a familiar voice that makes me shudder to my crew. A lightapping it on my cheek 

comm. wince at the tharp stinging sensation. 

“You know, you passed out last night before I could finish my story! That was really rude of your My tormentor said dramatically. 

“You know, you could 


girl some coffee before you de 

the b*tch,” 1 mumble out 

I brace myself for more pain but I just hear a chuckle. A dark chocke 

I look through my swollen crusty eyes and see the man of my night, sisting in front of me, lep man spread, and arms crossed. He is wearing a black dress shirt and pants, and a shoulder yn holster with two pieces strapped inside 

He raises a water bottle to my l*ps, and I chug the cold liquid rapidly, quenching my parched mouth. He takes the bottle away. 

“Watch the attitude little girl. I do not tolerate disrespect!” He says with anger lacing his words, finger pointing f centimeters from my face. 

So I do the only natural thing I open my mouth and bite it! I bite down with all my might and then I hear a string of profanities leave his mouth before I feel a sharp stinging jab to my ribs. The sudden force was enough for me to release my hold on his now bleeding digit. I can taste the copper in my mouth. I can’t help but smirk. 

“You little b*tch!” He screams, shaking his hand, and pacing back and forth in front of me. “Takes one to know one. I 

retort back. 

He raises his hand to strike but decides not to. Instead, he pinches the bridge of his nose with his good band, taking a 

few breaths before he sits down again in front of me. 

After a few minutes of a glaring contest, I finally decide to speak about what has been plaguing my mind for the days 

have been here. 

“W–what do y–you want with m–me?” I whisper out. 

Well if you let me finish my story, you will learn sweet cheeks!” He happily says, again lightly slapping my face and making me wince. “If you are a good girl, I won’t hurt you anymore.” 

“Now… where was 1? Hmmm…oh yes! Once Ivan’s little boy and his family were so badly massacred, a terrible war between the families broke out. Lots of innocent blood was spilled. They each went after each other’s families, their businesses both legal and illegal. Alliances were made with smaller gangs, and fighting broke out on the streets. I will spare all the gory details,” 

87 Answers. Part 2 

‘Oh gee thanks mister‘ I think to myself as I internally roll my eyes. 

“Finally, after so much turmoil, Henry and Ivan came together and after quite a few bloody fists and broken bones, a peace treaty was made between the great families. 

They split the illegal businesses up along with territories so they were no longer competitors. They also made a blood pact in which the next son and daughter pair of the families would be united in marriage, combining the families to rule the crime world. 

Well, 120 years have passed. No females were born on either side. The families continued to function in peace for the most part. There was always some turbulence from the old blood but for the most part, the empires rose to great heights and each family had flourished success. 

Finally, 26 years ago, the wait was over. A beautiful baby girl was born into the MacCartney bloodline. The pact could finally become complete. 

The moment that little girl was born she was destined to be the wife of the then 12–year–old boy whose father was the first–born son of the reigning Don of the Romanov bloodline, Ivan Marco. Yes, my sweet. That is my grandfather. And can you guess who is the young girl? No? You, my princess. You are the little girl!” 

My swollen eyes try to bug out of my head. Excuse me? 

My pounding head is splitting at the temples, and it is only exasperated by this added information. My mouth starts gaping like a fish out of water. Open, Close. Open. Close. 

So many questions swirling in my head. And denial. Lots of denial. 

“Ah ah!” Dimitry tsks his tongue. I know what you are thinking sweetie. But you see, your father, Stephen, was the third son of your grandfather. Your grandfather was a slimy hastard and together with his older sons, conspired against my family. Your parents in the dead of night whisked you away, and hid you from us, thinking they could keep you and not fulfill the treaty! Stephen and your mother changed your last name and your real family pretended you all died. They tried to call off the century–old pact. Needless to say, your family met a very dramatic end. 

Your grandfather’s best friends headed up by Gerald O’Donnell took over the throne after your grandfather’s demise and soon passed it to you guessed it, your little wannabe kings, Jason and Charlie. The rat bastards!” He spits in frustration. 

“They split the empires and made it their own. MY BIRTHRIGHT!” He screams and backhands me harshly, using my face to channel his anger. 

“I spent years building my empire! Killed my dad just to take the throne at the age of fifteen. I spent years looking for you. Found you too! I slaughtered as many of your blood family as I could get my hands on. Ever wonder why your seemingly happy mother was one day found with a noose around her n*eck, hanging from the ceiling?” He starts laughing as he notices the shock and pain in my face. 

“Yes, doll. We came for you, and she fought us. You witnessed it too but you were just five at the time. I couldn’t do anything with you, so I left you there. You were then sent to live with your aunt. Sound familiar? Your aunt and father tried multiple times to escape the city, but we had you under close security and always stopped them. One day, your father, one of the last survivors of his bloodline, came to me and pledged his loyalty and service if I agreed to let you live a normal childhood. It was agreed that I would not bring you into my grasp until you were close to your 27th 



87 – Answers. Part 2 

birthday. You would be mine and together we would claim our birthrights and become King and Queen of the underworld. 

When you were seven, your father disappeared and started working for me. When you were eight, your Aunt thought to keep you from me so 1 barged in and killed her with my knife. Stabbed her until she choked on her blood. You were in the closet.” 

My heartbeat was made of hummingbird wings. Tears never stopped silently streaming down my face. The nightmares were all true. His face was so clear now. The face I tried to forget all those years ago

“Naturally, when you went into the system, I made sure your foster family knew just how special you were to me. Brianna was soon integrated into your life. I have watched you from the shadows Aurora for years. My men and I have protected you, kept you safe, ensured your success at every turn. 

I am the one who funded your special scholarship to college. I am the one who scared all those boys away from you so you would remain pure. I am the one who made sure you never got into trouble. I am the one who erased your digital footprints to keep anyone else from finding you. I am the one who made that idiot Thomas look after you. Who do you think made you invisible when your dear Jason and his band of misfits went looking for you? Who do you think sent you the basket of human hearts as a warning while you were whoring yourself out to our enemies? Hmm? Me. All me baby! 

He sent me what? This man is not just crazy, he’s psychotic. 

He suddenly grabs my n*eck and squeezes tightly. It’s rough and cuts off my airway so I begin to feel lightheaded and see black dots in my vision. I try to grasp for air but it’s futile. He leans close to my face and speaks so calmly. “You are mine. Mine to love. Mine to fuck. Mine to hurt. Mine to control. Mine!” 

He lets go of my throat and I wheeze in a harsh breath and start coughing. I have barely had any water and no food for days. My throat feels like sandpaper, and my soul feels light as a feather, yet every muscle weighs like it’s an elephant. 

“Your birthday is in 14 days. In ten days, we will be wed. You will wear the dress I pick; you will dance and cat with me and then I will take you to my bed. I will tie you down and you will not be allowed to leave until you are with our child. We will claim our kingdom from that no good filthy mongrel pack and you will be my obedient wife. You will learn your place, my love.”  Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

In a bipolar move, he bends down and k*sses my forehead before stalking out the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts to process all I have heard.. 

I must have drifted off because I was woken up by a loud BOOM! 

The room around me shakes slightly as I hear another BOOM! 

I can barely make out popping sounds coming through the doors. 

A few more BOOMS and more popping sounds are heard, and I drift back into unconsciousness. 


Mu Pub 

The Frau Mabu Men and They Prize 

BB–Time to Sing 

Aurora POV 

I am an awoken by hunde n my wrists. I had me and sew my father with bass Peys in his hands. He hesteritied 


way! He says sympathetically, the news a stray peed my bay hou out of my face t 

Oh, my sweet chill. I am 

water lamuning his eyes, I tenglar i you! I was so wennus fun we wery baby. Ve mound my bloody b*dy. 

could get in to him, ledge my servis, I could keep him wey from var to ferry de wielopure term as he reations in unlock the desires 

The help om op, my b*dy ring and I ran in sad. My brees are weak as I clutch onto his b*dy for suppent. He 

“I love you Autoral” He tells me, Tlow yw to Dadly I barely got d 


We stumble through the steel door and make a way down the corridors. I am very slow as my wieder heady is screaming in pain and pay me les feel nude. Before wh the main stairs, o freeze in our place and my father grain the gun from behind his fuck 

“Well, well, well” Bays He mightier auswede swe have all come to loathe. Looks like I found my traitor I should ha known it was yet He seeled between his teeth. 

“You are not worthy of the title your hold. Your ancestors are turning in their graves My father spits back hercely, putting his b*dy protectively in front of me. I clutch onto his shirt tidaly 

“Hand over Autota and I will make your slow death a little less paindult Dimitry says calmly, I hear his footsteps slowly descending the stairs. There are still lots of popping sounds coming from the door. 

I should have killed you years ago. You will never have my daughter. F*** Your My father screams and then lifts his gun. I then see the flash of a gun and my father falls to the ground. I scream “Daddy!” And drop to the ground next to him. I roll his b*dy over to me and see he has a large blood stain on his chest, and his breathing is shallow, I hold him Hightly as fresh hot tears leave my eyes and I start to shake. 

“I just got you back! I say to him. He reaches his hand up to my face, gently caressing my swillen cheek with his thumb. “I never left you pumpkin. I have always been there, watching from the shadows, trying to protect you. I am 50 proud of you!” 

He takes a few more shallow breaths and I try to put pressure on the wound, he grimaces. “I love you daddy!” I whisper out through my solis. It’s like I was a kid all over again. I watch as his breath quickens and then he goes limp in my arms, a final breath leaving his b*dy. 

Before I can continue to mourn my father, strong arms come around my torso to haul me up and pull me towards the stairs. I still hear lots of popping sounds. We cross the threshold of the basement door and I hear continuous gunshots. The once immaculate shining castle is now full of rubble and smoke. The beautiful crystal chandelier is shattered on the tile floor below our feet. Men dressed in black armor are off in the distance, with heavy guns pointed and firing. 

11:43 Tue, 20 Feb 

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