The Guardian's Mark
The Guardian's Mark

The Guardian's Mark

19Chapters 485Views 5Bookmarked Completed Status


Angels and demons are a myth...or so Ava thinks until she meets the mysterious Gavin.One moment is all it takes to change everything a person has ever known. Pale ivory skin. Dark red hair that ran down along his jaw and over his upper lip. Despite the facial hair he looked young, maybe late twenties. I'd never seen him before in my life but I was sure he knew me. "It's not time for you to go yet." I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding, my eyes filling with tears. "It's not?" He smiled kindly. "No..." I felt a warmth over my stab wound and realized it was his hand. "Okay..." He broke eye contact to look down at my abdomen and as he did the blinding light engulfed every inch of my sight, swallowing him up. Every nerve ending in my body felt ignited, pulsing with an energy more powerful than anything I'd ever known existed. And then my vision went spiraling down a dark tunnel and all was black.

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