Before the Sun enlightened her room, she already had her eyes open. Arline did everything on her own, it hurt more than she would’ve liked. She took a look at her back in the mirror, the scarring glowed by the candlelight and she could figure out it was carefully carved and despite the rage which was made, the pattern was somehow beautiful and to her surprise she grew excited to have it tattooed.

She did the usual, but the usual turned to be different. The entire castle knew about how she almost died defending the soon to be King and they considered her a hero. An idea she couldn’t decide wether was comfortable or she absolutely despised it.

“Would you do me the honor?” Aidan’s voice spoke from the front door and offered Arline a hand to help her ease her steps.

“My pleasure” she smiled at him and let him help her. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I am proud you” Aidan aired out to her surprise. His doubts were absolutely deleted when he saw what Arline had lived up to in the mountain. She had become a soldier now known for her ruthlessness and mercilessness.

“T-Thank you” she stuttered, the comment was unexpected and caught her off-guard.

“You followed my advice” he smiled at her.

“It saved me” Arline chuckled “Your power is incredible” The picture of the flames growing around the city came to her mind.

Aidan bowed his head, thanking her for the compliment. He opened the door and both entered the War Room, where King Cadel, Lara and Merrick were waiting for them. Merrick took a quick glance at her, scanned her and made sure she was alright.

“Thank you all for coming” he greeted those present but looked at Arline specifically “Today all of you will be granted the Ring of Allies for your service and loyalty to the Crown. Take this as your written and expressed allegiance to the Kingdom of Reiska and to me, once I become King”

Merrick placed a titanium band bedazzled with chalcedonies and sapphires in front of each, alongside a small knife. Arline was clueless about what she had to do and followed the rest. Everyone grabbed the knives and cut their right palms, then pressed the ring so the blood impregnated the piece of jewelry. No one flinched when the blade slashed their flesh nor hesitated to show their loyalty to the new King.

“On another matter, considering I will be crowned soon” he added once everyone had cleaned their wounds “Father, I have decided to name you Purser, so you will be in charge of the gold caves of the Realm. Aidan, you will work as my Frontlord and advise me throughout my reign” both mentioned bowed their heads, thanking him for his trust “And Lara, I have decided to let the full control of the Huntresses on your hands, I will take no part in it anymore” Lara seemed shocked but thanked him deeply, both had been friends for a long time and Merrick trusted her entirely with that part of the soldiers.

“Arline, stay for a moment please, I want to talk to you alone” Merrick called for her while everyone started leaving the room “I didn’t want to mention it before, but I thought about making you part of my council”

She was silent due to the surprise but managed to thank him “It will be an honor Merrick, but are you sure you are making the right decision?”

“Of course I am” he shrugged and looked at her, slightly furrowing his eyebrows “You need to start somewhere and Aidan and I will guide you” he comforted her “I will not announce it, I don’t want the High Council to know”

She nodded and thanked him again. Arline really wanted some peace for a moment and when she chose to step near the training compound to clear her head, Lara and Zeroun were waiting for her to kick her out.

Every night felt longer than before. Sleeping wasn’t working for her and whenever nightmares invaded her mind, she chose to spend her night either in the library, reading by candlelight or went around town, with Calix’s protection and tasted some of the life outside the intimidating castle.

The Coronation put the castle upside down, on a good way. There was a serenity and joy surrounding every room in the castle that hasn’t been felt in a while.

This time, the new King sent her a long sleeved, black velvet dress, adorned with patterns of reflective stone embroidered as constellations. Unlike the last time, this dress didn’t have neither a slit nor a deep neck line. She let her hair down, only tidy enough with some braids holding back some hairs falling on her face and on top of her head, she wore the signature tiara of the Huntresses, shaped as two wings.

The entire kingdom attended the coronation, alongside some important members of the High Council, whom didn’t look very pleased with her presence there, but Aidan stayed by her side to protect her.

The event itself had a ritual. Before the Prince could be crowned, he had to swear upon his people, to protect them and to stay loyal to act upon their well-being, something Merrick had done even before this day. And then, as if war itself hadn’t been enough, he had to cut his lip and kiss the crown, letting the blood mark the jewels and the metal. It was a form of bonding that meant he couldn’t betray the Kingdom’s people or he would die, in theory.

After the ritual, now former King Cadel called those who had helped his son retake his birthright and consecrated them. When it came to Arline’s turn to receive the reward, a loud whisper overtook the room’s respectful silence, but was quickly shutdown when they saw how the Dark Prince had been standing on her right and Aidan Farjo on her left.

Such event was followed by a luxurious banquet hosted for the High Council and everyone in town celebrated their victory against tyranny and the naming of a new young King. Inside the castle, the food was endless, having every dish from the kingdoms served and chalices were passed from place to place.

Arline had a seat reserved right by Tua Nui’s and Aidan’s side. She was dead silent and seated upright, afraid of what others might say if she dared breathing differently.

“Congratulations young Arline” Tua directed his sweet voice to her.

“Thank you, Tua Nui”

“I need to talk to you privately” he said with his overly calm demeanor, that just drove everyone around him insane, but she nodded.

“Keep your head up, they are eating you alive with their eyes” Aidan advised her on her ear and passed her a chalice that had something.

“I much rather be in the battlefield than here now” Arline confessed and she took a sip from the cup and he laughed.

Once dinner was done and the entertainment began, both water guardians headed to a corner as everyone got up to start dancing around the ballroom while the orchestra played their instruments, composing a light melody that fled the room.

“Is everything alright?” Arline asked with a fake sense of ease.

“I hope you are aware, he is not dead” Tua Nui said and despite not mentioning who, Arline knew he referred to Pelagius. As much as she wanted to forget about him, the Deity of Waters still managed to appear in her life.

She nodded, “I’ve been having dreams” she confessed, lowering her tone so no one could hear “One dream actually, it’s always the same”

“He is communicating” somehow everyone in these lands loved talking anciently and vaguely “Pelagius will not give up his powers with ease”

“What does that mean?”

“You are who he fears most” his elder patiently explained “You are who is supposed to kill him” It almost sounded like a prophecy coming from him and that made Arline more nervous.

Arline didn’t even want to think about blinding a sword and here was Tua Nui presenting her with the idea of killing a vengeful deity “What for?” Arline was letting out stupid questions because she thought this was a stupid idea coming from someone so wise.

“Claim the Throne of the Depths and become the most powerful guardian alive”

“If the High Council hears you, I’ll get murdered and burned” Arline warned him with a scared tone “Why don’t you do it?”

“I am old” he simply said and shrugged “And why do you think the now Young King made you part of his Council”

“How did you know about that?” Arline was taken by surprise and questioned him, considering that information was known by a handful of people.

“You wear the Ring of Allies, besides the new King has always been fond of you” Arline blushed and looked away.

“I won’t do it, I can’t”

“Maybe not now, but in a certain point you will have to if you want to survive and leave in peace” and with such words being spat on her face, he left her.

There was such a wave of people dancing and talking that she managed to sneak out through the kitchens easily. Arline found herself wondering in the forest alone, thinking about her announced fate by Tua Nui.

She sat on a rock in front of the lake and covered her shoulders with the wool cape and listened in silence. Arline came out of her trance when she sensed someone approaching and took a fighting stance just in case.

“Don’t you dare throw water at me” Merrick’s rightful figure stood out of the shadows with a smile.

“Why are you here?” Arline questioned him “It’s your crowning celebration”

“I got bored and you leaving was the perfect excuse to escape from Princess Valerya” Arline chuckled at the idea of Merrick being intimidated by smalltalk with a beautiful princess. “My question is, why are you here?” The King took a seat by her side.

“I’m not much of a party person if I’m honest” she lied and for the first time since they met, he blindly believed her.

It was the darkest hour before the Sun started escaping the horizon. If you didn’t know who they were nor their relationship, you could’ve said they were a Royal couple, both of them with their impeccable gowns and suits and with their crowns adorning their heads.

“I made a mistake with that dress” he said and she looked confused “You look so angelic that I couldn’t take my eyes off you the entire time”

“Is that so?” She smiled cheeky at him, blushing instantly.

He handed her his hand and helped her out of the rock, then guided her to the edge of the lake “Consider this my final lesson” they stepped on the water “Don’t pull away from me” he whispered and she obeyed him. As much as she wanted to push him away, to just consider him a friend and her superior, her heart still skipped a beat every time he looked at her or his voice called for her.

Arline was focusing on him. They were moving slowly into the water, but never sinking, just walking like it was firm ground. Merrick pulled her closer by the waist and started waltzing to inexistent music, throughout the lake as the light started to come out and light snow began falling over them. They were laughing and seemed as if they weren’t suffering the consequences of the previous battle.

She stood by the shore when their feet were too tired to continue dancing and their breathes were heavy as if they have had a duel. Arline let his hand go to his surprise.

“Let’s return” he suggested loud enough for only her to hear, coming back to her.

“I don’t really want to” she almost sang, lifting her chin to look at him.

“Why do you have to be like that?” He asked her and stared deep into her eyes. Those eyes that drove him insane.

“How?” She smiled for him.

“Insufferably untamed” He smiled back at her.

“I thought you enjoyed it?”

Merrick’s dark eyes were on her and were shining with desire. Arline grew closer to him, smiling at the King. He moved strands of her hair to see her better. The Young King caressed her jawline and pulled his Huntress closer to him.

“I do” He waited a moment but before he could make any advances, his Frontlord cut the tension in the woods.

“Apologies for the interruption, lovebirds” Aidan said not caring a bit for the situation in front of him “Your brother has called for you” he announced and Arline woke from her trance and looked at Aidan with a serious expression.

“I do not care for what he has to say” Merrick was unfazed, he never stepped away from her and still admired her. It seemed that now he had become King, he left any kind of protocol regarding her behind.

“He called for her too” Only then he turned his head and both Aidan and Arline knew how much wrath grew within Merrick after hearing that.

They were heading to the prison dungeons, accelerating their pace.

“If you think you are coming down there alone, you are mistaken” Merrick guided her through the door of the black stone fortress.

“Then come with me” Arline insisted.

“Why do you want to hear what he has to say?” He turned around.

“He is the reason that I’m here, Merrick”

“He will try something” he warned her.

“And you will be there to stop him”

He gave in and the three of them got down to the dungeons, guided by some guards to the cell were Prince Larsin was imprisoned. It was the darkest place in town. Each cell was lightened only by a wax candle every three nights and there were no windows. It helped to drive criminals to the edge, either to confess their crimes or die of madness.

“Speak now, Larsin” The King ordered his brother once they were in front of the cell. Only his breath could be heard in the silence of the surrounding darkness.

“Larsin” Arline’s voice came out as sweet murmur.

“So you are alive” Larsin giggled to himself “It seems Merrick was right, you are more powerful than I expected” he talked as if the King wasn’t there.

“Why did you do it Larsin?” Arline sounded hurt. At the end of the day, not only he had tried to use her against his brother, but murdered her trust and tried to kill her.

“How could I not? I knew exactly what you were the moment that I saw you curled on the floor of that forest” he exposed for her “I was naive and thought Merrick was going to kill you and take your power, I thought of you as a peace offering for my relationship with my brother”

Everyone present was listening in silence, paying attention to the confession of both, his crimes and his passion towards Arline.

“But then I thought why not wed a beautiful and powerful guardian, I take the throne, kill my brother and live with you for the rest of our lives” Larsin said it so lightly it was genuinely terrifying how confident he was about the plan.

“Are you admitting your treason to us all?” Merrick asked him.

To her surprise, Larsin reached for her hand in between the iron bars and made Arline squat to his eye level. The handsome Larsin Dortamus looked like a homeless man, his pale and delicate skin was now painted with dirt, dark circles under his clear green eyes.

The guards were pointing at him with their swords and the King was about to take her away. But Larsin didn’t care and whispered in her ear.

“Tough nights have been in your dormitory? His whispers are enchanting Arline” She looked at him dead in the eye and tried stepping away from him, but his grip was strong despite his weakness “You can’t escape from the carved path, the same way you failed to escape Alastair’s blade” Larsin smiled maniacally at her and let her go “Be careful brother, her kind are elusive” he gave a final warning and crawled back into the shadowed corner.

Arline said to be calm but her eyes gave away how much in distress Larsin had put her on. She didn’t know if the youngest Prince was able to read minds like his brother and began thinking someone was spying on her, because the only one who knew about her nightmares was herself and the walls of her room.

She decided she couldn’t spend another minute reading books or trying to sleep so she went back to train side by side with the army and under the rigorous watch of Lara. It was easier to explain why she looked tired after dueling and shooting rather than after a long sleepless night. And the fact that Larsin knew how Pelagius threatened her in her sleep didn’t help to ease her thoughts.

One night while trying to consummate her sleep, Arline heard a familiar voice, feminine, soft but denoted order and obedience. She instantly recognized it as her mother’s, despite not having heard it in so long. She was talking to someone. But Arline knew deep within her heart that her father was in a difficult condition, all because of her.

That night she decided she had to go back and make amends with her family, ask for forgiveness or ask them to forget about her.

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