we stagger back as I wrap my legs around his waist and grip his hair in my fists, wrenching his head back. He smirks up at me, eyes lighting up as he grabs my ass and draws me closer to him, his cock resting at my stomach. My nearly naked body connecting with his has tingles spreading through me, and I squirm, causing him to let out a soft groan as his cock rubs against me. He spins, taking us out of the water, and I squeeze his ribs hard with my thighs. He smacks my ass in response which causes me to growl down at him. I let go of his hair with one hand and bring my arm up, aiming my elbow down toward his nose, but a fist in my own hair has my upper body being pulled back away from him.

I unlock my legs from around his waist, and he releases my hair as I release his, landing on my feet. I fake a hit to his right side, which he dodges, but he doesn’t dodge the hit I aim at his ribs on his left. He grunts, my punch well aimed as he glares at me. I smile. If he wants my body, he has to earn it.

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We mirror each other as we circle, waiting to see who will make the next move. It’s him. He moves quickly, landing a kick to my thigh that has me stumbling to the side, then a sudden push to my shoulder has me going backward as my fist shoots out, catching the top of his arm as we growl at each other. He stalks closer, aiming to grab me, and I drop to one knee, coming face to face with his delicious cock for a moment before I hit him at the back of his knee and roll forward past him. His knee gives way momentarily, and I kick him in the back when I hop back up, sending him staggering forward. He releases a dark chuckle when he spins around to face me, his tongue dragging along his front teeth as he takes me in, eyes heated, cock leaking more of that pre-cum that I want to have on my tongue.

I charge, fist ready as I aim for his jaw which he easily dodges, bringing a hand up to bat mine away. Runa comes to me, our speed increasing as we go after him, hit after hit and he deflects every single one. We don’t slow down, we keep going, our dominance slowly increasing as he matches it. I aim a kick at his groin, my foot just missing him as he moves with confidence, easily avoiding it as he grabs my ankle and pulls me closer. I jolt forward and go to lift my other leg, using his hold to my advantage, when he yanks me to him. I collide with him, his warm skin touching mine as I scratch at his shoulders. His heat burrows its way under my skin as his free hand grabs my hair and yanks my head back.

We stare at each other, time suspended as our breaths mingle and another cramp hits me. A whine barely releases from my lips before he smirks, then his mouth slams onto mine. The kiss is angry, firm and invading as he devours me. The taste of him hits me and more wetness floods between my thighs. He groans as I bite his lower lip, his teeth coming to mine in reprimand before his tongue tangles with mine. He drops my ankle and starts walking me backwards, his hand still in my hair, the other now on my throat, never breaking the kiss.

My bare feet hit something soft, and then I’m being lowered down, my back hitting soft fur as Darius settles between my thighs. His releases my throat and reaches behind me, unhooking my bra within seconds, and in the next, it’s off me and thrown somewhere. His lips leave mine, trailing across my neck while I gasp for breath, my eyes closing at the feel of his mouth caressing me. His kisses leave a wet trail as he reaches my breast, his tongue swirling around my nipple and sucking slightly before he releases it and bites down next to it. His teeth sink lightly into the flesh, and I moan at the slight pain and his marking of me. No one has ever done this, given my body this attention. The one time when someone was this close to me, it was over quickly, just the way I wanted it to be. It never made me feel so alive like I do now.

I lift my hips, wanting more, needing more as his cock leaks on my stomach. Then my hands are back in his hair, gripping the strands and pulling him closer to me, as close as he can get. His free hand pays attention to my other breast, rolling my nipple between his fingers before his mouth is on me again, nipping, sucking, leaving marks all over my chest while he growls hungrily, and I hum in approval.

My head tilts back, my hips rolling with the need to be filled, for this ache to be soothed in a way I haven’t felt before. I should be scared of the cock between his legs, wanting to get away from it instead of wanting it inside of me, but for some reason, I know he won’t hurt me. Not in a way I didn’t want.

His body heat disappears and I look down, watching as Darius holds either side of my panties before tearing them from my body, throwing the plain, white scraps of fabric aside. He stares at the most vulnerable part of me, but I don’t feel shy or the need to hide from his view. A low rumbling escapes from his chest before his fingers hit my center. I jolt at the first touch as he moves them leisurely over me, gathering my wetness and rubbing it around me. Then he brings his hand to his mouth. My lips part as he licks my taste off his fingers, his eyes closing on a groan as his cock twitches.

Darius’ eyes flash open, pinning me with his stare. His eyes still pure black, the silver flecks more prominent around the edges of his green irises as he takes his fingers out of his mouth and brings them back to my center. Giving my clit a light touch, he circles around it, making me moan. He does it again and again as I squirm beneath him, his other hand holding my thigh in a firm grip. His fingers tease my entrance before bringing them back up to circle my clit again, not giving me enough. I need more.

“Darius,” I whimper, my hips lifting to try and get his fingers where I want them. Need them.

His fingers dip slightly inside of me, my pussy clenching around them, trying to get him to stay there. “Yes, little wolf?” he purrs, taking his fingers away before bringing them back and pushing in just a little further.

I move my hip down, taking his fingers a little deeper until his other hand moves from my thigh to grip my hip, stilling me. He looks over me, his hungry gaze lowering from my face, over my breasts to my navel, before finally stopping when he reaches my pussy. His fingers move inside me slowly, watching what he’s doing to me, and the look in his eyes makes me tremble. My hands gripping the furs beside me as he keeps moving at a slow, punishing pace.

I whine, and he finally shoves his fingers forward all the way. My back arches as he begins to fuck me with them roughly, so deeply that my legs part wider. I claw at the furs, my head tilting back as he continues his assault, growls leaving him as he continues to watch. He curls his fingers inside me and brings a hand up to my throat, pinning me down and watching my every reaction. The move should cause me to panic, but it only heightens what he’s doing to me. We stare at each other as he brings his thumb to my clit and I groan, my hips grinding, wanting it all. Pleasure rushes through me, and I can feel my orgasm building, my moans getting louder as I near my peak.

“Do you want to come?” he snarls, my movements speeding up, and I can hear how wet I am, smell how wet I am, and it turns me on even more. My toes curl as my pussy tightens around him, and he removes his fingers suddenly, laughing coldly as I stare at him with wide eyes.

I claw at his hand around my neck, trying to bring my leg up to kick at him, but he lowers himself back on me, his weight pinning me down. I still. I can feel his cock between us, pre-cum leaking on my stomach, and I snap.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?! Can’t please a female, Darius? Do you even know what you’re doing?” I taunt.

“Is that what you think?” he laughs, and I ignore the jealousy I feel at the thought of him with others. “You really think I can’t make you quiver in a mess of need and make you come again and again?”

“That’s exactly what I think. If you’re not up to it, I’ll do it myself.” I move my hands down my stomach, my fingers grazing his cock as my hands reach my pussy. He snarls, taking my wrists and slamming them down above my head.

“You don’t get to give yourself an orgasm, little wolf,” he rumbles. “Not unless it comes from me.”

“Fuck you, asshole. You don’t get to decide that.” I buck beneath him, glaring at him when he doesn’t move an inch.

“Oh, I fucking do,” he mocks, watching my struggles with a smirk on his face.

“Can you even give someone an orgasm?” I taunt him some more after I slump down into the furs when I realize he isn’t moving.

He squeezes my wrists in his hands. “Are you questioning my ability to please a female in bed?”

“Of course, I am,” I laugh mockingly, earning a scowl from him. I start wriggling beneath him again to get him off of me. I ache. I need release, and this asshole is stopping me. “Get the fuck off of me!” I shout. “If you’re not going to fuck me, then I’ll find someone else to–”

He pulls back and slams inside of me in one, brutal thrust. I scream, my back bowing as he fills me completely, my body tensing with the burn of it. His snarl is terrifying, his dominance powerful as he unleashes it on me at full force. My pussy squeezes him as he thrusts into me at a punishing pace. My moans are loud as my body is finally getting what it needs. He releases his hold on my wrists and my hands land on his shoulders, my nails digging into his skin as he pulls out nearly all the way before slamming into me again, laughing as I whimper from pain and pleasure.

“What’s wrong, little wolf? Too much?” It is too much, but not enough at the same time. He leans back on his haunches and grabs hold of my hips in a tight grip. He smirks at me as he holds me still while he fucks me. Hard. A groan tears from me, and I wrap my legs around him as he picks up his pace. “So. Fucking. Tight,” he growls the words out with each shove of his hips. My core clenches, and I can feel more wetness coating his cock, making it easy for him to push inside of me again and again. The sound of skin slapping on skin with my moans and his groans just takes me higher and higher. My world narrowing down to the feel of him moving inside of me, to the pleasure he’s giving me.

He lets go of my hips suddenly and comes back over me, his forearms on either side of my head and we both groan at the feeling of him entering deeper inside of me. I claw at his back, my legs tightening around him as he bites at my neck. His thrusts become harder, my moans louder, and I sink my nails into him as my orgasm hits me fast and hard. My back arches, my toes curl and his mouth lands on mine, swallowing my scream, claiming it for himself as he fucks me through it before releasing my mouth.

“Your pussy is strangling my cock,” he groans, his teeth clamping down on my shoulder. I whimper in pain, digging my fingers in harder. He growls, his pace picking up before he slams into me one more time before stilling. “Fuck.” Heat floods me as he comes, his essence coating my insides as his teeth dig further into me while his hips still move with small, shallow thrusts.

We still, breathing heavily and my body shakes with tremors. I release my hands from his shoulders and drop my legs from around his waist, letting them fall to the sides. He releases his teeth from my shoulder and slowly brings his head back to look at me. His eyes are now a light green, his features soft before he suddenly snarls. I frown, shoving at his shoulders, wanting him away from me as I realize what we just did. How could I be so fucking stupid?

He grips my throat, getting in my face, and my pussy floods with more need around him, causing his now soft cock to twitch inside of me. “We found one good thing about you,” he says, a look of disgust crossing over his features. “Your pussy is worth something, at least.”

My gaze hardens, my own hand moving to grip his throat, and I feel his fingers twitching. “It’s a good thing you have a cock Darius, because without it, all you would be is a walking, talking asshole.”

“You think you can play with me and win?” he asks, his head tilting as I’m unable to stop the rock of my hips. He starts to harden inside me.

“I know I can.” He brings me up into a sitting position, his cock moving inside me as he does. I moan, and he grunts before he pulls out of me and spins me around until I’m on my hands and knees. His warmth comes up behind me before his hand lands on the back of my neck, pinning my head into the furs. I growl as he parts my legs with his own, and I feel his cum leaking out of me, running down my thighs. He growls, gathering it with the head of his cock before he circles my entrance.

“Let’s see how well you play, little wolf,” he groans before slamming back inside me.

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