XXVII | F r e y a R u t h

Philophobia ( F e a r O f F a l l i n g I n L o v e )

Klepto - Alaska - and I were walking through the pack, exploring. I mean, it is supposed to be home for us.

It was far from that at the moment.

But for as to warm up to this place- as much as we can - we had to look around and so on this bright shiny day, we were out on a mission.

After gossiping and bad mouthing for a long time, I discovered a lot of things about her and her brothers. We both talked about our problems and about our erasthais as well.

Darius is the only person who made me think about my decisions twice and made my thoughts all jumbled up. Made me question myself and my actions. Sometimes, he even made me question my sanity. It felt like I was a child all over again.

He made me feel as if I didn't know myself.

I wished to not think about it but that was true. I wish my parents were here to guide me.

My head was still covered by the beanie, hiding my hair from the watchful gazes. Even though this place was tranquil and no one really approached us, I was still annoyed by them. They were a constant reminder of my fate and it . . . Hurt me.

Yes, I am being a brat but I was annoyed in general because of the bad hair day.

Alaska was like and I quote, "If Avalon ever tries this with me, I will break his bones." And to be honest, I would like to see how she will react when the time actually comes.

She will definitely have her hands tied.

"What are we doing here Klep- Alaska?" I asked the female beside me who was looking at everything around her with big shiny eyes, you can almost imagine the eyes we see in a cartoon when the character sees something attractive.

I was still getting used to her name. Maybe I should just stick to Klepto. Yeah.

"Hey, you wouldn't mind if I continue calling you klepto, right?" kleptoI nodded and gave me a pat on the back.

This women was so easy to talk to, I was happy I met her.

Glancing at klepto again, I caught her looking at something somewhere in the snow.

What? Something attractive?

Sighing, I found nothing attractive here except the snow that covered everything.

"Well? What are we doing here?" I asked my question again and klepto gave me a large smile that only psychotic killers would give to their victims.

"To explore of course, and maybe if something catches my eyes, then maybe I will take it as well."

I sighed at her words, Am I short of breath or what, why the fuck am I 'sighing' so much.

My hands were in my pocket while I started to look around as well. Shops, lamp posts, benches, three lycans who looked angry an- Wait! Lycans who looked angry?

Immediately taking a hold of Klepto by her sleeve and pulling her behind a bench, I widened my eyes at klepto.

"What are you do-" I slammed my hand on her face and positioned a finger in front of my lips from my other hand, signaling her to shut up. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Klepto had her eyes widened aswell and she watched me as if I had gone crazy. She finally nodded and pulled my hand off her.

Pointing towards the two brooding lycans and one smug Lycan, I showed klepto what I meant. The damned lycans included Avalon, Marco, and Darius who were talking to each other.

More like, arguing with each other.

"Shi-" Klepto slammed her hands over her mouth as she caught the sight of the man.

I am surprised that they haven't spotted us yet. Hmm, fishy.

I also noticed that they were standing in front of a building - possibly a meeting center. Sprobably talking about business.

And trust me, I was not interested in that!

It was best we left while they were distracted.

"Let's run away," I whispered to her as low as I could and she nodded.

Getting on our knees and palms, We both started to crawl around to escape the men.

Please don't look at us, please don't look at us, please don't -

Who was I kidding!? It was impossible for a werewolf to run from a Lycan without being noticed.

I was soon proven right.

"Oh! Look who I found sneaking away." Fucking Marco! That fucker ruins everything for me!

Everything, Everytime!

"And looks like someone is not very fond of her new hairstyle." I froze. Darius specifically asked me to not cover my hair which I did and now he might have seen it.

I mean okay, I get it, the short hair are a symbol of erastharis finding each other but man, no!

I immediately got on my feet and sprinted, not caring if Klepto followed or not - I expected her to catch up, she wasn't a weak wolf after all - and as expected, she caught up to me soon and we both ran away. We could easily hear the running footsteps after us, scrunching the sand below.

Why!? just why can't that damned Marco shut up!

"Tree! Meet me at the tree. Take a different route." I rasped out and Klepto nodded, we both parted like that and ran.

I didn't even know why we were running. Maybe because I was angry with Darius and I did not want to talk to him and see him for that matter or maybe he would be angry by seeing me out with my head covered. It could be any reason!

"Stop there, mate!" I did not look back and I did not did as he said, I kept running as if my life depended on it. Maybe it did.

Why hasn't he caught up to me yet? Is he playing with me?

Lycans are fast, super fast and a king not able to catch a mere alpha is close to impossible so that means . . .

"Never!" I called back and tried to run faster.

Giving into my thoughts, I decided to look back finally and when I did, I noticed that he was merely jogging with a small smile gracing his gorgeous lips. Oh, he was having fun in this chase.

Normally, I wouldn't notice how Darius looked a lot but here, away from the pack and responsibilities - it's like I am noticing him for the first time. What he does, how he does it, how he walks, how he smiles, how he talks.

Back when I had a pack to look after, I never cared. I didn't want to care.

"I always love a good chase, love. Feels like we do that all the time." That made me run faster. Now I didn't want to get caught. Ever.

Sometimes, he sounded so wicked even with a smile on his face.

"This is not fair, you are faster!" This sounded as if it was his fault - that it wasn't. It was fate to be honest. I heard the footsteps stop behind me and I too stop.

My chest heaving up and down from exertion in this cold after such a long time.

"Fine, I am giving you a thirty-second headstart, if I am not able to catch you, you can ask me for anything you please and if I do catch you - you will stay here. Deal?"

Wait? Even if I ask him to let me go, will he?

"Deal?" Darius repeated.

"Deal, and promise me that you will give me a chance to talk and here me out." I said without thinking and my wolf shook her head at my stupidity.

Maybe I was stupid. Stupid for challenging him again and again.

"Whatever you want." Darius smile became a toothy grin and I blinked. Did he mean it?

"Alright." I said wearily.

Continuing my eye contact with him, he took it as a sign and licked his lips, my heart stopped, "Run, love."

And I did. This was definitely Deja Vu.

I ran without looking back again as if my life depended on it. But this time, I had an aim and this newfound adrenaline helped me.

I was running because I wanted to be free and away from Darius, with my pack.

My wolf howled in disagreement, she didn't want to be away from her half, and to be honest, it slightly pained me that I would be alone for the rest of the life and this hot specimen, also known as my mate would choose someone else to be his partner after we were gone.

Okay, that stung.

I would never let another female stake her claim on what's supposed to be mine. Being an Alpha came with its disadvantages, like more powerful feelings.

And the more I was with Darius, the more I wanted to stay here.

But I did not stop. I still ran even though these thoughts had taken a toll on my mind.

Even though a part of me wanted to stop and get caught that very instant.

Why? Why do I have to go through this!? Why do I have to make a decision? Why do always women have to choose between things? Why!?

I didn't even get a whiff of Darius' smell when I reached the tree - was he even trying to catch me?

Maybe he has something else planned because that man was nowhere in sight.

Now, where was Klepto? Has she gotten caught already? Hope for the best!

I spotted two random Lycans taking a walk but they did not pay any heed to me so I too didn't acknowledge them.

"Up here." Someone whispered from above me and I looked up to find Klepto sitting on the branch of the tree.

"Oh god, there you are!"

I too climbed up.

"How long have you been here?" Seriously, how long has this woman been sitting here.

"Don't know, don't care. I am quite a fast runner because of me being a rogue - all I ever did was run so I am sure I have given Avalon a hard time but . . . In the middle of him catching me, he suddenly stopped and ran in another direction. I don't know why though."

They are definitely planning something.

I was about to say something aswell when the three Lycans - drum roll - entered the clearing.

I placed a finger on my lips and showed it to Klepto who had seen them too.

Darius and Avalon were emersed in talking and by the looks of it, they were talking on a very serious topic.

Maybe this chase was a way to keep an eye on us as well as talking business.


I know that they would've already smelled us but then there were a few more lycans here so it might be hard to locate us. Maybe.

But hey, I was proven wrong once again when I spotted that bloody Marco staring our way.

He had found us.

Of course, it had to be him.

He tilted his head at me and I slowly shook my head, silently pleading but I guess this was how he was going to have revenge on me for all those time.

Suddenly a mischievous look replaced his stoic one and he turned towards Darius and Avalon. He then finally pointed towards the tree we were on.

"Marco you piece of sh- " klepto started.

Darius glanced straight in my eyes and a shiver traveled down my spine. Oh fuck!

"Run!" Interrupting klepto, I patted her shoulder. She nodded.

"We shall meet again fellow friend," Klepto murmured but I paid no heed as I shifted mid-air and ran.

It was time I won that bet.


Hello Wolfies!♥️

Do you think Darius would follow through with the deal if Freya won?


How do I insert a gif here?


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