A few minutes pass and I hear a knocking on the front door.

“I’ll get it,” says Marron.

I nod and continue to watch TV.

“Aria-chan?” I hear call out to me.

I slowly turn to see an elderly nekomata standing in the kitchen, wearing a heavy kimono.

“Hashibaba,” I whisper.

She grins, opening her arms to me. I quickly hop up and run towards her, hugging her tightly. She in turn presses me to her body, stroking my hair.

“Oh how happy I am to see you once again my beloved granddaughter,” she says, planting a kiss on the top of my head. “I am also equally as happy to see you back home where you belong. Despite only being here for two and a half months, you truly became a part of it.”

My heart pangs and leaps at her words. I feel her embracing me as though I were a little child. I bury my face into her chest as she continues to hold me. I peer over to see Marron grinning brightly, slowly feeling immensely embarrassed.

The nekomata then walks us back into the living and sits us down. She looks over to Fenris, who had already woken up and was looking at her. She smiles, “It’s great to see you once more, Fenris-dono. I see you have been keeping our little girl safe.”

He dips his head to her. “That I have. It has not been easy however, even more so given recent events.

She nods, holding me closely to her. “It has been abominable what has been happening in this child’s life since the start of summer. Having nearly been killed on numerous occasions, and then having to flee from her home and mother, to always having to look over her shoulder. I tell you that is how no child should ever have to go through life.”

I look up at her, seeing her smiling to me. “I still hold true to what I said back in June. I wanted to bring you back here, where you belong.” She then sighs, “But, the others talked me out if it, saying that you were safer with your mother.”

I lay my head onto her chest, thinking of Mom and everyone there at the Estate once more. Somehow I feel as though we all were being naïve at the time. We really did think the Estate was impregnable. We just never took into account of having several people come barreling through the tunnel and overwhelming us.

I glimpse over to see Chinjaro sitting at the table, with Marron offering him a cup of coffee. He smiles and thanks her.

I bow my head to him, “Konichiwa Chinjaro-san.”

He smiles, “Konichiwa Aria-chan. It’s good to see you up and about. Oh, don’t mind me. I’m only here serving as Hashiba’s driver.”

I giggle as Marron then walks over to us, taking a seat beside Fenris. “Where’s Taro?” I ask looking back to him.

“He is still in Tokyo, trying to wrap up his first semester at the university,” he says. “When I told him that you had returned, he wanted to come straight home to see you. But with exams coming up soon, he won’t be able to until just before Christmas.”

I nod slowly. Taro was among several of the boys that made up Kenji’s group. He and I became really good friends, who he often loved to tease Kenji and me after our first kiss. It was never malicious, just simple fun. But I do miss him and the rest of my friends here in the village.

Hashibaba looks to me, “How have you been feeling, Aria-chan? Do you still have any pain from your injuries?”

I shake my head, “Not from them, but I am finally getting over my sinus headaches.”

She nods, smiling to me, “That is wonderful to hear. Now, when you are strong enough, I want you to come to the village. When you do, I will dress you as a true child of us.”

My cheeks burn brightly.

She then cackles, stroking my hair and rocking slightly. “I do hope to see you in your true form, my dear. You are home, so you should look as I know who you truly are.”

My cheeks burn even brighter. I know she means my kitsune form, but the truth is that I’m saving it for both Asha and Yukari first.

Hashibaba peers over to my sister. “Do forgive me as I merely barged into here without properly introducing myself. I am Hashiba Genouki, one of the village elders. But everyone simply calls me Hashibaba.”

My sister bows her head, “I’m Marron O’Connor, Aria’s older sister.”

The nekomata grins, “So you are Marron. When Aria-chan was here in the spring, she only spoke highly of one other person other than her mother. That being her amazing older sister.”

Marron grins, scooting closer to us, and strokes my hair. “She’s always been like that, praising her family.”

The nekomata smiles, and then looks at her. “You don’t seem to be related to her. Are you her blood sister?”

My sister shakes her head, “No, but she is still my baby sister regardless.”

There are still times when I really wish Marron was my blood sister, but the truth is that we are already closer than blood. So it’s never been an issue for me.

Hashibaba nods, “Well, when Aria-chan comes to visit, I would very much like for you to come as well. I heard that you are quite the fashion designer, having made several outfits and clothes for our little girl here.”

“I would be honored to,” says Marron, smiling. Her head then tilts, “I remember seeing Aria dressed in traditional clothing.”

The nekomata grins, “I am the one who gave her those clothes.” Her gaze then lowers onto me. “Oh how I wish you were born in this village, or at least raised here. There are times when I wish I could have seen you as a child, running through the streets with your friends, and a single pink tail flapping in the air.”

My cheeks burn even hotter, remembering the same fantasies from the spring.

“Would you like to see what she did look like as a child?” asks Marron.

Hashibaba’s grin broadens, “Oh how I ever.”

My sister grins, pulling out her phone and begins scrolling through pictures of me when Mom turned me into a five-year-old. Memories of that day flood back into me. I remember holding onto her as she led me throughout the Manor, dressed in cute little outfits. I then saw a picture of Mom pushing me on the swing.

I peer over to my sister, wondering how she got these. I then giggle to myself. Oh right, Mom must’ve sent them to her after I left for the apartment.

My yokai grandmother swoons over the pictures, grinning to me. “Such a beautiful child, the only things missing are indeed a tail and ears.”

I blush even harder than before.

She chuckles, leaning over and kissing my cheek. “Oh, I had the most wonderful time when Miriam-dono came to visit us. Granted her arrival was met with a bit of alarm, but was quickly smoothed over when she was accompanied by Asharyume-sama. I never knew the pair had met before.” Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“They met during my birthday a couple years ago,” I tell her.

She smiles, “You were also correct in saying the two of us could’ve been twins.”

I giggle softly. I knew the pair was similar to each other in a lot of ways. Both acted as grandmothers to children, each being highly protective of those they loved. Even their personalities were similar, so the parallels were uncanny.

A tingle of fear then runs up my spine. “I hope she didn’t do anything crazy while she was here,” I ask, looking up at her, “especially with Kenji.”

She chuckles, “She was a pleasure to be with. I learned a bit more about you from her than I thought possible. And to answer your other question, no. In fact Kenji was an absolute gentleman while around her. Something his father made particularly clear to him.”

I giggle and blush softly, hearing Marron doing the same.

I turn and curl up into her, burying my face into her chest, now really feeling more like a child. Her arms wrap tightly around me, stroking my hair. I smile, loving how the fact that I’m in the arms of one of my grandmothers, but also once more begin to miss the other. I sigh softly as my thoughts drift toward those of my friends and everyone else within the Coven. I wonder how they’re doing and if they’re alright.

Hashibaba’s ears then flock up as the sound of the ceiling above us creaks. Although faint, we can hear the sounds of people talking upstairs.

“Who else is in the house with you, Aria-chan?” she asks.

I smile to her, “Those are my knights,” I say. “They were the ones who helped save my life back in June. We’ve fought together side by side ever since.”

She nods, “Well…I will have to think of a way to properly thank them.”

I smile, nodding softly.

We spent the next couple of hours talking with each other. Marron learning even more about my time in the village, including the day I panicked and bolted into an alleyway when I was scared that the adults were angry with me about not going to school like the rest of the children.

My sister laughed, “Yep, that is something Aria would do.”

I groan loudly, burying my face.

Around mid-afternoon, we finally decided to call it a day. I walked Hashibaba over to the entryway. She again pulled my into a tight hug.

“I want to see again you soon, my dear granddaughter,” she says.

I nod, hugging her back. “I promise, Hashibaba.”

She kisses my forehead and turns for the front door.

The next day I again hear the door knocking. This time I get up and answer it.

“Aria-CHAN!!” shouts a pair of nekomata. They then proceed to jump and tackle me to the floor.

I groan in pain. “Geez guys.” I then giggle, “Hey Yui, hey Miu.”

The pair proceeds to nuzzle against me and purr, even licking my face, which causes me to blush deeply. My eyes go wide with shock as they each kiss my cheeks. I still remember that they each had developed feelings for me during the course of the spring. Each saying that they’d never give up on me, despite me choosing Kenji.

“We missed you, Aria-chan,” says Miu.

“We wanted to come see you sooner, but our parents told us to wait a few days,” adds Yui.

I smile, “I missed you both too.”

Ayame and Saya both sigh as they pull the twin nekomata off of me with the former helping me up. “Baka futago neko,” she says. “I know you’ve been itching to see her, hell we all have. But she’s still recovering.”

The twins flatten their ears.

“You okay?” asks Ayame.

I rub my head, “Been worse.”

“Does your head still hurt?” asks Mayori as she closes the door.

“Not as bad as it did a couple days ago,” I reply.

I look over to see Marron leaning against the wall, smiling at us. I turn back to my friends. “Guys, this is Marron O’Conner, my big sister,” eyeing Mayori and Saya, “you met her the night we arrived here.”

The five of them bowed to her, “Konichiwa O’Conner-san.”

She smiles, “Hello girls. If you want, I can have some tea made for you.”

Saya nods, “Yes please.” This is soon followed by the others.

My sister nods, grinning as she disappears into the kitchen.

I turn to them, “Let’s head up to my room.”

They nod and we turn to head upstairs. Marron looks at me with a grin on her face, flicking her eyes towards the twins. I try to hide yet another blush as we disappear up the stairs.

We retreat to my room and begin catching up with each other. As usual, Miu and Yui both surround me, staying close. Ayame and Saya both keep watch as to not let them go overboard with me. By this point I’ve either gotten used to it or…I don’t know. I still hear Kerrigan’s voice ringing in my ears. Like with everyone, I start to miss her too. I know her parents are probably worried sick about me.

School had been moving along well, but they all admit their grades started to slip when I had to flee the Estate and they became worried about me. I thanked them for their worry. I won’t lie, there were times when I did want to ask Yukari to enroll me in school just to be with them. In truth, I held back, having completed going to Concordia just months earlier.

I learned how their school’s soccer and baseball teams were hammered when they played against a neighboring school. My heart sank when I heard that Kenji had gotten hurt while playing baseball. Saya told me that he wasn’t terribly hurt; mostly suffering a bruised ego when he dove for a ball, not only for him to miss it, but to also land squarely on it.

I giggled softly, imagining the look on his face.

The conversation then shifted towards the girls talking about the boys they met while at school. Ayame and Mayori both talk about how several of them were really cute, noting how they each might have boyfriends, if the boys gather up the courage to talk to them. I grin as I lean over my table.

They also tell me that they often came up to my house and hang out around it, wanting to get away from the village if their parents started to get on their nerves or simply needed a place to be away from everything. Granted they couldn’t get inside the house, but the surrounding area was still nice enough for them to use.

“Hey Aria-chan,” says Saya. “How come you haven’t transformed into your true form yet?”

The girls all nod in agreement.

“Yeah,” adds Ayame, “Not saying you’re not beautiful as a human. But since you’re back here, why not become yokai? You don’t have to be in your human guise.”

I smile to them, “I’m saving it for something. But trust me, once I do, I’ll be the kitsune you all know and love.”

“We can wait,” says Mayori.

I smile to them.

“So other than the obvious,” starts Ayame, “how are you doing?”

I sigh, “I’ve…been better. I will say that it’s nice to not have to worry about being discovered by anyone or having to constantly look over my shoulder.” I look towards the window. “Trying to get to some semblance of normal, granted for me…what’s normal?”

“Have you tried calling home?” she asks.

Baka,” snaps Saya and Mayori. “You know her home is gone.”

Her ears flatten, “Gomen.”

I smile, “It’s okay guys, honest.”

Another truth is that there have been times when I would dial home, only to receive a message saying that the number had been disconnected or out of service. It broke my heart each time I heard it, so eventually I stopped.

The pair settles back with Saya leaning in close. “You know…Kenji was out fishing when he learned you had returned.” She grins, “I heard he couldn’t wait to get off of the boat and practically begged his dad to drive him up to your house to come see you.”

My cheeks burn softly. The twins cling even tighter to me, purring deeply. Yeah…cats can sometimes be very jealous of others, but these two…take it a step further.

Saya then presses her head against mine, gently cupping my face. “I’ve missed you as well, Aria-chan,” she whispers. “Have so since you left. Maybe…maybe a bit more than the two clinging to your arms.”

My burning cheeks soften as I look into your eyes. They shimmer softly as they peer back into mine. I smile softly, feeling the pull of my old fantasies, yet somehow they seem a bit more real this time. But…the truth is that I like Kenji, so I have to bury those fantasies again. Saya has always been the first for me, she was the first person related to Asha I met, the first person who came to visit me after I arrived in the region.

She then pulls back, feeling her hand slipping from my cheek. I open my eyes, to see her smiling to me.

I peer over to Ayame and Mayori, who both are simply smiling to me. I smile in return to them.

“Oh,” perks up the gyoubu danuki, “I’ve been working on ‘upgrading’ the village’s radio systems. You can’t imagine how much better the signal is when you bounce it off satellites. Not to mention the all the free TV I’m getting.”

I peer over to her, “Please don’t tell me you did what I think you did.”

She grins, as her tail bobs against the floor.

I sigh heavily. Yep…somehow I really think she and Mandy would get along really well with each other. But then again…if she has indeed hacked into the satellite network, it might prove useful to me.

The evening wears on. This really reminds me of back during the spring when everyone would pile into my room after school and we’d have study sessions or just hang out with each other. I learned from Mayori that, despite being hidden deep away from the main road, my house often marked the entrance to the entrance to the valley below and to village further out.

I hear a series of pings and chimes going off as everyone pulls out their phones. I glance over to the clock on my desk. 8:25. Yep, getting late.

They all let out a collective sigh.

“My mom wants me to come home before dinner gets cold,” says Ayame.

“My dad wants me help with my brothers,” says Mayori. She then looks to me, “Maybe you could help with that, I know you love kids.”

I smirk, “I’ll think about it. I still remember they used to pull on my tails when trying to fly.”

She chuckles, “Oh sure, they’re much better-behaved now. Little demons.”

I giggle, looking to Saya as she gets up. She smiles, giving me a soft wink.

I nod slowly, thinking I know what she’s thinking.

“We don’t want to go,” says Miu.

“We want to stay here,” adds Yui.

Saya leans over and gently pulls on their ears. “You do know that she’s not going anywhere. Plus she can come down the village once she gets stronger and anytime she wants.” They yelp softly. “So be patient. It’s not like we can’t come and visit her again.”

They groan and finally let go of me. We all rise and head downstairs.

We hug each other, saying goodnight. The twins quickly sneak another kiss to my cheeks. I blush and smile as my friends wave at me, and then slowly disappear into the dark night.

Marron wraps her arms around me, holding my body to her. “You have some very interesting friends, sweetie.”

I giggle, “That they are. Met most of them the first day I visited the village.”

She then leans over, “So…are you playing for ‘both teams’?” hearing her whisper into my ear.

My eyes grow wide as my cheeks burn even hotter. Am I really though? I know I love Kenji, but and I really…don’t know. I try and shake the ideas and fantasies from my mind. But then I hear Kerrigan’s words from the night we met each other. So…maybe?

I groan, looking up to see her smiling at me. “No answer?”

I shake my head, “No.”

She grins, kissing the top of my head as we then head back inside.

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