We finally return to the house, with the both of us sliding off of Fenris’ back. I stretch out my body, feeling my tails straining a little. I pull out my key and unlock the door. The house feels a bit cold, but nothing the heater can’t fix. We take off our coats, hanging both of them and my scarf onto the rack by the door.

“What should we make tonight?” ask Marron as we walk towards the stairs.

My tails fold into one, with only the tips still split. “I have no idea,” I tell her. “We could make stew or something with fish.”

She nods, “Well we have plenty of time before everyone gets back, so we’ll think about it.” She then turns towards the kitchen, “In the meantime, I’ll make us some tea while you take the kimonos to my room. I’ll start working on any repairs and alterations after dinner.”

“You always bring your sewing kit don’t you?” I smirk.

She grins, “I’m still a seamstress by trade, sweetie.”

I giggle and head upstairs with Fenris hot on my heels.

Marron’s room is the one just past mine, with my knights located opposite to us. This is one the rare occasions where once again there are only three people within the house. It feels quiet, peaceful. I still remember how I really got used to it being Yukari, Fenris, and I waking up in the morning. Even if it’s just for a few hours, I can at least pretend it’s like those days again.

As I pass by my room, I hear a muffled, yet hard, thud coming from inside. I stop and open my door, discovering on my table the canister I sent to Savero. Normally this shouldn’t be anything new, as it always returned empty. It also often came back to me rather quickly if no one had touched it.

But not this time.

My eyes grow wide as the canister now contains something within it. I quickly dash to my table and open it, finding a pair of letters inside. My heart leaps into my chest as I see the senders.

I slip open the first letter, and begin reading it. Tears begin to drop onto the paper as I pour over the words, crying softly.

“Hey, tea’s ready if you want-” says Marron, walking into my room. she then steps closer to me, “Why are you crying, sweetie?” She then turns and eyes the letter in my hands.

I look up to her, still grasping the letter. “It’s from Tariel!”

“What?!?” she exclaims, kneeling beside me.

I hold the letter up and begin reading it aloud.

“Dearest Aria,

The gossip and I were overjoyed beyond measure and filled with such relief when Savero came to us with the news that you were alive and safe. He does regret not responding to you sooner, something he will discuss in his own letter.

We have been gripped with worry ever since the day the Estate fell. We knew you had more than likely gone into hiding since then, no doubt attempting to keep yourself out of the hands of your enemies.

As for us, when Her Ladyship sent out the orders to evacuate, we fled towards the portal as fast as we could. We were under the water when Lady Sil’vari and you flew overhead. We were caught somewhat in the wake of the battle, with the lake surging around us as her wings kicked up the water.

But don’t worry yourself in thinking that we were hurt as a result. We made it safely to the portal just as your mother sacrificed herself. We quickly arrived in Nerazon, being the only refuge we could turn to.

I am sorry to say that I don’t know if anyone else was able to escape, but I promise to find out. It goes without saying how terrible it is being separated from you, or how you feel having been torn from everyone. We too miss our home, our loved ones from the Estate.

The gossip is incomplete without you, our little Aria. The girls are constantly expressing how much they miss you. We miss hearing your sweet and loving voice, the sparkle in your eyes. Not to mention your beautiful smile.

It’s a daily torture having been ripped from you. This can’t even begin to compare to the time before you came home to us permanently. With that said, we long for the day when we are reunited with you.

We love you Aria, more than anything in this world. Please stay safe and mind your sister. Savero told us how you were able to find and reconcile with her. We know you are safest wherever you are as long as you are with her.

Again, be safe little Aria. We send as much love as we can from here.

Yours eternally,


P.S. The girls have stuffed this letter with their own so have fun reading from them.”

I place the letter down and comb through the half dozen more, tearing up as the words seem to leap off of the pages and directly into my heart. Much like Tariel, they all express their love and wishes to be with me again.

“Oh girls,” I whisper.

I slide open the second letter, having been addressed from Savero.

To my little sister.

Firstly, I must apologize to you for not responding to your letters.

Ever since I learned of the downfall of your home and how soon after how your mother had perished in battle, I had wanted to come and retrieve you. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

However, before I was able to make any sort of plans, I became embroiled in small conflict that had broken out some distance from the city.

Now, I know you might become worried that something might have befallen myself or the conflict reached the city. Neither happened, for I personally made certain that your gossip remained safe while away. Well to be honest, my mother did.

In any case, it’s only recently that I was able to return to the city. My mother had discovered the ever-growing pile of letters from you and kept them safe until I could read them.

My heart nearly shattered as I poured over your words. When I found your most recent letter, I swam as fast as I could to where your gossip has been living these past few months. I shared with them the letters you sent. In fact, I am with them at this moment as I am writing this to you.

I know you were looking forward to visiting me in the summer, and I too wished for the same. I miss my little sister, I miss hearing your voice, and seeing your smile. I shall forever love you, Aria.

I am ever grateful that you are safe and well. I hope wherever you are, you remain happy and alive. I know for everyone’s sake you will not reveal where you are. For that I applaud and respect your decision.

I hope to hear from you soon. Know that Nerazon is forever open to you if you are in need of a refuge. I can now guarantee your safety, as my mother will personally see to it.

I love you, my little sister, and pray that I am able to see your face once more.

Truly yours,


Tears drip onto the papers as I reread them over and over again. My heart thumps heavily in my chest. A weak smile stretches across my face with my hands trembling as I hold onto the sheets.

Marron hugs my body tightly to her. “This is great news, sweetie.”

I giggle softly, “The best I’ve had in a long time. I’m so happy that at least someone made it out.”

She smiles, kissing my temple.

I pull from her and reach over to my bag, pulling out some paper and I pen. I set them both down onto the table and begin to write.

Dear Tariel, girls, and Savero.

You guys have no idea how happy I am to hear from all of you. For the longest time I’ve wondered if anyone else was able to escape. I am beyond relieved to know that someone is alive. I really can’t get a word out to many given where I am and a few other limitations.

I’ve been traveling a bit and will admit to having difficulty in the past few months with nightmares and the aftermath of the battle.

It goes without saying that I miss all of you. I just want to see everyone again, be home with you. Visit Nerazon again. I miss home every day, I miss the people there. I miss my mother.

I am minding my sister. Marron and I, for the moment, are happy and together. We did manage to close the final few gaps between us and get over what happened in the summer. We’ve been through a lot together since we found each other again. We’re now even closer than before.

Orga, Kateryna, Fenris, they’re all safe and here with me. We’re getting along well, with everyone finding something to occupy themselves with.

To Tariel, I want to see you again. I am still grateful to you for helping me when Mom was called away. You’ve always been really close friend to me, a mentor and guide. If you are able to find out about the others, please let me know soon. But do it quietly. I have no idea how far my enemies are watching for me.

To the girls, I want to swim with you again. The lake is where I feel at peace at times. I miss hearing you singing into the afternoons. I miss spending time in the grotto with you. Please don’t drive Tariel crazy.

To Savero, thank you so much for letting my gossip borrow your message stone. It means a lot to me. Thank you for watching over them. They’re my family, as are you. I hope one day to see you again. I don’t know when that’ll be, but I pray it’s soon. I miss you, big brother.

I hope to send more letters to you all. I love each and every one of you.

Your sister,


I again reach over and pull out the watchsphere from my date, something I confiscated from Marron and held it up, taking a picture of the both of us. I hover it over another sheet of paper and had it “print” it out. I fold everything neatly and stuff it into an envelope, placing it into the canister.

“What’s this, Aria?” asks Marron.

“It’s something I picked up in Nerazon during my last trip there,” I tell her. “It converts letters and small objects from the surface and makes them compatible for being under the ocean. Nothing living of course.”

I close up the canister and place it onto the stone. “Savero,” I whisper, watching it vanish.

I lean back into Marron, feeling her wrapping her arms around me. “This is going to be great to tell everyone with they get home tonight.”

I smile, clinging to her. “I agree.”

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