The Journey of Two Sisters: Book 4 of the Kinstone series
Chapter 45: New year’s shrine visit

New Year’s Eve finally arrives and the weather is for the moment, pleasant. If you can call twenty degree weather with a growing chance for yet another storm to blow in pleasant.

The last few days were spent either training, something that Marron was finally convinced into joining with, or going through more of my lessons from Mom. The sessions consisted primarily of weapons training along with magic. Yukari called us crazy for wanting to train in such cold weather, but we simply smiled and pressed on.

I sit in the living room watching TV, relaxing and becoming more and more anxious for tonight. Fenris lied curled up beside me, acting as a massive cushion while my legs were under the kotatsu. Kateryna and Orga both sat in the kitchen enjoying some coffee. I could hear Yukari shuffling about in her room.

“Aria,” calls out Marron. “You need to come on up so I can get you ready for our visit to the shrine.”

I quickly hop up from the floor and dash past my knights. I give a soft grin towards Kateryna who smiles back to me. I glance up at Orga, seeing him also smile to me. I nod and head up the stairs towards Marron’s room.

I slip into her room, seeing all three kimonos on racks. I step over to them, smiling as I gently streak my hands over the fabric. “You’ve definitely been busy,” I say, looking to her.

She smirks, “Yep. Hashibaba was right in saying that the kimonos needed repairs. It took me a bit longer finish them, but I managed to put the final touches just an hour ago.”

I grin. She smiles, “Okay, let’s get you ready and then you can do the same for me.”

I nod and take off my clothes, slipping on some thermal wear. While I may not mind the cold out that much, it doesn’t mean that I can be an idiot and go out into weather without some form of protection.

Marron first does my hair, braiding it into twin tails, placing them over my shoulders. She then carefully begins to place each layer of the kimono onto me, tying each segment were it needs to be. I gently wiggle out my tails through the layers, being extra sure that I don’t tear the fabric. When she ties down the outer robe, she moves onto the obi. I blush softly as she wraps it around my waist and then tying it down and setting it.

She steps back, turning me so that I am now facing a mirror. My eyes quiver as I stare at myself. It’s been so long since I wore a kimono that I had forgotten what it felt like.

Marron smiles, “You look absolutely beautiful, sweetie.”

I blush deeply the more I look into the mirror. I hardly can believe that I am looking at myself. The last time I felt like that was the day I discovered the Lolita shop in Akihabara.

My head then lowers with my fingers twiddling in front of me. “I wish Mom was here.”

She carefully drapes her arms around me, pulling me into a hug. “I know, sweetie. The truth is, so do I.” I lay my head against her chest. She smiles into the mirror, “I know for a fact your mother would never get over how grownup you look right now.”

I giggle softly.

She kisses the top of my head, rocking me for a moment, “Why don’t you go and get Kateryna?” I smile and walk out into the hallway.

I lean over the banister. “Hey Kateryna, can you come on up?” I soon hear the sound of chair sliding back with footsteps soon followed after.

I watch as the elf ascends the stairs as I walk back into Marron’s room.

She slips in and stops, staring at me, “You look astonishing, Your Highness. I can hardly believe that I am looking at same girl I just saw not twenty minutes ago.”

I grin, “Thank you, now it’s your turn.”

She blinks, looking somewhat confused.

I giggle, “It’s traditional for the women of the village to wear kimonos during the shrine visit.”

She tilts her head, “That can’t be right. I’m not member of the village as you are, Your Highness.”

Marron and I both grin to her. “Not according to some of the women there,” I tell her. “Hashibaba herself says you are. The same with Marron.”

The elf looks even more taken aback. Her eyes dart about, trying to process this. A smile then forms on her face. “Well…it would appear that we all of become a part of something that was once exclusively yours.”

I giggle, “I don’t mind sharing this.”

She grins, “Well I honestly have become curious about such clothing. I’ve seen several of the women wearing kimonos during my many visits to the village. I find them rather fascinating.”

I grin, leaning in closer. “I am curious to what Orga will think when he sees you wearing one.”

Her face turns a deep shade of red, causing Marron and I to laugh. We then set about helping the elf into her kimono. Once again, I find my tails to be a great boon, holding several pieces of her kimono in my tails.

The elf looks to me, “Is this the first time you’ve worn this, Your Highness?”

I peer up, “Once when my mom bought me a kimono during my first trip here. She also bought me a yukata, which I wore to a shrine festival that same trip. Another was during the spring here right before I left.”

Marron smiles, “I remember seeing those pictures. You really had a great time that night.”

I nod, “I did.”

Fifteen minutes pass with us finishing with Kateryna. We braided her hair, letting it lay against her back. When done, the elf and I went about helping Marron into her kimono. As before, the process took us yet another twenty to thirty minutes. Good thing we didn’t have to leave until around 10:30, giving us plenty of time.

I still can’t believe how long Marron’s hair has gotten since the summer. It now reaches just under her shoulders, making me wonder if she too wanted to simply grow it out. This made it a bit more fun to braid. When we were all finished, we each left her room with me heading down first.

I hop down the stairs, rounding the corner, still seeing Orga sitting at the table with Yukari in her kimono. I smiled at how it reminds me heavily of the kimono she wore the first time I met her.

Fenris rose from the floor, his ice-blue eyes staring directly at me. His chest seems to puff up as he sits there, giving me a proud, fatherly, wolfish grin.

Orga turns and looks at me, quickly standing up from his chair. “Your Highness,” he says, “you look beautiful. A true daughter of Shyair and a testament to your mother.”

I grin. “Thanks, but you should really be saving your praise for your wife.”

He looks at me with confusion. To his right I could see Yukari beaming proudly.

My ears then flick as I hear muffled footsteps coming from the staircase.

“Per-perhaps this was a bad idea, my Lady,” I hear the elf exclaim. “Maybe I should remain here tonight.”

I roll my eyes, “One sec.” I then dart back up the stairs.

I see Kateryna standing at the top of the stairs, clinging to the railing. I smirk, staring at her, “You have faced down armies, battled against undead ninjas, and fought against my resurrected ancestral cousin. Yet you’re afraid of wearing a kimono in front of your husband?”

Her face is still beet red. I giggle, holding out my hand to her. “Come on, you know he’s going to love it.”

She looks to me, slowly taking my hand and steps onto the stairs. The elf takes in a long deep breath as we head down the stairs. I giggle to myself, still feeling her absolute nervousness. Marron smiles, bringing up the rear, making sure Kateryna doesn’t change her mind.

I step back down, still holding onto the elf’s hand as she appears around the wall.

Orga’s mouth drops to the floor as he stares at her. Her face turns an even deeper shade of red with her eyes darting in and out of his sight, clenching the cuffs of her sleeves.

He then walks over to her, with Marron and I backing away and stepping towards Yukari. He looks on in awe at her. “I cannot believe how beautiful you look this night, my beloved,” he says softly. “Words scarcely come to mind to describe your beauty.”

Her cheeks burn even brighter than before. “Th-thank you, husband.”

He smiles, gently taking her hands and holding them, each gazing into the others eyes.

“The both of you look absolutely natural in those kimonos,” says Yukari as she smiles at Marron and me.

I blush softly. “Thank you,” Marron and I say in unison.

My aunt peers around me, grinning as she seeing my tails fluttering against the floor. She gazes back up into my eyes. “You are a true kitsune, Aria-chan, seeing you in a full kimono only cements this fact.”

I blush even more, “Thank you, Yukari.” I look at her, again becoming captivated by how beautiful she looks.

She smiles, reaching up and caresses my cheek.

Marron gently pulls me back into her, holding me close. I smile up at her, wrapping my tails around her. She grins, kissing the top of my head.

I giggle softly, “You really do look amazing, Marron.”

She beams, stroking my hair. “Thank you, sweetie.” She turns back towards Kateryna and then to Yukari and me. “Why don’t we take a picture of the four of us?”

Yukari smiles, “That would be a splendid idea, Marron-chan.”

I nod, hearing footsteps as Kateryna joins us.

“I agree, my Lady,” says the elven knight.

I look to her, still seeing her cheeks burning softly. I giggle to myself as the four of us walk into the living room. Marron pulls out a camera and hands it to Orga. We all turn and face towards the kitchen, with Marron placing me in the middle, and stands behind me. Yukari takes my right and Kateryna on my left.

Orga holds up the camera, hearing as the shutter clicks three times. He smiles, “I dare not describe what I see before me, lest I risk the image before me fade away.”

The four of us laugh as he walks over and shows Marron the pictures. She smiles, looking to me. I somehow get the feeling she’s going to be taking a lot more as the night wears on. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“We should probably get going,” says Yukari. We all nod and head for the front door.

Fenris steps beside me as we exit the front door and walk over to the van. “If your mother were here, there is no doubt in my mind of how proud she would be this night.”

I blush, gripping his fur. “She’d be the same as the night of the Solstice Festival two years ago.”

He smiles, wrapping at tail around mine. “I remember that night. I hid just out of view, watching as you and she danced. Becoming ever closer as mother and daughter.”

I look to him, “You watched the whole night?”

His grip lovingly tightens, “That I did, Little Aria. However I still knew it was not yet time for our meeting, so I waited for the moon to be right.”

I smirk, scratching him behind his ears. “Love you, Papa Wolf.”

He turns and looks at me, gazing into my eyes, “And I you, Little Aria.”

I grin. I pan over to see Orga holding out a hand to me, helping me into the van. Fenris hops into my shadow and then out behind me as I carefully slip into the backseat. Yukari slides into the driver’s seat and starts the van after the last door shuts, driving us down the path towards the shrine.

We soon arrive and hop out. The six of us start along the path, watching as hundreds of people and children walk alongside us. We come upon the shrine proper. A smile stretches across my face as nearly the entire village is present, with many standing in line to offer up their prayers for the coming year.

Fires roar around the courtyard, giving both light and warmth as people pray and stand around talking to each other. I step deeper inside, swishing my tails softly against the stone walkways.

I pan over to see my friends all rushing towards me. I blush softly, but hide it as best I can.

“You look amazing, Aria-chan,” says Mayori.

“That kimono suits you,” adds Ayame.

I smile timidly, “Thanks guys.”

“You seriously look as if you’re from the village,” says Saya. “I think everyone here agrees with that, kimono or not.”

I blush, smiling, “Thanks, Saya-chan.” I look to the others, who smile in agreement.

Miu and Yui both smile to me only to look around and see my party standing by the main gate. I watch as their eyes bulge.

“They are so beautiful,” says Yui.

“I can’t take my eyes off of them,” adds Miu.

I turn to see Marron and Kateryna standing by the main gate with Yukari and Orga. All four of them appear to be talking to several of the villagers as they gather around them. I smile as a few bow to my aunt, greeting her. Fenris of course stands next to Marron, keeping his forever vigil. I know he’s relaxed being here, that fact has never once been lost to me.

“Kateryna-san is glowing in her kimono,” says Mayori.

“Marron-san’s hair is shining against the torches,” exclaims Ayame. “It’s like her hair and the fire are one.”

I grin at the both of them, glad to see my knight feeling at ease once more as she talks with the villagers. Yukari smiles over to me, her kimono shines against the fires, which colors reflect softly onto my sister. Fenris sits beside her and Marron, baring a large grin. I chuckle softly at them.

“Hey,” perks up Saya, “let’s go get in line.”

We all nod and walk over to the growing line of people. The five of us stand in line, which slowly moves forward every few seconds. Miu and Yui stay close to me as always, wrapping their tails around mine, purring softly as they hold my hands. I grin, gripping theirs tightly. They smile, purring slightly louder.

When it’s my turn, I approach the Haiden and offer up my prayers. I pray for my coven and family. I wish for my coven to stay safe, no doubt with some probably already fighting, in one form or another.

I feel terrible for being on the other side of the world and safe while others might be in danger. I sigh, remembering how my coven isn’t weak and should have faith that they will be all right.

I give thanks that I have my family with me. I still miss my mother, feeling homesick and missing everyone who lives on the Estate. I know Tariel and gossip are all right, but haven’t heard any word on the others. I pray that wherever the others are, that one day we will all return home.

I clap my hands twice and bow, stepping aside and heading over to where my friends are all standing. My ears flick as I hear the sound of shutter clicking. I turn to see Marron smiling to me as she holds the camera. I giggle softly at her.

We start talking about the upcoming year, with each of the girls discussing plans for the semester. Saya can’t wait to go back and start practicing with the gymnastics team. Ayame of course talks about her work with the communications and drama clubs. Mayori brings up her desire for the culinary club to resume its activities.

Mui and Yui say that the student council is in utter chaos without them there to make sure nothing happens. We all laugh, with Saya telling them that they’re dreaming about that. The twin nekomata scowl at her.

“So what are you plans, Aria-chan?” asks Ayame.

I tap the tips of my tails on the ground, looking at them. “To be honest we haven’t talked about it much lately. I think my family wants to wait until after the start of the year before we decide anything. But I have been thinking about it.”

“Hey, why not enroll in school with us?” suggests Saya. “Since there’s a possibly you could be here for a long time.”

The faces of my friends light up brightly at the suggestion. Truth be told, it’s a good idea. Everyone knows I’m safe here, safer than I’ve ever been in the past few months. Time, distance, and powerful people keeping me safe are my allies here. I would be with friends at all times, my family would be in the village or nearby. I…I would also be going to school with Kenji, spending a lot more time with him.

This…this is a really good idea. However…there’s something else that goes along this plan. Something that may haunt me. Plus I have questions that need to be answered.

I smile to them, “It…might be something to look into.”

They all squeal, suggesting the various clubs I could join. Saya chuckles, saying that since I love sword-fighting I could join the kendo club and shake things up. Ayame proposes that I could join either literature club, given how I love to read or perhaps one of the sports clubs. Mayori talks about how there is, albeit rather small and full of nerds, I could join the anime club.

I blush softly, thinking about how I could become embroiled in high school drama, listening in on the gossip from other students, hopping around the town where the school is before the train arrives to take us home. I giggle to myself at the thought riding the train with Kenji.

My thoughts then shift over to attending cultural festivals at school. No doubt Marron would be more than happy to lend her aid to any stage production or maid café in need of costumes. I can imagine Fenris staying close by to maintain his constant vigil over me while I attend class.

I grin softly as the girls continue to “plan” my school life. I know the depiction of Japanese school life in anime is vastly different when compared to real life, but perhaps there are cases where fiction is in fact reality.

I soon begin to relive my spring fantasies of getting up early, getting dressed and heading out the door to join the long train of high schoolers on their way to the train station.


My ears flick back as I hear my name being called out. I turn to see Kenji walking towards us. I smile, “Hey Kenji, happy new year.”

He smiles. “Happy new year to you as well.”

Behind me I start hearing the girls whispering to each other. I blush softly as I “unfortunately” listen to them. The twins on the other hand cling tightly to me, knowing that I’ll be leaving with him. They glare daggers at him, causing Kenji to become slightly annoyed.

“Alright you two,” says Saya as she pulls them off of me. “It’s time to let them be alone with each other tonight.” She smiles to me, “Go ahead Aria-chan.”

I smile to her as I head off with Kenji.

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