I finally arrive in the village. I scan around, seeing the freshly laid snow on rooftops and streets. I smile softly, glimpsing the sun as it attempts to cut through the clouds. This place is home, its people like family to me, but I must leave. There’s so much more I have to learn before I can move forward. I will return one day, that much is certain.

My eyes catch a familiar shape as Kenji comes running over to me. I smile as he quickly pulls me into a tight hug.

“I’m so glad you decided to come and meet me before you left,” he tells me softly. I smile, clinging to him.

My phone calls with everyone weren’t the easiest either. I should also be grateful for Ayame, who added a second layer of encryption to my phone after my visit with her. Needless-to-say, no one was happy at the news. Mui and Yui in particular hated the idea, being the loudest through the phone.

I bury my face into his chest, tails swishing behind me. I feel the part of me wanting to stay speaking up again, urging me to reconsider. I bite my lip, forcing it back down. I have to do this, I have to leave.

“Why don’t we take a walk through the village?” he suggests.

I nod to him, feeling my heart flutter softly. He smiles, taking my hand and we start walking deeper into the village.

We stay close to each other, with me laying my head onto his arm. My ears fill with the sound of our feet crunching in the snow. A simple sound, but one you never really grow out of.

Light glistens off my face as the sun pierces through the clouds, causing it to shimmer off of the snow. I smile at the chromatic display which swirls with the shifting clouds.

I pan around, seeing a few decorations on homes and shops, some appearing to be rather flowery. Perhaps being meant as a prayer for a swift spring.

Kenji pulls me even closer, wrapping his tails around mine. Only this time it feels even more intimate than before.

My cheeks blush at how tightly he’s holding me. It feels as though the more he holds me, the less I’ll be likely to fly away from him. I giggle to myself, remembering how I felt the same when Marron returned to me.

“Do you really have to leave?” he asks. “You do know that you can stay here forever, right?”

I lean into his chest, “I know, but I have to. Even if my enemies still don’t know where I am, I still have to do this.”

He sighs, but smiles, feeling his tails stroking my own.

I know that I’ll be leaving him again. Despite the fact that our time together has been sporadic, given how his dad and uncle kept going out to sea. Any chance we had together only deepened our feelings for one another. That alone gives me hope for us.

Something cold smacks into side of my face.

I shake softly as a snowball rolls off my cheek. My eyes frantically scan the area, trying to find the source of it, but there’s no one is in sight.

Another is soon hits me, this time directly in front of me. I grumble, again trying to find who threw it.

Kenji bursts into laughter, glimpsing as he summons another.

I grin and pull away from him, as he throws it at me. I duck away and hurl several of my own.

We laugh as we dodge each other’s snowballs, with a few hitting him. I catch a couple in the face, only to summon several with my tails and hurl them back.

We dance and laugh around the square, hopping and twirling as more snowballs fly through the air. The both of us slowly draw closer with each step we take, our tails fly through the air as we start to circle the other until we actually begin to dance.

We clasp hands as we twirl and spin, keeping our eyes locked on the other. Our rhythm and steps seem to be dictated to some silent tune, yet at the same time feeling natural, almost instinctual.

We continue to dance, coming closer and closer together until I find myself in standing front of him. The two of us stare into the other’s eyes as we lean forward, kissing each other.

We hold the kiss for a few moments. I feel his grip on my hand tightening as we pull back slightly. I cling to his hand, my heart races in my chest, but its pace is steady, strong.

“I want to fight with you,” he says softly.

I shake my head, feeling a sense of fear slowly building up. “This isn’t your fight, Kenji,” I tell him, almost sounding like a plea.

“Doesn’t matter, I’m willing to fight for the girl I love,” he replies.

I blush, staring up at him.

“Do you remember what you said to me the day you left here the first time?” he asks. “That when we were sure of our feelings, we should say ‘those’ words?”

My heart pounds in my chest, feeling my cheeks burning as though I’m standing in Silvi’s cave.

“Well now I know my feelings for you are strong and certain,” he says, staring directly into my eyes. “I love you, Aria-chan. The question is, do you love me?”

My heart now races wildly in my chest as thoughts swirl around. While my mind is in a storm, the truth is I know the answer. In fact I’ve known it for several months.

I stare up into his eyes, smiling broadly, nodding quickly. “Yes…yes, I do love you.”

He grins, pulling me into another deep kiss. Our tails swish and brush against the snow. We wrap our arms around each other, clinging tightly the others coat. A perfect moment one might describe this.

My ears then perk up to the sound of cheering. We break the kiss and turn to see the villagers and my family walking towards us. My face melts as I see Marron and Yukari each sharing a massive grin on their faces.

My sister chuckles, leaning in, “Well…looks like you finally came out with it didn’t you?”

I roll my eyes, somewhat recovering from my embarrassment.

Her grin only broadens as I see her holding up a phone.

I cheeks once more burn hotly as I slip from Kenji. “Give it here, Marron,” I tell her as I try and snatch from her hand.

She laughs even harder, keeping it just out of my reach. “Awww, is someone embarrassed that her big moment was caught on camera?”

I groan at her, watching as she stashes it into her bag.

I feel myself being pulled back into the arms of Yukari. My aunt’s face beams with pride and joy as she hugs me. “I am so very proud of you, Aria-chan. You finally found the courage to confess your feelings to him.”

I blush more, clinging to her. “Thank you, Yukari.”

She smiles.

I feel another hand resting on top on my head. I look up to see Asha standing before me. “You’ve grown up so much,” she says. “Our little girl is slowly becoming a woman.”

I blush even harder. She smiles, “Just do us a favor and don’t grow up too fast.”

I giggle softly, “I’ll try.”

“Does this mean we should prepare Her Highness’ wedding?” asks Orga.

My tails fling high into the air as my heart leaps into my throat.

Marron laughs, “No, Orga. This only means the two of them are open with their feelings.”

Kateryna smiles, “There is still much about this era we do not know.”

My sister ruffles my hair. “You have no idea.”

Everyone around us laughs as I try and keep my sanity. I love my family but there are times when I can’t stand them.

Fenris brushes my hand and looks to Kenji, giving him his best fatherly smile. He smiles and bows to my bonded. The wolf in turn smiles approvingly of him. I know he’s acting in the stead of my mother, but that sentiment also applies to my aunts and sister.

Kenji looks back to me. “I still want to fight alongside you.”

I stare up at him, “You’re not trained for what’s there and have no idea what you’re going to be up against.” I lower my hands, “You haven’t seen what I have. You have no idea what combat is like.”

His expression grows sterner. “Regardless of that, I am still willing to do it.”

I pan over, seeing his family standing there. Oh good, hopefully they’ll knock some sense into him and tell him no. Instead his parents do nothing, simply smiling,

This is crazy, most if not all parents would be jumping and telling their children that they shouldn’t talk about going into combat. They’d want them to stay home were its safe. It’s different for me because combat’s come to me and I’ve spent the last two years training for it.

I groan and stare at my boyfriend. “You should just stay home, Kenji. I don’t won’t you to get hurt.”

He glares defiantly at me, “I could say that same about you, Aria-chan.”

I look at everyone, all sharing the same expression. I slip away from Yukari, taking a few steps.

“I can train him,” says my aunt. “He is still kitsune and therefore has the same potential we all possess.”

I look at her. Now Yukari is approving of this crazy idea? Everyone is just nuts.

I continue to walk around, thinking about it more. I stand a really strong chance that the moment I return from the outpost, my presence will possibly be made known to the world. Meaning that Regulus will be gunning for me, with a battle being not too far off.

“Although,” she continues, “it will take at least a year to get him into fighting shape.”

I wander about, delving deeper into my thoughts over this. Kenji fighting alongside me, a boy I just confessed my feelings to. Again, things could potentially move rather quickly once my presence is made public.

While I have no idea of how long I’ll be at the outpost, there’s just so little time. And not enough of it.

I think about it more, having crossed my arms around my chest. I quickly come to a stop and roll my eyes, knowing of the one person who might be able to help in this insane plan.

I lower my arms and look over to his parents. “Are you really alright with him going off and doing this?” I ask.

His mother steps beside him. “To be honest, you shouldn’t be leaving either, Aria-chan,” she says. “Yet I know you have little choice. As for my son, if he wishes to do this, then he can.”

“I agree,” says his father. “While he was born into a relative era of peace, having not known the hardships of war, he is still yokai. All yokai are prepared to fight when the need arises.”

Father and son’s eyes meet, with the former smiling. “He has my blessing.”

I nod slowly, taking a long deep breath.


A soft whiff of honey and flowers fill the air as the sounds of rings clanging echo in my ears. Arms soon envelope me, gently pulling me back into someone’s chest.

“Hello, my Little Fox.”

I grin, looking up at the fae queen. “Hey.”

All around me, people are freaking out at the sight of the fae queen. Most of villagers stand in shock that she simply appeared out of thin air. My knights look on in awe of her. Fenris simply smiles, sitting beside Marron, who is dumbstruck.

The only people unfazed by her presence appear to be my aunts. Yukari herself seems to be rather intrigued by her while Asha merely crosses her arms.

Awkward I know, but it’s just who Titania is.

Titania grins, leaning over and kissing my forehead. “Oh how I have missed you, my Little Fox. Words neither in the tongues of fae or mortal can express how worried I’ve been over you.”

I giggle softly, feeling my cheeks burn a little more. “When I used the Fairy Road, it landed us here. In fact a lot of people have been worried about me.”

She holds me even tighter to her, gently stroking my hair, smirking slightly. “Well that explains it. Something I should have mentioned to you is how fae cannot track another while using the road. When I lost sight of you, my worry grew immensely.”

I giggle again, now nervously, “Sorry.”

She smiles, stroking my hair. “I am simply happy to see that you are safe, my dear little one.”

“I still can’t believe that I am actually looking at Titania,” chirps up Marron. “Let alone the fact how your stories are real, Aria.”

I giggle, holding onto the fae queen.

Titania smiles to her, “Greetings, young Marron. Your little sister has told me all about you.

My sister bows, “I am honored, Your Majesty.”

The fae bows her head, “The honor is mine. It is a pleasure to finally meet you.” She then looks at Marron, tilting her head. Titania peers back down at me, baring a broad grin. “How interesting fate seems to act around you, my little fox.”

I stare at her confused. I want to ask what she means, but somehow I get the feeling I won’t get a straight answer.

I sigh, but look up at her. “Can I ask for a favor?”

“What can I do for you?” she asks, stroking my hair.

“Well, my aunt needs to train someone in a short amount of time,” I tell her. “Do you think you can help us?”

She smiles, “I do indeed know of place. However, this may come at a price.”

I cock my head in disbelief. “You told me that I don’t have to pay a price for whatever you do for me.”

She chuckles, “This it might.”

I roll my eyes, “So what is it you want? My firstborn or something?”

Titania stares sternly at me. “I would never ask for such a thing,” she replies.

I sigh, “Okay…so what do you want?”

I glance over at Marron whose eyes are flaring with disbelief that I’m actually arguing with the fae queen.

Titania smiles and whispers into my ear, causing my cheeks to burn hotly as my tails and ears stand straight up. I glare angrily up at her. “No way, you know how awkward that would make me feel.”

She laughs, “I’m merely joking, my little fox.” She hugs me even tighter, “The truth is I have been wanting to ask you that for quite some time now.”

I grumble at her, looking away.

She chuckles, kissing my cheek. “Oh, my dear little one. I will gladly do this for you. However when this is all over, I want for you to come and visit me in Tir Na Nog.”

I sigh, nodding. “When it’s over, I’ll come.”

She gives me a tight squeeze and another kiss on the cheek. “That’s my girl.” She then lets go of me and walks over to my aunts.

I watch as the trio bow and greet one another, and talk. Again Yukari seems to be unfazed by the fae queen. Granted Titania isn’t exuding her aura much like she did the first time I met her.

I turn to see Kenji’s parents hand him a large bag and step back, saying farewell to him.

I run over and we embrace each other again, once more kissing deeply.

“I’ll think of you, Aria-chan,” he says, “every day while Tsukino-sama is training me.”

I cling tightly to him, not wanting to let him go. I feel the urge to try and talk him out of doing this, but at this point, I realize it’ll be pointless.

I feel a hand resting on to my shoulder. I look up to see Yukari standing beside us.

She smiles, “If we want to begin his training in earnest, then we best leave now.”

I nod, slowly letting go of him. I turn and hug my aunt tightly. “I’ll miss you, Yukari.”

She smiles, holding me closely to her. “And I you, my most beloved and cherished niece.”

I grin up at her, “Break him.”

She chuckles, kissing my forehead and walk back over Titania who opens a fairy road.

I look up at Kenji as he hoists the bag over his shoulder. “Take care,” I tell him.

He smiles, “You too.”

I watch as he steps over to my aunt and the fae queen, who then starts walking inside.

“Take care, and I’ll miss you both!” I yell out to them as they slowly begin to disappear. I sigh softly, folding my hand in front of me, staring down as the portal closes.

The rivers of home, flow once more,” I hear Titania’s voice whispering in my ear.

I look up at portal wanting to ask what she means but it closes before I can get a word out. I stare at it for a moment in confusion, folding my arms over my chest. I tap my foot, great, another riddle. I sigh, shaking it off.

Marron walks beside me and leans over. “So what did she say to you that made you so flustered?”

My cheeks blush deeply. “She…wanted me to come spend the summer with her in Tir Na Nog. While there, I’d be acting as her ‘princess’. Basically I’d be playing as her daughter.”

Marron blinks for a moment. “Not only would time pass wildly fast for us here, there’s no telling how much the fairy world will change you.”

I sigh, nodding to her. “Yeah, no kidding.”

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