The Kings Mate
Chapter 19:

The flight was long. No matter how hard I tried to stay awake, my eyelids were too heavy though and eventually they fell closed and stayed closed. I had woken up later then what I normally would have any other morning. So I knew I shouldn’t be tired, but it was almost as if my body was preparing itself for what I knew was going to happen in the next couple of hours.

Riley had told me that I shouldn’t expect to start my heat at the stroke of midnight but given the strength of Ryder’s wolf it would most likely take effect before six am. By the way she explained it, it seemed like it was going to pull me from a sleep and I’d be left in a writing heat that wouldn’t subside completely till I had Ryder inside me and we had both gotten a release.

I could feel Ryder’s nerves at us mating as well. The closer we got to completing the process, the more I could feel his wolf. He had explained to me a few nights ago after an intense make out session that had left me breathless, that his wolf could sense that my heat was coming. His wolf was still stated from his birthday when he came into his full power. Only now was he going to get all the extra power out, it was weighing on my chest to know that he was going to do that through me but also once we had mated he would gain more strength.

The whole pregnancy prospect was hanging over my head. I was growing more comfortable with the idea. With Ryder by my side I knew I could do it. I had seen how great he could be with Elijah and other children, plus they idea of carrying his child pulled a smile to my face.

A soft caress up my spine sends a shiver through me and my eyes manage to flick back open. Hovering over the top of me is my shirtless husband, his hazel eyes glinting with mischief as he looks down at me.

“Hey,” his voice is husky as his hand continues over my body.

“Hey,” with my hand sliding up the toned muscles of his chest the action calling his eyes down to it.

My body temperature hadn’t changed and the large clock to my side confirmed todays date. It was now the second of December. “Happy Birthday, my gorgeous Charlotte,”

He doesn’t give me time to reply as his lips quickly press against mine. They’re soft as they gently move across the soft area that’s only ever been met by his lips and it was always going to stay that way. He was mine forever.

“Are we nearly there?” I ask once I’ve managed to pull back away from him.

I shivered when his warm fingers run up the length of my leg that was over his lap. “Soon, we should land in about fifteen minutes.”

Ryder’s hand continues to caress my leg as a silence settles over us. The bond between us was getting stronger and I could see that he was growing more nervous about what was going to happen the closer we got to it happening. He didn’t want to hurt me. It went against everything he and his wolf believed in even if the pain I was going to experience was unintentional.

Smiling I turn my eyes away from the window and the quickly passing dark ocean and up to Ryder’s eyes that are looking softly down at me. “What are we going to do when we get there?”

As if sensing my thoughts Ryder smirks down at me. “Well, despite the obvious, I’m going to take you swimming. You can sleep if you want to but the water would be able to cool and relax you before everything.”

“I can’t swim,” Ryder knew that but he seemed very insistent on getting me in the water with him.

His hand comes up to brush my hair back as he smiles at me. “I know but then I won’t have to let you go.” His head nuzzles down into my neck and his lips brush over his mark. The contact causes me to wiggle myself further onto his lap.

Ryder groans and his hand locks onto my hip to stop me from grinding in to him. “Lottie my wolf is already turned on enough.” He growls out more than speaks.

Somebody clears there throat from behind us. Ryder keeps his head buried in my neck taking in long breathes of my scent but I turn my head to see Reynolds stood just in front of our seats, his head turned to the side so he’s not watching us.

“Were about to land so maybe get off each other, you have three weeks to do that.” Ryder growls again against my skin doing the opposite of what his best friend said as his hands tightened around me as we made the slightly bumpy decent to the ground.

After getting of the plane I see two cars, Ryder’s hand slides into mine as he leads me to the closest one that was having luggage placed into the back of by the flight attendant. He opens the passenger door for me and helps me into the high seat.

From my seat I can see as he walks around the back of the car and says something to Reynolds before they share a quick hug and he’s back next to me, opening the drivers’ seat door. His eyes are sincere as he looks over at me and gently slipping his hand back into mine.

“Are you ready for this, because if you’re not then we can back to the castle and figure out some other way to get through this?”

With a soft squeeze of his hand I smile up at him. “As much as this scares me Ryder, I want to do it. I want you and if it happens today I want your kids as well.”

His hand pulls mine up to his lips and kisses it. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”


When Ryder had carried me over the threshold into the beach villa my jaw had dropped. No matter what room you were in you could see the beautiful and very pristine blue water of the calm ocean water.

Ryder was outside now while I was stood in front of the floor length mirror nervously fiddling with the bikini that I had found in my suitcase. When I first saw the coloured Aztec print that was hidden beneath all the lacy underwear I wanted to yell at Ellie who had packed the bag. My head had whipped around to see if Ryder had also seen what was in the bag but he was already at the edge of the pool and pulling his shirt over his head.

Honestly Ryder had seen the same amount of skin before from some of the numerous stunts that had landed me in the hospital. The soft material covered everything that needed to be covered but still I didn’t know how Ryder was going to react to seeing me like this.

Sighing deeply I walk out of the bathroom and slowly around the corner to see Ryder sat with his back towards me.

“Ryder,” my voice was quiet but he had heard me with his enhanced hearing.

When his eyes land on me they darken. Continuing to walk closer to him he slowly stood up his hands landing on my waist as he pulled me into him. “You look beautiful, don’t worry.” With that a smile crossed his cheeks as he lifted me up from the ground, my legs wrapping around his waist on instinct.

He takes slow steps into the cool water of the pool, my grip strong even though I could tell that I’d still be able to touch the bottom. His eyes were gradually lightening to their normal hazel colour that I loved so much.

Once we were in the water Ryder stuck by his words and didn’t remove his hands from me at all. My fingers gently stroked through his hair as he caressed my thighs while his lips stayed pressed against mine.

When I feel his hand sliding up my spine to pull at the strings of the bikini I pull back away from his sensual attack. “Shouldn’t we be in a bed to do this?”

He chuckles with his forehead against mine. “I need to tell you one last thing about that.” His voice dropped lower but not in a good way.

“Ryder?” I questioned my arms loosening around his neck.

“Higher ranked wolves are stronger so when we mate, that side is more dominant then our human.” When I eye him, asking him to continue he lets out a deep sigh. “When wolves mate they have something called a coital tie, it holds the female to the male to assure that uh, no semen can escape and increase the chances of the female getting pregnant.”

The words shocked me as I tried to push back out of his arms. Somehow I had managed to fight his strength and get out of his arms but I had forgotten that I was in the water and suddenly everything fell out from beneath me and I couldn’t make sense of what was up and what was down.

Strong arms found their way around my waist and pulled me back to the surface air finding its way into my lungs as Ryder runs his hand through my soaked hair while gently shushing me. He was right the water was very calming to me.

“It won’t last long. Not even a minute or two but it might hurt.” His voice is soft as he messaged my neck.

Nothing was going to stop what I felt for Ryder but the news about our mating had increased my nerves. It was going to happen soon no matter what so there was no way I could prevent it. Breathing in his scent I wait for my heart to stop racing.

“Why are you only telling me now?” His arms tightened around me as if expected me to escape his arms again.

He tilts his head back so his eyes can meet mine. “My mother only just told me about in the last couple of weeks. It’s more of an instinct thing so it doesn’t always happen and always when the female is in heat. She wanted me to warn you that it might happen though.”

Looking over his concerned face I let out a sigh, relaxing my tense body in his arms. “So there’s a chance that it won’t happen.”

Ryder smiles with a soft shake of his head. “It’s small but I promise you that I will make everything else feel so amazing any pain you feel won’t matter.”

Again his hand slides up my spine. The smooth touch of his skin tickles my skin as he starts to pull at the knot again his lips settling on my neck as he sucks at the claim. My fingers tightening around his hair and pull his mouth back away from my neck.

“You can’t withhold that type of information and expect me to fall back into your hands your majesty.” The words were barely past my lips before his eyes turned darker and his arms tightened around me further.

He chuckles as he swims across the water and my back is suddenly against the cool tiles to help support my weight. “Withhold, and who are you calling your majesty?”

“Yes, hold back or refuse to give information.” He smiles at me in pride and I try not blush but it happens anyway.

Ryder just looks at me for a little while, his fingers slowly tickling back and forth on my thighs beneath the water. I could feel the heat coming and by the way he seemed to take a deep calming breath every now and then to calm himself down he knew it was coming as well.

The tingles and shocks that I had always felt when he touched me were getting stronger and warmer but this wasn’t the end of it. While he watched me I watched as my fingers slowly followed the drops of water that were making a path down his toned and tanned chest.

“Are people going to call me that?” I ask out of the blue my fingers now drawing patterns into his chest.

“Call you what?” His eyebrows drew together as his finger slipped beneath my chin so he can see my eyes.

“Your majesty and all that, I mean I’m the queen now.”

With his fingers messaging the underside of my jaw he answers me. “Not all the time. Outside of the castle you will be addresses as that or her royal highness and queen but inside the castle they’ll either call you Charlotte or Luna.”

Ryder’s hand wrapped around mine when I didn’t reply to what he said, I just didn’t know what to say. I had been with him for a two short months already and I had conquered a lot but only once had I been out of the safety I had found in the castle. No matter what else I had to go through Ryder would be there for me and I would be there for him.

I’m pulled back out of my thoughts when Ryder presses a small kiss to the tips of my fingers. “You’re all wrinkly. Do you want to get out and go to bed?”

“And do what?” my voice was flat but I kept my eyes locked with his.

He shakes his head lightly finally pulling me back from the wall with a smirk pulling at his cheeks. “Whatever you want?”

He was tone was suggestive and it was obvious to what he was suggesting. The way that he sounded so cocky made me realise that tonight wouldn’t be his first time. He had done this before and as much as it made me nervous it caused a tightening anger to spread through my chest. I had the sudden urge to rip off the pair of swim shorts he had on and take him myself.

“Lottie,” he interrupts my thoughts again. “As much as I’m enjoying where your line of thoughts is going but you’re wrong.” His thumb gently runs over my cheek bone and I lean into the soothing warmth of his touch. “Yes, I’ve had sex with other girls and the last one was over four years ago, but this will be the first time that it’s anything more than that. As corny as it sounds this will be the first time that I make love to someone, to you. Those other girls, when I was with them, it was a way to release my wolf, they didn’t have faces and they didn’t have names because I had tried to see you. I didn’t have a clue what you looked like but the entire time I was thinking of you.”

Leaning in closer to me his lips softly hover mine and when he continues to speak I feel how soft they are. “Mating with you is what I’ve waited for my entire life. When we mate not only am I going to come into my wolf and I have my real first time, I’m not going to take my eyes off your beautiful body for one second because I want to see every single detail about it because none of those girls ever mattered it only ever was and always will be you that I care about.”

Tears were steadily streaming down my cheeks now. Even Ryder was crying lightly as he pressed his lips back to mine in a slow kiss. “I love you,” I whispered to him with my arms around his neck.

“I love you.” His hand settles under my butt again as he carries us out of the cool water of the pool.

When the fresh air hits me I realise how hot I am. The water was good for me and very cooling but my heat was slowly getting worse and it’s only half past one. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Ryder detaches his lips from mine and lowers me to the smooth wooden floor next to the bed. “You’re starting to feel it aren’t you?” his voice was pained as he lifted up a soft fluffy towel to dry the water that still clung to my now sweating body.

Nodding my head I watch as he quickly dries off himself. “How does my touch feel?”

When his hands cup my cheeks I moan lightly. Again the tingles cascaded through my body as his skin makes contact with mine, pleasant warmth carrying along with it.

“If you were in a true heat at the moment my touch would cool you instead of feeling our temperature differences.” His hands continued to massage over my cheek bones. “Lie down and relax for now the heat will take a lot out of you.”

My eyes move over his abs alerting me to the fact that I was still half naked. “Don’t change. If you want to get back in the water it’ll be easier.”

“Can you get out of my head?” Shaking his head he lifted me from my feet again before dropping me down on the extra-large king bed.

“I’m sorry,” he whispers as he lies down next to me. When his fingers gently run over my stomach I shiver. “You still haven’t seen Cinderella.”


Ryder’s hand rubbed over my thigh as the movie was coming to an end. When the shoe scene came up I felt Ryder’s eyes on me and what he said all those weeks ago now made sense.

My body temperature was still yet to get past something that was out of the normal for the human body. Ryder was right when he said that it would take a lot out of me but when I was in the actual heat it would be a rush of adrenaline.

I’d only closed my eyes for a couple of minutes as I listened to the voices on the television. Then I felt it. A searing heat that passed through my body and I couldn’t help the groan that left my mouth. I tried to breathe through it but I couldn’t reduce the uncomfortable feeling.

Ryder tensed beside me. I heard him take a deep breathe before his hand lowered down on my back. This time when his skin made contact with mine I realised what he meant. I moaned at his touch and welcomed the coolness that it sent through me.

“It’s ok Lottie, just breathe.” His voice is tense as his hand moves down my spine.

This time when his hand moved over my body I wanted it to not only pull the knot but to pull the bikini off all together. I wanted him. I wanted every inch of my skin to touch every inch of his. I wanted to feel all of him. I wanted him over me, against me and inside of me.

Forcing my eyes open I look up into the swirling hazel and black of his. “Ryder, please, make it stop.”

When those words left my mouth it was only seconds later that Ryder’s lips were pressed back against mine. His lips were rough as they moved against mine. His hands were just as rough but still gentle as an arm wrapped around my waist to pull me underneath his body.

Ryder hoovered his weight over the top of me, our lips staying connected in a deep kiss. Eventually Ryder moves his arm from around my waist to rest on my hip and I can feel the slight tips of his claws extending from his fingers.

The warmth of Ryder’s lips release mine and his nose rubs against mine before he presses his forehead on mine. “Are you sure you want to do this baby?”

Lopping my arms around his neck I pull at the strands that tickle the back of his neck. I wanted him so much right now. I don’t know if it’s because of the heat, my body telling me that I wanted to feel his.

Even though I was still nervous about what was going to happen I wanted it. Heat or no heat I wanted to do this with Ryder.

Nodding my head I keep my eyes locked with his. They seem to glow as I make that movement and he brings his free hand up, his weight rested on his elbow as he caressed my hair that was spread out across the pillow. “I love you so, so much. I’m going to try and make this as painless as possible and if you want me to stop at any stage, tell me.” his voice cracked as he spoke.

When I nod my head again he runs his nose alongside mine before his lips are back on mine, softer now that he was trying to be careful. Once again his hand is on my back and over the knot of my bikini. When the knot is finally out of the way and his hand moved up to the one around my neck and I moan against his mouth at the touch.

Ryder pulls back away from my lips with a smirk. I don’t have time to react to his facial expression before his lips land back on my skin, this time beneath my ear and along my jaw. My back arches at the feeling and more of my skin presses to his naked chest.

I need to feel more of him.

My hands slide down his muscled chest over the indents of his abs before my fingers reach the waistline of his pants. Hooking my fingers around his waistline I pull him down closer to me, a groan leaving his lips when our crotches meet.

“Fucking hell, Lottie.” His voice is tight as he moves further down the line of my throat.

He was hard. I could feel it through the thin material that blocked us from completing the mating process right now. More of his weight is pressed against me now and the pressure I feel against me causes me to lift my legs and to wrap them around his waist and pull him in closer again.

When his lips land on my chest I cave, I can’t handle his teasing anymore. “Ryder please, don’t stop.” I was breathless, extremely breathless but Ryder got what I meant and when the knot was undone from my neck and my top was removed I felt a rush of coolness envelope my body.

Once the soft material was out of the way Ryder replaced it with both his mouth and the large span of his hand. Now that I had Ryder secured against me with his legs I mix my fingers into his hair, tightly looking them around his locks to keep his lips attached to my sensitive nipple while he rolls the other through his fingers.

After I whimper I feel him smile against my skin. With a final suck against my chest, that I know will leave a mark, Ryder sits up and rests his weight back on his knees. His eyes roam over my body until they concentrate on my chest as it rises and falls rapidly. They’re more black then hazel now as they continue to his fingers that are hooked around the sides of my bikini bottoms.

His touch sends pleasant tingles throughout my body before he looks back up at me. “Are you sure? Once I take these off gorgeous, I’m not going to be able to stop.”

“I love you, please, I’m ready for this, and I’m ready for you.” I don’t know what to do with my hands so I run them up his forearms as I keep contact with his eyes.

Dropping my hands down to his knees I welcome the feeling off the shocking tingles vibrating through my legs as he thumbs my hips. Slowly I unwind my legs from his weight as he leisurely pulls the bottoms over my butt and over my thighs his eyes not once leaving mine as he throws them to the floor.

I was now completely naked in front of him and I didn’t even care, I just wanted him naked as well. Slowly his hands continue trace a path down my thighs before they come back up again and move further in, his eyes finally leaving mine to wonder down my body.

“You’re so gorgeous.” His voice was soft, so soft I barely heard it.

A shudder erupts through my body as his hands run back along the inside of my thighs and up my body till he’s back over me with a hand around the back of my neck. His free hand moved back down my side. The moment his lips connected with his mark for the first time tonight, his hand also landed between my legs.

I gasped when the warmth of his fingers circled my sweet spot, my body grinding into it to increase the pleasure he’s giving me. The feeling he was giving me with his hand combined with the equally overwhelming feeling of his mouth against the now extremely sensitive mark on my neck was causing me to whimper uncontrollably.

My body was getting warmer despite the cool sensations that his touch bought even when his fingers move from the bud of nerves and down between my slit. My hands that had been wrapped around his taunt shoulders feeling every flex of his muscles as his hand moved against me now slide down his back to hook my fingers into his pants and try to push his pants down.

Groaning in annoyance when he pulls back to his knees again, he smirks at my reaction, “Patience baby.” His own fingers pull at his pants now and I watch his every move as he does.

Ryder struggles for a second but eventually he gets his pants off and my eyes are drawn to what he had inside of them. I’d seen pictures of them before, the older girls at Carlett had once got their hands on a porn magazine and then I felt a blush on my cheeks and I felt one now as I looked at my mates.

It was hard like I had already felt but seeing it now and how large and thick it was starting to get made me nervous about the pain I would feel when he put it in. Still I found myself squirming beneath him wanting him to put it inside of me. A whimper leaves my mouth when all I get is his hand back slowly teasing me again.

His fingers moved with an expert skill that pissed me off as much as it made me crumble with panting moans. I tried to settle my trembling body by wrapping my arms back around him and trying to hold him to me.

The same time his lips land back on mine his finger pushed into me. When I feel the foreign intrusion my fingernails dig into the skin of his back causing him to groan against my lips. I took the chance to push my tongue into Ryder’s mouth and deepen the kiss.

When he tried to insert another finger I pulled back from the sharp pain that I felt. Feeling my hesitation Ryder pulls his finger back and he brushes his nose back alongside mine. “You’re so wet and ready baby.”

Gently he lowered himself on me, resting most of his weight on his forearm beside my head while his other hand was between us rubbing his tip against my centre slowly teasing me. He didn’t break his eyes from mine or join our lips together again, he was watching my reaction. I don’t know why because I’m struggling to keep my eyes open from the intense sensations.

His hand lands on my hip holding me to him as he takes a deep breathe. He continues to rub his length against me from a different angle. My eyes moved down to see the action and I moaned at the sight.

Ryder kissed along my jaw again calling my attention back to him. His eyes were a soft hazel this time I meet them. “Take my hand baby.”

Leaving one hand on his hip so I could meet the grinding of his hips every time he rubbed against me, I move the other to tightly grip his next to my head. It wasn’t until then that I felt that I was shaking.

I see a smile cross his lips before they’re back on mine and he’s pushing his tongue into my mouth. It runs slowly alongside mine as I feel his movements below slow down. His kiss always managed to stir strong emotions in me and now wasn’t an exception. I was so caught up in the feel of his lips against mine and the gentle caresses of my hand as he held it tightly that I don’t feel the discomfort.

With one powerful thrust he was buried inside of me, his entire length filing me. It hurt as he broke the barrier of my innocence like that and so quickly. It hurt to be stretched like that but so good at the same time.

My cry of pain was muffled against his lips as his arm tightened around my waist holding me to him and him inside of me. He wasn’t moving inside of me now, just running his thumb over the back of my hand as he kept his eyes on me. They were black but still soft and caring.

He gently shushes me as he slowly pecks kisses over my lips and cheeks. “Do you want me to pull out or keep going?” his voice was deep but strained as he asked. He didn’t want to stop and neither did his wolf.

I could feel what he meant. Our bond had intensified and I felt stronger as he rested inside of me. He was stronger as well. He and his wolf had control over everything that had built up inside them since his eighteenth birthday and he was even stronger still.

Nodding my head, he joins his lips back to mine. His kisses are slow just like his thrusts as he gently pulls out of me before he slowly pushes himself back into me. I wince with his movements, it still hurt but I didn’t want him to stop.

Wrapping my free arm around my neck I hold him to me, my lips moving faster along with his. With my action Ryder gained confidence in his actions and after a few more slow thrusts allowing me to get used to his size, he speed up.

His thrusting gets so fast I can’t kiss him anymore I’m panting and moaning so much. He moved his lips down to his mark when he realised I couldn’t kiss him anymore. My hand scratched down his back as my legs wrapped around his waist making his penetration deeper.

“Fuck, baby, you’re so tight.” He groaned into my neck before he resumed kissing his mark and around it.

After a while I feel a tightening start in my abdomen and Ryder’s deep and fast thrusting was making it stronger and my legs were trembling around his waist as I tried to hold something in. Ryder growled lightly, nipping at the mark with his elongated canines.

“It’s an orgasm Lottie, let go.” Ryder growled and with his words I do as he asks.

My walls tightened around him with my release, the heat I felt diminishing greatly but it was still there. I was squeezing Ryder and pulling him in deeper. It felt amazing and Ryder didn’t slow his speed down, prolonging the feeling of something I hoped he would always be able to give me.

The closer I got to the end of my orgasm the slower he got and the more he fell out of his rhythm. My body was telling me what was about to happen, I don’t know how I knew but I could feel it and so could he because his hand tightened around mine further.

“Ryder,” my voice was scared and he shook his head into my neck.

He stopped his movements but he was still buried deep in me his body tense as he tried to hold back his own release.

“If I pull out baby, you’re heat won’t end. It’ll just get worse and more painful until I release inside you. I need to create an heir.” Sliding my hand up into his hair I pull his face back to mine so I can kiss him.

Slowly he started to move again, he’s holding back in his speed now as I feel him growing inside me like he had warned. My hand tensed in his hair as the base of penis grew so large that he could no longer pull himself out of me. He was buried completely inside of me and I was surprised that all of him could fit.

His teeth clamped into his mark again as I feel his release. He was coming inside of me and it was a strange feeling. It was warm and the feeling of it and him marking me again caused another orgasm to rock my body and pull his seed in deeper to me, helping it to create the next king or queen of werewolves.

Ryder pulled back from my neck and rolled to his back pulling me with him since he was still tied to me. He released my hand and wrapped his arm around my waist to hold me to him as his other hand stroked through my hair in a soothing manor.

“Are you okay, you don’t hurt?” He was out of breath and I don’t blame him, so was I but he was worried about me.

Burying my head into his chest I breathe in his scent releasing how much stronger it is now that were fully connected. He even smells like me. “A little but I’m okay.”

Ryder’s hand runs up and down the length of my spine before he slowly cups my bottom and pulling the soft sheets up over the top of us. “You feel amazing, that was amazing.” His lips press against the top of my head as his other hand gently runs through my hair.

Smiling against the warmth of his chest I look up at him to see his eyes returned to his beautiful hazel. “It was perfect, you’re perfect but… why did you bite me again.” My fingers run alongside his jaw, feeling the light sheen of sweat that covers both of us.

“It’s completes the bond and it was a way to keep my wolf in control.” His chest was rising and falling easily despite my weight on top of him.

“You’re wolf?”

He breaks eye contact before they come back to meet mine. “You’re his mate as well. He was fighting me for control, he wanted to take over and mate with you.”

Shifting on top of I feel a sharp pulling pain below and we both wince with the feeling before I gently lower myself back down on his chest. “You’re wolf is going to mate with me?” I could still feel him inside me, even though he wasn’t moving he was still sending tingles through my veins.

“He’ll take over my body. Neither of us will risk hurting you by shifting, but he won’t cross the line of taking over unless he knows that you are ready.” His hands gently stroke through my hair as he connects his lips to mine.

I kiss him back as he rolls us on to his side. I felt cool, the heat was gone and the only thing that I felt now was Ryder’s arms holding me tight as he continued to pleasure me without even trying. Not once had Ryder ever done something to me that was out of my comfort zone so I knew he and his wolf would keep their word.

“I love you,” he whispers once we’re finally separated. He kept his hand cupped around my cheek as he stared into my eyes.

“I love you too,” I was tired and I just wanted to sleep but I had one final question for him. Taking a deep breathe I run my fingers over his collarbone. “What if I’m pregnant, how will you know?”

Slowly his hand slides down to rest on my stomach and I shiver at the feeling. “There’s a very high chance that you are and I should be able to smell your scent within a couple of hours.”

Resting my hand over the top of his hand I wiggle in closer to him as I intertwine my legs with his. “And if I’m not?” If I was pregnant, I didn’t mind. I just wanted to wait a little longer.

The smile he gives me is confusing. He wanted pups yet now he seemed like he didn’t and that the idea of me not being pregnant was something that he wanted. “If you’re not we’ve still got plenty of time but contraceptives will work now that you’re not on heat so it won’t be for another couple of months before you go back into it.”

“That’s going to happen again?” The end result was nice but the build-up hurt.

Ryder chuckles lightly his hand moving from my stomach to rest on my hip. I could feel him starting to get excited again but he continues with our topic. “Yes, Ellie’s been going through hers for the last three years she has it every four months and has since she turned eighteen and every time it pisses Maxon of because Cole, Reynolds and I can sense it. You’re heat will be more repetitive maybe every two or three months.”

“You can sense when Ellie’s in heat?” For some reason that annoyed me, Ryder was mine, not hers.

Only when his hand wraps around mine do I realise that I had it fisted. I was angry. I was more possessive of him now that I was fully connected to him. “Yes, I can sense when anyone is in a heat because no one is ranked higher than me, and since Cole and Reynolds are equally ranked with him they can sense it as well. The smell of a shewolf in heat is what attracts a male which is why Maxon hates it because the smell sexual attracts our wolves, we wouldn’t disrespect him like that though. And before you ask, nobody should be attracted to your heat other than me because the only people equally ranked to me are family. Though your guards will be able to sense when you are they won’t want to act on it.”

Sighing I drop my head back down onto his chest just wrapping myself into him. My eyes starting to drop closed.

“Just go to sleep. I’ll be here, always baby.” He wrapped himself around me tighter and the feeling all of him pressed against me was a comfort as I fall into a deep sleep.

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