The Kings Mate
Chapter 24:

Waking up the next morning was calming. All the nausea I had felt from the day before was gone and Ryder had spent a majority of last night spinning me around in circles. When we arrived back at the castle I could tell that he was slightly drunk. The man pretty much turned into a giant teddy bear, his hands never leaving my body.

Getting in to the bedroom his hands were roaming over places that they shouldn’t have been with the guards still within eyesight. He didn’t get very far because once I was comfortably dressed and under the sheets, I was nearly asleep. He had already worn me out. He wasn’t getting anything, even if I wanted it, I was too tired. I fell asleep to him grumbling in my ear as he wrapped his arms around me.

I expected him to be gone when I woke up but he was still wrapped around me, his face buried into my neck.

“Don’t you need to be with the alphas?” my voice was scratchy but I didn’t care, I just wanted to go back to sleep.

“I do but,” He started, his voice clear, telling me that he had been awake for a while.

“But what, I’m fine. Go do what you have to do. I’m not going anywhere today.” I felt Ryder push up on the mattress, his eyes boring into me.


“You know for a king, I would think you wouldn’t use the word but. Go Ryder. Reynolds is going to be in the room all day.”

Ryder grumbled something in Jordenian, it was low and I didn’t understand it but I knew he was swearing. “Fine, I love you.” His lips pressed to my forehead and his weight disappeared from the bed.

After Ryder had left, I slept until lunch time when he returned to eat with me. I was lying in bed reading another one of my books when he waltzed into the room and wrapped his arms around me.

“Shouldn’t you still be with the alphas?” Placing my book down I turn over to look at him.

His hands move all over my mid-section, massaging every bit he can gain access to, his eyes following them. I was feeling better than what I was yesterday but I wasn’t in the mood to do anything now.

“No, I’ve given them all the afternoon off so they can spend it with their mates.” His voice was husky, the noise muffled as he drops head into my neck.

Hooking my leg over his hip I pull myself in closer to him, my hand slides up to his hair. Pushing his head forward I lock my lips onto his. He seems shocked for a second but he reacts quickly his hand pressing into the small of my back, his lips taking control of mine.

A ripping noise filled the room and I moaned at the feeling of having the material of my shirt being removed. I could feel his fingers beginning to pull at the clasp of my bra but he soon grew frustrated with it and tore it off as well. His growl was felt against my lips as he pulled it away.

“Ryder,” My voice is breathless as his starts on a journey down the line of my neck. “We shouldn’t be doing this now.”

Ryder’s hand pushed me further into him at my words, his lips now sucking at my skin, leaving his mark.

“The guys are in the other room.” I continue trying to get him to stop. I didn’t even know if I really wanted him to.

“They shouldn’t be listening.” His voice was still deep and hinted to his mood.

When his hand moved to hook into the side of my shorts, I finally decided to drop my hand and stop him. He growled lightly taking my hand and pinning it behind my back. His lips move over his mark now and a shudder moves through my bones. Oh f*ck.

I couldn’t help the loud moan that escaped his lips as his free hand started to slide down the front of my shorts. He smirked against my neck his hand tightening around mine, He was dominating me and I didn’t care, it was turning me on.

“Ryder,” I heard the faint sound of a door closing from the other room and I groaned. “Not now.”

His fingers loosened and he pulled his head back to look into my eyes. “You’re right.” Releasing my hand he picks it up to push stray strands of my hair back. His eyes flick down my body and back up. “Are you feeling ok?”

“You come in here and practically jump me, ripping off my clothes, and you ask if I’m okay.” I chuckle, my hand grabbing his hip.

“Sorry, it’s instinct. You are feeling better aren’t you?”

Slipping my fingers beneath his button up shirt and run them over his soft and warm skin. “Still a little sore around my back but I’m not nauseous at all anymore.”

“Good,” He sits up my hands falling from him as he does. His eyes darken as they skim over my half naked body. He opens his mouth to say something but quickly second guesses his words. “I’m going to get you a new bra and shirt then we can go get lunch.”

“Are you always going to rip my clothes off?” I was lying on my back, completely exposed to him without a worry.

Ryder smirks as he gets off the bed. “If you look like that without them, then yes.” My eyes followed him as headed to the closet. He returned only a few seconds later with a new bra, a loose floral top and a pair of dark jeans.

“I would have been fine with a plain t-shirt.” He watches me careful as I slip the bra on, his eyes darkening once again.

“We’re going downstairs for lunch. I’m going to show you something.” His voice dropped in volume and his eyebrows furrowed.

My own eyebrows furrowed seeing his face. He never seemed unsure about much but now he looked very conflicted over the thoughts that he was blocking from me. The silky material of the shirt tickles my skin as I lean forward to get my face closer to his.

“We can stay up here to eat.” My hand moves to hold his jaw that was clenching and unclenching.

He shakes his head slightly so he doesn’t have to lose my touch. “I’ve been putting off showing you this all week. I want you to see it.”

Pushing myself up from my bed and quickly pulling on the jeans, I take his hands and pull him up to his feet. “Then show me and feed me.”

Ryder’s hand tightens around mine and he pulls me into step beside him. Walking past the guards outside the door I bite my lip and they all avert their eyes to the roof. Nothing really happened between Ryder and I but they still knew that something did happen. Even though I had been warned we wouldn’t have the best privacy I was still embarrassed.

The bottom two levels of the castle were now fixed. It looked as if we had never been attacked at all. I was still with Ryder, who was easily the strongest wolf out of all of them but we were still surrounded by another fifteen guards and my regular five. The rebels were going to attack again and Ryder was nervous that I was going to get hurt. His feelings were so strong, it was no surprise that I could feel them but I knew he was also feeding them to the others.

When we reach the bottom floor of the castle and headed down the long, wide hallway I knew where we were going. It was one of the first places that I ever felt myself grow close to Ryder. The first time I first felt myself want a real relationship with him.

Ryder released my hand to open the double doors and let me enter first. I watched him as he gave orders to all the guards to stay outside. Once the door was closed and we were alone in the bright and wide hall of king and queens, he stalked slowly towards me.

“Close your eyes.” He smirked as I glared at him but I still closed my eyes. I felt the soft touch of his hands land down on my hips as he turned me and walked us further down the long hall.

“I’ve seen this before Ryder,” I chuckled, dropping my hands on top of his and linking my fingers underneath his.

Ryder didn’t answer me and we kept walking before he stopped and turned me so I was facing what I guessed was a wall. He steps in close behind me, pressing his body against mine.

“You can open them now.” His voice was light and husky and an unintentional shutter ran through me.

My eyes fluttered open and I felt my heart skip a beat at what I see.

“That’s me.”

All Ryder did was him in agreement, the vibration of his chest moving through my back. Hanging on the wall was a new image that I hadn’t seen. It was Ryder and I from my coronation. My eyes moved over the painted mirror image of me. My face was stern, powerful and regal but I could still see the glint of happiness in my eyes even though that was far from the objective of the painting.

Ryder and I were slightly turned into each other. He was a step behind me and he had an arm around my waist but he looked equally as regal and strong as what I did. I was human but I looked at home beside the strongest werewolf king that had ever been and at the end of all the previous kings and queens of Jordena.

“Do you like it?” He sounds unsure as he leans back away from me a little. “I can get it redone if you don’t.”

Shaking my head I tighten my hands around his again. I had moved them to gently brush over the detailed colours and shading of the skirt of my dress but I wanted to be holding him now.

“Don’t you dare.”

My hands move with his as he settles them over my stomach. If all went well there would be another picture on the wall behind us, and it would have our pup standing between us. Ryder didn’t say anything, he just gently runs his fingers over my stomach with his head buried in my neck, kissing the skin in between deep breathes of my scent.

Ryder was in a moment and I didn’t want to distract him. Looking down at his hands moving over me, I imagine that underneath his hands that there was a bump and he wasn’t only feeling me but he was feeling a part of the both of us and a product of the love we have for each other.

A growl tumbles through my stomach and I feel as Ryder’s lips pull up into a smile. “Let’s go feed you.” With a kiss he pulls back away from me.

Taking my hand he pulls me back to the door that we came in through. All the guards instantly surround back around us and I unconsciously step in closer to Ryder’s side. Once I’m in closer to him I feel him shoot me a quick look before his arm snakes around my waist and pull me back into him even tighter.

I didn’t expect Ryder to take me outside to his private courtyard but I was happy that I could enjoy the sun. I had told Ryder that I wanted to stay in the room for the day but as soon as I felt the warm rays on my skin I wasn’t in anyway inclined to leave.

Already there was food on the table and I took the seat in front of the plate that had an assortment of my favourite foods on it.

We sat there for a few minutes with Ryder just watching me as I ate. He still did it even though my weight was now at a good level.

“Can I ask you something?” It had been twenty minutes and I was now picking at small bits of food on his plate that he hadn’t eaten.

“You can always ask me anything.” He had moved in closer to sit next to me and his hand gently caressed my knee, his soft gaze moving to look over my face.

Swallowing down the last of the food, I drop my hand back to sit on top of his. “Are you worried about the rebels?”

Ryder’s eyes flicked over my face in a curious manor as he shifted in his seat lightly. “Of course I am. So far a number of their threats have been useless, even there attack on the castle was weak. Taking you was a bold move though.”

“You think they’re going to attack again?” Squeezing his hand I try to get him to relax a little.

“Yes. In taking you, George showed that he would do anything to get to me. He’s persistent to get what he wants if he’s going to risk so much.” Ryder seemed to be getting uncomfortable with his words and he slides his arm around my back and pulled me to his lap. His nose is instantly buried in my neck breathing in my scent.

Stroking through his hair I turn to press a kiss to his forehead. Ryder seemed to be in a very vulnerable state at the moment and it had me worried more than it should have.

“You make me vulnerable Lottie.” He whispers, his hands skimming over my body. “Every time I think about the possibility of him attacking, I remember what he did to you. To me, you are in danger until he is dead.”

“There will be more threats after him, even I know that.” Ryder’s arms were wrapping around me so tight I didn’t doubt he would ever let me go.

“Don’t remind me.” Finally he pulls his head back so he can look into my eyes again. The soft hazel I am so used to has a glassy look to them. “I have to go do some paperwork and stuff in my office. Do you want to come with me or go back to the suite?”

“Can I read some of your books?” When Letty was still teaching me I used to spend every afternoon in his office, whether he was there or not. It didn’t happen as often anymore and he had just presented me with the opportunity to go again.

Ryder tilts his head and his eyes glimmer a little. “You can if you want to.” His words were held with mischief and I gave him a questioning look before he quickly stood up with me pressed to his chest.

Dropping me back to my feet Ryder continues to smirk even as he pulls me in the path towards his office. We’re half way there when we come to stop on the first floor landing. I was too caught up in my thoughts on what was going on in Ryder’s head that I hadn’t noticed Alexander walking in our direction. I hadn’t even noticed how tense Ryder had gotten and how my guards were suddenly now a lot closer to me.

My hand was already in Ryder’s but when Alexander’s cold eyes move down my body and settle on my stomach, I place my other hand around his elbow. An uncontrolled shudder moved through my body at the cold sensation his look caused.

“I told you not come anywhere near Lottie, father. That doesn’t change because she’s with me.” After what Alex had tried to get Ryder to do to me, I wasn’t surprised that he was unsettled but I didn’t believe he would go as far as saying that his father couldn’t see me.

Alex’s eyes moved back to Ryder and I watched as he straightened his back trying to match his son’s height and power that he emitted but failing miserably. “Word gets around quickly.” He says still trying to keep up his act. “Especially when your mothers guards children are her guards. I have nothing against her if she is doing her job to produce an heir for you.”

Both Ryder and my guards growl loudly and I’m pushed back behind Ryder a little. “Her job!” Ryder seethed. I felt another shudder that I couldn’t control run through me, this time at the power I felt run though my mate. “If anything it would be an honour for her to give me a pup.”

The two stared at each other for a few moments. The guards behind us were staring down the guards behind Alex, only I was the one that turned my head to see what was going on. None of them seemed like they were going to move any time soon.

“Ryder,” I say softly, my eyes still on Alex. I tugged at Ryder’s arm but he didn’t budge. Turning back to him I see that he’s shaking a little. “Come on. Let’s go to your office.”

Ryder still doesn’t budge. My eyes move back to Alexander and I see his jaw twitch as something flicks through his eyes and they move so quickly to me that I scarcely noticed the glance. Alex’s jaw clenches, his lips pursed as he finally breaks the stare down.

“Yes,” he says tensely, admitting that he wasn’t as strong as his son. “Take her to your office.” Alex turned with a nod to my guards but his emotionless words were all Ryder got.

Even as Alex walked away from us, Ryder still stared after him with rage in his eyes. He wouldn’t move. Flicking my eyes towards Reynolds I notice that his hand is held out towards me, ready to pull me back away from Ryder if he were to unexpectedly shift.

“I’m fine.” Ryder hadn’t even seen Reynolds hand but he still pulled me in and away from my guards’ hand.

Shakes were still pulsating through his body, I didn’t know if he was fine but he was certainly pissed. Lifting my hand I grip his jaw and force him to look down at me. He resisted my touch but ultimately his head turned and I meet his pitch black eyes.

“Can we go to your office now?” My words are slow, making sure they make their way past the thick haze of anger in his thoughts.

His eyes lightened and he exhaled, his hand pulling mine as we continued back to his office. We were walking at a faster pace now, my feet just managing to keep up with his large steps. Risking another glance back at Reynolds and Cole, I meet the both of their concentrated gazes.

Getting to his office he doesn’t miss a step in pulling me inside and slamming the door closed behind us. I didn’t have time to register what was happening because his arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me up to his chest.

One of his arms was wrapped around my waist, his hand on my thigh as he pushed my leg to wrap around his strong waist. His other was clenched into my hair pushing my head forward so I was forced to meet the soft movement of his lips against mine. My scalp stung a little but it was coursing a pulse to run down between my legs and was in no way a worry to me.

Moving my own lips against his I raise my own hands to pull at his hair, pull him back away from me. “Ryder,” my voice catches in my throat and Ryder shakes a little at the sound. “The guards are outside.

Ryder shakes his head and walks behind his desk, pushing his papers out of the way before he drops me down onto the rich wooden desk. “My office is sound proof.” His hands move to the hem of my shirt as he speaks. “I don’t know how I forget about it. It’s for privacy in meetings but I’ve recently realised I can have my way with you whenever I want now.”

“Whenever you want?” Swatting away his hands when he tries to pull at the button of my jeans, he looks defeated but I quickly grab at his shirt and remove it from his taunt and muscled body.

A soft smile covers his face, his hazel eyes returning as he runs a soft finger down over my chest and stomach, tracing the line of my hips before he moves it back up again. Goosebumps were left after the trail of his fingers.

“Are you okay after that?” His fingers still trailed across my body, my legs around his waist quivering.

“I’m fine. Why did you tell him not see me?” I didn’t really want to distract from what was about to happen, I wanted to know what was running through his mind.

“And risk him drugging you again. I don’t think so.” His hands are back on my hips now, pulling me into his. “Can we not talk about him when we’re about to mate.”

I meet his lips as they press back to mine. Keeping my eyes open and on him, I watch to see that he really is ok and we’re not about to mate just because he was annoyed with his father. When I noticed that his kiss and touch was completely concentrated on me, his thoughts open, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of having him against me.

Ryder had planned this from the moment he had asked me to come with him to his office. If he wasn’t going to let me read he better let me take some books back up to our suite later. Ryder chuckled and shook his head a little at my thoughts, but quickly managed to distract me as he popped the button on my jeans and pulled them off me.

“You’re not still sore.” He hesitated. It took him a lot of strength but he resisted his urge to mate with me.

Moving to his own pants, I slowly pull the zip down, leaning in close to him I look up at him beneath my eyelashes with what I hope is a sultry look. His eyes quickly darkened. “I wouldn’t be doing this to you Ry if I was still sore.”

Ryder was doing a very good job at distracting me, bringing out an assortment of moans and whimpers as he pleasured me in a way only he knew how. The closer Ryder got to finishing, already having bought me to my end twice, I was hit with the possibility of what could happen. I hadn’t been on my birth control in nearly a week and the prenatal vitamins seemed to be working through my body.

By the end of this there was a possibility that I’d be a mother soon.

Once I was dressed again Ryder let me stay in his office and read one of the new books he had gotten. I had sprawled myself across the seat in front of his desk and every now and then I would feel his hot and heavy gaze move to me and every time it did my cheeks heated.

Two hours later he had gotten a call that the alphas were back for another meeting and he had to attend. He gave me a quick kiss before he sent me back up to the suite with my guards. Reynolds was smirking from a step behind me.

“Shut up.” I felt my cheeks redden again and Reynolds just chuckled further.

Reynolds stepped in front of me when we got to the fourth floor and Alex was standing in front of us again. Reynolds went to speak but Alex held up his hand dismissing his words. Reynolds was out ranked.

“I have no intent to hurt me daughter in law. I just wish to speak with her about something important.” Alex’s eyes were on me as he spoke, even as Reynolds tried to push me further behind his back and out of his sight.

“It’s ok Reynolds.” Ghosting my hand over Reynolds arm, I push out from behind him.

Reynolds continues to glare at Alexander as he spoke but his words were directed to me. “Ryder’s has given him an order to stay away from you Lottie. He might be able to defy it but my job is to protect you.”

“As much as I don’t like him Reynolds, I trust that he won’t harm me. I’m his son’s mate. He’s smarter than that.” Alexander tilted his head at my almost insult and a grin creeped onto his lips.

“Talk,” Reynolds didn’t look happy but he didn’t want to cross me.

“Alone.” Alex and I say at once.

All my guards gave me a look but they still spread out, moving out of hearing range but I was still in Reynolds eye sight. I let out a nervous breath as I moved my eyes to look back at Alex. He gestures towards a seat across from him and once I sit so does he.

“I apologise for everything I’ve done to you.” I was shocked by his words but I didn’t show it. “You probably think that I’m the worst father which is not the best thing when you and my son are trying for a child.”

“Ryder’s not like you.” I didn’t want to tell Alex about Ryder’s fear of being a father but I was close to letting the words slip. My words still held a strong meaning to them. Ryder wouldn’t be a father like Alex was. He would love our child.

I didn’t want to speak to him anymore, he was making me distressed and I was glad when we were interrupted by arguing voices moving up the stairs and towards us. Allie was coming up the stairs. Following closely behind her is Reynolds and her own guards that I now see the striking resemblance to my own.

“Ryder asked you to stay away from her Alex and I couldn’t agree with him more.” Allie seethed as she stood in front of her mate that was double her size.

Alexander stood up and dropped his palm to the bottom of Allie’s back. “I just wished to talk to her, but it’s clear she’s no longer comfortable with that.” Alexander gave her a long look before he walks away from the both of us.

“Are you alright dear?” Allie asks after she’s shook off what just happened.

“I’m fine. Ready to go back upstairs,” She gives me a nod and takes my hand, going back upstairs with me. It made me a little uncomfortable because I knew I had a strong scent of Ryder lingering on me. She would have known I just mated with her son.


Frustratingly I threw the book back onto the lounge. Sinking back into the soft pillows I cross my arms over my chest. A week had passed and now Ryder had confined me to our room and I wasn’t allowed to leave it unless he was with me. A very busy him.

Today was the third day and I felt like I was going insane being locked up in here. He wasn’t even allowing me to read out on our balcony. Whatever fresh air had felt like, I had forgotten it.

Letting out a deep exhale of breathe I push myself up off the lounge and walk to the other sitting area where my guards were. Reynolds was the only one that didn’t have a game controller in his hands and it was only his eyes that flicked to me when I left the bedroom.

“You’re not going out.” He says simply to me before he turns his head back to the animated football match on the large television screen.

“I am your queen.” It was a weak defence and they knew it. Every single one of them chuckled at my words.

“The only way we can defy Ryder’s orders are if you are in danger. If you were the rightful heir your order would be stronger, but you’re just mated to it.” Reynolds still held humour in his tone as he looked back at me and over my hands that had firmly planted on my hips.

Another thought crossed my mind when I realised something that really would get me outside. All my guards were concentrated back on the screen now and I took my chance turning on my feet and walking towards the door.

Once I got the doors open I made it halfway down the hallway before I’m stopped be Reynolds stepping in front of me. He raises an eyebrow at me when I smirk in his direction.

“Well aren’t you getting bold.”

I don’t answer him and easily slink past him and closer towards the stairs. I’m one foot down the stairs when the four of them are blocking my path. Cole was with Ryder and Maxon today so it was only Reynolds, Theo, Cyrus and Charlie watching me.

“What are you doing?” It wasn’t often that I heard Charlie speak and now his eyes were moving questionably over me.

“You obey Ryder’s orders over me unless I’m in danger.” I repeat what they had said to me earlier with a tilt of my head. “I’m not sure if it’s an order that he’s actually given but none of you ever touch me. Only if I’m in danger.”

When Cyrus, Charlie and Theo’s eyes all flick to Reynolds I know that I’m right. The only way they could get me back was to move me and if they did that I knew Ryder wouldn’t be happy. I knew it was the wrong way to go but I didn’t want to be in that room anymore. It was suffocating me.

“Where do you want to go?” Reynolds voice was curious. Not curious enough to move out of my way though.

“Anywhere but that room,” Reynolds shook his head but still stepped aside to let me pass. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Just wait a little bit. I’m still calling more guards.” He pinches the bridge of his nose, his eyes clenched shut. “Please don’t argue with me beautiful. If you want to go outside you need to compromise. You need to be safe.” He hadn’t even seen me open my mouth but he still knew I was about to complain.

Reynolds ended up leading me outside. He said that I could walk around one of the flower gardens but not go past the perimeter of it. Once we got close the middle of it I spotted Ryder and he spotted us. He didn’t look so happy about it though.

There were about twenty Alpha’s standing with Ryder but as soon as his eyes fell on me he quickly walked away from them and over to me. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Ryder’s growl was directed towards Reynolds who was still at my side but his hands cupped my cheeks, checking that I was okay.

“She’s defiant.” Reynolds shot me a side glance. The way he said it was like Ryder should have already known that.

Ryder pulled me into him and turned his head when short and sharp bursts of sound alarm the castle that there’s an attack coming. My ears rang as there was an explosion of fire to our left as a wall of the castle was taken out. We were blown back onto the ground. My head bounces on the hard ground and all I hear as my mind goes black for a second is the sound of hundreds of wolves starting an attack.

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