The Kings Series #2 His Silver Hand
19. Dawn For Love: Anna Marie

Lucas said tonight. She was excited yet nervous. He had vowed they will consummate their bond after the mating ceremony --not before.

So what could they do before then? Assuming he had the patience to explore MORE with her.

Rie had faith in him though. He wanted her. With his experience... Scowling in the dark --glaring at the ceiling-- she didn't dare to finish her thoughts. It was too disturbing. But...

Does he have a lot of experience? Her mind blanked. Refusing to dwell on his past. Did she even satisfy him today?

She blushed. He came. A lot and all over her. Did that count? She glowered. Wishing she was not so naive and scared. Maybe she should explore websites. -Not my cup of tea.-

-I miss him.-

She hasn't seen him all day. Their last interaction was at breakfast. with her on his lap and a sweet kiss before he joined his commanders in the library. She left with the girls after that. Visiting Indali. They were out until dinner.

Spending some time with the pups had been relaxing as well. They put them to sleep and went back to the kitchen for ice cream and cake.

All the men were locked behind the library. No sign of coming out anytime soon. Baxter informed them Alexander had requested not to be disturbed. Lunch and dinner were delivered by the servants. Accepting they will see them much much later, maybe at dawn. They decided to retire to their respective rooms.

It's 1 am and she couldn't sleep. She missed Lucas’ protective warmth. Dressed in a sexy blue silk teddy and he was not here to appreciate it. She humphed and punched her pillow.

She really should get some sleep.

Determined to not wait for him. She closed her eyes.


"Goddess! I'm tired. We should continue this tomorrow when Esmeralda arrives.” It was almost dawn and he missed his Anna. Feeling guilty for not helping her tend to their energetic twins tonight. The pups were always a handful before going to sleep.

"You're right. I have to travel back to the site before the sun rises. Though it doesn't do anything for me, some of my men have vampire blood." Lucifer's serious face looked determined. Alexander and Lucas nodded. "Before I go, any news from Xavier?"

"Oliver and Sofia said the ritual proceeded as planned. Our friend will be here soon.” That satisfied Lucifer. He gave a salute before ending the call.

Lucas's face twisted. Pained. As if he had to do something he loathed. Alexander arched his brow.

"I have to go home and retrieve those books. I should be back in a few hours. Anna Marie will have my head for this.” The dragon king explained.

With fellow feeling, he gave a huge sigh. They haven't been with their ladies since breakfast.

The lycan king chuckled. A bit nervous as well. "Welcome to the group.” His sister-in-law was headstrong and not afraid to tell what's on her mind.

Lucas chuckled tiredly and snorted before exiting the room. His commanders flanking him.

Michael, his royal beta opened the door for him and they both climbed the stairs towards their respective wings.

"Until later, my king," he grunted and bid him good night or good morning. Glowering at the hour on the grandfather clock.

Opening his senses, passing by the nursery. He paused. Debating whether to check on them. The twins’ heartbeats were beating steadily and they were sleeping soundly. He didn't want to accidentally wake them up. Anna will have his head too if he did. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

He hurried his strides instead, eager to be in his mate's embrace. Entering their suite, he made sure to lock the doors behind him and began to remove his clothes -his eyes on their bed. The scent inside their bedroom was inviting and intoxicating.

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His Anna slept in the middle of the sumptuous bed fit for royalty. A glorious sight. A balm to his restless wolf. Oblivious to what he had in mind, he settled his body beside her then gathered her in his arms with a sigh of relief. She snuggled closer to him, nuzzling her face on his chest, her palm above his heart, their legs tangled.

"Xander," Her warm breath caressing his skin awakened a part of his body. One small touch and he was instantly aroused.

"Baby girl," Guiding her, so he could lay her flat on the bed, he hovered above her. His wolf's eyes could see her clearly. Fuck! She was so enticing in a flimsy translucent teddy. Doing nothing to hide her delectable charms.

She wound her arms around his neck and parted her legs, letting him settle in between. He groaned, feeling his stiff rod nuzzling her bare pussy. Already wet and hot for him. Extremely erotic hot.

His rough hand on her smooth hips, he helped her wiggle out of her dress, preferring her naked when they make love.

Skin to skin. No barriers. He licked his lips and nudge her chin, his lips finding his mark on her neck. She hissed in pleasure, grappling with his dark hair.

Anna gazed up at him, dazed, waiting for his move -- running her dainty tongue over her dry lips in anticipation. His lips curve in a smile, knowing exactly what to do to make her squirm.

"Spread your legs wide, mia anima.” With his darkening eyes trapping hers. She did. Slowly. Creating a cradle for his hips and his throbbing cock. The sensitive head riding her peaking clit.

With heated gaze, he traveled hungrily from her closed eyes -- her swollen lips, her flush skin, her heaving mounds, her flat belly down to her glistening pussy. All his.

He growled and bent down to ravish her mouth. She met his hunger with her own. Tongues sucking and enticing, her hands and nails raking his back to his buttocks, flexing instinctively to join with her.

Alexander knew he couldn't wait tonight. For whatever reason, he was suddenly so hungry for her. Apparently, they had the same goal because she reached down, firmly grasping his thick length, guiding the head to her hot and wet hole

"Now, Xander!" Anna moaned her request. Lips clinging, biting, and nibbling. She arched her body and her slender calves pulled his hips closer, bringing to where she wanted him the most.

Fitting his hips more firmly, he nudged her slick and soft entrance, she cried out when he flexed his hips and thrust deeply, almost every inch of his length impaled inside her wet warmth. She wanted more -- pulling him greedily. Impossible, she was so damn tight! "Baby girl, I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't, baby. Please. I want all of you inside me." He groaned at her words. His wolf was almost out and he knew he was going to knot her several times tonight.

Alexander withdrew his cock slowly, savoring, the thick flesh with fine skin glistening with her juices, she protested weakly, her walls contracting, wanting his cock back inside her. Fuck!

"Watch, mio amore," he growled his command, his voice deep and husky --wolflike.

Spreading her creamy thighs wider, her calves on either side of his broad shoulders, they both watched --barely breathing--his thick, slippery length disappeared inside her inch by inch until his dark pubic curls touched her swollen pussy lips.

"Goddess! So good, Alexander." She breathed out throatily, moving and rotating her hips. He plunged down hard in response.

"Perfect. You are perfect, baby girl.” He pumped his hips and withdrew once more until only the head rested inside her. The way her walls was massaging his dick was heaven.

She raised her body, undulating her hips and their dance of love began. He watched her flush face -- her head thrown back to the soft pillows, lips parted and eyes closed in bliss-- all the while moaning his name in ecstasy.

He decided to up the notch -- bent down and paid homage to her gorgeous breasts, licking and sucking her nipples, groaning and moaning at her sweet taste. Her scent was more intense tonight. Alluring. Calling forth his wolf.

Goddess! Was she.

"I'm in heat...ahhh!" Grunting her pleasure when he pumped harder, his cock head hitting her womb. Their combined juices making a squelching sound. A piece of erotic music in their quiet master suite. "Fuck, yes!" He growled savagely, the need to procreate at the surface, together with his wolf. A knot near the base of his cock was forming. Ready to lock her sweet cunny while he filled her with his seed. Sobbing and thrashing her head on the soft cushions, she was a beautiful sight to behold -- brows furrowed in concentration -- ready to come on his thrusting length.

"Alexander, please,” Anna, his precious queen whispered, eyes glazed, deep breaths expelling and her sheening body undulating and tilting to receive his hot rod deeper. Harder.

He knew she could see his gray eyes growing darker like storm clouds approaching. Fixed on the soft, hot, and wet flesh she willingly surrendered to him. To give him immeasurable pleasure.

"Baby girl," Groaning, he devoured the delicious sight beneath him, a familiar feeling of completion reverberated on every inch of his skin. His balls tightened. "Come on my cock. I want to feel you."

The hot hard flesh shallowly thrusting because of the thick knot, he pressed his thumb on her throbbing hood and suckled on her sensitive nipple ferociously. Her screams echoed in their bedroom while she came so hard on his cock -- triggering his own release.

He could feel his seed bursting from his cockhead in a thick gush. Flooding her fertile womb deep inside. His grunts and growls of pleasure in harmony with her moans.

It took significant willpower to not crush her with his weight in his sated state. His Anna was no better, she whimpered and rake his muscled back. Leaving her own marks.

Slumping his sated body on the bed, he brought her pliant body on top of him. Sprawled and sweetly satisfied in his arms. Her mass of unruly dark brown hair a veil on his chest and his thudding heart.

"I didn't know,” Anna whispered. Ruffling the hair on his chest. "Hmmm, I am happy. It is a gift from the Moon Goddess, mia anima.” Lycans, over centuries, had always struggled to bear offsprings. It will take decades for a she-wolf to conceive. And males can only have pups with their fated mates.

After two years, his queen was in heat once more --there was a 99 percent chance of her conceiving after tonight. They would know for sure in a few days.

"Do you think it's too soon?" She braced her elbows on his chest to have a better chance of reading his expression --knawing her lip nervously.

He gave a deep sigh, realizing what she really meant. "You know I will never leave you to fend alone. I will always be here for you and our pups.”

"But...we are facing dark times once more." Worry clouded her sleepy eyes.

"And like before, we will overcome what comes our way together. Trust me." His lips sought hers in a sweet and gentle kiss.

" do. I love you so much, Alexander." She settled back in his arms and gave in to blissful slumber -- with him buried deep inside her.

"I love you more than my life. Get some rest. You will need your strength later.” Yes. Later. Giving her a few hours to recuperate before giving in to their urges. His wolf howled in protest. He ignored him and followed his soulmate to a night of heavenly and sated sleep.

Anna Marie

Her fitful sleep was disturbed by a familiar warm presence spooning her. She squinted at the clock perched on the bedroom's walls. Damn! It's 4 AM.

Lucas nuzzled his face where her shoulder met her neck, inhaling her scent deeply. Making her shiver. Closing her eyes, loving his protective presence --then her whole body stiffened, remembering his promise. Lucas knew because his arms tightened and he pressed a kiss on her temple.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'll make it up to you soon. Forgive me?" His usually unreadable chiseled face looked so unsure and guilty --Rie sighed-- the frustration and anger left her body and she nodded, pecking his cheek.

"Let's get some rest. You must be tired.” Her statement proved true -- he gave her a sweet kiss, peck her forehead, and pulled her closer. In a few minutes, his eyes were closed and he was breathing deeply.

Poor Lucas.

Relax and safe, she gave in to tiredness, falling asleep in his arms.

A sweet and loving moment before we dive into danger. Or more drama.

I'm already working on the next chapter.

Enjoy, babies!

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